Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 492: Encounters in the wild


“Master Flag Captain! The scout team discovered a human army approaching Dragon Scale Castle in the northern dense forest!”

The northern jungle is quite large, with dense vegetation and complex terrain. In addition, the legions brought by Sean are not familiar with the terrain. Even if there are 5,000 people hiding in a mountain stream very close to Dragonscale Castle, it is not easy to find them.

But hiding in a mountain stream is one thing, coming out to take action is another thing entirely. Five thousand people marched in the forest, but they still approached Dragonscale Castle. It took less than half a day for the orc scouts to notice it. Upon arrival, he quickly reported it to the current defenders of Dragon Scale Castle.

“How many are there?”

After hearing that a human army suddenly appeared in the northern dense forest and approached Dragon Scale Castle, the orc commander showed a surprised expression. In his understanding, the main human force had already evacuated Dragon Scale Castle and retreated to Dragon Scale Castle. It’s Yicheng. There should be no human army nearby.

“The number is unclear, but it should be small, no more than one legion.”

It is difficult to judge the strength of an army marching in the forest. Even professional scouts can hardly determine the number of enemy troops through simple inspection. The orc scout team is already quite professional. , at least it was judged that the number of troops led by Elena was not large.

“Less than one legion?”

The leader of the Orc Flag Guard stationed at Dragon Scale Castle breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this number, and felt a little more relaxed. After Sean captured Dragon Scale Castle, he also attached great importance to Dragon Scale Castle and left one A flag regiment of 5,000 people was stationed, and a wolf cavalry group of 1,000 people was also dispatched. The orcs’ combat power was already higher than that of the human army. If they were still in a defensive position, this advantage would be amplified.

A solid fortress garrisoned by orcs. The human army either has an absolute numerical advantage of more than ten times, or there are dragon knights participating in the attack. Otherwise, it will be difficult to break through the city. Normally, it is impossible to capture a legion of humans. From Dragonscale Castle.

“What did the scouts do before that they missed so many human troops in the northern dense forest? How much trouble would they cause us if they directly attacked the food road?”

“It was the scout battalion’s mistake! It’s just that the dense forests in the north are too big and we are not familiar with the terrain…”

“Don’t make excuses. Fortunately, no major problems occurred. I will record this mistake for you first. Now hurry up and find out the specific number and direction of the human army, and then send someone to report to Longyi City. situation.”

“Yes, Lord Flag Commander!”

“Where’s General Walls?”

“Reporting to your lord, General Walls received a report from patrolling wolf cavalry in the morning, and found a group of human knights nearby. He personally led the main force of wolf cavalry to eliminate them.”

“This guy…”

The leader of the Orc Banner shook his head, a little helpless. There was a lot of movement of the wolf cavalry leaving the city. He knew that the wolf cavalry was taking action, but he did not expect that Walls, the leader of the wolf cavalry, would personally lead the main force out of the city. , without even notifying him.

Here, Sean actually made a minor mistake. When he sent this wolf cavalry to support the garrison of Dragonscale Castle, he did not clarify the primary and secondary relationship between the two teams.

It stands to reason that the commander of the flag regiment stationed at Dragonscale Castle has 5,000 soldiers, and his status should be higher than that of the wolf cavalry commander. However, the status of the wolf cavalry in the Orc Kingdom is higher, and they are usually a little arrogant. , although they were ordered to come to support the defenders of Dragon Scale Castle, they did not take the commander of Dragon Scale Castle so seriously. He even took matters like going out of the city to fight without reporting to the flag commander. Walls left the city with hundreds of wolf cavalry. Of course, he might have heard from the patrolling cavalry that the number of enemy cavalry found was only a few dozen. Walls didn’t take it seriously and just thought he was being transferred from the main battlefield to vent his anger. Just a depressed mood.

The flag captain heard that most of the wolf cavalry had been taken out of the city by Walls to fight. Apart from being a little helpless, he was not particularly worried. Everyone knows that the most capable cavalry in mankind are still in charge of the center line. On the battlefield, according to the intelligence, there are no human cavalry on the northern front that can threaten the more than a thousand wolf cavalry. Maybe Walls will bring him a surprise when he takes the wolf cavalry out to fight.

