Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 477: Calm down and prepare



It is not like the warriors of the Western Army have never fought against knights. They saw the other knights cutting down several of their own comrades but showed no intention of flinching.

On the contrary, they quickly changed their formations under the cover of several sword players. It was clear that the Fran Army had a numerical advantage, but it was forcibly separated by the Western Army. In a small area, the Western Army relied on more to defeat the smaller. situation, and many of the Fran Army were pushed to the outside and unable to enter the battle.


A knight from the Fran Army once again killed a sword player from the Western Army. Although the opponent cooperated flawlessly with a shield and several sword players, he still could not withstand the hard power of the knight-level master. Pressure, after the fighting spirit was fully activated and attached to the knight’s sword, the thick wooden shields covered with iron were directly split into two halves under the full force of the slash. No matter how well the sword players of the Western Border Army cooperated, they could not protect it. Live yourself.

These church knights were much stronger than ordinary noble knights. After breaking through the siege of the sword players of the Western Army, they caused several casualties to the Western Army with a sweep of their long swords.

It’s just that the Western Army is far more difficult than these church knights expected. These Western Army, who can compete with the orcs’ heavy armored warriors, were not at all intimidated by the knights’ methods. Instead, they stepped on their companions. The corpses quickly filled the gap just now, and all tactical actions seemed to have become instinctive, without considering their own safety. This was their ability developed by fighting in the desert of the Western Border. It was not at all like the Fran Army who only relied on training and low-level skills. Soldiers who have undergone intense combat training can compare.

From the perspective of the knight Franjun, the sword players and spearmen of the Western Border Army seemed to be coming in a steady stream. Just as he had just killed several sword players who besieged him and was about to lead When people were killing the formation of the Western Border Army, several spearmen who were originally hiding behind the sword player reacted immediately. Several spears stabbed him fiercely. The knight was forced to put away his sword and retreat. A few spear heads were swept away with a diagonal sweep, but in this moment of delay, the sword player of the Western Border Army came forward again, leaving him no chance to breathe.

The church knight had no choice but to repeat his old tricks and activate his fighting spirit with all his strength. To cut through these large shields, it would take a lot of fighting spirit. After going back and forth several times, the knights of the church did not dare to use their fighting spirit easily again. Having broken through the formation of the Western Border Army, we can only lead the people to stabilize our own front as much as possible.

It’s just that after the French army was out of skills, the Western Army had not yet fully exerted its strength. The commander of the Western Army Flag Captain, who was leading the troops in the distance, was sitting on a horse and could clearly see the battle ahead. After discovering that the opponent had sent out knights, he still It could only cause damage but was unable to break the formation. After smiling with satisfaction, he gave instructions to the deputy on the side.

“You will be responsible for the outer blockade later. Don’t let any of these Rising Sun Sect thieves out!”

“Yes, sir!”

“People from the first and second cities follow me!”

“Yes, sir!”

The banner commander of the Western Border Army personally led more than a thousand men who had gathered strength to rush in through the gap opened by the vanguard camp selection. The Western Border Army did not lack knights, and the banner commander was a master of the great knight level. It’s just that they are not as rough and passive in use as the Fran Army. The knights of the Western Army often know better how to save energy and how to maximize their combat power.

At this time, the knights’ fighting spirit on the Fran Army’s side had been exhausted, but apart from causing a small number of casualties to the Western Border Army, no breakthrough results were achieved.

As soon as the masters and freshmen of the Western Army joined, they immediately had the final say. The knights of the Western Army almost effortlessly defeated the few knights of the Fran Army who had been fighting for a long time. Two of them were Earls of Fran. The viscount nearby, dressed in gorgeous equipment, still couldn’t resist the sharp swordsmanship of the knights of the Western Army, and was chopped to the ground in a few blows.

Then the knights of the Western Border Army led their soldiers to quickly break through the line just organized by the Fran Army. The formation that they had just managed to maintain was immediately overwhelmed, especially the flag commander of the Western Border Army who waved a big two-handed weapon. The sword opened and closed in the crowd, killing more than a dozen people in a row. These fanatical believers were so scared that they did not dare to approach.

