Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 491: Poison bait


Longyi City, the sound of killing is shocking

When the orcs finally withstood the long-range attacks of the phantom shooters and magic mages, and experienced the baptism of kerosene and rolling logs before scaling the city wall, they faced the prepared elites of the Northern Route Army and Ron led the Crusaders.

These crusaders with peak knight-level strength were placed on the city wall by Gru as the fulcrum of the entire city defense. More than two hundred Crusaders stabilized the entire city defense like nails. Those who poured down from the well The orc soldiers would be hacked to death in less than ten seconds even if they stood on the city wall.

These Crusaders not only have the strength of the peak knight class, but also have outstanding battlefield swordsmanship and fighting experience. Their killing efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary noble knights. When more than two hundred Crusaders were distributed to Longyi Behind the city wall, the entire city defense became like an iron barrel. Several orc warriors led by Jinglan rushed up but could not shake the Crusaders at all. With the cooperation of many Crusaders, these orc warriors He didn’t hold on for a few seconds before he was chopped to the ground.

As soon as the stronger orc warriors landed on the city wall, they would face more terrifying opponents. When such masters came to stand on the city wall, Gru, Rhodes and others did not mind personally giving them a lift.

The entire Longyi City wall became like a black hole swallowing life. The orc warriors who finally rushed up the city wall through ladders, wells and other equipment were hacked to death before they could even climb over the waves. The ground, and more were forced directly off the city wall, so that the orc attack came to a brief stagnation.

Everything that happened on the city wall was also clearly seen by Sean. There were surprisingly many human knight-level experts participating in the defense of the city, and there were even at least legion commander-level experts who took action to suppress his own powerful warrior-level warriors. , causing the soldiers who rushed up to the city wall to be completely unable to stand, and as many as they climbed up died.

“Is this the reason why you gave up Dragon Scale Castle?”

At this time, Sean also guessed a little about the intentions of the human army. The human officers on the opposite side were very arrogant. The other side did not rely on Dragon Scale Castle to block their way out of the northern dense forest, but chose to voluntarily withdraw after holding on for a period of time. Going out, the strong walls and clear fields along the way led him to Longyi City.

I want to use Longyi City to attract my own attack, wait until my own side is exhausted, and then use the ambush army to counterattack, completely eating up my own troops. However, the opponent seems to have underestimated the combat effectiveness of the orcs, and this time they have to make the opponent self-defeating.

“Order the siege troops to continue the attack without hesitation. Let the 9th Guards Corps and the 11th Guards Corps attack from the east and west sides of the city respectively. The attack is not allowed to stop for a moment.”

“Yes, sir!”

Humans dared to gamble with him on the safety of Dragon’s Breathing Pass. He, Sean, was not a timid general. Although he was a little more awake at this time, he realized that this was probably a trap set by humans, but he did not consider retreating. problem, but directly strengthened the offensive intensity, hoping to directly capture Longyi City with the advantage of numbers and combat power.

“In addition, let the Wolf Riding Group search the surrounding area for ten miles to look for suspicious human troops. If any are found, report them immediately.”

“Yes, sir!”

Between Dragon Scale Castle and Dragon Wing City, except for a few military forts, are all great plains. It is not that simple to ambush the army. The human commander wants to use Dragon Wing City to attract him to attack, and then ambush the army behind If he wants to attack, then he thinks it’s easy. The thousands of wolf cavalry in his hands are not just for food, so they can’t be so easy to make a surprise attack.

The only thing worth noting is the food path for his more than 200,000 troops. When the northern jungle was controlled by the orcs, there was a lot of food stored in the villages including Yandong Mountain. However, it was impossible for the Northern Route Army to leave food to the orcs when they retreated. What could be taken away was taken away, and what could not be taken away was directly burned. The area of ​​the northern dense forest recovered by Xi En was basically caused by the retreating North Route Army. The white ground.

Perhaps the only place to store some food is the secret warehouse in the forest left by Qilwei before, but that kind of small food warehouse is not enough to supply an army of several thousand people, let alone supply Xi En’s army of more than 200,000. Now, all the supplies for the entire army have to be transported from Huangshi City. There are more than 200,000 orc people responsible for transporting food and grass to the army, which is equivalent to the number of soldiers in the army.

