Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 476: Eliminate into the invisible


“Tap, step, step…”

A heavily armed Western Army from the flag regiment broke into the camp of the noble coalition and surrounded more than a thousand men who originally belonged to Earl Fran.

Now that Count Fran has been killed, Duke Ross will naturally not forget the men he brought with him. After all, in addition to Count Fran, he also has several viscounts who came together and more than a thousand armed men. The equipment of these more than a thousand warriors with teeth is better than the private soldiers brought by other nobles. Many even use heavy armor made by dwarves, which is more luxurious than the equipment of the Imperial Guard, and most of them are It was Count Fran who had fed the soldiers. If they learned that Count Fran had died inexplicably in the meeting hall, and the officers of the Fran family were heckled, it would not be impossible for something to happen.

Richard was free and easy when he killed someone, but he didn’t consider the aftermath at all, and the Duke of Ross had to send the Western Army to wipe his ass.

Of course, according to the order of Duke Ross, although this Western Army is fully armed and murderous, its original intention is not to slaughter all the soldiers under Count Fran, but to temporarily disarm them. It seems that it is a little bit The soldiers will be pacified after being separated, and they will be replenished to serve in other teams in a few days.

After all, these elites of more than a thousand people are a rare fighting force at this time. Now Longxingguan is short of men, and the Western Army is not so murderous against this group of human soldiers.

The coalition of nobles recruited from the central plains was alone in a large camp. The quality of these soldiers brought by the nobles varied. Some were elite soldiers who could fight, while others only wore thin armor. They are only slightly stronger than the peasant soldiers, and they do not cooperate with each other as well as the regular army of the kingdom or the Western Army. Naturally, it is impossible to directly add them to the army. They can only be concentrated in this camp as a supplementary force. use.

When the Western Army broke into the camp of the noble coalition with the Duke of Ross’s warrant, there was basically no obstruction.

This camp is located in Longxing Pass. There are basically no defenses. It is just a few wooden stakes gathered together. The nobles inside also form separate small camps according to their own families or factions. When watching the Western Border Army enter, they probably had the mentality of watching the excitement.

It’s just that although the Western Army has no murderous intentions, the scene in the camp where Count Fran is located is a different story.

“What’s going on? Why did the Ross family’s Western Army suddenly surround us?”

“Is it Earl Fran who was exposed?”

“I’m afraid there is something wrong with the Count. Ross suddenly called a military meeting before. Now that Count Fran has not come back, the Western Army has surrounded us. We must have been exposed. I’m afraid something unexpected has happened to Lord Fran.”

“What should we do now? The Western Border Army requires us to hand over our weapons and wait for follow-up arrangements.”

“Submit your weapons? Don’t forget how the kingdom dealt with our divine religion. If we surrender our weapons, we may become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.”

“But now we have been surrounded by the Western Army, and besides, we have no chance to escape in Longxing Pass.”

“It’s better to fight them than to fight without help!”

“Yes, we can only fight. When the battle starts, we will create as much chaos as possible. If we can cause chaos in the coalition camp, there may be a glimmer of hope.”

Although this may be very slim, it is not completely hopeless. After all, the surrounding coalition forces are not subordinate to each other. If a battle breaks out, it is very likely to be inexplicably chaotic. If you take this opportunity to create chaos and escape from the camp, there is still a chance. There is only a slight chance. Of course, this chance is only a little better than ten deaths and no life. It just gives everyone a little hope.

“Okay! After resisting the first round of attacks by the Western Border Army, we will find the weak points of the encirclement and start breaking out!”


The officers looked at each other and finally said something in unison.

“The rising sun, eternity!”

This team led by Earl Fran was the one who sneaked into Dragon Breathing Pass one step ahead of Mishau. Originally, they would follow the oracle of the Lord of the Rising Sun and take the opportunity to launch a rebellion when the battle was most intense, causing chaos in the city. Thereby assisting the orcs to enter the customs.

Count Fran is the leader of this team. Count Fran himself is a nobleman who was instigated by the church to rebel. He has believed in the Rising Sun Religion for several generations and has been indulging in the development of the Rising Sun Religion in his territory.

The church not only developed in the earldom, but several surrounding viscounties were also eroded by the church to varying degrees. This elite group of more than a thousand people was basically composed of believers of the Rising Sun Cult, and they stayed in the earldom all year round. Training, because they have been preparing for battle, this army is far better than the private soldiers of ordinary nobles in terms of training and equipment.

Compared with the regular army of the kingdom, it may only be slightly inferior to the Western Border Army and some of the Longxiguan Ace Legions that have been fighting all year round, but it is even more capable than the Imperial Guard.

