Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 485: Guild Wars 3


Due to a sneak attack by the same clan, the White Dragon clan lost two ancient white dragons at once. These ancient white dragons, whose combat power is slightly stronger than ordinary golden dragons, are already considered to have good combat power. They lost two in a row, and each one increased and the other decreased. Down, the situation in the sky changed instantly.

The white dragons, who originally had the upper hand with their numerical advantage, suddenly gained momentum, and because two of their own race suddenly attacked their companions like crazy, many white dragons fell into chaos, and even more so, Moriel and Moriel in the sky. Natalie’s chance to fight back.

In less than a minute, several more white dragons fell from the sky, and the upgrade progress of the White Dragon Curse Helmet increased by several points.


Seeing the heavy losses of his tribe, Yamos couldn’t stand it anymore. Regardless of his previous plan, he roared and rushed into the battle circle. His first target was two “rebellious” tribesmen.

Yamos, who is at the peak of the holy power realm, is completely crushing against ordinary giant dragons. Not to mention the two ancient white dragons, even the ancient golden dragon and poisonous dragon cannot stop the furious Yamos. It was so big that even Moriel and Natalie had to dodge.

Yamos rushed into the battle circle and bit the neck of a “rebellious” kinsman. Facing Yamos, the ancient white dragon that had been bullying his kin just now turned into a weak quail, Yamos. Si’s size alone was one-third larger than theirs, and his strength was doubled. The white dragon bitten by Yamos struggled desperately, but could not break free from Yamos’ control. Then the white dragon As soon as he exhaled, the summoned ancient white dragon died instantly.

After confirming the death of the opponent, Yamos released the opponent. After brutally killing a “betrayer”, Yamos took a breath, but in the next second, another thing happened. Something that challenges its perception.

The “betrayer” he had just killed suddenly turned into dots of white light as he fell, and disappeared inexplicably from mid-air.

“Is this the reason for their betrayal? No, they are not the same race at all!”

Yamosi came to his senses, and then wanted to continue to deal with the next strange white dragon, but before it could take action, Richard had already pressed forward with the holy dragon.

No one arrived, but the attack had arrived. Several red vindictive slashes struck at Yamos at high speed. Yamos could only stop his movements and try to avoid these vindictive slashes. These crimson vindictive slashes slashed him. They were all familiar with it, and as soon as they saw this attack, they knew that the saint-level powerhouse on the human side had also taken action.



Yamos did not completely dodge all the fighting spirit slashes. The dragon scales on his back were exploded by the fighting spirit slashes, with a few streaks of blood leaking out, and small pieces of the scales flew away. Although this attack was not fatal, it was enough to make Yamos Moss is in pain.


Facing the joint attack of Shenglong and Richard, Yamos had no intention of running away, but took the initiative to greet them.

The combat power of Yamos is higher than that of Richard and Shenglong. Even if Richard and Shenglong join forces, they can only draw with Yamos. The last time they defeated Yamos, It was the intimidation of the Holy Dragon that caught Yamos off guard, and Richard had the opportunity to severely injure the opponent. This time Yamos was prepared, and if the Holy Dragon used his ability again, the effect would definitely not be as good as the first time he used it. .

Yamos was also quite confident that he would not fall into two fights in the same place, and he faced him without fear.

Careful Richard discovered that Yamos was almost healed after being injured last time. Although some traces could be seen, it did not affect his combat effectiveness.

The reason why Richard can recover so quickly from his injuries is because he has a treasure like a sacred blood bottle to restore blood. The white dragon Yamos was seriously injured last time. Why can he recover so quickly? Sure enough, the Lord of the Rising Sun gave it to him. Got a lot of good stuff.

The dragon crystal of a holy white dragon and the hidden scales of the dragon **** are both very beneficial to Yamos. Raising its strength to the peak of the holy power realm is far from the limit of these two items. , but turned into a large amount of energy latent in Yamos’ body. When Yamos is injured, the energy accumulated in the body from the beginning will speed up the recovery of the injury, and can even help Yamos recover during battle. The energy consumed, in a sense, Bailong Yamos is also a cheater.


At first, Yamos ignored Richard who was attacking him with the Vulcan Sword. He turned his back to Richard and wanted to take a hit. He bit the holy dragon and wanted to destroy the one he summoned before. Just like the white dragon, if you directly deal with the holy dragon, you must at least make it lose its combat effectiveness.

As the saying goes, it is better to cut off one of the enemy’s ten fingers than to hurt him. Yamos is really determined to kill the holy dragon.

Yamos directly exposed his back and attacked the holy dragon with such ferocity that Richard was unexpected. At this moment, Richard did not dare to use the Fighting Slash anymore, but held the fire Divine Sword immediately followed to the rescue. The previous battles had proven that the fighting spirit slash could not penetrate Yamos’s body and could injure him, but a small amount of damage would not be fatal.


Just when Yamos was about to pounce on the Holy Dragon and bite the opponent’s neck directly, the Holy Dragon still launched the intimidation skill. The last time this skill affected Yamos, it had an impact of nearly one second, which directly caused Yamos to Moss asked Richard to blast his hammer and he almost died on the battlefield.

