Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 497: Success and failure 1


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Because tonight is the time for the final general attack set by Sean, the arrows, stone bombs and kerosene bombs from the orc side are pouring towards Longyi City as if they are free. A large number of fire arrows are even flying in the air. They formed a long line of flames. Regardless of the effect of these arrows, this momentum alone boosted the morale of the orcs a lot.

There were also a large number of stone bombs and kerosene bombs thrown at the top of Longyi City. Stone bombs the size of heads hit them. If a knight-level master didn’t dodge, he would be killed or disabled. Lu was unwilling to use phantom shooters and magic mages to consume them, so when the orcs’ catapults threw a large number of stone bombs, Gru always removed the phantom shooters and magic mages, which relieved some pressure on the attacking orcs.

A large number of fire arrows and kerosene bombs illuminated Longyi City. Many orc soldiers could see the direction of the attack clearly without torches. They simply threw away the torches and pushed the siege equipment towards Longyi City with all their strength. As Yicheng approached, when most of the orcs approached the city wall, the stone bullets and kerosene bombs from the rear stopped ejecting for fear of accidentally injuring friendly troops. The battle soon entered the most brutal stage.

When the attacks of stone bullets and kerosene bullets stopped, the phantom shooter and magic mage who had been hiding in the blind corner took the lead in launching a counterattack. The dark night may affect the shooting accuracy of other archers, but for the phantom shooter, There is not much difference between day and night, and their vision is basically not affected by the night.

Hundreds of sharp arrows with white light were shot at the city. Within a short distance of more than ten meters, the phantom shooter launched two rounds of attacks and killed more than 500 orc soldiers.

It’s just that most of the orcs now risk their last breath before attacking. From commanders to ordinary soldiers, they are all willing to risk their lives. Although the damage caused by the phantom shooter is huge, it cannot stop this attack. The Orcs’ determination to attack.

The orcs in the front row fell, and the orcs behind them stepped directly over their bodies and continued to carry long ladders and push siege equipment to attack, completely ignoring the casualties. Soon dozens of long ladders broke through Longyi City’s long-range firepower was directly mounted on the city wall.

However, the moment these long ladders were put up on the city wall, stones and rolling logs poured down, knocking down the attacking orcs and dazed them. After the sizzling boiling oil poured down, the humans even burned a lot of long trees. Ladders, most of the orcs who set up ladders to attack in the first round would not get anything good.

However, under such a powerful attack by the orcs, it was difficult to defend the city wall in all aspects. Soon the orcs climbed up the city wall through the long ladder and fought with the human soldiers. Although he was quickly killed by a nearby cross Jun slashed with his sword, but still released a signal. Under the intensity of the orcs’ attack, Longyi City’s defense became increasingly difficult.


The orc soldiers who ascended the city from the long ladder were easy to deal with, but the orc siege troops that rushed out of the well must be difficult to deal with. This was after many rounds of battles with the orcs during this period. The experience summed up by the human soldiers in the city.

The construction cost and construction period of the well gate are much higher than that of ordinary long ladders and other siege equipment, but all generals are aware of its protective capabilities and the important role it can play in the attack. Send the surrounding attackers up the city wall with almost no damage, saving them from the pain of being poured hot oil on them when climbing the ladder. Therefore, the orcs who rushed up the city wall from the well were all carefully selected elites.

The human army on the city will also make some preparations for the nearby wells. On the city wall corresponding to each well, not only the ordinary elites of the Northern Route Army will be gathered, but there will usually be more than ten crossmen. The soldiers of the army are waiting in full formation. These Crusaders, whose strength has reached the peak of the knight level, can completely suppress the opponent one by one. Even if the orcs of the great warrior level lead an attack, the Crusaders who are good at fighting in battle formations and coordinating attacks can also completely suppress the opponent. Two or three people can go up together without falling behind.

Coupled with the four more terrifying snake demons roaming the wall to repair leaks, the orcs have been attacking fiercely in the past few days, causing a large number of casualties to the human soldiers on the city, but it is still difficult to make a breakthrough.

However, the orcs were obviously willing to go all out in the attack this night, and the force they mobilized was a bit more than Gru expected. The one who jumped down from a well barrier turned out to be the commander of the army, the orc warrior Sean.


Sean was originally placed on the human side to correspond to masters at the peak of the sky level. Human beings had no existence that could compete with him alone. Previously, only the Golden Dragon Knight could compete with him.

The moment he landed on the city wall, his momentum intimidated the surrounding human soldiers. Although these soldiers were also the elites of the Northern Route Army who had seen blood, this invisible pressure still made their movements There was a brief pause.



However, these veterans still reacted. No matter what kind of terrifying existence the opponent was, if they retreated, they would die, and they had to die in the name of deserters. Take some chances.