Originally, someone like Earl Fran, who has been lurking in the deep sea for generations, is not so easy to discover. According to his original plan, it is very likely that he can lurk until the war is launched before being discovered. It’s just that he wants to go if he doesn’t mess with anyone. Provoke Richard.

Richard, who was feeling suffocated after being beaten by the old orc, was in need of a punching bag. Someone came to the door just in time to let Richard vent his frustration.

It is fitting that Earl Fran was unlucky. Originally, it was just because Richard had ruined the arrangement of the Rising Sun Cult in the royal capital. Earl Fran, who wanted to jump out and give Richard some eye drops, would never have thought of it. He was killed without even leaving the program, and his companions were completely exposed.

Outside the camp of Earl Fran’s army, the soldiers of the Western Border Army had completely surrounded the camp and were ready to attack. At this time, the leader of the Western Border Army Flag Captain also discovered that something was wrong.

These people from the Western Border Army are all soldiers who have been in the war for a long time. From their perspective, they can naturally see that this camp is set up very well. A shallow trench was set up to prevent horses and other items, and troop handles were distributed at key locations. They were quite vigilant. It would take some effort to break through this camp.

Originally, there was nothing unusual about the Fran family’s camp. Maybe the flag commander of the Western Border Army saw it and looked at him with a high regard, feeling that the leader of the other party knew the troops and even made some friends. Heart.

But now looking at it from another angle, I can only feel that the Fran family is really full of doubts. They are clearly in Longxing Pass, but they still dig shallow trenches and arrange to resist horses. They only have open and hidden sentries. strip.

If the orcs break the Dragon’s Breath Pass, such a camp will not be of much use. Who are they guarding against? It’s obviously not the orcs we’re guarding against. The commander of the Western Army Flag Regiment, who originally heard that Richard killed Earl Fran in the meeting hall, thought that Richard was a bit bullying, but now he only admired him, because these people really have problems.

Soon, the response from the camp completely confirmed his suspicions.

“Master Flag Captain! The people of the Fran family refused to come out and surrender their weapons. They said they must let Count Fran come back before they can obey the order!”

When Earl Fran comes back, I’m afraid he will have to carry the body back. That guy has long been the ghost under Richard’s sword. How can he come back?

“Tell them to give them another quarter of an hour to surrender their weapons to our army immediately. When the time is up, we will launch an attack immediately!”

“Yes, sir!”

Then, the flag commander ordered the messengers to report the situation here to the Duke of Ross.

As soon as the soldiers who sent the message left, there was a roar in the camp.

“The rising sun is eternal!”

The shouts of thousands of people made the nobles watching the show change their colors. There was actually a traitor from the Rising Sun Cult among them.

The commander of the Western Border Army Flag Regiment, who was responsible for leading troops to control Earl Fran’s military camp, immediately turned ugly. He was slightly afraid. If Lord Richard didn’t see through the identities of these people, he would wait until the orcs attacked Longxi. If these people were to launch an attack at the end of the twelfth lunar month, these more than a thousand church elites would probably cause much damage and cause much trouble to the defenders.

After being frightened, the flag leader felt deep hatred in his heart. The situation was already so difficult, but there were still people acting as second-guessing men. These people were simply more hateful than the orcs.

Then, the flag commander gave a vicious order:

“Choose the forward camp! Prepare to attack!”

Then he added:

“No prisoners will be taken in this battle!”

“Dong, dong, dong…”

As the drum beat sounded, the Western Frontier Army’s forward selection battalion, which had already been prepared for war, began to move forward to face the Fran Army camp, which was already in full formation…

In the main camp of the Fran Army, Fran, who had the highest status, was inexplicably killed by Richard when he went to the meeting hall for a meeting. At this time, the command was discussed by several people at the same time, so there was something wrong with the command system.

“Who asked you to lead everyone to shout slogans? You can obviously delay it for a while.”

“Isn’t it good to shout to boost morale? What’s the use of delaying this time? It’s better to fight early than to fight late. Is there any difference?”

“Okay, okay, the opponent has already started attacking, don’t talk about this.”

“You can’t order many troops like this. I suggest that the Bishop of Als take unified command and everyone assists in the battle!”


The situation was urgent, and several officers agreed without much hesitation. The Bishop of Als originally had the highest prestige among the congregation, and his strength was equal to that of everyone. Now that Earl Fran is away, the Bishop of Als is It is reasonable to give orders when the situation arises.

“The Western Army has begun to attack. Everyone, please return to your positions and take good care of your people. At least you must withstand this attack!”


