Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 488: Offense and defense



Donling Frontline

This is the forefront of the Longguan defense line. A city wall that stretches for more than ten miles is built on the **** of the East Ridge. It lies across the path of the orcs heading west. If the orcs want to complete a breakthrough from the center line, they must First bite off the hard bone of Dongling.

“Is the First Corps ready?”

“General Casas, the army is ready and ready to attack at any time.”

Kasas is the frontline commander of the orcs’ battle. He commands ten legions of more than 200,000 troops. His mission is to break through the human east ridge defense line and wipe out all human peripheral defenses in the center line. , Arrive the troops directly under Longxingguan City.

These days, he has been stationed in front of the human Dongling defense line. In addition to dividing his troops to clean up the surrounding watchtowers, he is also preparing siege equipment. Although the craftsman style of the orcs is different from that of humans, the level is not bad, and even the craftsmanship is On par with humans, they can also build a large number of siege equipment.

Casas glanced at the more than 20,000 troops arrayed in front of him. They were pushing more than a dozen well gates, more than 20 shield carts, and a large number of ladders and long ladders. Their faces were determined, and they were obviously ready. All preparations before the station.

Casas nodded with satisfaction and said to the adjutant on the side, order the First Legion to attack.


Kasas gave the order, and drums sounded in the orc camp. The more than 20,000 orcs in the first legion began to divide into several square formations, pushing siege equipment towards the defense line of Dongling.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Before the orc army arrived, the first thing that showed its power was the trebuchet position set up by the orcs. A large number of stones were smashed against the wall of the Dongling defense line. The trebuchets of this era were generally accurate, and the error was within fifty meters. Accurate, but when the number increases, it can still feel like a rain of rocks in the sky, effectively suppressing the defenders on the city wall.

The orcs did not expect dozens of trebuchets to be able to smash down the city walls that humans had built for hundreds of years. They were just trying to create some conditions for the siege troops.

Rubbles were smashed against the city wall, and human soldiers could not stand still to be hit. Some soldiers were holding shields and hiding in the corners of the city wall. These places were blind spots for catapults to throw stones. It was originally designed for soldiers to hide from.

But there were always a few unlucky ones who were injured by flying stones. From time to time, screams came from the city wall. Hundreds of stones were thrown down by the orcs, always causing casualties to dozens of human soldiers.

“Order the No. 3 trebuchet position to prepare!”

“Towards the 45-degree direction of the southeast corner, replace all arson bombs.”


“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Faced with the orcs’ trebuchets, the human side is not without the ability to counterattack. After all, it has been in business for so long. If they don’t even have the means to counteract the trebuchets, then the guardians of Dragon’s Breath Pass in the past are too incompetent. .

There are four trebuchet positions in the entire Dongling defense line. They are arranged on gentle slopes and covered by the city wall. Once the orc trebuchets are launched and the target is exposed, the trebuchets on the East Ridge can immediately launch a counterattack.

Dozens of arson bombs smashed into the orc trebuchet array, igniting several trebuchets at once. The surrounding orcs rushed up to put out the fire, which immediately relieved the pressure on the defenders on the city wall.

“Trebuchet position No. 4, prepare five hundred meters in front of the pass.”


“Bang! Bang!”

Dozens of stone bombs were thrown directly at the orc army attacking the city. These attacking orcs did not have a place to hide like the humans on the city wall. They who attacked from the ground could only hide in shield vehicles at most. Behind the well, most of them could only stand in the open space and carry their shields.

The power of these dozen kilograms of stones thrown by a trebuchet is beyond the ability of ordinary heavy armor to withstand. If they are hit at will, they will be killed in one blow. Even a warrior-level orc will be killed if he is hit by a stone bullet. It is inevitable that only a strong orc at the level of a great warrior can directly use fighting spirit to split stone bullets in mid-air to resist them head-on. Even a moving well railing was immediately decomposed when it was hit by a stone bullet, and it was more than ten meters high. The well railing collapsed directly from the waist, causing the surrounding orc soldiers who pushed the well railing to flee.