Several veterans of the Northern Route Army were very experienced and attacked Xi’en who jumped on the city wall. The two leading men directly threw their weapons at Xi’an, and two armor-breaking hammers were used. It turned into a flying ax and hit Sean’s face. Then the two soldiers didn’t care whether the hammer hit each other, and rushed up with their hands on the shield.

The spearmen behind also reacted, and followed the soldiers holding shields to rush up. After this combined attack, ordinary orc warriors may be threatened, even if the orc warriors can block the flying war hammer first , and then cut down two human soldiers who rushed up with shields, they would have to scramble for a while. Then, when faced with several spears poking at the same time, the possibility of injury is extremely high. If you react slower, you will be entangled by the shield hand. If so, facing these veterans of many battles, it is not impossible that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

But this set of attacks was really not good enough when used on Sean. Facing the flying war hammer, Sean didn’t even make an evasive move. He casually picked the long knife in his hand and hit it accurately. Two war hammers fell, as if the flying war hammers had no weight. Then he swung his sword horizontally, and a red streak of fighting spirit slashed out in an arc. The two oncoming human soldiers were chopped into two with their shields. Duan, several spearmen behind also fell to the ground wailing.

“The master of the earth level of the orcs!”

Ordinary soldiers have limited knowledge. When they see the fighting spirit released, they can only judge that the opponent is on the earth level. They don’t dare to guess on the sky level. That is beyond their imagination.

However, although he had little experience, he did not lack the courage to fight. When Sean showed his strength, the surrounding human soldiers not only did not retreat, but quickly formed several small formations and tried to attack Sean again.

Most of the Northern Route Army stationed in Longyi City were the victorious troops that had followed Richard all the way through the dense forests in the north. They were originally the elite divisions assigned to Richard by Saul at the time, and they had won consecutive battles to boost their morale. At its peak, with a large number of system soldiers filling it, both combat effectiveness and fighting spirit are guaranteed. Even ordinary soldiers have a very strong fighting spirit. If this force continues to fight with Richard or Lord Gru, After integrating these victories, they will definitely not lose to the ace army of the Western Border Army.

“It’s quite interesting.”

Looking at the human soldiers facing him, instead of retreating, they took the initiative to fight. Sean was also a little surprised and showed a little approval. Although these human soldiers were weak in body, their courage was not weak.

The leaders of the attacking sergeants are several Crusaders. Ordinary soldiers are not afraid of them, so these Crusaders have no intention of retreating. On the continent of Erathia, the Crusaders are the leaders of the human kingdom. The backbone of the force, Behemoth and the others dared to fight, so how could they be afraid of a strong orc.



The combined combat power of several Crusaders was much stronger. The fine steel round shields in their hands were not as defensive as the iron shields in the hands of ordinary soldiers. When Sean used the Fighting Slash again, Several Crusaders raised their shields to barely resist the blow, and their fighting spirit left a deep mark on their stainless steel bucklers.

However, although the fighting spirit did not break the specially made round shields in the hands of the Crusaders, the huge force still caused a considerable impact. The wrists of the two Crusaders at the front holding the shields were directly broken, and the shields in their hands were broken. After relaxing, the crusaders behind quickly aroused their fighting spirit to the limit, raised their swords and slashed at Sean.

But Sean was faster, and he sent out a burst of fighting spirit at will. After the Crusaders approached, Sean immediately attached his fighting spirit to the sword, and slashed directly at the two Crusaders with a horizontal slash.

Although the Crusaders have rich combat experience, they are far inferior to Sean in terms of speed and strength.


The sound of swords breaking through armor sounded, and two Crusaders fell to the ground. The remaining Crusaders were still trying to change their formations to attack, but Sean was not the only one who jumped onto the wall here. Behind him, Several orc warriors rushed out immediately, breaking the siege of the Crusaders and pushing the battle line nearly ten meters around, creating a foothold on the city wall for the attacking orcs.

“His, hiss…”

Xian’s strength also fell into the eyes of several snake demons. These snake demons who were responsible for dealing with the strong orcs soon planned to fulfill their duties. With six arms spread out, they were about to go to support, but their actions He was immediately stopped by Gru.

Although Sean jumped up to the city from the well and did not show the sign of flying in the sky, Gru still saw the opponent’s strength at a glance. This is a master who is not weaker than himself for the time being. The snake demon You can’t get anything good by going up there.

After stopping the snake demon’s support and ordering it to look in other directions, Gru took out a sharp arrow from his back and took down the long bow that had not been used.

No aiming action

Drawing the bow and nocking the arrow


A sharp arrow brought up a white rainbow and flew towards Sean who was showing off his power like a comet striking the moon…


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