The grain road extends from Huangshi City to Longyi City, stretching for two to three hundred miles. There are also extremely difficult mountain roads. If it is disturbed by humans, there may be a crisis of food shortage.

However, he has an entire flag regiment of wolf cavalry in his hands. He should not be afraid of humans cutting off his food route on this plain. As long as there is no problem with Dragon Scale Castle, the army’s retreat will be safe.

Thinking of this, Sean was ready to patch up his retreat, so he ordered again:

“Order the Third Wolf Cavalry Flag Regiment to dispatch a thousand riders to garrison Dragon Scale Castle. Be sure to be on alert around Dragon Scale Castle to ensure that Dragon Scale Castle and the food route are safe.”

Soon, as Sean’s order was issued, new movements appeared in the orc army. Several legions came out separately, pushing a large number of siege equipment and began to approach the wall of Longyi City. Longyi City did not need Dragonscale Castle. , is a big city that can station more soldiers, which also means that it has a larger defensive surface. After the first round of trial attacks, the orcs no longer hesitated and directly launched a full-scale attack. Tens of thousands of troops came from Longyi City. A fierce attack was launched from three sides. It is said that once a person passes by, there is no limit. The tens of thousands of orcs moved and completely formed a black and green ocean. They pushed various siege equipment to approach the city wall slowly, like waves. , wanting to crush Longyi City.

However, in the face of the orcs’ big move, the system soldiers and heroes in the city were almost unmoved, and they just looked calm and prepared to face the next attack.

Their calmness even affected the ordinary Duolongyi City defenders. Most of them were infected by the system soldiers around them, and the fear in their hearts was slightly reduced.

“The Orc Commander finally made up his mind.”

Not only was Gru on the city wall not frightened by the orcs’ massive attack, but he also showed a relaxed smile.

He was afraid that the orcs would give up the attack on Longyi City and choose to retreat, thus losing his chance to annihilate the orc army. Now that the orcs have launched a full-scale attack, it means that the orc commander on the opposite side cannot resist it after all. The temptation to break through Longyi City made me want to give it a try.

As long as the other party can’t help but want to eat this poisonous bait, they will be completely trapped. Next, keep it so that they will never come back.

“Let the halberdiers and war dancers not come up as reserves for the time being, and continue to stand by without my order. Put the orcs up a little bit to give them a little hope?”

“Yes, Lord Gru!”

Gru was afraid that the defenders on the city wall would be too busy, so he directly asked the orc commander to change his mind and lead the army back. He tried to give the opponent a feeling that he could break through Longyi City with more force. The forces inside were used with some reservation, and several hundred halberdiers and war dancers were directly used as reserve forces.

Then Gru turned to Sir Mrak and said:

“Sir, it’s your turn to take action. After gathering with Ms. Talis, follow Plan A.”


Sir M’Lak, who had been standing on the city wall watching the battle, smiled when he heard this and nodded to Gru.

“Leave it to me, General Gru.”

For this battle, Gru made several plans. Plan A was the plan used when the war was going smoothly. When Sean decided to launch an all-out attack to capture Dragon Wing Fort, he successfully entered Plan A. In the rhythm of the plan, Mrak will use his speed advantage to lead three outstanding swordsmen from Dragon Wing City, dozens of Silver Pegasus knights and more than a hundred gryphon knights to bypass the main force of the orcs and fight with them. Taris, Sial, and the others who had been outside the city met up and headed straight for the Dragon Scale Castle that had just been occupied by the orcs. They cut off the food channels of the more than 200,000 orcs and ate them in one bite.

Mlak didn’t feel uncomfortable being commanded by Gru. When he was on the continent of Erathia, Gru was his superior. This was not the first time he was commanded by Gru. He naturally took the order and took the three men with him. The outstanding swordsmen and flying troops left from the south, bypassing the orc army to join Talis and others.

On the other hand, Gru is still firmly entrenched in Longyi City, waiting for the orcs to come up and hit their heads and cause bloodshed.

