Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 495: Occupy


Taris and the Champion Knight entered the city as the vanguard and directly cleared all the obstacles at the city gate. Originally, there were about a hundred orcs setting up roadblocks and preparing to fight to the death, but under the charge of the Champion Knight, they were completely reduced to clouds and hardwood bags. Before the iron horse could have any effect, it was split into several pieces by the fighting spirit of the champion knight. Finally, it was scattered to pieces after being hit by the red flame horse wrapped in iron armor.

All the orc soldiers who dared to block were either killed by the champion knight with one sword, or simply trampled to death by the red flame horse. They were completely unable to delay Taris’s actions, and directly opened a way into the city for the Northern Route Army soldiers behind him. Come on the broad road.

The process was so smooth that Alsi, who followed Talis into the city with the forward selection battalion, was a little dizzy. He had never experienced such a siege battle. When Alsi was young, he was on the battlefield of the main pass of Dragon’s Breath Pass. I also participated in several small-scale counterattacks. Even if there were dragon knights participating in the battle, in the end they had to push the siege equipment and fill the city little by little. How could it be like today, when several sky-level masters opened it directly? At the city gate, they just walked in from the city gate in a swaggering manner.

“Quick! Clear out the remaining enemies and guard the granary!”

While Arcee was in a daze, Elena’s order came down. Although the situation had been decided, there were still a lot of orc soldiers in the city, and even these elite forbidden troops from the orc king’s capital were here. In this case, the situation has not completely collapsed. On the contrary, there are still people leaning on the houses in the fort to engage in street fighting.

Although this kind of resistance was in vain, in order to prevent the orcs in these cities from breaking up and causing destruction, Talis first ordered Arcee’s people to protect the granary, where the half-monthly supplies of Xion’s more than 200,000 troops were stored. The amount of food and grass is not a small amount.



When Taris and Alsi entered the city with their army, the orc company lost its numerical advantage. When faced with murderous figures like Elena and three outstanding swordsmen again, the orc warrior company There was some hesitation in launching the attack, but the orc commander in the fort boosted his morale and took the initiative to lead dozens of guards to launch a suicidal attack. In the end, he led hundreds of orc soldiers to fight to the end, and then changed It became a corpse on the ground.

The orc commander, who was a great warrior, couldn’t sustain even two more moves from the superb swordsman before he was killed with one sword.

“Lord Elena, most of the remaining enemies in the city have been eliminated, the food in the city is well preserved, and our army only has more than 500 casualties.”

Although the siege battle ended quickly, the elimination of the remaining enemies and the clearing of the orcs’ rout in Dragon Scale Castle continued until night. Even at this time, there might still be one or two fish that slipped through the net, but these rout Soldiers no longer pose a threat.

Although the orc warriors were defeated by the system soldiers in one fell swoop, the remaining defeated soldiers were not just lambs to be slaughtered. They were still fierce warriors when pressed. The soldiers of the Northern Route Army led by Alsi were in the process of cleaning up the remnants of the orc army. They still suffered a certain amount of casualties, but these casualties were nothing compared to the gains. The five thousand orcs were basically wiped out in the city, plus the thousand wolf riders that Talis had wiped out before. In just one day, More than 6,000 elite orcs were annihilated. The price paid was only more than 500 casualties, most of which were ordinary soldiers of the Northern Route Army. The loss of system soldiers was negligible.

“Maintain order in the city, don’t relax, be vigilant, repair the city defenses as soon as possible, and prepare for the next attack by the orcs.”

“Yes, sir!”

Dragon Scale Castle is an important food and grass supply place for Xi En’s army. The food transported from the Orc Plateau must first pass through the northern dense forest to Dragon Scale Castle. The food will be stored in Dragon Scale Fort first and then transported to Xi En’s army. middle.

In order to quickly attack Longyi City, Sean only carried the food and grass with the army for less than a week before attacking Longyi City. Subsequent food and grass have been replenished by Dragon Scale Castle. At this time, Dragon Scale Castle changed hands, which was equivalent to cutting off the West. En’s army’s food supply, the transport team coming out of the northern dense forest will be directly blocked under the Dragon Scale Castle, with no possibility of going around.

