Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 481: Shadow of the Cult


Early morning

The time has entered late autumn, and the drizzle of autumn has fallen all night but still shows no signs of stopping. It seems that everything will be soaked. The soldiers guarding the city wrapped the divine crossbows tightly with cloth. Wrap it well to prevent it from being wetted by water and affecting its use.

This weather is actually uncomfortable for both the offensive and defensive sides. If you keep moving in this rain, your clothes will get wet sooner or later. If you don’t bake them in time, the weaker soldiers may catch wind and cold over time.

The humans were okay, at least they had a city to rely on, and they had a place to hide from the rain most of the time, but the orcs were mostly exposed to the rain, which was very uncomfortable.

But no one will complain now. Both sides are holding their breath, and everyone knows that the fiercest collision will follow.

In this tense atmosphere, Richard has been living a very leisurely life recently. Because he handed over the command to a stranger, Richard himself became idle. The Duke of Ross learned that Richard had handed over the command to a stranger. The general also sent someone over to ask. After Richard responded to Duke Ross’s question with absolute reliability, Duke Ross also recognized that Taize had taken over the important line of defense that Richard was responsible for.

Of course, this is also related to Taize’s own ability. Within a few days, the army commanders all recognized Taize’s command, and of course Duke Ross stopped asking any more questions.

Richard’s daily practice has recently resumed. After getting up early, he practiced swordsmanship in the rain. The blazing sun fighting energy surging from his body caused a heat wave that affected the entire courtyard. In a small area centered on Richard, , even the rain evaporated in mid-air and was difficult to fall to the ground.

The guards in the distance could feel the billowing heat waves generated during Richard’s training, which suddenly made them feel the breath of midsummer in this late autumn season, and naturally they were even more in awe of Richard.



“Be careful!”


In addition to the training of fighting spirit, there is also the training of moves. The best partner at this time is naturally Natalis. In terms of martial arts, Natalis is ranked first among the many heroes under Richard’s command. The cold moon scimitar was wielded in Natalie’s hand with an artistic feeling. Even in the eyes of Richard, Natalie’s sword skills were particularly beautiful. He couldn’t bear to interrupt the beauty. The murderous intention in the knife was Completely hidden, according to Richard’s knowledge, this kind of sword technique already has the feeling of using moves to enter the Tao.

Coupled with Natalie’s ghostly movement, Richard missed again, and the Leng Yue scimitar was placed straight at Richard’s neck.

“Lost again.”

Richard laughed awkwardly and admitted his failure, and Natalie sheathed her sword.

“If Sir Richard hadn’t given in, I wouldn’t have had a chance to get close.”

“Okay, if you lose, you lose. I just suppressed my fighting spirit to the same level as you. There is no compromise.”

Richard is not someone who cannot afford to lose. Naturally, he will not deceive himself by using the excuse of suppressing his fighting spirit. This is entirely due to his combat experience and moves. With Natalie’s ability, I am afraid that If you have entered the holy level, you can hit two of yourself.

“My lord has made rapid progress.”

Of course, the progress is rapid. Every day, I am taught tricks by good players like Natalies and Moriel. Both of them are patiently and carefully taught. Even a pig has to make progress.

Just when Richard was about to regroup and compete with Natalie again, a messenger came to Richard’s mansion.

“Sir Richard, Mr. Ross asked you to come to the meeting hall to discuss important matters.”

The messenger was the Western Army soldier beside Ross. Richard looked familiar to him, so he asked curiously:

“Do you know what it is?”

“You are just joking, how could I know this?”

“Well, I know, I’ll be there soon.”

After the messenger conveyed Ross’s order, he turned around and left. Richard could only go back to the house to clean up, and then went out to the meeting hall.

There were only three people in the hall at this time. Duke Ross was already sitting on the main seat waiting, while General Andry stood aside, watching Richard come in and bowing first.

“Lord Richard!”


“Lord Ross, what happened?”

Richard was not polite to Ross when he came in. After the war became more and more tense these days, Ross rarely convened the generals for military meetings. After all, what should be deployed has almost been deployed, and the generals of each army should be at their posts. There must be something going on when calling Richard here.

