Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 480: Recent situation


After Richard won Taize, the two of them continued to drink wine at the table. The two of them drank until a hint of fishtail white appeared on the horizon. The boss reminded them that it was about to close, and then they got up and prepared to leave. .

At this time, the two people who were drinking with Taize also woke up. They were also recruited by Richard with a few words and left the tavern together.

The two guys who started drinking with Taize were not weak hands. Originally, there was no problem in drinking a few kilograms, but they couldn’t hold it back when they met guys like Taize and Richard who used their strength to cheat. Fallen first.

The two are also barbarians from a certain area called the Highlands. They are tall and thick. They are almost the same as orcs in size. Their strength is equivalent to that of a great knight, but their equipment is poor. They only have leather armor and inferior wolves. Teeth iron rod. If they are armed, get them a double layer of heavy armor and a fine iron mace. They can also be used as a general in the army. Don’t waste it.

After coming out, Richard arranged two highland barbarians and five outstanding swordsmen together and asked them to stay in the Stone Castle to wait for the next step.

I checked the recent development of various main cities. As the core city, Stone Castle finally got rid of the embarrassment of not having a top-level military nest after building Yunzhong City. I only have to wait for the next week to start producing Archangels. Well, all kinds of buildings are completely complete, and with the bonus of miraculous buildings, it is a well-deserved main city.

Linzhong City has also reached its limit. Jinlongya produces a golden dragon every week. Now there are two more golden dragons waiting for Richard to recruit in Linzhong City. Other middle and low-level units are also constantly accumulating. Unfortunately, it is difficult for Richard to use them. Teleportation brought them too far away, and bringing Taize back to Longxi Pass this time was already the limit.

As for Snowfield City, because of the existence of miraculous buildings and the fact that it was built on the remains of the Elf Mage Tower, its development potential is actually second only to the Stone Castle. After such a long time, all the buildings that should be there are basically all. Yes, in addition to the troops in the original tower, Snowfield City also has an additional golem factory, which can produce golems that are no weaker than the sixth-level troops. However, the mobility of the golems is too poor and is not suitable for long-distance attacks, but as long as they are given Richard had enough time. After clearing the snowfield, even if it moved a little bit, he would be able to move the large number of golems and golden troops stored in the snowfield city to the northern battlefield to join the battle.

The only shortcoming of Snowfield City is the same as the previous Stone Castle. It lacks a top-level biological nest and the construction conditions of the Titan Temple are still not met.

The unlocking conditions given by the system are to completely conquer the former overlord of the snowfield and make the snow giant clan surrender. However, in the previous battles, the Northland Army achieved strategic victory, and Aragorn even personally helped to kill them. Although the Snow Giant King was killed, only a few of the Snow Giant tribes suffered heavy losses. The Snow Giant King’s Court still had strength, and was far from being surrendered by the Snow Giant clan. If not for the death of the Snow Giant King and the loss of the Key of Ice and Snow, the Snow Giant would not even be considered injured after those few battles.

Snowfield City can still only control the surrounding area of ​​a hundred miles. The majesty of the Snow Giant Royal Court is still there, and the only Snow Giants who truly surrender are the Bingyan Tribe and some captives who were forced to join.

To completely conquer the snowfield, the current strength of Snowfield City alone is definitely far from enough. The current force that Richard is stationed in Snowfield City is only enough to defend but not enough to make progress.

You have to completely free up your hands, mobilize a large number of high-level troops to cooperate with the army, first disperse the royal court, and then subdue the major tribes, and gradually advance to completely conquer the snowfield.

But the current situation is that Richard’s energy has been dragged down by the battle at Longxingguan, and for the time being he can only maintain his rule around Snowfield City and remain on the defensive.

As for the Port City and Snowfield City far away in the South China Sea, they have the same problem, and the problem in the Port City is even more serious.

The development of Port City was earlier than that of Snowfield City. The six-level military lairs had been established long ago. A group of amphibious crocodile warriors made the Sea Clan no longer dare to have any unfavorable thoughts towards Harbor City. They could only Obey the previous agreement honestly.

