Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 490: The Battle of the Northern Front


The Dragon Scale Castle, located on the northern defensive line of Longxi Pass, was now in a mess, filled with fireworks. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The orc army paused for two days after the first day of testing, and then attacked with superior force for several days, and finally set foot on the walls of Dragon Scale Castle.

Dragonscale Castle is the first fortress for humans to blockade the northern dense forest. It is extremely well-defended. In order to capture this fortress, the orcs lost a large number of troops under the city. The corpses of orc warriors were piled up layer by layer. In some places It was even piled up like a hill. At the highest point, one could even climb up the city wall of Dragon Scale Castle. It may be an exaggeration to say that the blood flowed into a river, but it had indeed gathered into a stream and flowed down the city wall.

“General Sean, Dragon Scale Castle has finally been captured.”

Sean, the orc’s national protector warrior, was already standing on the wall of Dragonscale Castle, calmly watching the soldiers clearing away the mountains of corpses. This scene could hardly affect his emotions. , Sean is still reviewing the battles of the past few days.

Dragonscale Castle has an entire human legion stationed there, and humans have been in business for many years, which is not an easy bone to chew on. In addition, there are a group of knight-level marksmen and a group of warlock-like spellcasters on the city wall. It increased the difficulty of attacking Dragon Scale Fort. During this period of attack, the orcs left at least 20,000 corpses before they attacked the fortress.

Those blue missiles and arrows with fighting spirit can directly kill an orc warrior with almost every blow. Even warrior-level masters will be shot if they are not careful, which is different from other places. , the arrows thrown by other shooters on the defense line can cause three-digit casualties to the orcs, which is considered to have achieved a good effect. When attacking this dragon scale castle, thousands of people will be shot first in almost every round of attack. .

There was even a situation where a certain offensive formation was concentrated by phantom shooters, and the casualties were so great that it collapsed. If the firepower of these shooters had not weakened in the end, it would still be a question whether they could attack it, even if they paid heavy casualties. , Sean still felt that Dragonscale Castle was not captured by him.

“This is because the enemy voluntarily abandoned Dragon Scale Castle. Their remaining troops have withdrawn from the south gate. We did not capture it.”

“The number of human casualties is less than 10,000. When will this ratio of casualties become unbearable for humans?”

“Yes, sir!”

The orc officers on the side did not dare to refute. Sean is a warrior who protects the country. In terms of force and status, he was once second only to the king. Even though the status of the great shaman has been elevated recently, Sean’s status Although he is no longer as prominent as before, his prestige in the military is still very high.

Did humans voluntarily abandon Dragon Scale Castle and retreat because they were short of troops and could not bear the casualties, or did they simply lay some kind of trap waiting for him?

When the officer on the side fell silent, Sean looked at the corpses on the ground and fell into thinking.

Although the losses in the attack on Dragon Scale Castle were huge, they were still within an acceptable range. The number of human sharpshooters and spellcasters was not large, and there was a limit to the amount of damage they could do. It was impossible to fight tirelessly all the time. In the end, The remote pressure has been significantly reduced, and it seems that even those humans have reached their limit.

The area between Dragon Scale Castle and Dragon Wing City is flat land. Without Dragon Scale Castle, the castles in the middle will not be enough to serve as a barrier to Dragon Wing City. Fighting on the plains, the orc warriors will not be afraid of humans of similar numbers. As for the army.

In the next battle, just pay attention to the human spellcasters and the marksmen. As for the knights who are all composed of earth knights, Sean does not believe it. That is, the defeated soldiers described the enemy as too powerful in order to reduce their responsibility. .

At most, it is just a knighthood consisting of a group of knight-level and great knight-level masters, and there is no shortage of warrior-level masters in his army.

The reason why Sean made such a wrong judgment was because of Richard’s aggressive style in previous battles. For the sake of experience, he basically left no one alive. Basically no important officer could escape, and occasionally he escaped. The defeated troops’ words were of little weight and their knowledge was not enough. The credibility of the intelligence they brought back was questionable to Sean.

Also, the temptation of Longyi City is too great. The human military strength on the northern front has always been weak, and Sean has already captured the Dragon Scale Castle, the only obstacle to attacking Longyi City. Longyi City seems to have become It’s within easy reach. As long as Longyi City is captured, the entire defense line of Longxiang Pass will be shaken, and he, Sean, may become the number one hero in breaking Longxing Pass.

You can’t blame him for being a little dizzy under this temptation. Even if he realized something was wrong, he still kept looking for reasons to convince himself.

“Order the army to rest at Dragon Scale Castle for a day today. After the follow-up troops arrive, we will march towards Longyi City together.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, without being intercepted by the human army, more than 200,000 troops led by Sean approached Longyi City. Longyi City had already closed its doors tightly at this time. The cauldron has been prepared on the city wall for a long time, as if it has been waiting for a long time.

“These orcs came pretty quickly.”

“Hey, this battle is over, it’s time for me to level up.”

