Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 489: Status


Orc Camp

Casas looked at the city wall of Dongling with a solemn expression. He had been taught a solid lesson today. If he hadn’t encountered it in person, it would have been hard for him to believe that someone could command the army to such an extent. He met a difficult guy.

“Lord Casas, the casualties of the First Army have been calculated. Today, the First Army suffered more than 10,000 casualties, reducing its strength by 40%. I’m afraid we won’t be able to continue fighting tomorrow.”

The deputy next to him reported to him the casualties of the First Army today. The 40% attrition was quite tragic. Any army that could withstand 40% of the casualties without collapsing was enough to be called a strong army, not to mention the First Army. The first army still endured such casualties during the attack, and was able to retreat in an orderly manner under orders.

Cassas’ solemnity is not entirely due to today’s casualties. An officer of his level has taken casualties very lightly. If the strategic goal can be achieved, he can increase the casualties ten times. Accept, in today’s battle, the opponent’s commander’s level reached a level that shocked him. He didn’t make a single mistake, and even managed to hit almost every breakthrough point of the First Legion, making every punch of the First Legion It feels like hitting a steel plate.

“Let the first army go to rest first, and let the second army and the third army come tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir!”

Cass paused for a moment and issued a new order. Today’s attack has tested the capabilities of the defenders and commanders. If Casas didn’t find any other loopholes, he would simply use force to overwhelm the people and directly suppress them. Launch an all-out attack with twice as many troops.

“It would be great if Bai Long could help in the battle. If Bai Long participated in today’s battle, there wouldn’t be no progress.”

Since Richard killed Yamos, the White Dragon has not appeared on the battlefield again. When they raided the outer fortresses of humans a few days ago, the orcs with the help of the White Dragon made extremely smooth progress, so that there was no attack today. Some orc officers were not used to being supported by the white dragon.

However, Casas immediately turned cold when he heard the adjutant’s words.

“Why, there won’t be a war without the help of the white dragon? When did we orcs become like humans?”

“Sir, that’s not what I meant.”

The deputy on the side was a little frightened when he was asked. He didn’t know where Casas was offended, so he could only deny it instinctively.

“The White Dragon is unreliable, we still have to rely on the orcs to fight the war.”

“Okay, get ready and come with me to inspect the camp.”

“Yes, sir!”

Donling Daying

Taize was also summarizing the day’s battle with several officers.

“Sir, today we successfully repelled the orcs’ attack. Each legion has accumulated more than 15,000 casualties. It can be said to be a great victory.”

“Yes, it all depends on Master Taize’s command, but he didn’t give the orcs any chance.”

The atmosphere in the camp is very relaxed. After today’s battle, everyone can be said to be convinced of Taize. Their praise of Taize is sincere and not a compliment to their superiors.

Today’s battle is indeed a great victory in their view. There is a qualitative gap between the individual capabilities of humans and the orcs. In the plain battle, one orc warrior replaced four or five human warriors. It’s normal. The human warriors here must be well-trained and well-armed elites.

Although today’s battle was a city defense battle, it almost maintained a one-to-one casualty ratio with the orcs. In the eyes of these officers, it was definitely a great victory. Moreover, although the orcs attacked fiercely today, they were still under attack. Under Taize’s control, the entire defense line remained motionless, giving the orcs no chance at all. The officers did not even feel too much pressure, so they seemed relatively relaxed in the big tent.

Only Taize is still cautious. Today’s battle seems easy, but in Taize’s opinion, the casualties are still too high, and most of the orcs’ battle losses are incurred in the stage before climbing the wall. After the orc warriors actually stand on the wall, The human soldiers would have to pay at least two or three times the price to drive them down. If the orcs broke through a section of the city wall at will, without the support of the city defense, the casualties would definitely rise sharply.

The orcs obviously haven’t attacked with all their strength today, and the expected white dragon has not appeared. The real battle has not actually begun yet.

Thinking of this, Taize unconsciously turned his attention to the black ring on his hand, summoning fifty ogre warriors with the same combat power as the knights at once to assist in the battle. If he used it well, it would be great. Can work wonders.

Looking up at the relaxed generals, Taize did not undermine his own morale. He just reminded him not to underestimate the enemy, encouraged the generals a few words, and then led a few people to inspect the city defenses to check for leaks. Filling vacancies is also something that a good general must do in every battle.

The first day of the battle on the Dongling front line ended without incident, and both the northern and southern fronts seemed to have survived the first day of the orc attack without incident.

