Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 494: Strong attack


Late autumn is the time when the air is crisp and the sky is cloudless. After more than ten days of constant autumn rain, the sun finally arrives.

Although the sky was clearing up, the mood of the orc guard of Dragon Scale Castle was not good at all. At this time, the leader of the orc flag was standing on the wall of Dragon Scale Castle, frowning at the human knights showing off their power below the city, and felt very uneasy. .

The opponent’s number was small, but they completely ignored the army stationed in Dragon Scale Castle. Just now, he wanted to send the remaining wolf cavalry out to report the news, but he was killed by the opponent’s knight before he could get out of Dragon Scale Castle’s sight. Overtaken and destroyed. The other party also brought the corpse of the wolf cavalry to the city to provoke them.

The other officers on the side couldn’t help but want to open the city gate and go out to meet the human cavalry for a while, but they were stopped by the cautious flag commander.

Being able to be designated by Sean to control the back roads and important food and grass concentration areas, this leader of the Orc Banner naturally has its advantages. His biggest advantage is caution. Although the opponent seems to have only a hundred riders, but in the sky Those Pegasus knights and strange bird knights were not easy to get along with at first glance. He still stayed there and waited for help. If the task of guarding the Dragon Scale Castle was not to seek merit but to have no faults, then guarding the Dragon Scale Castle would be His greatest achievement.

It’s just that this message of help has never been sent out…

“Master Flag Captain, all our wind birds have been blocked by the opponent’s strange bird knights, and the message cannot be sent to Lord Sean.”

Although Wind Bird is fast, there is always a process of accelerating take-off. The Griffin Knight and Pegasus Knight basically surrounded the Dragon Scale Castle from mid-air. Before Wind Bird could fly to a certain height, it fell directly and captured the opponent. The flying birds that delivered the letter cut off the connection between Dragon Scale Castle and the outside world.

“We have become a completely isolated city here.”

“Lord Walls is still leading troops outside, and he should soon discover something strange on our side.”



The leader of the Orc Banner smiled disdainfully. In this situation, the opponent should have discovered this situation long ago and returned to the Dragonscale Castle. At this time, it has not appeared yet, or it was defeated by the opponent. Now I don’t know where to lick the wound. Well, or they have simply been eliminated by the opponent. Anyway, we can’t count on Walls’s wolf cavalry in this battle.

However, the leader of the Orc Banner was not too alarmed that the other party had completely blocked external contact with Dragonscale Castle. This was a major transit point for food and grass for Xien’s army. Even if it was impossible to send messages to the outside world, it would take at most two days. Sean’s army can also quickly find out that something is wrong. Dragon Scale Castle is too important to Sean. As long as he holds on for a few days, Sean’s army will definitely send reinforcements, and maybe this human army can also steal If the chicken fails, the rice will be lost.

“Order everyone to close the door tightly, absolutely not to go out to fight, and strictly guard against human sneak attacks.”

“Yes, sir!”

The leader of the Orc Banner has thought clearly that staying alive means victory. No matter how provocative these humans are, he must be the iron turtle.

After discovering that the orcs at Dragonscale Castle no longer sent people out, Talis led the people back to M’lak.

“It seems that these orcs are going to hold on to the end.”

“It doesn’t matter. I never thought they would be so stupid. When Ms. Elena comes with reinforcements, we will start attacking the city. Let’s take a rest now.”




After two days of marching, the elite Northern Route Army led by Elena finally arrived at the Dragon Scale Castle. Although they were closer, they were not as physically strong as the system soldiers and could enjoy the acceleration effect of Mrak. , being able to reach Dragon Scale Castle in two days is already considered a slow march.

As soon as Elena arrived, she took General Arcee, Sir Mrak and others to discuss the attack plan against Dragon Scale Castle.

In fact, they have no plan at all. All their plans can be simplified into one word, which is to use force to suppress others.

“Let the troops rest for a while and launch the attack in two hours. If the delay is too long, Sean may escape. We cannot miss an important event.”

“Well, I will lead the superb swordsman to occupy the city gate in a while. The Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight will join me. As soon as the city gate opens, Taris, you and Si Air will lead the Champion Knight and the Unicorn. The holy beast rushes in.”

“No problem, this plan is completely feasible.”

Several system heroes explained the plan smoothly, but as an ordinary officer of the Northern Route Army, Du Arci was confused, especially when he heard several people saying that it would be launched in two hours. During the attack, everyone was a little confused.