Although the external environment of Harbor City has improved slightly, the conditions for the establishment of the top biological nest in Harbor City are extremely demanding, and the sea tribe must completely surrender before it can be built.

Although the Sea Clan is not as powerful as the Snow Giants, in a sense, the Sea Clan is ten times more difficult to deal with than the Snow Giants.

First of all, the populations of both sides are not of the same level. The population of the Sea Clan is so large that even the King of the Sea is estimated to be insignificant. It is conservatively estimated that it will not be less than the Human Race. The Sea Clan is really going to be pushed into a hurry. Tens of millions of warriors are Able to organize. Moreover, now is the magic power recovery stage, and the Sea Clan will produce many natural spellcasters, which will increase the overall strength of the Sea Clan.

Conquering the Sea Tribe is definitely a hard nut to crack. Richard would rather deal with the Snow Giant first and leave the Sea Tribe to deal with it last.

Because the caravans controlled by Fuld and Lint are getting bigger and bigger, Richard is basically not short of resources now. Even the gems that were in short supply before can now be obtained with the existence of Harbor City. A steady stream is sent to the Northland.

Richard casually entered the storage, and all kinds of resources that appeared on the system were all three-digit numbers. After recruiting all the hoarding troops, Richard stopped observing the cities in each system, and then turned his attention Put it back on Taize.

“General Taize, I don’t have time to pick you up for the time being. The battle at Longxi Pass is urgent. I will take you there immediately.”

“Hahaha, fighting is the best welcome ceremony.”

After saying that, Taize clapped the devil’s stick in his hand with some excitement. Although he didn’t know where the dragon’s breath pass Richard was talking about, Taize could still understand that the war was urgent, and there would be a fight as soon as it came. Fighting, that’s what he wants.

Subsequently, Richard sent teleportation, and the two disappeared into the Stone Castle together…


Taize and Richard suddenly appeared in the mansion. Several guards looked a little strange when they saw Taize. They didn’t see how this guy got in or why he suddenly came out of the room. However, because of the The one standing was Richard. Although several guards were curious, they did not dare to question him. Instead, they saluted towards Richard and Taize.

This mansion was assigned to Richard by the Duke of Ross after he returned to the main city of Dragon’s Breathing Pass. For a nobleman of Richard’s level, it would be fine if he went on an expedition, but since he is in Dragon’s Breathing Pass, he still has some privileges. Yes, it’s impossible to go and live in a military camp every day.

The mansion is spacious but simple in decoration, but it is in line with Richard’s aesthetics.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

Natalis and Moriel walked out of the hall at the same time, saluted Richard and stood aside, not showing any curiosity about Taize’s arrival.

Richard did not delay, and took Taize, Moriel and others directly to the army. As he walked, he introduced to Taize the current situation at Longxingguan and the crises to be faced. Taize’s expression was changed as he listened. Somewhat serious.

“Lord Richard, are you saying that the enemy army is composed of warriors like highland barbarians, and our army is just these humans in front of us? The opponent has more numbers than us, and there are three-digit dragons to assist in the battle?”


Taize swallowed a little, feeling that things might not be simple. After losing the confidence he had at the beginning, he continued to ask:

“Is there anyone as strong as you on the other side?”

Although the Holy Level is also the height Taize used to be, due to the restriction of level, Taize now only has the power of the Sky Level, and no matter where he is, the Holy Level is also an absolute powerhouse. Taize can feel Richard’s strength. , naturally there is such a question.

Although a saint-level powerhouse cannot determine the outcome of a million-level battle, it can have some influence. If one side has an additional saint-level powerhouse, it will definitely have a lot of advantages.

“There are only two saint-level experts on the other side. Although there is a holy dragon on my side, they are no match for the other side’s holy level…”


“Then how long do I have to prepare…”

“Next week, or today, the observation deck in front will have already discovered traces of the orc army.”

After getting to know each other all the way, Taize finally realized the seriousness of the matter. Taize, who had always been confident, felt that things were getting difficult.

