Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 493: Collision



The wolf cavalry of the orcs is not a weak brigade. As an elite unit of the orcs, each wolf cavalry is a well-trained professional warrior and uses the best soldiers. Each wolf cavalry follows human standards. The method of division is to at least be experts at the peak of quasi-knights, and the proportion of warriors is extremely high. At a glance, there are more than a dozen rays of fighting spirit igniting in these more than a thousand wolf cavalry. It is commonplace for such a wolf cavalry to defeat five or six times its own human cavalry. Even when faced with ten times the number of human cavalry, the orc wolf cavalry dared to attack brazenly. Such an army has always had its own honor and pride.

This wolf cavalry unit suffered heavy casualties when it came into contact with the cavalry led by Taris. In terms of martial arts and individual strength, Taris and the champion knights she led were able to lift the wolf cavalry into the sky and fight. , a single collision killed and injured hundreds of wolf cavalry, but on the human side, except for a little blood splashed on the champion knight, there were almost no casualties, and those giant wolves who originally had no pressure to collide with the horses of the Western Territory were in the red flame horse. Like a little daughter-in-law who was wronged in front of her, the Red Flame Horse was not only big in size, but also had surprisingly good strength and endurance. The heavy armor it wore was one layer thicker than the heavy cavalry of the kingdom. It charged like a moving hill, with a giant wolf head. The spiked helmet used to attack the war horse cannot even break through the thick breastplate on the front of the red flame horse.

The giant wolves, like the orc cavalry on them, flew backwards when hit by the red flame horse. The two sides were not heavyweight opponents at all. The smaller one actually pushed forward against the larger one. However, the more numerous Wolf Cavalry continued to suffer heavy casualties.

After only five minutes of fighting, the wolf cavalry had already lost more than 30% of their strength. At this time, the wolf cavalry was only relying on the inertia of their breath and charge, because they had lost their commander.

Wors, the wolf cavalry commander with the peak strength of a great warrior, bravely rushed to the front during the charge, and naturally faced off with the violent female Taris. Bravery did not bring him good luck. In Taris In front of the lance, Walls had almost no strength at all, and was easily picked off the giant wolf by Taris. His burst of fighting spirit was pitifully weak in front of Taris at the sky level.

Finally, after being embedded in the wolf cavalry formation for tens of meters, Taris and the champion knight finally slowed down their charging speed. After all, even a thousand pigs on the opposite side can hinder the pace of the cavalry charge, let alone There are nearly a thousand fully armed wolf cavalry.

The combat effectiveness of the champion knight who just slowed down did not weaken in any way. Instead, he threw away the lance in his hand and drew out the knight’s heavy sword at his waist and began to swing and slash.

The fierce wolf cavalry still maintained a certain fighting will after suffering huge losses. After seeing the champion knights’ charging speed slowing down, they still dared to wave their scimitars to fight, but the scimitars in their hands were temporarily It does not cause any harm to the champion knights. The champion knights’ riding skills are as good as those on horses. They can easily avoid the scimitar of the wolf cavalry. After their fighting spirit breaks out, they can easily kill a wolf cavalry with every sword.

The unicorn holy beast, which had been on the second line, also began to participate in the battle at this time. The use of blinding magic caused huge confusion to the wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry, which was not the opponent of the champion knight in the first place, became more and more serious after losing its eyesight. Without any threat, some even had an overreaction and waved their machetes indiscriminately, causing even greater chaos.

The long pointed horn on the head of the unicorn holy beast can be much more lethal than the spiked helmet on the head of the giant wolf, which can easily break through the breastplate of the wolf cavalry.

The orc wolf cavalry who originally suffered heavy casualties in the charge can still persist. After all, once they charge, they will be forced to charge even if they don’t want to persist. There is no way to retreat. In addition, the wolf cavalry’s own fighting will is not weak, forming a wolf The scene of the cavalry fighting to the death, but the speed of both sides slowed down. After entering into hand-to-hand combat, the pressure on the wolf cavalry became even greater. Their attacks were completely unable to pose a threat to the champion knight and the unicorn holy beast, and the champion knight Every attack with the unicorn holy beast can take away the life of an orc wolf cavalry.

When several wolf knights try to besiege a champion knight, the champion knight can burst out with fighting spirit and kill several wolf knights trying to besiege. This kind of battle is undoubtedly desperate, and even if it takes half of the casualties, it cannot win. The Wolf Cavalry finally started to fall apart when it came to celebrity human knights.

The wolf cavalry who were originally trapped in the charge and unable to retreat had a chance to escape during the short-distance melee. One or two wolf cavalry collapsed and ran away because of the killing in front of them, which directly triggered the entire team’s rout. , no one dares to go up and fight those terrifying human knights anymore.

Most of the warrior-level officers had been eliminated by the champion knights in the first round of battle. A small number of officers did not dare to resist and fled directly with the large army. No one stood up to try to stop the rout and survived. More than 300 wolf cavalrymen rushed towards Dragon Scale Castle on the plain, faster than the charge when they came.

“Continue the attack!”

Talis did not let go of these wolf cavalry. If these wolf cavalry fought to the end, they might cause some trouble to Talis. After all, they were more than a thousand peak quasi-knights armed to the teeth, but they began to escape. There will be no threat from now on. Killing them is no more difficult than slaughtering a sheep. There is no reason to let them go easily.

With his faster speed, Talis and his men easily caught up with the escaping wolf cavalry, and followed them unhurriedly to harvest, killing them layer by layer like peeling onions.