“These orcs are pretty good at fighting, so don’t be careless.”

“The combat capability is pretty good, but there are no experts. Just the orc camp outside. If Taris is determined enough to lead a champion knight into a fight, he might be able to defeat them directly.”

On the city wall of Longyi City, a group of system heroes were looking at the orc army below and expressing their opinions.

Faced with the scene of more than 200,000 orcs besieging the city, these heroes did not panic at all. On the battlefield of Erathia, these battlefield veterans had never seen anything like this. 200,000 orcs were surrounded by them. It’s really not a big deal in my eyes.

Especially General Gru, who just put 200,000 orcs into the defense line to fight. He has done many more outrageous things than this.

“Boom, boom…”

The orcs’ attack came quickly. After the orcs set up the trebuchet position, stones all over the sky were thrown towards the city.

Because the distance between Dragon Scale Castle and Longyi City is not far, and there is a vast plain in between, the orcs can quickly transport the engineering equipment made from materials in the dense forest to Longyi City, and the army is basically useless. There was no delay and the attack was launched shortly after arriving at Longyi City.

The people on the city wall were looking for places to hide when faced with the stones. Even the system heroes were no exception. They all leaned against the stone wall. With their strength, if they were hit by the stones thrown by these trebuchets, , most likely it won’t be easy.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Longyi City is a big city after all. Although there has been no war in the northern section for a long time, Longyi City itself still attaches great importance to city defense. It not only arranges defensive facilities on the city wall, but also inside the city like the Dongling Defense Line. Several trebuchet positions were arranged. After adjusting their positions, the catapults in Longyi City immediately responded to the catapults of the orc army, destroying many of the orc catapults.

At the same time, the orc warriors also pushed the well gates, shield carts and other siege equipment, and began to advance steadily towards Longyi City, because they knew that there were knight-level marksmen in the city, and the proportion of attacking orcs carrying large shields was not high. Low, attacking Dragon Scale Castle also allowed them to accumulate some experience in dealing with phantom shooters and magic mages. They tried their best to form a shield array to advance, or hid their entire body behind the shield vehicle to move. They would rather go slower and try to avoid being attacked by phantom shooters. Shoot directly.

However, although their method could protect against some of the sharp arrows of the phantom archer, it could not protect against Somra’s chain lightning. When they approached the city wall more than 300 meters away, several blue and white streaks of lightning flashed across the city wall. Electric light flew from the city wall, and then began to jump in the orc attacking formation.

In less than ten seconds, hundreds of orc warriors fell quickly, causing Sean’s eyelids to jump when he saw them from behind.

“This move again.”

Sean had seen the power of chain lightning when he attacked Dragon Scale Castle before. This unreasonable killing method has always made Sean a little uneasy. To some extent, this is better than the Phantom Shooter’s. The sharp arrows were even more terrifying, and at least the phantom shooter’s attacks still had traces to follow, and the chain lightning was completely on another level that Sean didn’t know about.

Fortunately, these arcs can only kill a limited number of people each time, and the killing of a hundred or so warriors will stop. Otherwise, this battle would have been impossible to fight. A hundred orc warriors are still quite a lot in normal times. The number was high, but on this battlefield, hundreds of people were lost without anyone on either side batting an eye.

When the chain lightning ended, the orcs behind quickly took up their positions. Those who should push the shaft continued to push the shaft, and those who should push the shield cart continued to push the shield cart forward. The morale of the army was hardly affected by Somla’s chain lightning. Impact.

“The rest is up to you.”

After releasing the chain lightning, Somra basically ran out of blue bars. Although Somra also upgraded two levels during this period, the upper limit of his magic power was still only enough for him to release chain lightning three times. Without the magic power, He consciously stepped back and left the rest to the other heroes.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


When the orc siege army approaches the 300-meter range of the city wall, the damage done by the phantom shooters and magic mages on the city wall is getting higher and higher. At this distance, the arrows fired by the phantom shooters must be accurate. If you want power, if you have power, the orcs will have to pay a heavy price for almost every step forward.

However, in order to capture Longyi City, all these sacrifices are worth it in Sean’s eyes. The camp’s flags are still urging the army to continue attacking. If Sean thinks about it, he has to use his life to fill it. We must exhaust the energy of those archers and attack Longyi City.


Finally, a well barrier successfully approached the city wall of Longyi City. Thick wooden boards were placed on the wall with a bang, connecting the passage between the well barrier and the city wall. Hundreds of orc warriors poured out of the well barrier, trying to Stand firm on Longyi City.

It’s just that the orc warrior at the forefront suddenly hesitated. In this kind of siege battle, time is life, and a second of hesitation may make his death worthless.

However, if you can see what the orc soldier saw through his eyes at this time, you may be able to understand why the orc soldier hesitated, because everywhere he looked, he saw At least ten tin-can knights were completely wrapped in armor. When they fell down the tunnel of the well, these tin-can knights ignited their fighting spirit and were also ready for battle…


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