“As expected of the Western Border Army.”

The aristocratic coalition watching the battle actually has good private military capabilities of some families. At least they are stronger than the local garrison of the kingdom, and some are even stronger than some of the regular legions stationed in the south. However, compared with the elite of the Western Border Army, But there was no comparison at all, and the thought that even such an elite army was defeated in front of the orcs cast a shadow on the hearts of these nobles.

However, no matter how these nobles evaluated the combat power of the Western Army and the Fran Army, the leader of the Western Army Flag Captain himself was a little surprised by the performance of the Fran Army.

Although the opponent’s front line has been smashed to pieces by the Western Army, and has basically been divided. It only needs one bite to eat, but the opponent is able to defeat and feel ashamed. It is obvious that even the knight-level officers were defeated. Even after they were killed, most of the ordinary soldiers still persisted, and some of them even shouted slogans that made the officers of the Western Border Army extremely disgusted.

“The rising sun is eternal!”

“The rising sun is eternal!”

“Since you like eternity so much, then I will give you eternity. Only death is the real eternity!”



After defeating the opponent’s knight-level masters, several knight-level officers of the Western Army no longer spared any effort. They all used their fighting energy to inflict maximum damage on the soldiers of the Fran Army.

Finally, after losing more than half of the soldiers of the Fran Army and all the backbone forces were cleared by the Western Army, they began to collapse. After all, these soldiers were not all fanatical believers. The terror of life and death can sometimes overwhelm faith. strength. Some soldiers escaped from the escape route deliberately left by the Western Frontier Army, and some soldiers of the Fran Army even escaped from the camp all the way.

Just leaving the camp is not a way out, it’s just a matter of dying a little later. The flag commander of the Western Border Army initially gave an order to kill without mercy. The Western Border Army soldiers who had been prepared outside easily harvested the defeated troops. There is not even a ripple in life.

In the camp, the resistance of the Fran Army was completely broken down. Bishop Als, who had just taken over the command, was neatly defeated by the Western Army without even issuing a few orders. He didn’t even think about where he was now. Something went wrong. Unfortunately, his command was still sound. He couldn’t be said to have much experience, but he was still qualified. It was just that the Western Army was several levels ahead of them from soldiers to officers.



When the flag commander of the Western Border Army came to him with a sword, Als stopped trying to command the army that had completely collapsed in chaos, and drew out his sword to make a last-ditch effort.

As a bishop-level figure of the Rising Sun Cult, Als’s strength should not be underestimated. He is a real master of knights. Among the thousands of people in the Fran Army, there are two great knights, Count Fran and Bishop Als. A master of the level and several masters of the knight level, this configuration is definitely far beyond the standard.


As soon as the two of them fought, Als quickly fell into a disadvantage. Several knights of the Western Army did not have martial ethics and would not give Als a chance to fight with their superiors. After Als exchanged a few moves, they all followed and joined the siege.

Als was quickly besieged to death. In addition to consuming some fighting spirit, no one was injured in the whole process.

With the death of Als, the battle in the entire Fran Army camp was completely over. Corpses were left in the front camp. Most of them were corpses of French soldiers. Only a small number of Western Army soldiers died in the battle.


“Clean the battlefield and treat the wounded.”

“Send someone to report to the Duke of Ross that all Fran’s troops have been suppressed and no one has escaped.”

“Yes, sir!”

Here, the Western Border Army wiped out the church’s infiltrated internal forces with overwhelming force. On the other side, Richard was still discussing the defense of Longxing Pass with Duke Ross. Unknowingly, Richard had become the most powerful person in the kingdom. One of the top figures, Duke Ross, must also respect Richard’s advice.

“Your Excellency Richard, the Longxingguan defense line is very deep and consists of at least three lines of defense. There are also some open and dark fortresses hidden in the middle. The orcs are not able to capture it so easily.”

Humans have been operating Longxiguan for many years. Of course, it cannot be just a thin line of defense. There are many twists and turns inside. Except for high-level generals, other soldiers who have been stationed at Longxiguan for a long time are only familiar with it. The overall layout of the own defense zone and nearby areas, as well as Longxingguan, strictly controlled the visibility range.

