Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 469: Holy Dragon and Night Talk


The Congress Hall is as majestic and deserted as ever. Although it is dark at night, the rows of candle lights on the walls of the hall still illuminate the entire Congress.

When Richard walked all the way to the center of the Congress, the system’s notification tone naturally sounded in Richard’s ears.

“Mission: White Dragon Raid (Completed)”

“Submit task.”

“Congratulations on obtaining the treasure – White Dragon’s Cursed Helmet (1)

Effect 1: Defense +3, defense of subordinate soldiers +1

Effect 2: You can summon a white dragon to fight for you. (The effect can be upgraded, 0/10).

Duration: two hours.

Cooling time: one week.

Effect 3: Erosion. Wearing it for a long time will cause erosion of the helmet if the wearer is not strong-willed, affecting his mind.

Introduction: Made of the hardest skull of a holy white dragon, it can lock the white dragon’s soul and summon the white dragon to fight for you. The more dragon souls locked in the helmet, the more white dragons are summoned. Powerful, and at the same time you will withstand more malice from the white dragon. ”

“Congratulations on getting the bonus unit – Holy Dragon

Introduction: The topmost existence among the dragons, recognized as the strongest unit in the entire world of Invincible Heroes, and capable of possessing holy-level combat power as an adult.

Ability: Coercion. As the top overlord-level creature, the Holy Dragon will exert a coercive effect on all surrounding creatures. The strength of the enemy under pressure will be weakened. The weaker the opponent’s strength, the stronger the coercive effect. Some creatures will have difficulty moving when facing the Holy Dragon. ”

“Congratulations on gaining experience…”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

The voice system prompts in his consciousness kept coming. Richard stood on the spot and began to digest the news of the entire mission.

Let’s talk about the treasure first. A white dragon bone helmet appeared in front of Richard out of thin air. The helmet was ferocious in shape and looked a bit white overall. With Richard’s mental strength, he seemed to be able to keep looking at the helmet. Hearing Bai Long’s resentful whine, combined with the introduction of the treasure, this thing seems a bit evil at first glance. It is not a serious treasure. If a person with weak strength wears it, he may soon have mental problems.

However, this negative effect has almost no impact on Richard. He is not even afraid of the living holy-level white dragon, and even afraid of death. The attribute bonus of the treasure is very average, but it has its own growth effect. Although an ordinary white dragon can barely reach the sky level and can only be regarded as half a step of sky combat power, if it can continuously absorb the power of the white dragon, If you use the soul to upgrade the effect, you may eventually be able to summon a holy white dragon to fight, which is a good supplement to your combat power.

As for the rewarded troops, because Richard’s strength has been promoted to the holy level, the system finally gave him the holy dragon, which he has been waiting for for a long time. From the introduction, it is clear without testing that the holy dragon is definitely a holy level warrior. strength, which is an important supplementary strength for the next battle.

The last mission also gave Richard a lot of experience, allowing him to directly upgrade his level. From the holy level to the present, Richard has been promoted two more levels. His level has reached level 27, and his attributes have also increased slightly.

“Name: Richard Hunter

Level: 27

Race: Human

Strength: 51.5

Agility: 51.8

Physique: 52.9

Spirit: 35.5

Specialty: Control

Skills: Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defensive Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Advanced), Magic Power (Elementary), Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster Level), Lie Yang Qi Jue (Advanced), Leadership Technique (Elementary) ).

Available skill points: 2. ”

The small bonus to attributes has not greatly improved Richard’s current strength. It can only be considered better than nothing. The two skill points can only be used to improve leadership and magic. Although these two skills are important, they are by no means critical. Cha still has to use his skill points to improve the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique. The enemies he has to face now are somewhat powerless with their Saint-level strength.

Putting on the White Dragon’s Curse Helmet, a looming noise invaded Richard’s mind. The voice contained the tragic roar of a giant dragon, and seemed to be accompanied by gusts of sinister wind. This was a direct Pollution that penetrates deep into the spirit, trying to affect the wearer’s mind.

