Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 475: Return


In the palace meeting, there was an uproar when Renn announced the status of the Eastern Expedition. Then Renn immediately announced several countermeasures that he had previously discussed with the two prime ministers and the measures against Richard, Ross, Thor and others. The decision to promote the title did not cause too much trouble. Under the great crisis, the decision that would have caused endless troubles on weekdays was quickly passed smoothly. The envoy announcing the knighthood order also rushed to Longxi Pass that day.


The light rain continued, but the soldiers on the pass still stared at Qiu Yu and continued patrolling. There were also craftsmen who kept moving rolling stone and fortification materials onto the city wall. Everything was making final preparations for the upcoming war.

In the past few days, fewer and fewer soldiers have returned. From thousands a day at the beginning to a few sporadically returning every day, the door has been completely closed, and the doorways have been completely sealed with bricks and stones. The defeated troops returning sporadically They were all pulled up to the city wall in baskets, and even soldiers with good eyesight had seen an orc wolf riding in the distance, peering at the city wall.

In the haze of mist and rain, several giant dragons suddenly appeared, piercing the rain curtain and flying towards Longxi Pass. The soldiers on the tower were first surprised, and then overjoyed. Because he discovered that the giant dragon that appeared was not the white dragon of the orcs, but the golden dragon they were most familiar with.

“Master Richard is back!”

“Master Richard is back!”

Li Cha sat on the back of the poisonous dragon, looking at the majestic Dragon Breathing Pass below, with a look of emotion on his face. He didn’t know how long this human being could rely on to resist the orcs.

Yes, in Richard’s heart, he is also not optimistic that Longxing Pass can be defended. The orcs’ advantage this time is too great. Humanity lost half of its elites in the Eastern Expedition. Now Longxing Pass can be fought. When the army is full, there will be two million people. This number seems to be a lot, but it has to defend more than a dozen large cities and hundreds of castles stretching thousands of miles. Any point may be broken by the orcs.

The combat power of the orcs was originally superior to that of humans. Now the assembled troops also exceed two million, and they are still increasing. How can humans fight against the orcs when they cannot have an advantage in numbers.

Moreover, in this battle, humans lacked the traditional advantage of giant dragons. The orcs received full help from the white dragon clan, but the golden dragons almost completely gave up aid to humans. As a result, the situation of humans became even worse.

As for the dragons under Richard’s hands, even if the golden dragon in his hands was far more powerful than the white dragons, it could not withstand the huge numerical gap. After several battles, the dragons under Richard’s hands were lost. It is getting bigger and bigger, and now the only dragons that can follow back to Dragon’s Breath Pass are an ancient golden dragon, a poisonous dragon, and two golden dragons that are still injured. Of course, there is also the holy dragon. The archangel is using the resurrection skill. There is no loss in the case of priority use.

In addition to the disadvantages of high-level arms such as giant dragons, humans are still at a disadvantage in terms of top combat power. A holy white dragon offsets the combat power of Richard and the holy dragon. The powerful old The orcs have a crushing combat advantage over them.

After the battle at Raging Flame Castle, Richard was seriously injured by the old orc who chased him all the way. He relied on the recovery effect of the sacred blood bottle and teleportation to escape. The orc’s combat power increased from basic to high-level. With a comprehensive advantage, even Moriel was not optimistic about Longxiguan’s defense, and had been urging Richard to abandon Longxiguan, trade space for time, and return to the North to hide and accumulate strength.

However, after Richard recovered from his injuries and thought about it, he decided to return to Longxi Pass first.

Several giant dragons fell from the sky, alarming Ross without the need for soldiers to notify him. At this time, Richard suddenly returned and strengthened his own high-end combat power. It was a good thing in any case. He had been gloomy for a few days. The Duke of Ross finally cheered up and ordered to the soldiers outside:

“Go and invite Sir Richard to the meeting hall, and also summon all the army commander-level officers in the city to the meeting hall to greet Mr. Richard.”

“Yes, Lord Ross!”

“Sir Richard, Mr. Ross, please go to the meeting hall immediately.”