The Duke of Ross was sitting in the mansion of the main gate, looking at several battle reports sent by Fengniao, and he had a certain impression of the defense work of the entire defense line.

“General Taize is indeed the person recommended by His Excellency Richard. I am ashamed of his commanding ability. He is more suitable than me to sit here and command the entire army.”

“Mr. Ross’s words are too flattering.”

Next to Ross was the confidant he brought from the West. Hearing Duke Ross praise Taizé in this way, his tone was slightly unhappy. In his eyes, Lord Ross is the most admirable person in the world. How can he compare to him? It’s not General Taizé.

“That’s all.”

Ross smiled and shook his hand. This kind of subtle command can only be understood by a sufficiently skilled commander. The confidants next to him obviously were not up to that level. Ross was too lazy to explain and looked at the Northern Front again. and the war situation on the southern front.

“The southern front has sufficient troops. Not only is there an Orc Flag Regiment stationed there, but there are also hundreds of thousands of southern legions arriving one after another. More than 700,000 troops are guarding the southern front. There should be no problem. Although the battle losses today are not small , but it didn’t allow the orcs to break through even half a step.”

The battle losses on the southern front were obviously much higher than those on the Dongling front, but Ross, like most other senior generals, battle losses were not his biggest concern. More people dying was not a big deal. As long as the city wall was not broken, the strategic If the key points are not lost, then it is still within his acceptance range. As for people, the Golden Dragon Kingdom is really not lacking. There are still millions of reserve legions being trained on the Central Plains. If the Dragon Breathing Pass is in a hurry, they can be recruited as cannon fodder at any time.

“It’s just this northern line, why is it that even the Dragon Scale Castle has been lost?”

The only battle report that made Ross feel a little eye-catching was the battle situation from the northern front. It took the orcs less than a week to break through the first line of defense of Dragonscale Castle, and only attacked the northern line of defense of Dragon Breathing Pass. The core city, Longyi City, would be fine if Dragon Scale Castle was lost. If Longyi City was lost, it would completely shake the defense of the entire northern section.

The wavering of the northern section of the defense line will have the effect of affecting the whole body. The orcs can break through along the northern section, go around the main pass of Longxing Pass, cut off the supply of materials to the rear, and form a pincer attack. The Dragon’s Breath Pass must not be defended.

“Let the first and second legions of the Western Territory Army immediately…”

Ross was about to ask the Western Border Army as a reserve force to rush to the northern front, but he suddenly thought of Richard’s guarantee and did not issue an order for the time being. Richard’s words now carry a lot of weight. He can guarantee that the northern front will be foolproof. His reason.

“How is the situation over there, Mr. Richard?”

“It’s not clear yet. You ordered no one to disturb Lord Richard’s rest. Except for Lord Moriel and Lord Natalies who were guarding Lord Richard’s yard, no one else came close.”

“You go…”

“Forget it, I’ll go and see for myself.”

On the other side, Richard, who had been lying down for two days, has actually regained consciousness, but his movements are a little inconvenient. He has not yet walked outside. Now Richard is so fragile that even ordinary soldiers can easily bring him down. Without Natalie, Moriel, and several archangels were always nearby to protect him, and Richard himself felt a little uneasy.

“The backlash of this magical potion is more terrifying than imagined, and now my hands and feet can’t quite follow my orders.”

“Fortunately, sir, you still have the sacred blood bottle to repair, otherwise I might not be able to move now.”

Richard shook his head, a little helpless. He felt good after using the magical potion. Now this sluggish state will last at least half a month. If the old orc comes again with the white dragon at this time, he will have to bring Moriel and Natalies directly used teleportation to escape.

However, this time using the magical potion to kill Yamos was not a small gain. The growth progress of the White Dragon Curse Helm alone increased him by more than 20 points, directly surpassing the White Dragon Curse Helmet. The level of the helmet has been increased to the third level, and the effect has changed from summoning two ancient white dragons to join the battle, to summoning five ancient white dragons to join the battle. Next time we fight, Richard can summon a team of ancient white dragons alone. Fighting and keeping made Bailong stunned.

Furthermore, the growth of the White Dragon Curse Helmet has not yet reached its limit, but the required white dragon souls are already astronomical. According to the current white dragon souls required to upgrade the White Dragon Curse Helmet, Richard has to Half of the White Dragon clan had to be killed to meet the upgrade requirements. It would be difficult to improve again for the time being.