It is a very scary thing for an army to run out of food. When Sean discovers that Dragon Scale Fort has been breached, he will definitely try to recapture Dragon Scale Fort. By then, Dragon Scale Fort will inevitably face a lot of pressure.

It’s late at night.

The Dragon Scale Castle was brightly illuminated by torches. Arcee was leading a patrol to search for the orcs who might still be hiding. Occasionally, there would be one or two shouts in the night, followed by a scream. The cry fell into silence again…

Dragon Wing City

At dawn

The orcs started a new attack. A large number of orc soldiers pushed siege equipment such as wells, ladders, and shield carts close to the city wall. The orc soldiers in the forefront usually did not even bring weapons, but just held thick big guns with both hands. Shield, protecting the hundreds of orc soldiers behind him.

After a few days of fighting, the orcs have probably gained experience in dealing with human sharpshooters on the city tower. Ordinary half-body shields cannot block the sharp arrows of those sharpshooters. If they dare to show their faces, they will be shot in the head with one arrow. If your legs come up, you will be hit by an arrow on your knees. Only by holding this large shield that is nearly two meters high can you be fully protected. And after holding up this kind of shield, of course you can’t free your hands to use weapons, so you can just hold it with both hands. Shield, walking at the front to protect the soldiers behind him.

The orc soldiers who attacked the city either hid behind large shields or behind shield vehicles, which effectively prevented the phantom shooters from killing them. At least on the road close to the city wall, they did not have to pay a heavy price.



“First Flag Regiment, follow me!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


“Charge! Charge forward!”

But when the siege army approaches the city wall, these large shield vehicles can no longer protect the siege troops. At this time, they can only fight with their lives. When the orcs come out from behind the large shield, pushing the ladder When the attack started, the phantom shooters on the city started attacking again, causing two to three hundred casualties to the orcs in an instant.

The orcs attacking the city seemed to have become accustomed to the presence of those sharpshooters. They set up ladders and launched the attack regardless. They knew that they could only stand a chance by climbing up the city wall, and there was no room for retreat.

“Block! Smash it with me!”

“Fire oil! Pour down the fire oil!”

It is not only the long-range troops on the city that are blocking the orcs’ attack. After the phantom shooters and magic mages have eliminated many orc soldiers attacking the city, there are still a large number of orc soldiers climbing the city wall. It is impossible for the phantom shooters to be allowed to attack at this time. Fight hand-to-hand with magic mages and ordinary orc soldiers, and naturally there will be a large number of ordinary soldiers on top.

The rolling stones and logs knocked over many climbing orc soldiers, and the fire oil sizzled when it was poured in. Those orc soldiers who were shot through the internal organs by the phantom shooter and did not make a sound were all drenched by the hot fire oil. The screams continued.

However, after such a tragic scene, these orc warriors have long been numb. As long as the ladder is still there, the comrades in front will roll down from the ladder, and those behind will continue to step on the ladder and attack fiercely, and soon some orc warriors will climb up. The city wall.


There are many orc warriors leading the attack. After the battles in the past few days, the corpses left by the orcs in Longyi City have reached 20,000 to 30,000, and no less than 200 orc warriors have died. At this moment, the orc warriors are here In this tragic siege, they all became more advanced cannon fodder.

The first orc warrior to board the city did not hesitate at all, and directly burst out with the strongest fighting spirit. There was no point in saving anything, and there was no need. An orc warrior rarely survived on the city for more than three days. Minutes later, when the orc warrior killed two soldiers, he was immediately targeted by the Crusader. This Crusader also had the blessing state blessed by the magic mage, and his combat power fully reached the level of a half-step knight. , with one strike of the sword, the orc warrior, who was so majestic just now, was unable to fight back.



After receiving two more swords from the Crusaders, the Orc Warrior’s arms were numb from the shock. The Crusaders were not only superb in swordsmanship, but also stronger than the Orc Warriors at this time. He removed one of the Orc Warriors within ten moves. arm, and then pierced the opponent’s heart with a sword, giving the orc warrior a happy blow.