“However, when we marched here, we did not prepare any siege equipment at all, no ladders, no wells, no shield carts, not even long ladders and flying claws. The siege should be slowed down a little and some construction projects Equipment.”

“No, that’s too much trouble. After we open the city gate, General Alsi, just rush in with the soldiers to fight. After the orcs are defeated, the remnants of the orcs in the city will be wiped out.”

Of course there are no siege equipment. We spent only two days in total on the road. There was no time to build any siege equipment. Mrak, Elena and others did not consider building an siege equipment. City equipment matters.

Types like Elena, the Excellent Swordsman, and those flying units can ignore the city wall. With the strength of these system armies brought out by Mrak, even without the assistance of the soldiers of Alsi’s flag regiment, they can still defeat the city wall. After leaving the Dragon Scale Castle, which is garrisoned by five thousand orcs, the ordinary soldiers are just doing odd jobs to share the pressure with the system soldiers. To put it more bluntly, they can be used as cannon fodder.

Of course, this cannon fodder is only in a relative sense. Neither Elena nor Sir Mrak will really use these ordinary soldiers as cannon fodder.


Although Arcee had seen the combat effectiveness of system soldiers in the northern dense forest, he did not follow Richard on the Orcs’ eastern plateau to gallop and kill. He still did not fully understand the combat effectiveness of these system soldiers, and he still had some doubts in his heart.

After Elena, Mrak, Taris and the little transparent Xiair all reached a consensus, Arcee could only swallow her doubts, and the army started to attack under the command of Elena. Preparations are coming.

“What do these humans want to do? Just climb up the city wall with their hands?”

“Hahaha, are these humans crazy?”

Originally, the orc commander was relieved that the number of human troops in the city was only over 5,000. Later, he discovered that the opponent did not even have siege equipment, so he simply felt that this battle was not difficult.

After all, even if this human army wants to launch a suicidal attack on Dragonscale Castle, it will have to build some siege equipment before it can attack. It will take several days to build the offensive equipment. At that time, Sean’s army will The anomaly in Dragonscale Castle should have been discovered a long time ago. If we hurry up, maybe by the time humans prepare their siege equipment, the supporting wolf cavalry will have arrived.

But he never expected that two hours after their arrival, the human reinforcements began to form a formation a thousand meters away from Dragon Scale Castle, and divided into several square formations and began to press towards Dragon Scale Castle. He looked like he was about to launch an attack.

“Sir, are they feinting?”

Not only did the orc commander in Dragon Scale Castle fail to understand, but other junior officers also failed to understand what the human army was doing.

Just to be cautious, the orc commander strengthened the defense of the southern city gate.

“Gather all the crossbow troops to the south, prepare the crossbows, and always be alert to the human air cavalry in the sky. They must not be allowed to get close to the city wall!”

“Yes, sir!”

The orc commander found the right threat. Of course, the biggest threat to Dragon Scale Castle was not the thousands of soldiers slowly approaching, but some elites falling from the sky. However, this kind of defense would not be enough for the outstanding swordsman. It doesn’t make much sense to Elena.

When the human army approached within 500 meters, the drums from the rear began to become denser, and the “dong-dong” sound of the military drums urged the attacking troops to speed up their advance.

Although these elite soldiers of the Northern Route Army were a little confused and didn’t understand the point of attacking like this since they didn’t have siege equipment, the long-term discipline and the fact that Arsi personally led the team made the drum beat faster. , or speeded up unconsciously.

The Pegasus knights and griffon knights in the sky followed suit and slowly approached the city gate from mid-air. Just as the orc warriors on the city focused their attention on the flying troops in the sky, four figures came from the attack He broke away from the front line and flew directly to the city head in the frightened eyes of the defenders.

Four strong human beings at the level of warriors who protect the country? Flying in the air is the iconic feature of the Sky Knights, and among the orcs, it is the level of a warrior who protects the country.

It is not difficult for the monsters to accept it. There are only two orcs with the level of the Protector of the Country. One of them is in the North, and the other is Sean who is currently leading the army to attack Longyi City. , now four human beings suddenly appeared to attack this small dragon scale castle. It is really incredible. They would rather believe that these four human beings used some special martial arts methods than believe that these four human beings used special martial arts. A master of the sky level.