In addition to the improvement of the White Dragon Curse Helmet, Richard himself has also made a big improvement. The large amount of experience gained from the dragon battlefield, coupled with the experience gained from killing the holy white dragon Yamos, made Richard’s level directly increased by two levels, and all attributes increased.

“Name: Richard Hunter (seriously injured)

Race: Human

Level: 29

Strength: 52.8

Agility: 52.5

Physique: 53.6

Spirit: 35.1

Specialty: Control

Skills: Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defensive Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Elementary), Magic Power (Elementary), Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster Level), Lie Yang Qi Jue (Advanced), Leadership Technique (Elementary) ).

Available skill points: 3. ”

The level has completely approached the 30th mark, and the improvement of each attribute is around two points. The three available skill points are enough to improve any skill except the Lieyang Qi Entrainment Art. However, for Richard, the most important thing is To improve the Lieyang Qi Entrainment Technique, the three skill points must not be abused.

“Fight for this battle, raise the level to level 30, and have the Helm of the White Dragon’s Curse…”

Just when Richard was planning how to use this battle to increase his strength, an archangel who had been guarding the door came in.

“Lord Richard, Duke Ross is outside and wants to see you.”

The archangel didn’t care whether the other party was the supreme commander here. The order he received was to stay outside to prevent all creatures from entering. Even if King Ren came, he had to wait outside for Richard’s reply.

Fortunately, Ross would not show off his authority in front of Richard. After being stopped by the archangel, he stayed outside and waited for news.

“Please come in, Sir Ross.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Soon, Ross entered the room and saw Richard still sitting on the bed, so he asked worriedly at first.

“Sir Richard, how is your recovery going?”

“It’s nothing serious, I just can’t take action again for a short time.”

“Master Richard, take good care of yourself. If you need anything, send someone to tell him. If there is anything available at Longxing Pass, I will send it to Master Richard immediately.”

“Well, thank you for your concern, Mr. Ross.”

After a few pleasantries, Ross and Richard finally got down to business.

“In the past few days, there have been no giant dragons on the orc side of the battle, and the battle situation is still under control. General Taize defended the Dongling line like an iron barrel, and the southern line also stabilized the defense line, but the northern line is currently losing After reaching Dragon Scale Castle, the fulcrum of the first line of defense, I plan to send the Western Border Army to support the defenders on the northern line.”

Richard once guaranteed that the defense on the northern line was foolproof, but now it has become the ugliest among the three defensive lines. Rose did not mean to blame him, but just informed Richard of the situation and told him what he would do next. treatment plan.

While the situation on the northern front has not completely collapsed, the mobile force of the Western Border Army was immediately dispatched to help stabilize the defense on the northern front.

Unexpectedly, Richard shook his head and said:

“In five days at most, there will be new news coming from the northern front. If the situation is no longer optimistic by then, I will send Moriel and Natalie and their people to go with the Western Army to support them. Don’t worry too much.”

Richard has been to the Northern Front, so he naturally knows that Dragon Scale Fort is the first fortress to block the northern dense forest, and it is also a large-scale military fort that has been in operation for many years. Now that the Northern Front has lost Dragon Scale Fort, in Ross’s view, it is a Failure sign.

But in Richard’s eyes, this is definitely because Gru and others are not satisfied with just blocking the orcs in the northern dense forest, but deliberately abolished the Dragon Scale Castle and let the orc army in, intending to directly attack the plains. Go up and annihilate the orc army on the northern front.

In the hands of other armies, this kind of behavior is playing with fire, but if it is your own system army, it seems to be a matter of course. Richard himself would not doubt that Gru and others could not deal with a partial orc army.

Ross pondered for a moment and nodded, agreeing with Richard’s suggestion. After all, the distance between the northern line and the main pass of Longxi Pass is still hundreds of miles away. If the Western Army goes north to support, they will not be able to return for at least a month. The reserve team in Rose’s hands is still ready to be used when the situation is most dangerous.

“Your Excellency Richard, take a good rest…”

After Ross came over and got the answer, he didn’t waste any more time and quickly got up and left. When she was the only one left in the room, Moriel couldn’t help but complain.

“This guy Gru just likes to do this kind of thing, use troops to take risks, that is, rely on his good luck.”

Richard smiled slightly. Gru was half the protagonist’s life, so of course he was unlucky.

“Moriel, you should be prepared. If there is any problem with Gru, you will immediately bring the dragon to support.”

“Yes, sir!”




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