“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Before the two parties came into contact, they greeted each other with a round of arrows. The arrows thrown by the two parties intersected in the air, and some arrows even intersected in mid-air and fell to the ground.

Of course, most of the arrows still fell into the opponent’s formation. In just a hundred steps, both sides shot at least a thousand arrows each, but the results achieved could only be said to be unsatisfactory.

The Western Border Army’s forward selection battalions are all warriors equipped with heavy armor. The mail armor is lined with leather armor, and the upper body is also hung with chain armor turtle backs. It is extremely difficult to break down ordinary arrows except in extremely unlucky situations. Defend.

It is true that the crossbows fired at close range have a certain possibility of breaking through the defense, but the soldiers in the front row of the Western Border Army are all advancing with large shields. Those crossbows that shoot flatly can’t do anything to the heavy shields.

In addition to a few unlucky ones who were shot to the ground, other soldiers who were hit by arrows continued to move forward with arrows hanging on their bodies.

On the other side, the arrows of the Western Army did not cause much damage to the Fran family. The soldiers of the Fran Army were even more luxurious than the Western Army, and they were all piled up with gold. Not only were they heavily armored and hard to be hurt by arrows, but they also had the camp’s horse-repelling fence as a cover. Only a few people fell here and there.

The next step is to fight in close combat to determine the success or failure of the battle.


At the last ten or so steps, the attacking Western Army suddenly made a noise. The swordsmen holding shields in front covered the spearmen behind them and rushed forward, crossing the shallow ditch in front. This kind of shallow ditch was only used for It’s used to protect against horses, but it doesn’t actually have much effect on people.

Originally, there were horse-rejection restrictions. Not many people from the Western Frontier Army could enter the camp to attack at one time. Logically speaking, this place should be slowly grinding and sawing for several rounds before advancing, but the Western Frontier Army’s performance was extremely fierce.

The sword players in the front row simply ignored the opponent’s numerical advantage, and just two or three people formed an arc and headed towards the Fran Army’s formation.

The spearmen in the back row thrust forward through the gap between the knife players, without fear of hurting the friendly troops in front.

The resistance of the people of the Fran Army is not resolute. These people who have been brainwashed by the church are still good at fighting will, but they are not as good as the veterans of the Western Army in terms of tactics and ferocity. However, As soon as they met, they were beaten back by the front selection battalion of the Western Border Army, and were suddenly breached from the outer camp.

“Lord, Flag Commander, we’re in. These noble soldiers are really just scumbags. They are no match for our Western Border Army.”

The leader of the flag regiment nodded when he saw the performance of the Selected Frontier Battalion. Although he did not say it arrogantly directly, he obviously agreed with his deputy’s words. The Western Border Army was originally the first-class elite of the Kingdom, and the Selected Frontier Battalion also He is a good player who selects the best from the best. Although it is a bit difficult to defeat the orcs, but when used to defeat the private soldiers of the nobles, it is not easy to capture. One attack will teach the opponent a solid lesson!

“What happened in front of us, so that the opponent broke through, and you still want to resist a round of attacks and break through?”

“Let the knight push forward, and we can’t let the opponent continue to advance!”


Als did not expect that the people who were full of confidence in resisting the attack of the Western Border Army at the beginning would be defeated so quickly. If the soldiers’ fighting will was not still tenacious, the Western Border Army might have been defeated just after the fight. .

“Boom, boom, boom!”

After the three passes, the heavy-handed swordsmen and axemen of the Western Border Army also attacked together, completely disrupting the formation of the front line of the Fran Army. After all, these elite soldiers trained and raised are not as good as those of the Western Border Army. The soldiers who fought in real battles were too rigid in fighting, and the soldiers and officers lacked experience. They were no match for the fierce and flexible Western Army. The rhythm of the entire battle was completely controlled by the Western Army.

The surrounding nobles stared at the battle in front of them with wide eyes. The flag commander of the Western Army did not drive them away or ask them to join the battle. In his opinion, having these noble soldiers joining the battle would only cause trouble for him. It would be better to use his own Western Army to cut through the mess and quickly exterminate this spy force, and let these nobles see the combat power of the Western Army.

It is said that seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. These nobles who came to help now truly felt the combat effectiveness of the Western Army. The Fran Army, which was already considered an elite in their eyes, actually had no ability to resist in front of the Western Army. This is still a situation where most of the Western Border Army has no action, but a considerable number of selected forward battalions have defeated the Fran Army without the ability to fight back.


Finally, the overwhelming Western Army finally encountered some decent resistance. Several Western Army sword and axemen were chopped down to the ground. There was a faint light of fighting spirit in the battle circle. The knights in the Fran Army still took action…


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