As he spoke, Taize followed Richard to a military camp. This military camp was located on a hill between the second line of defense and the first line of defense at Longxing Pass, standing on a slope. There are hundreds of thousands of troops stationed for a long time, plus more than 200,000 people defending this area, all under the command of Richard. These are the troops and tasks assigned to Richard by the Duke of Ross. Richard must ensure that this area Not to lose, but also to wait for opportunities to support other places at any time, with greater autonomy.

At this time, when Richard arrived at the military camp, he summoned the idle senior military generals and introduced Taize to them first.

With the holy-level combat power and the blessing of the dragon, Richard’s authority in Longxingguan is second only to Duke Ross. Although it is a bit sudden to ask these officers to obey Taize’s orders, since it comes from Richard After the order, no one dared to explode, so he quickly accepted Taize’s command. Moreover, after arriving at Longxing Pass, Taize changed into a high-quality armor that only senior officers were qualified to wear, matching his burly figure and hands. The mace that is thicker than the mouth of the hand is a reliable appearance in the eyes of these officers.

“Sir Richard, I want to get familiar with the defense line and the army first.”

After Richard directly delegated the command authority, Taize quickly entered the state, and Richard himself shamefully became the hands-off shopkeeper again.

Speaking of which, although Richard has a good reputation in the kingdom, his actual ability to command the army is actually just that. Commanding hundreds of thousands of people is already the limit of Richard’s level. It cannot be said to be bad, at least in the kingdom. Among the generals, he can be considered to be in the middle and upper reaches, but Richard cannot be said to be a peerless general with extraordinary talents. His age and experience are limited there, and he is still a bit inferior compared to the various epic heroes in the system.

The most correct approach is to delegate the command of the army to commanders at the level of Moriel, Taize, Gru and Catherine. And Richard himself only needs to grasp the general direction.

“Wait a minute.”

“You guys go out first.”

Just when Taize was about to leave, Richard suddenly stopped him alone.

“Sir Richard, do you have anything else to tell me?”

Taize turned around with some confusion and saw Richard taking out a delicate rein, a blue trumpet and a black ring.

“You take these three treasures with you. The harpy’s horn can summon a group of harpies to assist in combat at critical times. This ogre ring can summon five ogre chiefs or five ogre chiefs. Ten ogre warriors assist in the battle, you have to decide how to use them and when to use them.”

The horn of the harpy and the ring of the ogre, these two summoning treasures are no longer of much use to Richard. In a battle at Richard’s level, it doesn’t make much sense to even be used as cannon fodder. Giving it to Taizé will enable a flexible force to appear on the battlefield and play a greater role.

“Also, don’t use the reins of the poisonous dragon for fighting. If the battle doesn’t go well, summon the poisonous dragon to cover your retreat. Do you understand? Don’t lose your life at the Dragon’s Breath Pass.”

Moriel and Natalie basically fight beside Richard. If there is danger, Richard can lead people to escape at any time to rescue him. While Taize is commanding the army on the ground, Richard is afraid that he will not be able to rescue him in time. After trapping Taize, he handed over the reins of the poisonous dragon to Taize, which was an added layer of insurance.

Taize did not refuse and solemnly accepted the few treasures given by Richard. He did not say anything about Richard asking him to run away if he could not do it. After all, the Golden Dragon Kingdom and the soldiers he now took over were not interested in him. It’s very strange to say that he doesn’t have feelings like Thor. He came to command the defense entirely because of Richard’s order. If he was ordered to defend even to the death, then he would definitely be able to fight until the last moment. And Richard told him that if the priority was to protect himself, then when things became unavoidable, Taize would decisively evacuate without any psychological pressure at all.

After Taize walked out of the camp, he went out to explore the terrain again with several senior officers waiting outside to see if there were any loopholes in the layout.

Li Cha also followed and walked to the gentle **** outside the camp. Looking at the sky to the east, he could already see a few scattered small black dots wherever he could see.

That is the orc Bat Knight who is observing the defense of Longxingguan. The orc attack is getting closer…


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