“We have discovered a new situation, let General Andry speak.”

Richard then turned his attention to Andri who was standing aside. Andri’s main responsibility at Longxingguan was the internal guard. As the name suggests, he was responsible for internal affairs. He was mainly responsible for maintaining law and order in the city during the war and preventing spies from destroying it.

To be honest, this position has always been somewhat redundant in Longxingguan, because the enemy that Longxingguan has to face is the orcs. There are very few humans who are willing to serve as spies for the orcs, and the orcs themselves are as huge as humans in appearance. Gap is also less likely to sneak into Longxing Pass, so Andri’s daily job is to maintain law and order in the city and prevent some gangsters from causing chaos in the city. What he usually deals with the most is the soldiers who are on rotation drinking and fighting in the city. .

However, Andre himself is a meticulous person and has always done a very good job in internal security without slacking off at all. This time Duke Ross gave him the task of clearing out the spies of the Rising Sun Cult in Longxi Pass. Let him find out something.

“Sir Richard, the thing is like this. During this period of time, we have been investigating the affairs of the Rising Sun Cult in Guan. We have killed hundreds of spies of the Rising Sun Cult and captured hundreds of prisoners. They In addition to following some nobles into Guancheng, some also followed the caravans transporting supplies.

After several days of interrogation, we pried open the mouths of some prisoners. One of the prisoners is also the president of the Chamber of Commerce and has a high status. We obtained a lot of information from him, but this information is somewhat unbelievable. We still need you. Let Lord Ross decide. ”


As soon as he heard the information about the Rising Sun Cult, Richard immediately became interested and nodded for Andri to continue.

“Based on the interrogations in the past few days, these cultists of the Rising Sun Cult seem to have received some kind of oracle. They followed the oracle’s guidance to destroy the defenses of Longxing Pass. The president of the Chamber of Commerce also said I saw the Lord of the Rising Sun appearing.

However, most of their military strength was wiped out by the Western Army because Lord Richard saw through that day. Although there are still some fish that have slipped through the net, it is difficult to cause any trouble inside Longxiguan.

Next, we only need to strictly review the noble troops entering Longxing Pass for support. ”

Except for being a little confused when talking about the oracle, Andre seemed very confident in other aspects.

But this is precisely a sign of his lack of level. Although Andre can be regarded as a senior officer, there is still a big gap between him and the top few. In his eyes, the Rising Sun God The believers who teach it are just poor people who believe in it and are brainwashed.

But Duke Ross and Richard both reacted at the same time after hearing the words Oracle and Lord of the Rising Sun. They both knew that the Lord of the Rising Sun was real.

Needless to say, Richard has even killed a divine envoy. He has long been feuding with the Lord of the Rising Sun, so of course he knows about the existence of the Lord of the Rising Sun. As the top nobleman in the kingdom, the Duke of Ross was one of the so-called divine knights who followed Aragorn. The secret has always been passed down. Of course, it is also clear that the Lord of the Rising Sun is not a liar. The rupture between the kingdom and the church was caused by the Lord of the Rising Sun.

Now that the two of them have heard the oracle delivered by the Lord of the Rising Sun, they have already begun to believe it.

“General Andry, you have done a good job. You will still carry out the next review measures. You must ensure that there are no more cultists in Longxi Pass. You can go about your business first.”

“Yes, Lord Ross!”

Obviously Ross seemed to want to say something to Richard alone. Andre left the meeting room very wisely and continued to go about his own business. He was not very curious and focused more on doing his own thing.

As for the Lord of the Rising Sun, the royal family and several big nobles who know the secret have strictly controlled the scope of their knowledge. Andri is not qualified to know the truth yet.

After Andre left, Duke Ross turned his attention to Richard again.

“Your Excellency Richard, what do you think about what General Andry just said about the Oracle and the Lord of the Rising Sun.”

“This matter must be informed to His Majesty Ren as soon as possible.”


Ross’s eyes narrowed slightly. As expected, Richard also knew about the existence of the Lord of the Rising Sun, but Richard himself was also a person qualified to know the information, and Duke Ross did not go into details.

