Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 496: Sudden changes in the battle situation


“What! The Dragon Scale Fort is lost! What does that guy Akka do for food? A flag regiment didn’t even hold on for a day?”

“I also sent him more than a thousand wolf cavalry. Even if a hundred thousand human troops besiege him, I won’t lose Dragon Scale Castle to me in one day!”

“Where’s the Aka? I’m going to kill him!”

“Sir, the leader of the Aka Banner should have died in the battle. The person who reported the news said that Dragon Scale Castle was completely occupied by humans, and almost no troops escaped.”

Having just finished commanding an siege, Sean, who saw hope of breaking the city and was about to increase the intensity of the attack, suddenly received a piece of news that made him almost unsteady. Dragonscale Castle was lost. His army of more than 200,000 people was not only cut off from logistical supplies, but also cut off its retreat. Although he had been unable to conquer the human city and suffered some heavy losses, his mentality was still stable, because the initiative rested with him. If he couldn’t break Longyi City, he could lead his people back from Dragon Scale Castle to the northern dense forest, or even retreat to the eastern plateau.

Now that Dragon Scale Castle has been recaptured by humans, his army is surrounded by humans, and he is unable to advance or retreat.

“Control the messenger first, and the news that Dragon Scale Castle has been breached must not be leaked for the time being.”

“Yes, sir!”

It would be impossible to hide things like being cut off for a long time, but at least before he made a decision, the morale of the army could not be disturbed.

“Immediately summon officers above the regiment commander to come to the big tent to discuss matters!”

“Yes, Lord Sean!”

Soon, more than a dozen senior orc officers came to Sean’s tent. At this time, they also got the news of the fall of Dragonscale Castle, and their faces were a little bad. Sean kept it secret from ordinary soldiers for the time being, but he couldn’t. Hidden from these high-ranking generals.

“Everyone already knows about the fall of Dragon Scale Castle. Even if we save food, the army’s food is only enough for a week. We will soon be out of food.”

“Sir, no matter how Dragon Scale Castle fell, our top priority now is to recapture Dragon Scale Castle, otherwise we will always be surrounded by humans and may be annihilated at any time.”

“Sir, in addition to Dragon Scale Castle, there is another place with food and grass. As long as we can get the Dragon Wing City in front of us within a week, the city is full of human food and grass, and behind Longyi City, there is human food. The most productive Great Plains, if we capture Longyi City, we will not be short of food no matter what.”

“Longyi City is not easy to fight. In the past few days, apart from losing troops and generals, there has been no progress in attacking the city. Can you guarantee that Longyi City will be captured within a week?”

“There are no guarantees when it comes to war. It’s all a gamble. It’s just about the chance of success. Although we have suffered a lot from the siege in the past few days, the pressure on mankind is also great, and although the food is only prepared It lasted for a week, but if we start to reduce the food ration slightly at this time, our food can last for ten days, and it is not impossible to capture Longyi City in ten days.”

“This is risking our more than ten legions. I don’t agree with this plan. Lord Sean, humans just sent out a surprise force to capture the Dragon Scale Castle. There shouldn’t be many troops. Our safest plan at this time should be Return immediately. It only takes three days for us to return to Dragon Scale Castle. The defense of Dragon Scale Castle is far inferior to that of Dragon Wing City. We can completely retake Dragon Scale Castle first and then reconsider the plan.”

“Even if Dragon Scale Castle is recaptured, the food there will probably have been burned out by humans long ago. This repeated consumption will still support us in continuing to attack Longyi City. All our efforts during this period are It’s all in vain.”

“Lord Sean, give me your order. This time I will personally lead the soldiers of the Fifth Guards Corps to ensure that we take down the city wall!”

After learning that Dragon Scale Castle was lost, the senior orc generals also had disagreements about the next action. Some people wanted to be more radical and simply think of burning the boat, regardless of the retreat and food and grass, and relied on the food and grass carried by the army to attack the dragon. Yicheng, capture Longyi City before they run out of food.