What’s even worse is that some of the stone bullets shattered after they hit the ground, and the flying stones that flew up were also very powerful. Even if they hit the orc soldiers, they could still cause some internal injuries even if they couldn’t break the armor. They would basically be lost after being touched. Most of the combat power was lost.

This round of stone bombs alone caused dozens of orc casualties, and the trebuchets of the human defenders did not stop attacking. The orc army was attacked again by stones when they marched to a distance of 300 meters in front of the city wall. Bullet blow.

For trebuchets of this era, it is not easy to adjust the attack distance and angle. Generally speaking, it is difficult to attack moving military targets.

But humans also have a solution, which is to arrange more trebuchet positions and adjust the distance and launch angle in advance. When the orc offensive troops enter the attack range of another trebuchet, they will immediately attack again. You will encounter a round of trebuchet attacks.




Nearly a hundred stone bullets flew towards the attacking orc army again, and about half of them fell into the orc formation, causing dozens of orc casualties.

However, this level of casualties cannot even dampen the morale of the orcs. The orc troops in this first round of attack are all elites from the northern grassland legion. They can also be regarded as warriors who are used to life and death. In addition, Orcs are inherently brave, and most of them live in poor environments. When some tribes of orcs get older, they will even take the initiative to walk into the blizzards on the plateau. They take death much lightly than humans. Now, whenever there is a push to siege cities When the orc of the machine falls, the orcs behind him will immediately catch up and continue to push the machine forward, while the other orcs still hold up their shields and follow the siege machine.




The commanders on the orc side are not just for nothing. When the trebuchets in the East Ridge continued to show off their power and caused casualties to the attacking orcs, the orcs also roughly judged the location of the human trebuchet based on the flight trajectory of the stone bullets. , and counterattacked the human trebuchets, which also caused trouble for the human trebuchet positions.

“Lord Taize! The No. 7 trebuchet position was attacked by orcs’ arson bombs! Five trebuchets were lost!”

“Let them move the trebuchet to position 10 and wait, and don’t counterattack for the time being!”

“Yes, sir!”

Taize’s command tent stands on the back of a gentle **** behind the East Ridge. It has a wide view and can observe the situation of the entire battlefield and grasp the dynamics of the battlefield at any time.

At this time, the attacking army of the orcs has approached the city wall of Dongling, and the battle that really determines success or failure is about to begin. Although the trebuchets in this era have some effect, they are still difficult to play in the battle like the God of War artillery. The decisive role, especially in this era of extraordinary force, is that in the end the war will still have to be fought with real swords and guns.


The bravery of the orc warriors is undoubted. The first few thousand-man teams quickly set up long ladders and began to attack. The movements of these heavily armored orc warriors were not greatly affected. Among them, the brave ones held a The weapon rushed up the ten-meter-high city wall in just a few seconds.


However, the orc warriors who rushed up at this time faced the human soldiers who were waiting for them. Most of them were hit by stones thrown from the wall when they were halfway up, as well as those with spikes. If the crossbar falls, it can even clear the entire long ladder of orc warriors.

“Roll the oil!”




The Dongling defense line is well prepared, with almost all imaginable defensive facilities in place, from rolling stones, rolling wood, and kerosene, to trebuchets, crossbows, and everything else. The orcs are just approaching the city wall. The hot oil from the big pot was poured down, and the orc soldiers who were splashed by the hot oil all let out shrill screams. The boiling hot oil made a sizzling sound when it was poured on the orcs, directly scalding a layer of skin. Smell it carefully. You can even smell the aroma of meat.


Along with the hot oil came torches, and several long ladders were directly set on fire and became unusable.

But these are just appetizers. Even these orcs who attack with long ladders are just cannon fodder used to distract human forces. After several long ladders were burned, more orc warriors mounted long ladders and came from the shield cart. Then he rushed out and continued to attack without any hesitation.

The focus of the attack finally fell on the dozens of huge wells.


“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

As Jinglan continued to approach, the arrows on the city wall also shot towards Jinglan in waves. There was a heavy template in front of Jinglan, and the orcs even put iron sheets in front of it, and the arrows were about to hit it. It was almost impossible to shoot through the well, but the original purpose of these arrows was not to directly harm the orcs in the well.