But obviously, this level of pollution has no effect on Richard. Whether it is the blessing of the Dragon of Light or the protection of Asha, this negative effect can be completely shielded. Richard is only slightly After calming down for a while and saying “Go away” silently, the roar of the dragon in his ears stopped. The negative impact of this helmet on Richard was infinitely close to zero.

Completely ignoring the mental pollution of the helmet, Richard walked out of the Congress Hall and came to the castle’s school grounds. It was already dark, but Richard could still clearly see the behemoth in the school grounds through the night.

The Holy Dragon has been waiting in the school grounds for a long time. Unlike other giant dragons who can’t help but shout to the sky and declare their majesty when they appear, the Holy Dragon is very quiet and just waits quietly. Following Richard’s orders.

Perhaps the Holy Dragon never needs to roar to convey a threat. He stands there almost as a deterrent to all creatures. On the continent of Erathia, I am afraid that only the group of undead in the cemetery can ignore the majesty of the Holy Dragon. Bar.

The Holy Dragon is about the same size as an ancient dragon, with graceful lines and full of power. Its blue scales are like blue crystals inlaid on its body. When Richard looks at the other person, he seems to be able to feel the energy coming from the other person. A hint of coercion.

While Richard was observing Shenglong, Shenglong also turned around, faced Richard, leaned down slightly, and said:

“Dear God’s Favored One, the Holy Dragon Estany serves you.”

Although the Holy Dragon is the top military type and exists in the holy class, the respect for Richard is no different from that of other giant dragons.

Richard was also very satisfied with Shenglong’s attitude. After signaling the other party to stand up, he came to Estani’s side and observed the Shenglong at close range as if he were appreciating a work of art.

After circling around Estani, Richard initiated teleportation with him and arrived at a wasteland dozens of miles away from Miracle City.

“Estani, attack me with all your strength!”

Richard drew out the Vulcan Sword, and several meters of flames ignited on the blade, illuminating an area of ​​tens of meters around him.

After receiving Richard’s order, Shenglong was not polite and flew into the air with all his strength, and then sprayed a crystal blue dragon’s breath towards the position where Richard had just fought.

Of course, Richard did not dare to block the holy dragon’s breath head-on. He quickly jumped up with the Vulcan Sword, ducked the dragon’s breath and went straight to the holy dragon’s face.

Although the Holy Dragon is huge in size, it moves very nimbly, and its tail swept towards Richard.


Richard held up the Vulcan Sword to resist. The blade collided with the scales of the holy dragon’s tail, making a sound like metal friction. After one blow, the Vulcan Sword left slight damage on the dragon’s scales, and Richard It was because of this huge force that he flew upside down in the air for more than ten meters before he stabilized his body.

“Come again!”


In mid-air, dragon’s breath overflowed, and fighting spirit was everywhere.

Blue dragon flames and golden-red fighting spirit illuminated the night sky for more than ten miles. Fortunately, the Northland was sparsely populated and vast. In the desolate area where the two sides were fighting, there would probably be no human habitation for dozens of miles around. Otherwise, With the energy overflowing from the fight between the two sides, I don’t know how many innocent people will be hurt.

Half an hour later…

Richard and Shenglong both fell to the ground. At this time, Shenglong’s originally blue body had a few burnt black marks, and a few traces of blood could be faintly seen. He was obviously injured, and Richard’s body Some scratches and burn marks from the dragon’s breath can also be seen.

However, both sides suffered minor injuries, which would basically not affect their combat effectiveness. They would recover soon. It was originally a competition to test their strength, and it was not a real life-and-death fight, so they would naturally hold back.

But even so, Richard has basically figured out the combat power of the Holy Dragon. At this time, the Holy Dragon is slightly weaker and Richard, who has the bonus of treasures, should not be the weakest among the saints. , at least stronger than the first holy level that Richard encountered, the Snow Giant King.

