Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 471: War


The orc army came very quickly, and the wolf cavalry in the front group had already fought with the cavalry of the Praetorian Guard. Although the cavalry of the Praetorian Guard was not as elite as the Western Army, they were still well-trained under the leadership of Thor. Although suppressed by the wolf cavalry, they were still able to hold up and successfully covered the flanks of the army.

The infantry at the rear also came into contact with the orc army. The number of orc wolf cavalry was small, and the human cavalry could still rely on their numbers to support them. The disadvantage of the infantry was very obvious. As soon as they came into contact, they were defeated by the orc army. After several battles, they finally stabilized their position with the intervention of the Knight Battalion.


The attacking orcs were of high quality. The orcs who had fought the centaurs on the northern grasslands were no less powerful than the orcs who were confronting the human army on the Longxingguan line.

After entering into hand-to-hand combat, the orcs basically formed horizontal formations in units of hundreds, and about twenty centurions as one combat unit. They showed no signs of chaos in the melee, and each formation cooperated with each other in the attack. Advance step by step.

These orc infantry are basically wearing heavy armor weighing more than a hundred kilograms, holding battle axes in their hands, and equipped with crossbows, side cards and hand axes. Their equipment is no less sophisticated than that of the elite human guards. Each of them individually They are all tank-level warriors for the human army, and they are even more difficult to resist when advancing in formation.

“Throwing axe!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


“Raise your shield!”

“Bang, bang…”


Although the advancing orcs are inconvenient to use bows and crossbows to fight, the orcs in the middle of the formation will find opportunities to throw a wave of flying axes at any time. Usually hundreds of flying axes are thrown into the ranks of the Guards. These flying axes The attack is much more sudden than that of a crossbow, and it also has stronger armor-breaking capabilities. Many times, the human army is hit by a round of flying axes and suffers heavy casualties before it has time to raise its shield. There is a certain amount of chaos, and then the orc heavy infantry will rush in. A quick attack following the flying ax can often achieve good results.

The cavalry on both wings are fighting, and the winner is still unclear. Neither side has the chance to complete the detour and harass the enemy’s infantry. However, in the infantry confrontation, the orcs have the upper hand. Even though the numerical difference is not large, , the Imperial Guards were completely suppressed by the orcs, and could only rely on their flesh and blood to forcefully drag the orcs from attacking. However, everyone could see that if the battle was allowed to develop like this, the orcs would simply defeat the Imperial Guards behind them. A matter of time.

Seeing his subordinates retreating steadily under the attack of the orcs, Thor did not dare to hold on to his trump cards any longer. He turned around and told Richard:

“It’s up to you when the white dragon attacks.”

After saying that, Thor jumped on the back of the golden dragon Asuo, and together with the remaining four dragon knights, launched an attack on the orcs.

After half a month of rest, Asuo’s injuries are basically no longer serious, and he can join the battle at this time. Although the other dragons have been passive and slow in their work, they can bully the orc army on the ground. They are still willing to help with this kind of thing that does not require taking too much risk.


A few streaks of dragon breath spewed down. Whether it was the breath of the green dragon or the breath of the golden dragon, it was not something that ordinary orc warriors could resist. The heavy armor on their bodies not only no longer blocked the damage for them, but also helped the dragons. The breath transferred heat, and hundreds of orc warriors died directly from this wave of dragon breath. As for the orcs who suffered varying degrees of burns, there were at least hundreds of orcs.

The dragon knight’s attack targets are basically the protrusions of the orc army. Those bravest men in the orc army. After receiving such a blow, although the orcs have strong troops, their offensive also stagnated. On the contrary, with the dragon After receiving the support from the knights, the human army reacted quickly and launched a counterattack following the dragon’s breath to open up the road out of the capital.

The human army is never an opponent of the orcs in field battles. They are almost all accustomed to having dragon knights to assist in large army field operations. Once the dragon knights join the battle, not to mention the actual effect, it has a great impact on morale. Small boost.