These arrows were wrapped in cloth strips soaked in kerosene, lit and then shot towards the approaching well. Their only purpose was to set the well on fire.

However, this task is quite difficult to complete, and the orc craftsmen are not stupid. They naturally know what the well is most afraid of. Although the well is made of wood, it is separated into layers, with iron layers, sand layers and partitions. The design was quite excellent. Except for two of the well rails that had a small fire that was quickly extinguished, the other well rails had a large number of fire arrows inserted but showed no signs of burning.


The nearest well was completely close to the city wall. The thick wooden passage hit the wall heavily, forcing several human soldiers back. This wooden passage was nearly two meters wide, which was enough Two orc warriors passed side by side. When the road leading to the city wall was erected, the orc warrior who had been hiding in the well quickly rushed towards the city wall.


The road leading to the city wall is not that easy to walk. There have long been human knights with elite forces guarding the section of the city wall near Jinglan. The defense line of Dongling is not short of troops now, just for this section. There are hundreds of thousands of troops deployed on the defense line, and there are many strong knights.

When the first orc warrior jumped down from the passage through the well, he was greeted by spears thrust from all directions.

The orc warriors were so strong that they could not stop several spears from coming at them, and they were soon driven off the city wall.



At this time, an orc warrior fell directly into the group of human soldiers, and swept down several human warriors with a single wave of the battle ax in his hand. This orc warrior did not come through the passage set up by the well. Instead, he climbed to the top of the well and relied on his warrior-level strength to jump directly into the crowd from a higher place.

Although it was a risky move, the effect was indeed good. An orc warrior jumped into the formation, causing confusion among the human soldiers. Even the attacking orcs found the opportunity to rush to the city wall.


“East 9th Section Support!”

In order to deal with the orc warriors relying on their bravery to break through, Taize also gathered a part of the knights as support forces on the city wall. When a crisis was discovered on a section of the city wall, the knights reacted quickly and surrounded the orc warriors who broke through.



Although the orc warriors were brave, they also fell behind the large group of human soldiers. These defenders of Longxing Pass were all well-trained regular troops of the kingdom. After experiencing the initial panic, they quickly reacted. Under the leadership of the knight master, he launched a siege on the orc warrior, and soon the orc warrior was beaten by several spears.


“Drive the orcs away!”

The battle on the city wall is still under the control of humans for the time being. Although the orcs have successfully passed through the well and gained the opportunity to fight hand-to-hand on the city wall, their numbers are not large after all. The number of troops who can scale the city wall at one time is no more than a thousand.

At first, the orcs figured out the advantage of force and occupied several openings, allowing more soldiers to board the city and gradually expand the victory. However, the human soldiers refused to give in. Even if the orc soldiers climbed to the city wall through the well, they were still trapped. Suppressed within a very small range, it is difficult to make any big breakthroughs.

“Order the Fifth Banner Regiment to move towards the western section, let the prepared Seventh Banner Regiment go up, and then throw in a knight team to act together, don’t let the orcs on the wall find any chance!”

“Yes, Lord Taize!”

Following Taize’s order, the human soldiers on the defense line made slight adjustments. If someone could overlook the overall situation from the sky at this time, they would find that every mobilization of the human army was just right, and the commander used each team to the limit like micro-control.

At present, Taize is the only one who dares to command the army in this way. In the hands of people with insufficient skills, the micro-management gameplay can easily become random commands that are divorced from reality. Most micro-management experts will eventually become a laughing stock. After all, The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and commanders in the rear often cannot grasp these changes quickly.

But Taize’s command seemed to be as he expected. Some support troops even arrived at the place where the orcs were preparing to break through in advance. As soon as the orc warriors opened the gap, they were quickly blocked again by the reinforcements transferred by Taize. on, making the attacking orcs extremely uncomfortable.

The battle lasted from morning to afternoon. When the mountain was approaching sunset, half of the wells that had been continuously devastated by fire arrows finally started to catch fire. The attacking orc army finally received the order to retreat after leaving behind tens of thousands of corpses.

After the golden sound of “Dang, Dang” sounded for retreating troops, the attacking orcs retreated like a tide…


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