After thinking about it, the leader of the Orc Flag also turned his attention back to Dragonscale Castle itself and ordered:

“Order the entire army to be on alert and not to take it lightly. We have enough food and grass for the army for more than ten days. If something goes wrong, we will all be guilty!”

“Yes, Lord Flag Commander!”

About ten miles southwest of Dragon Scale Castle, a large group of wolf cavalry is galloping wantonly. The size of these giant wolves is no less than that of ordinary war horses. They are only slightly smaller than the horses of the Western Region, but they are also of the same size. With its ferocious nature as a carnivore, it can easily suppress the Longxingguan cavalry most of the time. Only the Western Cavalry can slightly compete with them due to their numerical advantage.

“Lord Walls, look at those human cavalry.”

Looking in the direction pointed by a wolf cavalry captain, there seemed to be a dissatisfied centurion cavalry team over there, and some of the horses didn’t even have knights.

“A knight with two horses?”

“Lord Walls, some of the horses have one-horned horses. They seem to be the one-horned horses mentioned by the defeated soldiers before!”

The terrifying legend of the one-horned sacred beast naturally spread to the officers of the Wolf Cavalry through the mouths of the defeated soldiers. At this time, two or three miles away, they were still shocked to see the real existence of the one-horned horse in the mouths of the defeated soldiers. For a moment.

Just Walls said nonchalantly:

“Those unicorns, no matter how strong they are, are just a group of horses. There is not even a knight on the horse. How effective can they be in combat? There is no way to use those broken troops. They made up a terrifying unicorn. Story.”

After saying that, the orc commander Walls no longer hesitated and immediately ordered:

“Order the fourth and fifth teams to detour from the south and block the southward path of this human knights. The sixth team will circle to their right flank, and the rest will join me to press from the front to Approach at normal speed! ”

“Yes, Lord Walls!”

Although Walls acts a little impulsively, he will not fight an uncertain battle, and his ability to command troops is not weak. No matter how arrogant he is, he can still observe that the human cavalry on the opposite side are not easy to deal with. The armor shone brightly in the sun, with no part of it exposed except the eyes, and even the tall war horse was completely protected by the armor.

Such equipment cannot be equipped by ordinary cavalry. It looks like another formation of the human army, a knighthood composed entirely of knight-level experts.

More than thirty human knights are considered valuable targets in the eyes of Walls, otherwise he would not personally lead the team to attack, and he also directly brought almost all the wolf cavalry to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Although a team of more than 30 human knights is not easy to mess with, the more than a thousand wolf cavalry are also elites who have been fighting for a long time. There are also more than double digits of warriors and two great warriors in the team. With his skilled hands, he is quite sure of annihilating this human knights.

The two teams in the southwest are to seal off the direction that humans cannot escape in advance. The team on the right wing is to make a detour and try to encircle the main team, the human knights.

It’s just that although the leader of this wolf cavalry, Walls, was clear-headed and his command was qualified, he never imagined what kind of existence he would encounter on his own initiative.

“Mrak, does this orc treat us as soft persimmons?”

The human knights discovered by Walls were none other than Sir M’rak, Talis and others who were leading an army to join Elena to take down Dragonscale Castle.

Sir M’Lak’s speed bonus was maximized, and he brought with him faster high-level units or flying units. He managed to circumvent the distance that other armies would take several days to cover in less than a day. When they When they arrived near Dragon Scale Castle, the flag regiment that was closer was not yet in place.

After they arrived at Dragonscale Castle, they did not deliberately hide their whereabouts. They were quickly discovered by the patrolling wolf cavalry accepted by Walls. Only then did Walls take the initiative to lead his wolf cavalry to eliminate them.

“If I don’t let the Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight leave the team and hide first, I’m afraid these orcs won’t dare to take the initiative to fight.”

“Since the orcs are taking the initiative to fight, let’s have a dessert before meeting Elena for a big meal.”