Now Richard is considered one of the few people who is qualified to know the complete picture of Longxiguan’s defense line. Not to mention Richard’s status, his performance in the previous battles has also proved Richard’s reliability.

After learning about the overall situation of Longxing Pass from Duke Ross, Richard had to lament the completeness of the entire defense system. With the existing technology and productivity, it would be difficult for Richard to arrange it at Longxing Pass. On the basis of the existing defense, it has become a success.

High walls, bunkers, watchtowers, fire ditches, hidden caves, and secret tunnels connecting the various lines of defense are all available. There are still millions of troops distributed among them. It is no wonder that Duke Ross wants to defend it no matter what. It is a pity for Richard to give up like this.

“If the orcs only attack from the ground, Dragon Breathing Pass may be able to defend for a while, but the orcs have white dragons to help them. We have neither dragon hunting crossbows nor dragon knights…”

Richard didn’t explain what he said, but Ross still understood what Richard meant. The dragon knight was not reliable at all now. The only reliable golden dragon and Thor were lost in the battle after the break.

After pondering for a few seconds, Duke Ross said:

“The giant crossbow is still being built. According to the technology you provided, Mr. Richard, although the newly built divine power is still not as powerful as the orc’s dragon-hunting crossbow, the threat to the white dragon is also stronger than before. If we attack another week later, we can deploy at least two hundred Shenwei crossbows.”

At this time, Richard no longer kept the Shenwei Crossbow technology secret, and shared it completely with the craftsmen of Longxingguan. The Shenwei Crossbow technology was not advanced in the first place, but these craftsmen knew it almost immediately. A giant crossbow that is as powerful as the Shenwei Crossbow can be built soon, which can be regarded as adding a little strength to the defense of Longxingguan.

“Lord Ross, please remember that the Mighty Crossbow must not fall into the hands of the orcs.”

“Don’t worry, I have specially sent people to keep an eye on it. Every Shenwei crossbow will be destroyed immediately if it cannot be evacuated in time. The craftsmen are all at the rear and will be evacuated in advance if something goes wrong.”


“I just don’t know how many giant dragons and winged warriors there will be on Sir Richard’s side. If possible, can we block some white dragons?”

After talking for a long time, Duke Ross finally asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

“The dragons are only those that the Duke has seen. The Raging Flame Castle suffered a lot in the battle. It is difficult to stop the white dragon. I can only say that I will try my best.”

After roughly understanding it, Duke Ross was a little disappointed, but he still nodded.

“If the situation goes bad, Sir Richard, try your best to break out and leave.”


Richard nodded. Although he was willing to try his best, he was still unable to coexist with a city that was almost certain to fall. Preserving his strength was the wisest approach.

Afterwards, Duke Ross called a few soldiers and prepared to go with Richard and several senior generals to inspect the preparations on the front line. The war was imminent, and Duke Ross just felt uneasy if he didn’t watch for a moment.

But at this moment, a soldier ran in and reported to Duke Ross:

“Your Excellency, the church’s rebels have been completely wiped out.”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Duke Ross nodded and didn’t have much to say. Once the rebellion was exposed, there would be no ripples in the Dragon Breathing Pass, which was full of elites. It was normal for them to be solved in one meal. Nothing more.

“Thanks to Lord Richard’s sharp eyes this time, I immediately discovered that Count Fran was actually a spy planted by the church. This Rising Sun Cult has no country and no clan, so it should have been eliminated by the kingdom.”

Several senior generals around him also cast admiring glances at Richard, and Richard nodded calmly, giving people an unfathomable feeling, as if everything was within his expectation.

“General Andry, please check again to see if there are spies from the church mixed in with the army. Focus on the noble troops recruited during this period. But don’t make too much noise and do it secretly.”

“Yes, sir!”

Subsequently, Duke Ross took Richard and a group of generals to the Longxiguan defense line to inspect, and tried to make the best preparations possible…

On the Central Plains, the envoy from the royal capital came towards Longxing Pass in a light and simple manner. He brought the king’s promotion order that was quickly passed by the House of Nobles, and prepared to give what Richard requested before the war began. Bring to…


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