Just as the crisis here was over, a heavy sound came again. Everyone in the city was familiar with this sound. It was the sound of the orcs’ well railing falling down the passage. The heavy wooden planks banged on the city wall, and the well The orcs under the lantern can pass through the belly of the well lantern without having to climb, and then rush directly to the top of the city through the thick wooden board, saving a lot of energy and avoiding casualties.

The orcs who were guarding the well and rushed directly to the city were also carefully selected elites. Sean also went all out and attacked without paying any attention to casualties. There were actually more than ten orcs among the orcs who rushed up through the well. The warriors and several great orc warriors were led by even a royal warrior. This was an expert equivalent to the human earth level. Such a strong man in the army would at least be a strong man who could lead a flag regiment. At this moment They were all used as suicide squads, which shows that Sean is basically red-eyed.

When this orc warrior led a dozen orc warriors and more orc warriors to the city wall through the well, he quickly gained a foothold. Not even a single crusader could withstand the orc warrior’s attack. The ax was chopped to the ground, and several crusaders on guard were also hit and forced to retreat, unable to stop the orc offensive.

After Sean started an all-out attack regardless of losses, Gru’s troops were a little tight and he couldn’t cover everything. This orc commando really looked like it was going to open a gap.


Before this group of orc warriors could continue to expand their victory, two long soldiers seized the battle ax of the leading orc warrior, and a monster with six arms and a snake tail stood in front of him.

“Snake demon!”

“The snake demon is here again!”

This is obviously not the first time that the snake demons have appeared on the city wall. The four snake demons did not follow Mrak to fight at Dragon Scale Castle, but stayed in Dragon Wing City to help defend the city. These snake demons can already be regarded as city walls. They are the most terrifying existences in the world, and even the great orc warriors can’t stand a few steps in their hands.

The orcs chose the name based on the appearance of the snake demon, and they also got the name right by accident.


Ordinary orc warriors were somewhat frightened when they saw the weird-looking, powerful and terrifying snake demon, but the leading orc warrior did not give up at all. When the snake demon grabbed his battle ax, he took advantage of the situation to fight. As soon as the ax was loosened, he slammed forward, trying to knock down the snake demon.

It’s just that the lower body of the snake demon is much stronger than that of humans. It is really connected together. The strong orcs collided like this, but they played into the snake demon’s hands. Once the snake demon’s tail is rolled up, it must be restrained. The opponent’s actions, and then the free hands attacked the orc warriors at the same time. This orc warrior was in danger every step of the way in front of the snake demon. He was no match at all. Even the orc warriors who rushed up were retreating steadily, and they were gone. momentum.



“Kill! Kill this monster!”


The orc warriors are still roaring angrily, but they are a little helpless and furious in front of the snake demon. The orc warriors leading the team are no match for the snake demon. The snake demon’s offensive is launched, and the six weapons are waved together to attack. The rhythm was as sharp as a violent storm. This orc warrior had just been promoted and could not withstand the attack of the snake demon. After several rounds of fighting, he had several wounds on his body.

If two great warriors from the attacking team had not come up to rescue them desperately, the orc samurai would not have been injured as simple as that. I am afraid that he would have been killed by the snake demon. Although the orc samurai was snatched away by his subordinates, he was lucky to survive. It was this round of attack that was no longer sustainable.

Soon, Xi En issued another order to retreat. After spending most of the day attacking the city, the orcs lost thousands of corpses under the Dragon Wing City…

Looking at the orc army receding like a tide, most of the human soldiers in the city also breathed a sigh of relief. These ordinary Dragon Breathing Pass defenders did not have the confidence of Gru and others. The crazy attack of more than 200,000 orcs gave them a huge blow. Due to their tremendous pressure, if there were not a large number of system soldiers nailed to the city wall as the backbone, Longyi City’s defense might have been in crisis long ago.

Gru still watched expressionlessly as the orcs retreated. Although the orcs attacked fiercely, this level of attack was not enough to make him feel the pressure. He even had an unused reserve team on hand. .

At this time, a wind bird landed on Gru’s shoulder. This was information from Dragon Scale Castle. Gru opened the note brought by the wind bird, and a satisfied smile finally appeared on his expressionless face.

The stalemate of the war has been broken…


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