Other officers, on the other hand, still tended to be conservative and would first return to the division to recapture Dragon Scale Castle and regain their retreat, and then consider whether to attack again.

To be fair, both ideas have their merits. Regardless of whether they continue to attack Longyi City, as long as they win it, the whole game will be alive. Whether Dragon Scale Castle is still there or not is irrelevant. If you can’t take it, there will be only one result: the entire army will be annihilated.

Retreating to Dragonscale Castle should be more conservative. Although the plan is much more stable, it means that all previous efforts have been abandoned, and it will be difficult to launch a new offensive in a short period of time. Moreover, the success of this plan is still uncertain. Based on their ability to successfully recapture Dragon Scale Castle, if they fail to do so, the result will be the same as failing to capture Dragon Wing City.

“Okay! Stop arguing!”

Sean was a little upset when he heard his men arguing. He waved his hand to stop their argument.

The orc army has strict discipline, and the hierarchy in the army is strict. As soon as Sean showed impatience, the orc officers holding two different views did not continue to argue, but each stopped and saluted Sean.

“Please let Mr. Sean decide!”

No matter how lively they said it, Sean was the only one who made the final decision, but Sean himself was actually hesitant. He didn’t want to give up the Dragon Wing City in front of him, and he was worried about the way forward. If he takes the Dragon Wing City, that’s For the Orc Kingdom, which was the first to break through Longxing Pass, this achievement was enough to elevate his prestige to the top. It was difficult for him to give up.

But now that the way back is cut off, if we can’t take it, the more than 200,000 elites plus himself will have to fall under the Dragon Wing City.

After much thought, Sean came up with a “best of both worlds” approach.

“First hide the news of the loss of Dragon Scale Castle, slowly reduce the food ration, try to let the food last for a few more days, strengthen the offensive in the next three days, and strive to capture Longyi City. If the dragon cannot be captured within three days, Yicheng, then return to Dragon Scale Castle immediately. We only need three days to return to Dragon Scale Castle, and there is still time to recapture Dragon Scale Castle.”


After listening to Sean’s idea, the generals below looked at each other. This idea seemed to be fine at first glance. Only one orc officer felt something was wrong. It seemed that both methods were used, but in fact It is very likely that both ends will lose if you try **** both ends.

Perhaps, if we advance, we won’t be able to capture Dragon Wing City, and if we retreat, we won’t have time to recapture Dragon Scale Castle. Logically speaking, Sean is also a veteran on the battlefield, so he shouldn’t make such a mistake. War is a huge gamble. Every time you should give your best, there is no way to disperse the power by yourself, but now Sean is completely like a gambler who has been fascinated by his eyes. He has passed through the northern dense forest and destroyed the Dragon Scale Castle. After attacking Longyi City for several days, he was close to breaking the city. He retreated immediately. He was unwilling to give up and must take the gamble again.

Before the officer could even open his mouth to persuade, Sean issued the final order.

“The next round of main attack will be carried out by the Fifth Army. Go down and prepare, and prepare to launch an attack immediately.”

“I will prepare more torches later. The attack cannot be stopped at night. The Sixth Army will be responsible for the night attack. Now the Sixth Army will rest first. In these three days, I will attack the city day and night!”

“Yes, Lord Sean!”

Seeing that Sean was determined, the officer who had wanted to persuade him just now could only nod his head and obey the order. He could only hope that Sean’s high-pressure attack around the clock could break through the Dragon Scale Castle within three days.

“Go down and get ready!”

“Yes, sir!”

Longxiguan is the main pass. Richard is still recuperating in the courtyard these days. A flag regiment of Western Border Army soldiers surrounded the city lord’s palace tightly.

After a period of recovery, Richard finally regained the ability to walk. At least he was able to walk around the yard without the support of Moriel and others. However, he was still far away from recovering his combat power, and all the meridians on his body were still intact. He was in a damaged state, his muscles were extremely sore, and he could not move his fighting energy at all. The backlash of the magical potion was too strong. If possible, Richard hoped that he would not have the chance to use this potion again.