In the dense forest in the north, in a mountain stream

The running water rushes down from a high place, bringing with it the sound of gurgling water. Because it is covered by the mountain, entering here from the dense forest trail in the north will feel like you have strayed into a paradise. However, in the originally peaceful mountain stream, you are now standing there. It was full of human soldiers. Thousands of human soldiers were stationed in this mountain stream, making this mountain stream area that was not spacious seem particularly crowded.

“General Elena, it has been ten days. The dry food the soldiers carry will not last much longer. If we don’t take action, we will run out of food.”

“The kobolds discovered the orcs’ food route a few days ago. It is only a day’s journey from us. If there is no food, we will rob the orcs’ food. We will not starve to death here.”

“This dense forest is now full of orcs. If we attack the orcs’ food road, I’m afraid we will be surrounded and suppressed by the orcs the next day.”

“There is no 100% certainty that we are lurking here. We can just wait for news from General Gru.”

“Yes, General Elena.”

A whole flag regiment, nearly 5,000 human soldiers, was stationed in this mountain stream. Gru had already considered this when he withdrew from the eastern plateau. He dropped a son in this mountain stream, led by Elena and Beilu. The general of the army, Arsi, led an elite flag regiment to lurk in the dense forest.

In order to hide in the northern dense forest and not attract the attention of the orcs, they did not even light a fire. They ate some fried dry food every day and stayed here for ten days without being discovered by the orcs. , if the orcs in the northern dense forest are still the same legion that has been stationed for a long time before, they may not be able to hide for that long, after all, the other party is more familiar with the terrain.

But the army brought by Sean was even more unfamiliar with the terrain and could only walk along the main roads marked on the map. Moreover, because they wanted to launch an attack on the northern line of Longxingguan, they did not have the time or strength to investigate the dense forests in the north. Let these five thousand people hide miraculously.

These hard-wearing and elite warriors have been lurking in the woods north of Dragon Scale Castle, waiting for an opportunity. Even when Sean led his army to attack Dragon Scale Castle, they did not move. They have been waiting for a more suitable opportunity. It’s time to take action. Now that the main force of the orcs has left Dragon Scale Castle and rushed towards Dragon Wing City, the role that their team can play is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, a blue-white wind bird flapped its wings and flew into Elena’s hand. This kind of bird flies fast and is extremely spiritual. Once it is mature, it can easily find its owner. It is simply The best choice for conveying information is much more powerful than the homing pigeons that Richard was familiar with in his previous life.

Even system heroes like Gru and Elena find Wind Bird very easy to use.

Elena took the letter from Fengniao and read the note:

“It’s time for us to be able to play our role. Now we don’t have to worry about insufficient food and grass.”

“Huh? Did Mr. Gru get any orders?”

“General Gru ordered us to immediately advance to Dragonscale Castle, capture Dragonscale Castle, and cut off the orcs’ retreat.”

“But, Lady Elena, Dragon Scale Castle is definitely not that easy to take down.”

General Arcee, who serves as deputy general next to Elena, is also a veteran on the battlefield. He naturally understands the importance of Dragon Scale Castle to the orcs. After ruling out the possibility that the orc commander is a fool, it can be deduced. The orcs are in the dragon Scale Castle definitely has a strong defense. With their team of 5,000 people, there might be a chance of survival after the orcs attack the food road. However, if they try to recapture Dragon Scale Castle, it will probably be a lifeless road. .

“We are not the main force in attacking Dragon Scale Castle this time.”

“Sir M’Lak has already led a portion of the Guards towards Dragonscale Castle. We need to speed up. General Arsi will go down immediately to rectify the army and set off in an hour!”

“Yes, General Elena!”

The so-called personal guard is actually the way the system army refers to the outside world. This powerful mysterious army has always been considered to be Richard’s personal guard. Sir Mrak is also an old acquaintance of Alsi who fought side by side. Listen When it was said that Sir Mrak was bringing his personal guards to join them, Arcee no longer hesitated and immediately began to greet the troops in the mountain stream.

In less than an hour, the army had been assembled. Elena and Arcee did not do much mobilization. They only told them that they were preparing to steal the orcs’ escape route. After the war, they could remember their first contribution and they would be ready at once. The morale of the team was aroused, and the army rushed towards Dragon Scale Castle…


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