Shortly after Richard landed on the poisonous dragon, the soldiers who were delivering orders hurried to Richard. They said they were delivering orders, but their tone and attitude were very respectful. Perhaps it was because of Ross’s instructions. These soldiers were neither humble nor overbearing when delivering orders. The soldiers all lowered their posture when they saw Richard.

“Well, Moriel, Natalis, let the dragons stay where they are and rest. Let’s go see Lord Rose first.”

“Let people prepare some food for the dragon, preferably half-cooked beef and mutton.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

“Master Richard is here!”

Under the guidance of the soldiers, Richard took Moriel and Natalie into the meeting hall. All eyes in the hall immediately turned to Richard.

“Sir Richard, sit here.”

Although Duke Ross temporarily took charge of the power of Longxingguan, after learning that Richard was coming, he still added a position for Richard by his side. Duke Ross, who knew Richard’s true strength, never thought about it at all. You have to show off in front of Richard.

Richard was not polite and followed Duke Rose’s invitation to sit next to him. Natalie and Moriel were also discussing matters in the hall.

“Lord Richard, what happened after that day? Where is Lord Thor? And what is the situation in Raging Flame Castle now? What is the situation of the orcs now?”

After Richard sat down, Duke Ross’s questions came like a barrage of questions. It’s no wonder that Duke Ross had so many questions. Without air superiority and the ground troops were defeated, the army at Longxingguan was basically gone. The information they obtained was obtained from the defeated troops who escaped. The accuracy of the pieced together information was not enough, and they could only make rough calculations. Now that Richard has appeared, of course they want to get it from Richard. Get more accurate information here.

“On the battlefield that day, we met a strong orc who had never appeared in the intelligence. From what he said, it seemed that he was acquainted with His Majesty Aragorn…”

Richard narrated the situation on the battlefield that day, and the people present became more and more frightened as they listened. The people sitting here were all senior officials of Longxingguan, and Richard did not need to cover up information to stabilize his confidence. So I told them the very cruel truth so that they could be mentally prepared.

“Has Lord Thor died in the battle?”


Richard nodded, but couldn’t help but recall Saul’s last appearance that day.

After knocking off the Red Shadow Sword in Thor’s hand, the long knife in the old orc’s hand cut off Thor’s head with one knife, leaving no trace of dignity for the pillar of the kingdom, and even holding on to it. Thor’s head was revealed to the human army below, triggering the first great rout of the army.

The golden dragon Asuo also died in a fierce battle. After Thor died, the old orc did not actually care about the golden dragon’s life or death, but Asuo attacked the old orc like crazy, and was finally killed by the old orc.

The terrifying level of a saint-level powerhouse in the lowest realm makes Richard still tremble when he thinks about it. If he hadn’t had the ability to teleport, he might have fallen into the hands of the old orc this time.

“So, Sir Richard watched Lord Saul die in battle and escaped on the battlefield?”

Just as Ross and the officers below were feeling pain for Saul, an unharmonious sound suddenly came from below.

As soon as this question came out, the hall immediately became quiet, and the atmosphere became a little tense. Richard is no longer the little-known little nobleman in the north. In less than a year, Richard has become a star of the kingdom. The fastest-rising star has already joined the ranks of the kingdom’s top dignitaries. Compared with Ross and Thor, he is only a few years behind in qualifications. Compared with the officers below, his status is completely different. , not to mention that while Richard is not weak in strength, he also holds the dragon card in his hand.

“Count Fran, shut up!”

“Am I wrong? Isn’t Sir Richard a deserter who ran away from the battle? If Sir Richard hadn’t escaped, Lord Saul would not have died.”

Richard glanced at the person who made the voice. There was a little fear in the other person’s eyes, but it seemed that he had suffered the loss. He still raised his head and did not flinch. Duke Ross’s face was livid with anger, and he was about to be killed at any time. The posture he took.

Personally speaking, Richard saved the life of Duke Ross, and the Western Army can still maintain most of its main force and return to Longxi Pass. Richard has made great contributions, and Duke Ross must accept Richard’s love.