“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Faced with the attack of four suspected sky-level human masters, the orcs no longer had to guard against the human air cavalry in the sky. They first fired at the four flying human masters.

Almost all the orcs’ powerful crossbows were concentrated on the south city gate, and hundreds of crossbow bolts instantly covered Elena and three outstanding swordsmen a hundred meters away.

It’s just that ordinary arrows can hardly pose any threat to the strong men of the sky level. Not to mention the thick armor on the outstanding swordsmen, which are difficult for these powerful crossbows to break. They can easily break through with some fighting spirit attached to their bodies. To resist the incoming arrows, the seemingly dense arrows could not even stop the four people from moving forward.



Seeing the four people emerge from the arrow rain unscathed, without waiting for the orc commander’s order, the unique low muffled sound of bed crossbows also sounded one after another, and several bed crossbows arranged on the city wall also fired at the four people. attack.

The four of them cannot completely ignore the attack of the bed crossbow. After all, the power of this thing is not on the same level as the ordinary individual strong crossbow. They may still suffer some damage if they are hit.


Elina easily dodged the oncoming giant arrow, while the outstanding swordsman’s handling was simpler and rougher. He directly blocked the giant sword filled with fighting spirit in front of him. When the crossbow arrow flew towards him, he blocked it with one sword. If they swing away, if the density of these giant arrows can be the same as the arrows fired by the powerful crossbows just now, they can cause a little trouble for Elena and the others, but a few scattered crossbows cannot pose a threat.

After easily resisting two rounds of long-range attacks, Elena and three outstanding swordsmen landed on the top of Dragon Scale Castle.

Alena was okay. Although she could tell she was a master, she was still shorter than an orc, and her silver armor didn’t look too oppressive.

The image of the three outstanding swordsmen is much more aggressive. They are stronger than most orcs, wearing heavy armor with spikes, and equipped with scarlet cloaks and door panels. The heavy sword is very difficult to mess with at first glance, and coupled with their performance of flying directly to the top of the city just now, the surrounding orcs did not dare to attack for a while.

Fortunately, some orc officers plucked up the courage after a brief hesitation, raised their weapons and issued the order to attack.

“Kill! There are only four of them!”


The orc officers woke up the orcs on the wall. Yes, there are only four of them. We have thousands of people on this wall alone. We will kill them all.

Facts have proved that numerical superiority sometimes does bring inexplicable courage. Even if they suspected that the opponents were all good warriors of the national protection warrior class, the orc warriors still took the initiative to attack under the leadership of the orc officer, hoping to kill the four Celebrities descended from the city walls.



Next, a one-sided massacre took place on the city wall. No matter whether it was a soldier holding a big ax or a sword and shield player who focused on defense, it was difficult for them to survive under the huge sword like a door panel of the outstanding swordsman. Move, the heavy giant sword was danced to the wind by the powerful strength of the outstanding swordsman, and attached to the sky-level fighting spirit, whether it was a battle ax or a sword or shield in the hand of the orc warrior, it almost broke with a touch, and the heavy weight on his body almost broke. The armor was made of paper. The outstanding swordsman would often chop an orc warrior into two pieces with his weapons and armor. Hell-like scenes soon appeared on the city walls, with corpses and severed limbs everywhere.

In a short period of time, Elena and three outstanding warriors killed one or two hundred orc warriors, and a blank space was cleared on the city wall.

Facing the corpses stacked in a circle, even the orcs, as brave as they were, hesitated, and the surrounding orc warriors did not immediately rush towards Elena and the other four.

At this time, Elena and the four of them did not entangle with the orcs on the city wall. Their purpose was very clear and they headed directly for the noose at the city gate.


At this time, the Silver Pegasus Knights and Griffin Knights in the sky also swooped down to join the battle. The orc warriors on the city wall who were killed by Elena’s four people and doubted their life were once again trapped in a bitter battle. Some orc officers When Mingming reacted and wanted to lead someone to stop him, he was stopped by the Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight. He could only watch helplessly as Elena and others twisted the noose of the city gate.


A sharp metal sound sounded, and the city gate to the south of Dragon Scale Castle slowly opened. The champion knight and unicorn holy beast brought by Taris accelerated in the open space a hundred meters away. The moment the city gate opened, the tower Reese also rushed into the Dragon Scale Castle with his men at the right moment, and then five thousand ordinary soldiers from the Northern Route Army also filed in. Those who followed Talis hardly encountered any resistance.


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