The battle seems to have returned to the most familiar rhythm of the human army. The dragon knights will clean up the most stubborn forces of the orcs, and then the human elite organization will break through, completely disrupting the orcs’ formation. Finally, a large number of human soldiers will press forward, overwhelming them with Mount Tai. to launch the most determined attack.

Although this set of three-blade axes has been used for a long time, it can be effective every time. Just like the coordinated land and air operations in modern warfare, the Dragon Knight can completely reduce the dimensionality of the orcs in the field.

With the Dragon Knight joining the battle, the human formation that had just been beaten to pieces by the orcs quickly restored order, and even began to launch a counterattack under the command of the officer.

“Get up!”

After cooperating with the ground troops to stabilize the front, the dragons followed their usual combat strategy and began to raise their altitude and made several irregular movements in the air.

The knight on the dragon’s back also began to carefully observe the orc army.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

This action of the dragon knights is naturally not without purpose. It is to avoid the attack of the orc dragon-hunting crossbow after a successful blow. Although the dragon-hunting crossbow is relatively bulky, the orcs do not use it much in the field, but at this scale The orc army will definitely carry a dragon-hunting crossbow. At this time, the dragon-hunting crossbow is hidden in the orc army formation.

After seeing the human dragon knight wreaking havoc, the orcs naturally revealed the hidden dragon hunting crossbow and fired several giant arrows at the dragon knight in the air, but the experienced dragon knight was still relaxed Dodged these arrows.

The dragon-hunting crossbow was launched and its traces were immediately exposed. The knights on the dragon’s back were all powerful men with eyesight far beyond ordinary people. They quickly discovered the dragon-hunting crossbow in the orc formation, and after circling the sky, they tried to clean it up. get rid of these threats.


The area around the dragon-hunting crossbow is naturally defended by strong orcs, usually at least one earth-level orc warrior with more than a dozen orc warriors on guard, and the two sides will be locked in a tug-of-war for a period of time.

But the dragon knight has a mobility advantage. After figuring out the location of the orc dragon-hunting crossbow, there is always a chance to succeed.

In the past, the orcs had limited means when facing human dragon knights. They always played very passively. They were clearly overwhelmed by the ground strength, but they were always suppressed by the dragon knights. Even if they won in the field, they could not pursue too far. After all, they were hunting dragons. The crossbow cannot move quickly with the army. If the pursuit is fierce, it will easily cause the dragon hunting crossbow to be disconnected from the army, and the dragon knight will lead the defeated human army to counterattack.

It’s just that today is different from the past. This time, in addition to dragon-hunting crossbows, the orcs also have dragons to assist in the battle. Not long after Thor led the dragon knights into the battle, a white dragon in the distance was also preparing to join the battlefield under the leadership of Yamos. .


The number of white dragons on the horizon has made humans a little desperate. At a glance, there are hundreds of white dragons flying towards the battlefield. Among the five dragon knights, except for Thor and Asuo, they still stopped in place and made In addition to showing a fighting posture, the other four dragon knights actually breathed a breath of dragon breath at the orc army on the ground, and then turned around and left without receiving Thor’s order. Of course, the deserters were not dragons. The knights on their backs, as humans, are still determined to fight to the death for the kingdom.

But the wings are on the dragon’s body, and they sit on the dragon’s back. When the dragon runs away, they can’t help themselves.

Harvey, the only golden dragon knight among the five dragon knights, was still talking in his partner’s ear, as if he wanted to persuade him to turn back and join the battle, but the golden dragon just hesitated and continued to move toward the dragon’s breath. Escape in the direction of Guan.

The longer a creature lives, the more afraid of death. Although golden dragons are arrogant, it does not mean that they are not afraid of death. Otherwise, the original golden dragon chief would not have been beaten by Aragorn to sign the alliance treaty. Now there are contemporary The leader of the Golden Dragon Clan acquiesced in their passiveness and sabotage, so they were naturally unwilling to fight to the death, let alone face hundreds of white dragons in a seemingly lifeless battle.

It’s the same thing that four dragon knights were forced to flee under the leadership of a giant dragon. This move had a huge impact on morale. With the white dragon galloping in the distance, they had just stabilized their position. The human army that repelled an attack by the orcs inevitably wavered.

