Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 482: Finally


The pattering light rain finally stopped, and the late autumn sun made people feel comfortable no matter when it hit the body. Originally, this day was a good time to relax, but dozens of thick smoke from the front lookout made anyone feel uncomfortable. No one can feel comfortable anymore, the orc army is attacking in full force.


On an observation deck, several human soldiers were struggling to push down the rocks on the city. The orcs who were climbing up on the long ladder were hit in the head by the rocks and fell to the ground. However, immediately after Four or five more long ladders were erected on the city wall.

Some soldiers tried to push down the long ladder, but found that the long ladder had several long hooks similar to flying claws. When the ladder was put up, it was already firmly grasped on the wall. In addition, the orcs on the ladder The weight of the warrior could not push the long ladder at all.


An orc warrior appeared in the gap in the female wall. The human soldier who had been waiting suddenly shouted and thrust his gun, as if to vent his inner tension. Unexpectedly, the experienced orc warrior just made a fake move. The moment the human soldier thrust out his spear, he flinched slightly and dodged the full blow, then grabbed the spear hanging in the air with one hand.


The strength of orc warriors is generally more than twice that of human soldiers. The vanguard of orcs is also the elite of the legion. With a fierce force, he pulled the human soldiers to the wall with one hand, and the human soldiers had to give up their weapons. .


After seizing the spear, the orc warrior did not hesitate and quickly jumped onto the city wall. The human soldier who had no weapon in his hand was kicked to the ground.


These orc soldiers who climbed into the city all carried short axes for convenience. After landing on the wall, they tried to protect the long ladder behind them and cover the next comrade coming up.



“Drive the orcs away!”

However, the human officers at the lookout seemed to have discovered the crisis here a long time ago. The moment the orcs landed on the city wall, they rushed forward and slashed head-on with their long swords.


This human officer is a master who has just entered the knight level. The sword is attached with fighting spirit, and it directly splits the helmet of the orc warrior. Red and white things burst out, and the previous majesty was lost on the spot.

“Get out of the way, get out of the way!”

“Fire oil!”

“Pour it down!”



The death of one orc warrior could hardly stop the attack of other orcs. Fortunately, the boiling hot oil was finally ready at this time. Several human soldiers carried the hot oil and poured it down the long ladder, letting it go. No heavy leather armor could withstand the hot oil pouring down on the head, and the orc warrior who was still climbing quickly fell down screaming.

Then the human soldiers threw down the prepared torches. These ordinary long ladders did not have any fire protection treatment. The long ladders filled with hot oil were immediately ignited by the torches. It seemed that they could not be used. The orcs were helpless. The attack could only be suspended.

The attacking team of orcs was actually repelled by a comparable human army.

“Boss, the orcs have retreated!”


Looking at the slowly retreating orc warriors, the humans on the observation deck, both officers and ordinary soldiers, felt heavy and couldn’t be happy at all.

Because the more than a hundred of them are actually a lone army, this observation tower is a protruding part of the Longxingguan defense line. It is just a place to observe the movements of the orcs outside the defense line. It is somewhat similar to a large beacon tower. When the orcs are discovered, The army behind them burned thick smoke to alert the army behind them.

According to the rules, after discovering the orc army, the people on the watchtower only need to report the situation and choose an opportunity to retreat. After all, guarding the watchtower outside is almost a fatal task.

But this time the orc army came too fiercely. After the soldiers on the watchtower dutifully conveyed the enemy’s information, the watchtower outside the defense line had already fallen behind the orc army. A group of wolf cavalry had already passed in front of them earlier. They were flying by in a majestic manner. If they dared to leave the lookout now, they would be massacred by orcs and wolf riders.

But if you don’t leave, sooner or later the orcs will pull out this lookout and fall into the midst of an army of millions of orcs. Even if the strength of this lookout is increased ten times or a hundred times, it cannot be defended.

Even the original observation tower was undefendable. The orcs had no intention of taking over the observation tower. They just sent a small team to clean it up. If it weren’t for the officers from the observation tower, the knights wouldn’t have been able to break through just now. Transfer away, this lookout without knight-level experts should have been captured by the orcs just now.

“Ready the five horses and ask the five youngest men in the castle to come over.”

“Yes, Captain!”

There is no shortage of horses in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, especially ordinary light horses. Even this lookout has a few horses.

Soon five young soldiers appeared in front of the captain. The youngest of these people was only sixteen years old, and the oldest was only nineteen. In modern society, they can only be regarded as children who have not grown up. , but joining the army is very normal in this era.

Time was urgent, so the captain didn’t say much and just ordered:

“The five of you are going south on horseback, spread out, find a way to get back to the pass, and send back the information about the orcs.”

The captain’s order was a bit strange. It seemed that passing the order was of little significance at this time, but the instinct of obeying military orders still made them answer immediately:


Only one of the older soldiers continued to ask with some confusion:

“We’re out, captain, you guys…”

“Execute the order! Why are there so many problems!”


Most people also realized what the captain meant, but no one had any objections to the captain’s arrangement. Hundreds of people in this lookout have lived and ate together here for several years. It is not an exaggeration to say that their relationship is as close as brothers. , most of the old soldiers regard these young people as their own descendants or little brothers, and they can accept it if they can leave the chance of survival to them.

A few young soldiers also reacted and wanted to say something, but they were urged and driven away by the captain in the name of military orders. The gate of the observation deck slowly opened, and several young soldiers finally left on horses.

They didn’t even dare to look back at this time. The orcs were nearby. Just because they rode out on horses didn’t mean they would definitely survive. If they bumped into the orcs’ wolf cavalry, these ordinary light horses wouldn’t necessarily survive. Outrun.

On the other side, the orcs’ forward army.

A flag regiment orc forward army is clearing the way for the army.

“Master Flag Captain! Humanity has basically abandoned all the lookouts outside Longxi Pass. There are still human defenders in some lookouts who have not had time to retreat. We are organizing an attack!”

“As soon as possible, don’t delay the progress of the army’s operation.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Master Flag Commander! The southern lookout has encountered fierce resistance from humans! It has not been captured yet!”

“What’s going on?”

The orcs were almost overwhelming when clearing these watchtowers guarded by no more than a hundred people. They did not need any complicated siege equipment. With a few long ladders set up and a few people rushing up, they could basically declare that the watchtower had changed hands. This was the first time he heard that his subordinates had failed to win in return.

“There is a human knight on the lookout, and the soldiers above are resisting very tenaciously.”

“Move the surrounding centurions together and capture them as soon as possible without delay!”

“Yes, Lord Flag Commander!”

Soon hundreds of orcs surrounded the watchtower that had just defended the next round, and the battle began again. The watchtower standing in front of the orc army was like a stone dropped in the rushing tide. There was just a splash of water, which quickly subsided.

An army of millions of orcs began to follow the pioneers who opened the way and marched towards Longxi Pass.

In the afternoon, the orcs launched a tentative attack on the main pass of Longxing Pass…

(One more chapter)


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