Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 479: New January


After rejecting the ceremony that Bobodia had prepared for him, Richard gave a few words to Moriel and Natalie, asking them to ensure their own safety if they encountered an emergency, and then use teleportation to move alone. Back to the Northland.

It was already dusk at the Stone Castle. Richard, who had just returned to the North, was also attracted by the Yunzhong City in mid-air. Its magnificence and majesty were far better than those in the game. Unlike Longya, Although there was a lot of noise during the construction of Longya, Linzhong City was located in a remote area after all. Apart from disturbing some wild beast hunters, it did not cause much of a sensation. However, Yunzhong City appeared directly above the most prosperous Miracle City in the North. It is not difficult to imagine The sensation it caused at the time.

After glancing at the streets of Miracle City, I could still see many people looking at Yunzhong City above with curious eyes. However, the order was still quite stable, and there should be no big problems. After a few glances, Richard Although I was also curious about the scene in Yunzhong City, I decided to go to the market first.

In order to rush for time, Richard did not alert anyone else after returning to Stone Castle, but went directly into the market. Except for Grandet, who had been staying in the market, no one else noticed that Richard had returned to Beijing again. land.

“Show me this week’s items.”

Richard still didn’t give Grandet too many opportunities to perform, and went straight to check out this month’s new products.

“Treasure Category: Holy Boots

Effect: Strength +2, Agility +2, Spirit +2, Constitution +2. When leading an army, the attack and defense of the troops under his command will increase by 2 points each.

Introduction: A pair of soft boots with mysterious patterns on them, and you can feel the strange power coming from them. It is also one of the six pieces of the Artifact Angel Alliance.

Price: 10,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Magical Potions

Effect: The user’s strength can be greatly improved in a short period of time after taking it. The time and degree of strength improvement depend on the user’s own situation. Tip: There will be major side effects after use!

Introduction: Legend has it that some fanatical alchemists hoped to challenge the authority of the gods through this potion, but they ultimately failed.

Price: 12000

Weapon Type: Excellent Swordsman X5

Introduction: They are the real top military force of mankind. These elites who were killed from the sea of ​​​​blood from the corpse mountain have the strength to slay dragons. A small team of outstanding swordsmen is enough to reverse the trend of a small war for you.

Price: 30,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Introduction: After opening, you will randomly obtain a large number of resources…

Everything in the market is good. Although the treasure holy boots have average attributes, they are one of the components of the Angel Alliance. Richard is getting closer and closer to getting this artifact. What has not been said must be taken down.

As for the second product, the magical potion, this is the most expensive potion that Richard has ever seen in the market. It is obviously a one-time consumable, but the price is already comparable to a treasure that can be used all the time.

Looking at its introduction, it looks like an enhanced version of the violent potion, but the introduction is a bit vague and does not clearly explain how much it improves strength. However, since it is a potion created to challenge the gods, the effect should not be bad, not to mention one point. You get what you pay for, so since the system marked this price, it makes sense.

The only thing that worried Richard was his last note. Taking it would cause serious side effects. How big are these side effects? The last time Richard used the violent potion, he couldn’t recover for several days. Now, although Richard’s physical condition has been greatly improved, this divine grace potion is obviously not comparable to the violent potion.

However, Richard still chose to buy the Divine Grace Potion. This kind of thing is used as a desperate trump card at critical times, so he is always prepared.

There were no surprises in the arms, but it was not bad. Five outstanding swordsmen came directly. This was also the power of the mid-level sky, including the three outstanding swordsmen who stayed in the North Route Army. There are already eight outstanding swordsmen under Richard.

To some extent, these outstanding swordsmen are better at fighting in war than archangels. If used in conjunction with the Crusaders and other infantry, they can produce stronger combat power.

Unfortunately, the Northland is too far away from Longxi Pass, and Li does not have enough magic power to bring them directly back to Longxi Pass to join the battle, so he can only place them in the Stone Castle first.

Li Cha did not hesitate. Except for the resource gift package that was not very cost-effective, Richard did not buy it. He immediately paid gold for several other items. The light yellow holy boots and a bottle of golden potion appeared at the same time. In front of the inspector.

The holy boots look much better than in the game. The exquisite outer skin and delicate patterns are very in line with Richard’s aesthetics. Fortunately, these shoes don’t look like the big slippers in the game, otherwise Richard would look really good wearing them. Somewhat embarrassing.

Then Richard put away the golden divine grace potion on the table and carefully put it into his inner armor so that he could take it out for use at any time.

Five outstanding swordsmen wearing spiked heavy armor and short scarlet cloaks also walked in front of Richard from behind the door of the market.

“Respect the envoy of God.”

“I am willing to serve you.”

“Well, get up, you stay in the castle for now, protect the castle and the city outside, and wait for my other orders.”

“Yes, sir!”

After several outstanding swordsmen came out, they bowed respectfully to Richard, and Richard arranged a task for them and took them out of the market together.

“Lord God, please walk slowly!”

As usual, Grandet’s flattering voice came from behind my ears…

After it was still completely dark, the tavern turned on the dusk lights again, and Richard opened the door and entered the tavern with some expectation.

There were only three people in the tavern at this time, but the noise was extremely loud. This was completely different from what Richard had seen before entering the tavern.

I saw three people in the tavern sitting around a table, holding large glasses of beer, clinking glasses and shouting something.

“Come! Drink!”

“Drink one more!”

The atmosphere was actually quite lively, and Richard couldn’t help but stand directly at the door and began to observe one of them.