Fortunately, Thor was still standing there, and the army still maintained a certain fighting spirit. If Asuo ran away with him, the Guards, which are famous for their eliteness, would also collapse. .

“Asuo, thank you.”

“Thank you, I mean we should just run.”

Faced with hundreds of white dragons, even Asuo and Thor, an invincible pair below the holy level, had no confidence in victory. Asuo even directly suggested that Thor escape.

“Asuo, you go first, you know, I can’t retreat.”

“I really want to leave you alone.”

Although Asuo was a little impatient, he still did not flinch. Just like there are huge differences between people, there are also personality differences between dragons. Most dragons and humans He still maintains the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and chooses to escape when faced with an almost lifeless battle.

But there are also dragons like Asuo who have a deep friendship with the knights and know that Thor will not retreat, so they stay together and fight to the end.

Saul said no more and silently grabbed the dragon gun that was more than ten meters long on one side.



On the other side, Richard was really shocked when he saw the number of white dragons. There were more white dragons than he expected. These white dragons seemed to be in excellent condition. Except for the leader Yamos, there were no other signs on them. Any scars should not be those of the white dragons that participated in the battle before. Apparently, new white dragons have joined the battle.

At this time, Richard only had more than a dozen giant dragons and a few archangels (some injured dragons did not follow Richard south). The five-fold numerical gap was even larger than before. However, although the number of white dragons exceeded expectations, it was impossible for Richard to really watch Thor fighting hundreds of white dragons alone. Seeing Thor grabbing the dragon gun, Richard did not hesitate to say to Moriel instructions.

Moriel didn’t waste any time and turned into a dragon and flew into the air. A dozen giant dragons in the camp followed Moriel into the air, including the blue holy dragon.

On the other side, with a look from Richard, Natalis also took out the Cold Moon Sword from her waist. She first used her skills to attract two night angels with dark wings, and then brought two night angels and several archangels with her. Following the giant dragon, they flew into the sky to help in the battle.

Li Cha himself was not idle either. Under the influence of the treasure Poison Dragon Reins, a Poison Dragon emerged from the low clouds and approached Richard at an extremely fast speed. Richard jumped directly onto the dragon’s back. They faced Bailong together.

“His Excellency the Duke of Northland is also a dragon knight.”

“Master Richard’s dragon doesn’t seem to be a golden dragon.”

“It looks bigger than a golden dragon.”

“Those giant dragons seem to have been brought by Lord Richard…”

Many of the soldiers below saw Richard flying into the air on a poisonous dragon, and they were obviously in awe of Richard…

The poisonous dragon flew very fast, carrying Richard and quickly caught up with Moriel and others, and then stood side by side with Thor.

Seeing that Richard abided by the agreement and went to fight, Thor finally softened his expression. Thor did not expect that the number of white dragons would be so large at first. After all, even the dragon knights directly under the kingdom had evacuated, and Richard ran with him. It’s not impossible.

“Lord Thor, be careful. Leave the white dragon at the front to me.”


Richard is naturally talking about the holy white dragon Yamos. Although the combination of Sol and Asuo is strong, they cannot be the opponent of the holy white dragon.

Thor didn’t ask the reason, but just nodded. The two of them didn’t communicate much as the battle was about to begin. The white dragon was getting closer and closer. Thor held the dragon gun with both hands and used the dragon’s The momentum pierced the body of a white dragon.


Generally speaking, the main combat power of the dragon knight is on the dragon. Most of the time, the knight on the back only plays an auxiliary role in combat and command, but at this time, the only two dragon knights in the sky are not here. within the column.

Thor on the back of the golden dragon Asuo also has sky-level combat power, and his cooperation with Asuo is quite tacit. The moment he came into contact with the white dragon, he used the dragon spear to perform meritorious deeds.

The dragon gun, which was more than ten meters long, was as flexible as an ordinary sword in Thor’s hand, and stabbed a white dragon in one fell swoop. Thor’s dragon spear was customized by the southern dwarves at a large price. Although it is not an extraordinary item, it is definitely top-notch among ordinary weapons. It is extremely hard and sharp, and it can pierce directly under Thor’s fighting spirit. The body of this white dragon.