“Lord Richard, we have just received a message from Wind Bird. General Gru has retaken Dragon Scale Castle and restricted the orc army that broke through from the north between Dragon Scale Castle and Dragon Wing City. .”

“What a Gru, he really has a big appetite. I’m afraid the more than 200,000 orcs on the northern front will be gone.”

Compared with the doubts of Ross and others, Richard absolutely believed in Gru’s ability, and the system soldiers he left on the northern front were all capable. As soon as he heard that Gru had recaptured Dragon Scale Castle, he knew that Gru’s plan was successful. Gru was not satisfied with just blocking the orc army in the northern dense forest outside Dragon Scale Castle. Instead, he wanted to bring the enemy in and swallow them whole.

“It’s been a few days since I last saw Lord Ross.”

“Sir Richard, this happens to be the fifth day.”

“Okay, send someone to tell Mr. Ross that Dragon Scale Castle has been recaptured. If nothing else happens, he will hear the news of the victory on the Northern Front in a while, so that he no longer has to worry about the Northern Front. Let the Western Army keep an eye on the Central Army and the Southern Front.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Speaking of the battle in the middle, we have to mention Taize who has been commanding the army on Richard’s behalf. At this time, because of Taize’s excellent command, no one dared to question him without Richard’s endorsement. The small Dongling defense line was almost out of his control. He used all kinds of magical tricks on the orcs, making it difficult for the orcs to make any progress on the Dongling defense line.

It’s just that the orcs have a powerful military force and can launch attacks at more than one point. Although Dongling is a main attack point for the orcs due to terrain issues, the orcs cannot withstand the strong individual combat power and sufficient military strength. They can attack at multiple points. , although there was no breakthrough here in Taize, progress was made at other points. In order to avoid being attacked by the orcs from both sides, Taize had to give up the defense line of Dongling and retreat to the third Go to the second line of defense.

The stronger Taize’s ability becomes, in addition to gaining prestige for himself, Richard becomes more and more mythical. Not only does he have two generals with superior combat power, Moriel and Natalis, but he can also recommend any general. Such an extraordinary level.

Of course, these prestige are just the icing on the cake for Richard. The key is to recover well. Now everyone, including Ross, is generally optimistic. Because of Bailong’s withdrawal, Moriel will lead the giant Long would help out on the battle line from time to time, and Long Xinguan’s defense line was fairly solid.

However, Richard knew very well that the Lord of the Rising Sun would never just watch the orcs stop and close the Dragon Breath Pass. The current calmness might be due to some conspiracy.

Just to be clear, all Richard can do now is to recover his strength and be ready to run away at any time.

Two days passed, and Richard still lived a leisurely life of eating, sleeping, drinking tea and walking every day, but the battle in Longyi City entered its most intense stage.

It was still late at night, but the shouts of killing around Longyi City seemed to disperse the dark clouds in the sky. A large number of torches illuminated half of the night. A large number of orc soldiers held torches and continued to move toward Longyi City launched an attack.

This is already the third night, and Longyi City is still motionless. Every time it seems that it is almost able to make progress, but every time it is driven down by the mobile power of the city. After going back and forth, in fact, even the west Endu had already noticed that something was wrong, as if the other party was deliberately hanging on him. The defenders in Longyi City still have some remaining strength, and they want to drag this orc army into Longyi City.

Just thinking about it in his heart, Sean was unwilling to admit it. On the third night, he made a desperate arrangement. Three legion commanders led the team to launch attacks in turns. He himself directly led a brigade composed entirely of warriors. Follow the army to launch an assault, hoping to crush the humans in the city in one fell swoop.


The siege army once again approached the city wall of Longyi City. A large number of long ladders were erected on the battlements, and the well corridor was once again “bang” erected at the top of the city…

“Samurai Camp! Charge with me!”


In the night, Sean, the orc warrior who protects the country, led two hundred selected orc warriors and jumped onto the wall of Longyi City with the army…




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