Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 498: Success and failure 2




When Gru shot out an arrow, Sean, who was killing people, suddenly stood up with all the hair on his body. A strong man at this level would have some premonitions of whim, and when facing a fatal attack, he would get a crazy warning in his heart. .

However, if you are weaker, even if you sense it in advance, it will be difficult to avoid Gru’s arrow. However, Sean is also a strong man at the orc level, who can fight against a golden dragon knight at the peak of the sky. The master reacted quickly after Gru fired the arrow. The sword that was originally slashing at the crusaders in front was sharply retracted. When the arrow was already close to the ear, he cut the arrow from the middle and weakened it. The power of the arrow was affected, and the direction of the arrow was changed. The arrow hit Sean’s ear and fell, bringing out a bunch of blood. Sean’s ear was bleeding profusely in an instant. If you look closely, you can see that although Sean He cut off Gru’s arrow, but the remaining power of the arrow took away half of his ear.

Sean didn’t have time to care about the injury on his ear. A cold sweat ran down his body. He almost lost half of his ear and almost lost his life.

Leaving the matter of continuing the attack completely to the orc warriors under his command, Sean turned his attention towards the direction of the arrow. He glanced at each other from afar with Gru, both of them looking at each other with both eyes. Undisguised murderous intent.

That human commander is indeed a dangerous guy.

After one arrow failed to achieve success, Gru also took back his long bow and stopped trying to attack the opponent with arrows. It is quite difficult for strong men of both sides to rely on bows and arrows to succeed after the opponent is wary. Difficult things.


Gru pulled out two scimitars from his waist.

“Let all the reserve teams come forward, no need to hold back any more.”

The orcs’ attack at this time only implemented one concept, that is, to go all out, regardless of casualties. In addition to commander Sean, the leaders in other directions were also the commanders of each legion and the strong orcs who participated in the siege. In addition to Sean, who is at the sky level, there are also several orc army commanders who are equivalent to the earth level. Even the four snake monsters were restrained by the combined efforts of the orc army commanders and the great warriors. The orc soldiers took the lead in this kind of officer. They were not afraid of their lives at all, and the defenders on Longyi City could no longer make them feel afraid.

The orcs attacked wildly, and the defenders defended tenaciously. In addition to the system soldiers who suffered many casualties, the soldiers of the Northern Route Army who defended the city also suffered heavy casualties. There were often soldiers who would just hug and climb up when they had no time to throw the rolling logs down. The orcs who had reached the city wall took advantage of the orc warriors to gain a firm foothold on the city wall, and led them to fall off the city wall together. In terms of ferocity and fear of death, humans are not inferior to any race. It just depends on how to inspire them. Just come out.

However, although their fighting will is not inferior to the wildly attacking orcs, their physical disadvantages are causing their casualties to continue to expand. There are no ordinary human soldiers on the city walls, but officers at the level of company commanders. Several of them have been killed.

In this situation where the orcs have obviously mastered the situation, Gru no longer made any reservations. Dozens of crusaders, halberdiers and war dancers who were originally in reserve were mobilized, vowing to fight. This wave of attacks by the retreating orcs.

“Command the battle. There should be no problems before I deal with the opponent’s commander.”


“Lord Gru, be careful!”

Since the opponent’s commander chose to personally lead the team to kill on the city wall, Gru will not be at a disadvantage. Although as a commander, Gru will not often kill in person, but when it comes to fighting, Gru is the best in the entire Egypt. Lasia is also very famous. He personally taught the double-sword skills of the Ranger Legion. Not only is his archery skills outstanding, but his sword skills are also absolutely master-level.

After ordering the reserves to be pressed forward, Gru handed over the command of the battle to the Northern Route Army officer on the side. Holding a machete, he jumped over the fighting crowd from the air and landed in front of Sean. .




There was no nonsense after the encounter between the two. Gru slashed Sean hard with one scimitar, and stabbed him with the other scimitar from another weird angle.

Although the two scimitars are in the hands of the same person, their swordsmanship styles are as different as the two of them. The scimitar in one hand is extremely fierce, with all the opening and closing moves, and the scimitar dance in the other hand is weird and abnormal. , like a weird assassin’s technique, making Sean who was fighting against him feel extremely uncomfortable as if he was facing attacks from two different people.

In terms of strength, both of them are masters at the pinnacle of the sky level. There is no obvious difference in strength. The key to victory or defeat lies in moves and combat experience.

Sean, as the orc warrior who protects the country, has been fighting with swords and swords since he was young. He has gone back and forth countless times in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood before he reaches the level he is today. He must have very rich combat experience. , the two-handed long sword in his hand has drank a lot of human blood. The sword skills are the most practical killing skills honed on the battlefield.

But after facing Gru, he was instantly suppressed. Gru’s double sword skills were simply unheard of. It was hard to imagine that a person could use two styles of sword skills at the same time, and he could do it very well with both hands. Comes in a perfect fit.

After more than a dozen rounds, although Sean blocked the heavy scimitar slash in Gru’s hand, he had already been pulled out by the strange scimitar in his other hand. Several **** wounds, and when Gru dealt with him He even had enough energy left to deal with the other orc warriors around him.

Because in this direction, the orcs gathered a large number of warrior-level warriors to follow Sean to attack. Humans were at an absolute disadvantage. When some orc warriors saw Sean and Gru fighting fiercely, they wanted to cooperate with Sean in the attack. Gru, but Gru seems to be inseparable from Sean. As long as an orc warrior comes up to hand him a weapon, Gru can always free his hand. Under Sean’s gaze, he can easily kill an orc warrior.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, after a fight, Sean clearly realized that Gru was stronger than him. If the fight continued, he would probably lose.

In fact, in the sky level, Sean is definitely not a weak opponent. Even Richard will not be Sean’s opponent before entering the holy level. However, Gru is not an ordinary sky level. Gru is actually a saint. A master of the upper level, but under the rules of the level, his strength is temporarily suppressed to the sky level. He is a pseudo-sage who may break through to the holy level at any time. The two sides’ understanding of the battle is not at the same level. Sean was blocked. Lu’s suppression is also a reasonable thing.




There was another fierce chopping. After several orc warriors were chopped down by Gru, other orcs did not dare to get involved in the battle easily. In addition, after Gru resisted Sean, The human side also reacted quickly. A snake demon came up with several Crusaders and a large number of elite soldiers of the Northern Route Army, and suppressed the orcs here. Now there are no empty orc warriors in this area. They came to interfere with the battle between Gru and Sean, and all of them fought against the Crusaders.


Grew’s machetes all have sharp hooks, and they can tear open a large piece of flesh with just a pull. Although it is not fatal, if there are too many wounds, the bleeding can make people weak and die. After all, mosquitoes There were too many, but no one was killed. The machete quickly cut off the flesh piece by piece.

Sean tried hard to resist Gru’s offensive, but he was always broken by his weird sword skills. The long-handled sword suffered a lot in front of Gru, but Gru became more and more smooth, taking his time to weaken. If he continues to fight like this, Sean will face a fatal crisis at some point.

Although Sean was completely at a disadvantage in the battle with Gru at this time, he did not completely lose hope.

The sky-level warrior has great vitality, and Gru can’t defeat him for a while with this slow blood-letting style.

Now on the city wall, although the human soldiers are struggling to resist, the orc soldiers are still rushing up the city wall. As long as he can persist until the human defenders are completely overwhelmed, then his soldiers will surround them and they will be exhausted. The strong human being on the opposite side.


“Come again!”

There was still some faith in his heart, and the injuries on his body were nothing. Sean roared again and waved the long knife, and started fighting with Gru.




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