Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 49: Variables



The soldiers of the Jingbei Army fought fiercely with the ogres. From time to time, the battlefield erupted with the light of fighting spirit. It was the knights of the Jingbei Army and the ogre warriors who had a fierce collision.

As the second and third legions joined the battle one after another, even though the ogres once again supported nearly a thousand ogre warriors, they were still completely suppressed.

Although the casualties among the soldiers on the human side were greater, the Jingbei Army was resilient enough, and with victory in sight, the morale of the soldiers on the human side was quite high.

Weilu, who was leading the Jingbei Army cavalry, was also eager to try. In Weilu’s view, the battle was almost over. If he didn’t attack now, he might not be able to get the last bit of military merit if it was later.

Weilu kept asking Marquis Wade to attack through flags. As long as Marquis Wade agreed to Weilu’s request, the Jingbei Army cavalry, led by Weilu, would charge like thunder and give them food. The human-demon’s final blow ended the battle completely.

However, Marquis Wade never paid attention to Weilu’s request to attack. Weilu could only hold back the urge to charge if he wanted to launch an attack.

Marquis Wade controlled the battlefield situation from a distance. Although the proportion of ogre warriors in this ogre tribe was abnormally high, the overall situation was still under control.

However, he was a little uneasy about the disappearance, and Lin Xuan’s words when he set off for the expedition echoed in his mind.

Beasts all have a basic desire to survive and know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Ogres are considered intelligent creatures after all, so why would they do such a thing as to die.

Because there was always some worry in his heart, Marquis Wade firmly held Weiru down, and the five thousand cavalry remained silent and were used as an important reserve force.


In the tent of the ogre camp, various bone decorations are hung in the tent, from beasts such as bears and wolves to large herbivorous animals such as bison and argali, and even human heads wearing helmets. Look at It’s intimidating.

At this time, there were dozens of strong ogres sitting densely in the tent. Judging from their still intact armor and the metallic-shiny weapons on their hands, they were probably all powerful ogre warriors or above.

The ogres sitting here seemed not to care about the situation on the battlefield outside, and they all looked up respectfully.

At the top of the camp stood four ogres who looked stronger. If the strength of the ogre warriors requires careful observation to see the difference between them and ordinary ogres,

As long as the four ogres standing on the main hall appear in the eyes of the Jingbei Army’s scouts, they will be focused on. They are three meters tall and can be said to be extremely tall among a group of ogres over two meters tall. conspicuous.

The whole-body metal protective gear is rare among ogres. It is almost certain that they are all chief-level ogres, corresponding to the great knights among humans. Each of them should be a large ogre. The leader of the demon tribe was the right one, and four of them appeared in the tent at the same time.

However, compared to the respectful ogre warriors below, these four ogre chiefs seemed a little anxious.

“Master Priest, the warriors are almost overwhelmed, why don’t we attack?”

“Brother, if we wait any longer, our warriors may really be defeated.”

“What a bunch of rubbish.”

There was clearly only one ogre sitting on the big chair on the high platform, but two voices came out strangely.

Looking carefully, this thin ogre actually has two heads on its neck, and it is obvious that these two heads have different consciousnesses and can carry out dialogue.

His body size is not huge, and he is even a little thin compared to ogres. He is comparable to ordinary humans. His skin is not the rough and disgusting light green, but smooth and tinged with blue.

“It’s a pity that the cavalry never rushed up.”

Obviously, the previous show of weakness was to attract more Jingbei troops. If so many ogre warriors and four ogre chiefs had been released from the beginning, even an idiot Marquis Wade would have realized wrong.

If the Jingbei Army retreats and forms a stronghold to defend the city, with the ogre’s siege capabilities, it will be terrifying for a while and it will be difficult to attack the castle where the Jingbei Army is stationed.

There are hundreds of ogre tribes in the entire wilderness, ranging from thousands of ogres to one tribe, usually with a great knight-level ogre chieftain.

As small as one or two hundred ogres form a tribe, they may not even have a single ogre warrior.

Originally, no matter the big tribe or the small tribe, they basically lived their own lives. There was no one who listened to whom, and there were even occasional conflicts between the big tribes.

Fortunately, the ogre has always been in such a state of disunity,

Otherwise, if the orders of more than 100,000 ogres in the wilderness are unified, it will definitely be enough for the nobles of the North to drink.

But now the situation has changed. In the ancient belief of ogres, the two-headed ogre priest, the agent of the ancestor **** in the material world, has appeared.

This two-headed ogre, who was born with extraordinary intelligence, hid under the protection of a large tribe for several years. During this period, he also used his special appearance to conquer several large ogre tribes.

This action against the Jingbei Army was planned by him. In his opinion, humans are the ogre’s biggest enemy, and the Jingbei Army is the first enemy he wants to defeat. Before he was exposed, both sides The head ogre priest dug a huge trap for the Jingbei Army.

The two-headed ogre priest stood up from his chair after making up his mind.

“Launch the attack, warriors, defeat the humans on the opposite side and take back the land that belongs to us!”

This is indeed true. The territory now occupied by the Northland lords was also the scope of the ogres’ activities.

It’s just that ogres in the nomadic stage don’t actually have the concept of territory. This concept is considered new to the two-headed priest.

But they do understand launching an attack to defeat humans.

After the two-headed ogre priest issued the attack call, they all shouted and walked out of the camp and no longer hid.

Four ogre chiefs protected the two-headed ogre priests and launched a wave of attacks with more than fifty ogre warriors and all the remaining ogre warriors and kobolds.

Such a big movement on the ogre side naturally cannot escape the observation of the Jingbei Army.


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