The dragon spear poked a **** hole in Bailong’s body, and blood rushed out along the hole, covering half of Asuo’s body. The soldiers below were even drenched in blood like rain.

Thor’s stab was accurate and ruthless, directly piercing the opponent’s heart. With Asuo’s cooperation, he easily pulled out the dragon gun and avoided the white dragon’s counterattack before he died. The killing efficiency was actually better than It’s not a bad idea to start with Moriel.

On the other side, Richard also faced off against Yamos, the leader of the White Dragon clan again. Although Richard was promoted to a level after receiving the mission reward, his strength did not improve much. After facing Yamos, it was still difficult. Incomparable, but fortunately, Richard was not fighting Yamos alone at this time.

After hitting Richard away with the dragon tail again, Yamos was about to give chase, but an inexplicable palpitation suddenly hit his heart, and an instinctive fear emerged, but Yamos The Saint, who was at the peak of his power level, quickly reacted and quickly looked at the source of his fear.

It was a giant dragon that he had never seen or heard of before. Its sapphire blue body and elegant lines looked full of noble beauty, which actually made Yamos feel ashamed for a second.


As Yamos lost his mind, a breath of dragon breath with blue flames came towards Yamos, waking Yamos up.


Yamos, who had recovered from the pressure of the holy dragon, tried his best to avoid the dragon’s breath, but he was still a step too late. The blue dragon’s breath hit Yamos’s body, causing a blast. Voice. The huge power pushed Yamos several meters away, not to mention that a large piece of white dragon scales was burnt black and cracked.


Li Cha, who was sent flying out, also seized the opportunity to deliver a few fighting blows, most of which landed on Yamos’ back. Several **** wounds instantly appeared on Yamos’s back.

For the sake of the suddenness of the skill, Richard did not even let the Holy Dragon release the coercive skill at the beginning against the orc soldiers fighting below. Instead, he used it when fighting Yamos. Although the effect of using it on Yamos was The time is very short, and it can only cause him to lose control for one second, but in a battle of this level, there are countless opportunities in one second.

Both Richard and Shenglong seized this precious second. As soon as the fight started, Yamos was left with a lot of injuries. Then, relying on their initial advantage, Richard and Shenglong cooperated with each other. Yamos fought, and actually put Yamos at a disadvantage.

On the other side, whether it is the dragon army led by Moriel or the angel army led by Natalis, their combat effectiveness is actually superior to that of the white dragon. Therefore, although the white dragon has an overwhelming numerical advantage, both sides have The fight was fairly back-and-forth, and the outcome could not be determined for the moment.

If there were no other factors intervening, by the time Richard and Shenglong captured Yamos or drove Yamos back, the orcs’ pursuit would have been in vain.

Watch City

The fortified city corresponding to the orcs and Dragon’s Breath Pass.

At this time, the city was basically empty, and most of the troops had left the city to participate in the battle to pursue the humans. At this time, there were only a few orc soldiers standing sparsely on the city wall.

An old orc and an elf stood on the city wall, watching the dragon battle in the distance.

“That giant dragon is a little weird. Does Mr. Adriello know what kind of dragon it is?”

Adrilo also looked at the Holy Dragon curiously for a long time, as if he wanted to find the corresponding information from his memory, but after a while he still couldn’t think of anything related, so he had to shake his head and said:

“I have never seen such a giant dragon, but with the habits of these giant dragons, I won’t be surprised no matter how many colors appear.”

“That’s right.”

The old orc nodded in agreement.

“But that giant dragon is pretty strong, and Yamos seems to be a little unable to withstand it after teaming up with that human.”

“Sure enough, the peak combat power of the realm of strength is not good enough, so I still have to do it myself.”

After saying that, the old orc took off the shaman mask covering his face, pulled out the long knife from his back, and after muttering a few words in his mouth, his whole demeanor suddenly changed, and he seemed to become younger. , there are fewer wrinkles on the entire face.

“Let me weigh the strength of the strong human beings in this era.”


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