However, the effect this time was obviously not as good as last time. Yamos was only affected for less than half a second before he recovered and continued to bully him. However, this half second gave the Holy Dragon room to dodge. He was just hit by Yamos’ tail flick and rolled around in mid-air.



Here Richard also caught up with the Vulcan Sword. Richard directly activated the effect of the giant ring. With the superimposed power, he slashed Yamos on the back with a sword. The huge power plus the power of the Vulcan Sword It was strong, and the long sword directly broke the dragon scales on Yamos’ back, and the wound burst open to reveal the flesh and blood inside.


Yamos roared in pain, but Richard still did not let him go. After causing a deep bone-visible wound on his back, he continued to explode the fierce Yang fighting energy in his body, and the fighting energy passed through the God of Fire After the sword was added, it continued to output high temperature, and the meat on Yamos’s back was cooked several layers at a time.


The painful Yamos did not dare to continue chasing the holy dragon. He turned around and sprayed out a dragon’s breath towards Richard. A huge white pillar of flame came towards Richard, facing Yamos’s dragon’s breath. , Richard did not dare to take a hard hit, so he could only draw his sword and turn around, attach the fighting spirit to his body to resist the damage, and then immediately fly to the side to avoid the damage of the dragon’s breath.

Even so, Richard still couldn’t completely dodge this wave of breath at close range. The armor on his shoulders was directly melted in half by the remaining flames of the dragon’s breath, and only half of the delicate tiger swallow’s face was left. Waves of burning pain came from his hand. Fortunately, the white dragon’s breath was not like the poisonous dragon, and it did not have severe toxic effects. He just had to endure the burning pain.

In the following battle, the two sides fell into a stalemate again. Neither Shenglong nor Richard could stand alone as a match for Yamos, but Yamos could not easily deal with either of them.

It’s just that the orcs have more holy-level combat power than White Dragon Yamos. Richard knows very well that since he has taken action, the old orc who is obviously very strong but very insidious must be waiting for an opportunity to take action.



Just when Richard used the Fighting Slash again, inflicting two minor injuries on Yamos, a sense of crisis that made his hair stand on end suddenly came to his heart. Without saying a word, Richard immediately raised the fire. The divine sword blocked a small red line of thought.

The old orc was hiding in the dark and unleashed the Blood Spear Technique. Although this Blood Spear Technique was a thin thread, it was surprisingly powerful. Although Richard blocked the Blood Spear Technique with the Vulcan Sword, But the huge force caused the Vulcan Sword to be swung sideways, and Richard himself tilted his body slightly, revealing a flaw in his defense.


Another blood spear technique hit, this time the thin red thread hit Richard’s chest directly. Richard felt a pain in his chest, as if he had been hit by a truck. With Richard’s current physique, he couldn’t tell who would hit the other in a collision with a truck. This power would be much more serious than being hit by a truck.

Li Cha lost his balance, and his body fell dozens of meters before he could stabilize himself.


While Richard seemed to have temporarily lost his fighting power, Yamos did not want to give up this opportunity. He immediately waved his wings and flew towards Richard. Fortunately, he was intercepted by the holy dragon on the way, otherwise a breath of dragon breath might have hit him. Richard’s face.

“You human boy, the treasures on your body are really good. There is armor in the world that can perfectly resist my blood spear technique. Could it be that what you are wearing is a divine weapon? Then the one in your hand is also a divine weapon?”

I don’t know when, the old orc appeared in the sky like a ghost, and he showed his greed for the Dragon King’s divine power and the Vulcan Sword in Richard’s body without concealment. He hid his body and attacked Richard’s body in a sneak attack. The two blood spear techniques were aimed at killing Richard, but unexpectedly they were blocked by the treasure on the opponent’s body.

The blood spear technique of the old orc, after reaching the domain level, he developed a self-developed fighting spirit application method to compress a large amount of fighting spirit into a line with the power of the holy level. Not to mention fine iron heavy armor, even if it is Even a holy dragon like Yamos would be pierced by the blood spear technique even if it came into contact with him.

Seeing the old orc appear, Richard did not panic. Instead, he looked at the old orc opposite him warily, then put a hand under the armor, and slowly touched a small bottle.

“Forget it, I don’t know what kind of treasure you have on your body, but if I kill you, those things will be mine. Let’s study them slowly!”

Before he finished the last word, the old orc had already stepped forward, raising the long knife in his hand and heading straight for Richard.

“This time, I won’t let you run away again!”

While the old orc was talking, Richard was not idle. The golden potion was quickly poured into his mouth by Richard at the moment the old orc started it. The effect of this magical potion came very quickly, and the potion was about to In the lower abdomen, a warm current surged out from Richard’s abdomen and quickly went to his limbs, and his whole body entered a new state.

Opening his eyes, Richard’s pupils turned golden. Observing through these golden eyes, the movements of the old orc were much slower in Richard’s eyes. Although it could not be said to be slow motion, it was still slower than slow motion. It’s much better than not being able to capture motion before.

When the old orc slashed down with his long sword, Richard’s Vulcan sword was also raised instantly.


The Vulcan Sword firmly held the old orc’s long knife. Under the old orc’s incredible eyes, a smile appeared on Richard’s face. He felt better than ever.

“You’re too slow, old guy!”


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