The opponent is a burly human being who looks like an outstanding swordsman. He is wearing a rough animal skin coat with half a chain mail on it, and his face is painted with black and yellow stripes. It doesn’t look like a simple character at first glance.

“Name: Taize

Race: Barbarian

Level: 19

Strength: 41

Agility: 29

Physique: 35

Spirit: 10

Feature 1: Defense

Taize is good at defense. All armies led by Taize will receive a bonus from defensive skills. Each time Taize’s defense skills are upgraded, they will receive a 5% bonus on the original basis.

Feature 2: Defending the city

Taize is particularly good at defensive operations. Under his command, all the soldiers defending the city will have a more determined defensive will.

Skills: Offensive Technique (Intermediate Level), Defensive Technique (Master Level), Logistics Technique (Intermediate Level), Breathing Technique (Master Level), Qi-Entraining Technique (Intermediate Level).

Treasure: Devil’s Rod

Effect: The carrying hero’s power is increased by 10, and the attack power of the troops under his command is increased by 5.

Introduction: This is the trophy Taize obtained when he traveled to the mainland when he was young. A group of ogres regarded Taize as food, but their skulls were smashed by Taize one by one. Finally, Taize was in the ogre camp. Found this precious treasure.

Hero Profile: Taize is a general of barbarian origin. He has a very strong physique. After joining the army, his combat bravery gradually attracted attention. In a battle, Taize commanded the army to withstand an attack ten times the size of the enemy. His enemy’s attack became famous from then on.

Taize has a bold personality and his behavior is that of a typical highland barbarian. He is somewhat advocating violence and is unruly. If the lord wants him to serve, he must first be convinced.

Because it has been too long, some of the names in the game were not very impressive to Richard. However, after seeing Taize’s skills, Richard still remembered this hero. One of the famous big steel plates, with The defense power of his army is always much higher, and the treasure on his body should be the khaki-colored mace stick he puts on the table. That thing is one of the ugliest treasures in Richard’s opinion, but this The effect of the treasure is actually quite good.

Richard’s peek also attracted Taize’s attention. The other person suddenly turned around and stared at Richard, as if he was asking:

“What are you looking at!”

But the next second, Taize burst out laughing and invited Richard to come over and drink together.

“Here comes another person! Come and drink together!”

“Boss, bring me some more beer!”

No wonder everyone in this tavern is sitting together drinking. It’s rare that as soon as one comes in, Taize, a steel plate, pulls him over to drink together.

However, Richard did not refuse. Instead, he accepted the other party’s invitation and went straight to the table to sit down. When the boss came over again with wine, Richard drank it all in one gulp, then grabbed several gold coins and said to the boss:

“Bring us two barrels of distilled rum. This is not enough wine for me to drink.”

Rum generally has a higher alcohol content. The rum that Richard ordered has over 50 degrees of alcohol, which is equivalent to liquor. It is the highest alcohol alcohol in the tavern.

“There’s no point in drinking this dark beer. It’s better to drink rum. I’m treating you today. You can drink as much as you can!”


Richard’s bold behavior immediately won Taize’s favor. Without saying a word, he picked up the wine in his hand and drank it in one gulp. The other two people who were dragged by Taize to drink were also infected. After drinking all the wine in the cup, the tavern owner who took the money at this time brought the rum up with the bucket. Richard filled the cup with rum and drank it all in one gulp. Taize was also impossible. Showing weakness, he also picked up the cup and drank with Richard.


“Come on, continue!”

“Why did you fall down!”

Richard gave the money and bought almost all the wine in the tavern. The four people at the table drank for half the night. There were several wine barrels piled around the table, but the number of people drinking on the table had increased from four people. It became two people.

Compared to Taize and Richard, the other two were more than one level behind in strength, and they fell on the table before the halfway mark. Although Taize and Richard’s cheeks were slightly red, their actions were not affected at all, and they were far from drunk.

Taize himself is a master of the sky level and a good drinker. It is really not easy to get drunk with ordinary wine. Although Richard does not drink much, his strength is that of a real holy level, let alone a drinker. Possibly drunk, it was not until the last barrel of rum was consumed that Richard came up with the idea of ​​having Taize work for him.

“If you want me to work for you, you can’t just drink. You have to compare with me!”

Although he drank a lot, Taize still wasn’t that easy to talk to.

I saw Taize showing off his thick arms, which meant very clearly that he had to compete with him in terms of strength and arm wrestling. Taize’s principle was that he would not work for a weak lord, but the standard for being strong was First of all, you have to be stronger than him.

With Taize’s strength, no one in the sky class can control it. There may not be many lords who can let Taize serve. It’s a pity that it’s not good to compare with Richard but to compare with strength.

Faced with Taize’s request, Richard nodded happily and immediately agreed. With the strength gap between the two parties, Richard didn’t even need to use the giant ring to cheat.


“You lose!”

Richard looked relaxed and pressed firmly on Taize’s hand with his arm that was more than a circle smaller than Taize’s. He almost put Taize’s hand into the table. He didn’t know what was happening in this tavern. What kind of material is the table made of? It can actually support the two of them competing.

At this time, Taize’s face was flushed. Richard’s hands were harder than steel. He was the one who used the force first, but Richard remained motionless. As soon as Richard exerted force, his hand was completely gone. He was hit on the table without any resistance. This power gap was already ridiculously large. He was doing his best this time.

After figuring this out, Taize no longer exerted any force, but happily gave up.

Richard then let go of Taize’s hand, with a smile on his face:

“Welcome General Taize to join…”


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