With the bonus of Moriel’s special skills, the combat power of Holy Dragon Estani should be slightly stronger than Richard, but the gap will not be too big.

Compared with the holy white dragon, its strength is at least one level lower. If they encounter it again on the battlefield, maybe the combined power of Richard and the holy dragon can compete with it.

However, the appearance of the holy white dragon is very strange. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a gold medal fighter pushed by the mastermind behind the scenes. Richard is very worried that the opponent has far more cards than this one, but he himself Like a guy who has exhausted all his cards.

After thinking about it, after staying in place for a while, Richard ordered Shenglong to return to the outside of Miracle City and wait while he teleported to a courtyard in the core of Miracle City.

“How come the Duke is sneaking around like a thief when he is operating in this Miracle City, and suddenly appears in my yard?”

As soon as Richard appeared in the yard and took two steps, the door of the house was opened and a tall figure walked out.

Li Cha didn’t dare to make excuses, so he bowed to the figure honestly and said:

“I came here rashly and disturbed His Majesty Aragon’s rest.”

It’s no wonder that Richard is cautious. After entering the Holy Level, Richard can feel the difference between the Holy Levels even more. They are both Holy Levels. A Holy Level like Aragorn can easily kill him. This With the body of a puppet, he easily crushed the Snow Giant King even though his strength was greatly reduced. Although Richard has also entered the Holy Level now, he thinks he cannot kill the Snow Giant King as easily as Aragorn. , it will take some effort, and you may even have to pay a certain price and suffer serious injuries.

Although Richard’s attitude was respectful, Aragorn didn’t really buy it and just replied to Richard.

“You came here even though you knew you were disturbing me. Why don’t you let me sleep at this late hour?”

Aragorn spoke rudely, but Richard was shameless enough. After Aragorn finished speaking, he still stood there and had no intention of leaving.

After a few seconds of silence, Aragorn finally spoke:

“Tell me what you want to do with me.”

“I want to ask His Majesty Aragon about the Holy Orders…”

“Holy level? It’s useless for you, a Saint level in power realm, to know so much.”

“What does Lijing mean?”

As soon as Aragorn opened his mouth, he said a word for dividing realms that Richard didn’t understand at all, making Richard even more confused. Although Aragorn looked a little impatient, he still explained to Richard.

“You haven’t been exposed to the Holy Order for a long time, and the Holy Order is so unfamiliar to you.”

Not only are there no holy steps, there are almost no sky steps. How can it be like in your era when there were still a few holy steps walking on the continent.

Richard murmured slightly in his heart, but did not dare to interrupt Aragorn, put on an expression of being taught, and continued to listen to Aragorn’s talk on the steps.

“The so-called holy level is just a general term that is different from other realms. In the age of elves, the gap between some strong saints was even greater than the difference between the holy level and the sky level.”

“If it must be distinguished, the holy level should be divided into three realms, the realm of strength, the realm of domain, and the realm of jealousy.”

“Although the Saints of the Realm of Power have initially understood the rules, they can only use them roughly. In the final analysis, they are just using force to suppress others. There is no problem in bullying the Sky Orders, but they are quite weak when facing other Saints. ”

“Only when you reach the realm of domain can you be said to be a true saint-level powerhouse. Every move you make can use rules to affect the surrounding environment, so it is called a domain. A domain-level saint-level powerhouse is first of all The power has been used to the extreme, and combined with the upper realm, it can deal with at least four or five ordinary power realm saints.”

“When you reach the third level of the Holy Level, the Realm of Jealousy, you will completely stand at the top of all strong men. When the realm of the Holy Level is completed, you can try to enter the Realm of Jealousy. The Realm of Jealousy is also called the Near-God Realm. In ancient times, there were many examples of the best in the realm of jealousy killing gods, but these powerful gods were usually hunted down by powerful gods. “Jealousy” refers to divine jealousy, and even gods will become jealous in this realm.”