To be fair, no matter what the specific situation of that battle was, Richard was our own high-end combat force, and he also brought some dragons with him. It was a good thing to come back. It was impossible to impose any punishment on Richard. The Duke of Ross did not From the beginning, I never thought of punishing Richard.

The crime of escaping in battle is only used against small soldiers and lower-level officers. When it reaches the level of Ross and Richard, it cannot be called escaping in battle. It is a violation of the law. Try to preserve your strength. Ross even secretly complained in his heart. Thor had to fight and die in the end. If he could run back with Richard, it wouldn’t matter if he lost 300,000 imperial guards.

I just didn’t expect that someone would stand up and hold Richard accountable for escaping from the battle.

“Come here, push Earl Fran down.”

Duke Ross no longer wanted to wait for this man to continue talking nonsense, and immediately called the guards to push him down, but Richard waved his hand to signal Duke Ross to calm down.

“Who is this Earl?”

“I am the Earl of Fran, and I have specially led troops to Longxinguan to help in the battle. If people like Sir Richard who escape before the battle are not punished, I am afraid that the soldiers will be heartbroken, and Lord Saul will die with his eyes open.”

This man was not an officer from Longxingguan, but one of the nobles gathered from the Great Plains. He was qualified to participate in this meeting because he had a high enough title and brought a lot of supplies and soldiers.

“Oh? Mr. Fran, what punishment do you think I should receive?”

Richard had a joking expression on his face. Moriel and Natalie also looked at each other as if they were watching a show. Richard couldn’t even be angry at such a fool.

“The Duke of Ross should deprive Richard of his right to command the dragon and send Richard back to prison to await trial.”


Suddenly, Richard slapped the table, making many people tremble in shock.

“Your Excellency Fran, I suspect that your accusation has ulterior motives. I was obviously fighting against the orcs. I fought hard until I was unconscious and was snatched out by my men. After I woke up, I immediately came to Longxingguan to help in the battle. Why did it become like this in your mouth?” Escaped.”

Anyway, not many people saw what happened in the sky that day. Naturally, it was what Richard said. It was obvious that Richard was defeated by the old orc and escaped, but it felt completely different to put it another way.

Before the other party could refute, Richard continued:

“What kind of crime is it to slander a Kingdom Dragon Knight!”

Hearing these words, Earl Fran suddenly felt something in his heart. Richard is also a dragon knight. In the kingdom, the status of dragon knights is higher than that of nobles. If you offend a dragon knight, the dragon knight has the right to kill him. The opponent’s.


A few streaks of golden fighting spirit penetrated Count Fran’s armor, and a large amount of blood emerged from the wound. Count Fran opened his mouth, but he could not speak because the injury was too severe.

With Richard’s strength at this time, he suddenly attacked a noble of the knight level. The opponent had no resistance at all. The fighting spirit of the holy level was crushed in terms of quality, tearing apart like paper. The heavy mail on his body was removed and penetrated the body.


Richard suddenly shot and killed an earl, causing an uproar in the meeting hall. Although everyone felt that this person had no eyesight, at least the other person was also an earl and brought many elite soldiers to Longxingguan to participate in the battle. , Richard killed the opponent like a chicken, but everyone still didn’t react.

Even Duke Ross, who had just wanted someone to push him down, was stunned by this scene. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he could only wave his hand and tell the guards to drag him down.

“This person falsely accused the Dragon Knight and disturbed the morale of the army. I have killed him. I suspect that he is still a spy. Maybe he is a remnant of the Rising Sun Cult. We should investigate him carefully.”

Before the war, the kingdom had launched a vigorous campaign to search for the rebels of the Rising Sun Cult. This crime could be easily placed on the other party.

The Duke of Ross did not disrespect Richard, nodded in agreement, and continued the military discussion. After emphasizing the tasks of each department again, he let the generals leave. As for the dead Earl Fran, everyone They all chose to ignore it. If a dragon knight killed a count in peacetime, it might be considered a big deal, but in this special period, it was really like killing a chicken.


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