At the same time, the two teams of more than a hundred riders who were first sent out by Walls to detour and intercept fell into a state of doubt about life.

They can be said to be lucky. When most of the large army had been killed and injured and completely collapsed, their circuitous team still maintained the integrity of the team organization. However, after this luck, they were extremely confused and looked into the distance. The main force collapsed everywhere and they didn’t even know what to do next. Even the body of Commander Walls was trampled beyond recognition in the chaos. No one told them what to do.

“Captain, do we still want to attack?”

The orc captain who leads this roundabout wolf cavalry is an officer at the peak of the warrior level. He is usually known for his bravery. In previous battles, even when he encountered masters of the human knight level, he dared to show his machete and fight. , and managed to survive, he is considered a warrior who is not afraid of death.

But at this time, this warrior did not dare to show his scimitar when facing a strong enemy as before. The fighting spirit released on the battlefield clearly told him the strength of those human knights.

Those people are actually all human earth knights. They are masters on the same level as the imperial warriors. There are only a few dozen people in the entire orc kingdom. They are at least senior generals at the level of legion commander. Now there are strong men of this level. A knighthood was actually formed on the human side to fight together, and they even encountered each other.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that anyone who told him that humans had a knightly order composed entirely of earth knights was a lunatic talking nonsense.

“How to attack?”

The original plan was that his team should attack in a roundabout way from the flanks of the Human Knights. If the battle reached a stalemate, their team would be the key force to break the stalemate, but the problem was that the entire battle was really over. It was so hearty that there was no stalemate. The human knights defeated the main force of the wolf cavalry in a few minutes. This roundabout army did not even have time to launch an attack.

Now the people next to him are still hot-headed and talking about attacking, but the captain is a clear-headed officer. Facing a human army of this strength, he only goes up to deliver food. What he needs to do is to bring the information back to the dragon first. Scale Castle, let the defenders there know that there is such a terrifying human knights nearby.

“Turn around, retreat north, return to Dragon Scale Castle, quickly!”

The captain immediately issued the order, and more than a hundred wolf cavalry who had not yet participated in the battle quickly turned away from the battlefield.


But now that these wolf cavalry have left Dragonscale Castle, how can M’lak and others ask them to go back and increase the strength of the orcs guarding the city to create trouble for themselves? The gryphon knights and silver have been wandering in the air for a long time. The Pegasus knights appeared above the wolf cavalry who were trying to leave. The four-meter-long gryphon could kill an orc wolf cavalry with one claw the moment it descended, while the stronger Silver Pegasus cavalry moved faster. Quickly harvest these escaping wolf cavalry.

The entire air force not only has an advantage in quantity, but also in strength. The wolf cavalry can only be regarded as the elite of the orcs’ regular troops, and the gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights in Richard’s hands, if not Richard didn’t want to lose too much. It could be used against the Dragon City at the critical moment, and the wolf cavalry had no means of fighting against air power. In addition to a scimitar, he only had a few throwing hand axes in his hand. Use this thing to The air defense was really too difficult for them, and few of them who were already on the run had any sense of counterattack, so they were easily wiped out by the aerial team commanded by Sir Mrak.

The escaping wolf cavalry on the other side were also wiped out by the champion knights and the unicorn holy beast led by Taris. They truly realized that not a single soldier of the opponent was spared. The entire battle did not exceed two from the beginning to the end. hours, which may take less time than killing a pig.

And this was without Sir Mrak and the three outstanding swordsmen around him taking action. In such a battle, there was really no need for them to take action.

The battlefield was constantly wailing, with corpses of fallen orcs everywhere, and some giant wolves that had lost their masters were circling around the corpses of the orcs, unwilling to leave. Taris, who was covered in blood, took the champion knight and the unharmed champion knight. The unicorn holy beast returned to Sir M’lak’s side, and all the battle damage was only a few red flame horses with minor injuries that were not serious.

“Thank you, Ms. Tallis.”

“It’s not hard work if I haven’t done any activities yet.”

Talis waved his hand indifferently. Although she seemed to be stained with a lot of blood, especially the red flame horse under her seat, half of the vest was dyed red. As soon as she got close, there was a thick smell of blood. But it was all the blood of orcs and giant wolves. This intense battle was really just a warm-up for her and even the champion knights behind her.

“Let’s go, take the Dragon Scale Castle first, the orcs will definitely go crazy, and then there will be a battle.”

Taris’s cavalry and the gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights in the air returned one after another. This powerful force continued to move towards the Dragonscale Castle more than ten miles away. Orcs were heard from time to time on the original battlefield. The screams of the warriors were completely ignored by Mrak, Taris and others. They couldn’t let the champion knights do the work of cleaning the battlefield. If a few orc warriors could survive, they would be lucky.

Under the leadership of Mrak, this team quickly arrived at the gate of Dragonscale Castle.

Because of their unabashed march, the defenders of Dragon Scale Castle discovered their presence early. This army was not large in number, but it had a lot of extremely rare air power. Although it was not a giant dragon, But it also made the defenders of Dragon Scale Castle raise their vigilance by several levels. The gate of Dragon Scale Castle has been closed, and the orc soldiers are waiting on the city. Several wind birds were released from the city to try to ask for help from the army of Long Wing City, but They were all intercepted by the faster Silver Pegasus knights. Taris led the cavalry around the city without any scruples, blocking the possibility of the orcs inside from leaving the city, and completely cutting off the orcs in Dragon Scale Castle from the outside world. connect.

At this time, they were not busy attacking, but were waiting for the arrival of the northern route troops led by Elena before launching an attack.




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