After saying that, Taris pulled down her visor to cover up her charming face, and her temperament suddenly transformed into a cold warrior.

Afterwards, Talis raised the lance in his hand, and the more than thirty champion knights behind him understood and also raised the lance in their hands.



“Da da da da…”

The champion knight makes a lot of noise when charging. Compared to the wolf cavalry opposite, the champion knight is completely wrapped in fine iron. When it moves, the armor on the human body and the armor on the horse will make a unique sound of metal collision. , coupled with the fact that the champion knights were led by red flame horses that were even larger than the horses of the Western Region, and the horses’ hooves were even larger with iron hooves. Although the number was not large, the movement of the charge was not small.

“You started charging so early, so inexperienced?”

This human knights are probably composed of a group of nobles and knights with little combat experience.

After all, there is no heavy cavalry that starts charging two or three miles away. By the time they rush in front of them, the horses may not be able to run.

But soon, Walls was slapped hard by reality. The knights and ponies on the other side seemed to have no physical limit at all. They charged a distance of two or three miles but were still alive and well, showing no sign of fatigue. No, the speed is getting faster and faster.

You can’t expect sixth-level soldiers like the unicorn holy beast to run out of energy first. The red flame horses under the champion knights are also amazingly physical. They can gallop for thousands of meters without gasping for breath. Who cares about trivial matters? Miles away, the charge was launched directly under the command of Talis.

At this time, Walls had already faintly noticed that something was wrong with the knights in front of him. Forget about those unicorn horses, why could those horses carrying the heavily armored knights run faster than the light cavalry and had physical strength? So abundant. If all human war horses were like this, they would have turned the Wolf Cavalry into a younger brother. If they hit it at this speed, the damage this time would probably not be small.

But the arrow is already on the string and has to be fired. The opponent has already launched a charge. If you retreat at this time, it will not be a problem of heavy losses. It will immediately be a catastrophic defeat. You have to charge forward even if you hold on. No With the speed advantage, if you dare to turn around, you will be chased all the way.

“Orc warriors! Charge!”


When the distance between the two sides approached 500 meters, Walls, who had no choice, also raised the scimitar in his hand and gave the order to charge.



General cavalry will try to maintain a cone shape when charging to ensure the impact and penetration of the team, but the confident Taris did not put up such a formation. She is a good player at the sky level. The orcs on the opposite side, who are no more than big warriors at most, have a crushing advantage. The champion knights and unicorn holy beasts behind them are also formidable opponents to the orcs and wolf cavalry on the opposite side. Their individual capabilities are terrifying. There is no need to use cones. formation to break through the opponent’s formation.

In order to cause maximum damage to the orcs, Talis directly asked the team to form a thin fan-shaped formation. She was at the top of the fan-shaped convex surface, and more than thirty champion knights lined up in a slight arc, alone The horned holy beast followed closely behind. From a distance, the two teams looked like a line that had hit the surging waves.


The two teams collided fiercely. The Orc Wolf Cavalry side was not a heavily armored cavalry team, but its equipment was not bad. The giant wolf sitting down was also wearing beast armor on its front and wore a headband. Wearing a pointed helmet, specially used to push against the neck of the war horse.

The orc knights above also wear strong breastplates and iron helmets. With the ferocity of the giant wolf and the good combat effectiveness of the orc knights above, the orc wolf cavalry has a great advantage even when fighting against human heavy cavalry. of.

It’s just that today’s human knights are completely different concepts from the human cavalry of the past.

When the two teams collided, the champion knight burst into fighting spirit in an instant. The lance in his hand easily pierced the breastplate of the wolf cavalry. The cavalry formed a gourd of blood. With the strength of the champion knight, he could even continue to sweep the lance with one or two orcs hanging on the lance, and sweep the surrounding orc wolf cavalry off the giant wolf.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the huge gap in combat power was revealed. The fan-shaped formation formed by the champion knights remained motionless and continued to advance, while the orcs continued to fall from the giant wolves, and the weapons in their hands continued to fall. Scimitar didn’t even have a chance to fight back.



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