“We don’t need to worry too much. As long as we take precautions, these cultists will definitely not be able to cause any trouble in Longxi Pass. If they dare to act recklessly, I will let them know the sharpness of the Western Army’s saber.”

Richard nodded. In fact, he knew the Lord of the Rising Sun better than Duke Ross. The information from Duke Ross came from a few hundred years ago, and Richard had communicated with the person involved, Aragorn.

At this time, Duke Ross still did not realize the seriousness of the problem of the Rising Sun Cult, but Richard had suddenly realized it and outlined the entire context of the matter.

The addition of White Dragon and the defeat of mankind are not a coincidence at all. I am afraid that a certain divine envoy of the Rising Sun Cult is manipulating it.

No wonder those white dragons were chasing him and would rather chase him regardless of the fighting armies below, because he had in his hand what the Rising Sun Cult was most afraid of and wanted, the God-killing Ring. The artifact that can pose a threat to the divine envoys and even the main **** of the Rising Sun Cult is a long-term nightmare for these gods. I am afraid that if they do not obtain the God-killing Ring, they will not be able to rest at ease.

The white dragon’s strength can grow so fast. It is probably the work of the Lord of the Rising Sun. Apart from Richard’s system, only one **** can use such resources to forcibly create a white dragon. Saint-level white dragons, these white dragons and orcs are actually just chess pieces of the orc Lord of the Rising Sun. The entire continent is just a chessboard, and even Richard himself is just a stronger chess piece.

Aragorn, the Lord of the Rising Sun, the ancient elven wizard, and the heroes and invincible gods behind him…

“Lord Richard.”

A lot of things went through Richard’s mind at once, and it was only when Duke Ross spoke that he came back to his senses.


“Lord Ross, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go back first.”


Richard’s thoughts were a little confused, so he simply said goodbye and left. On the way, Richard seemed a little distracted and kept thinking about the relationship between these parties. Even Aragorn, who seemed to be held hostage by him at first, became more and more worried. Simply, he seemed to have fallen into a huge whirlpool.

“General, do you want to buy some flowers?”

A crisp female voice on the road interrupted Richard’s random thoughts.

Richard lowered his head and saw that it was a little girl wearing coarse cloth, with a delicate face and a few freckles on her face. She was holding a bunch of flowers in her hand. Those flowers were common flowers in the kingdom and were cultivated by merchants. Later they were sold, and the flowers were packaged very carefully. The silkworms squeaking and roasting each piece formed a sharp contrast with the dark linen clothes on the girl’s body.

Seeing Richard staring at her, the girl showed a little bit of shame, blushed and lowered her head, but still mustered up the courage to continue:

“General, these are the flowers that were delivered to the city this morning. Do you need some to give away?”

The military discipline of the Longxiguan garrison is quite good, and this little girl dared to stop an officer from selling the flowers in her hand.

“How much does it cost?”

“A silver nard.”

The price is not cheap, even a bit expensive, but at this time in Longxingguan, flowers are indeed a luxury product, and only a few people have the leisure to buy flowers, so the little girl also looked at Richard. Only then did the uniforms of senior military officers embark on active marketing.

Of course, a Yin Naer is absolutely nothing to Richard. Looking at the little girl’s expectant eyes, Richard didn’t want to refuse, so he took the flowers from the little girl’s hand and handed them out. Got a silver nard.

“Thank you, General!”

The little girl who got the silver nar was obviously very happy. Although most of the silver nar had to be handed over to the merchants who supplied flowers, the copper nar received alone was enough to provide food for his family for several days. .

The little girl turned around and left with almost a jump. Looking at her cute appearance, Richard couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s nice not to know anything, at least I don’t have any worries.”

Richard’s mood is a little better. His random thoughts just now are actually a bit ridiculous. How many people ask for chess pieces but can’t get them…

Li Cha calmed down and was about to return to the house, but the little girl suddenly turned back.

“Sir General, Sister Malanya from the Red Room on West Street would prefer to receive blue purple heart flowers, and Sister Aili from the Iron Gun Bar would like some red horseshoe flowers. Don’t give the wrong gift.

But for someone as handsome as the General, he can actually do without sending flowers…”

Richard was stunned. What did this little kid think he was buying flowers for?


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