“But don’t be too ambitious, kid. You have just broken through to the realm of power, and you still have a long way to go.”

While Aragorn was talking about the realm of the Holy Order, Richard was slowly making calculations in his mind.

Both he and the Holy Dragon should be at the level of those who have just entered the realm of power. However, he has treasures and attribute bonuses, which are stronger than those who have just entered the Holy Level. The Holy Dragon is completely racially gifted.

Although the holy white dragon he fought against before was strong, he should not have left the realm of power. If the opponent had the strength of the realm, according to Aragorn’s description, he would not be able to survive in the opponent’s hands. So long.

Thinking of this, Richard couldn’t help but look at Aragorn standing on the steps.

Seemingly sensing Richard’s curiosity, Aragorn did not remain in suspense and answered directly:

“At the beginning, I was already at the holy level of the realm of jealousy, otherwise I would not have the ability to challenge the Lord of the Rising Sun.”

Sure enough, Emperor Aragorn, who defeated all dissenters and led the rise of mankind, is also an extremely powerful being in the holy order. He is a strong man comparable to the gods. It is no wonder that he can defeat the proud golden dragon.

Even back then, Aragorn’s existence was more intimidating than the gods. After all, gods cannot appear and act in the human world, but Aragorn can beat you to the ground with a punch at any time.

“Okay, that’s enough questions. Don’t stand here and disturb me, an old man, from resting. Just go and do what you need to do.”

After saying that, Aragorn waved his hand to signal Richard to leave, then turned around and prepared to return to the room.

However, Richard had another thing to say at this time, so he immediately stopped Aragorn.

“Your Majesty Aragorn, the Dragon Breathing Gate is on the front line. The human army is in danger. The orcs have an alliance with the white dragon. Humanity has lost the advantage of the dragon knights. There are also saint-level strongmen on the other side that I can’t fight against. Aren’t you going to take action? ?”

Abducting Aragorn to the front battlefield of Longxingguan is also one of the purposes of Richard’s coming this time. If nothing else, with Aragorn’s combat power, it should be easy to beat the holy white dragon. It’s easy, and as long as Richard and the Holy Dragon free their hands, and cooperate with the remaining dragons and archangels, there should be some chance of resisting the large number of white dragons, so that maybe they can fight for more vitality for the human army.

When Richard thought about it, Aragorn, as the founding monarch of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, his previous actions all showed his protection for the entire human race. Now that the human race is facing a crisis, there should be a high chance that Aragorn will agree to take action. Unexpectedly, Aragorn shook his head after a slight silence when facing Richard’s request.

“How can I be on the Longxingguan battlefield like this?”

You have chased the holy snow giant king through several streets like this.

“Your Majesty Aragon…”

“Okay, it’s getting late, you should leave.”

Before Richard could finish his words of persuasion, Aragorn interrupted Richard and then disappeared on the steps and returned to the house.


The door is closed.

Richard was stunned for a moment, and finally felt that Aragorn had made up his mind, so he stopped persuading him and instead shouted outside the house:

“Since you want me to go to Longxing Pass to work for my life, then you can give me some benefits, like the Red Shadow Sword in the hands of Duke Ross…”

“The Scarlet Shadow Sword is useless to you. It can only barely give people the power to attack in the Realm of Power. And I’m like this. Even the body materials are collected by you. How can I give you anything?” You.”

After speaking, Aragorn simply stopped making any sound.

Richard had no choice but to stand outside the house for a while, then activated teleportation and returned to the Holy Dragon outside Miracle City.

After Richard left, Aragorn sat quietly in the room. The so-called rest was just a joke to him.

Although he has been trying his best to maintain a normal life, how can a refined puppet body maintain a normal person’s routine.

Aragorn clenched and unclenched his fists at the empty room, finally looked at the distant night sky through the window, and sighed leisurely.

“It’s not the time yet…”


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