Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 468: Advance and retreat


The so-called fight with a holy white dragon was just a way for Richard to put some money on his face. After more than a dozen moves, Richard was suppressed by Yamos and had little power to fight back. The White Dragon Clan Leader Yamos’s strength has greatly increased after absorbing the scales of the Dragon God. Before, Yamos’s strength was only slightly stronger than Richard’s, but now his combat power advantage over Richard is crushing.

If it were not for the recovery state of the sacred blood bottle, Richard would have been unable to hold the opponent back. Later, Richard would no longer take the initiative to fight with Yamos. When he found that the opponent had to chase after him for some unknown reason, When he was about to kill, Richard walked away from the battlefield to the east, ran thousands of kilometers and struggled with the opponent for a whole day before he got rid of the opponent through teleportation.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, it finally accomplished the set goal. It entangled Yamos and the dozens of white dragons he brought to help Duke Ross and his Western Army successfully break through the obstruction of the orc army.

It’s just that Richard’s losses this time were not small. Not only was he seriously injured, but he also lost two golden dragons again. Although he killed half of the white dragons, facing Fang Bailong who had an absolute numerical advantage, even the archangel lost Although the archangel who died in battle was quickly resurrected, one of the resurrection slots was still in vain, resulting in only three of the other five golden dragons that died in battle being resurrected.

In this sudden battle, although the losses were smaller than the last battle with Bailong, Richard was obviously more embarrassed. After arriving at Sol’s camp, his first words were to persuade Sol to withdraw his troops immediately. He was not sure he could stop Bailong again.

“Richard, are your injuries okay?”

Richard’s injuries at this time looked really scary. Even iron-blooded warriors like Thor were a little worried, but Richard just shook his head and didn’t care about his injuries. He was actually in pain. He is already a little numb. Anyway, as soon as the sacred blood bottle is restored, he will be able to return to his condition immediately without leaving any hidden injuries. What he is really worried about now is the safety of Thor’s army.

Although Richard was only responsible for leading the North Route Army, he still had a clear view of the current situation. Although he successfully entangled some orcs on the north route, and the orcs in the south had not yet reacted, the orcs still appeared. With the large number of reinforcements and the sudden alliance with the orcs from the White Dragon clan, the plan that Ren and Thor made at the beginning has long been changed beyond recognition. How to retreat now is the big problem.

“My injuries don’t matter, Lord Thor’s. The army must retreat immediately. When I come back, the orc army has already made some moves. If we don’t withdraw, we will be entangled.”

“There is also White Dragon. If White Dragon appears again, I am not sure to resist it again.”

The White Dragon’s support for the orcs is completely unmatched by the Golden Dragon clan. Although the White Dragon suffered huge losses after the two wars, the loss of dozens of heads was already crippling for the White Dragon, who had a small clan. But looking at the posture of the white dragon, it is not impossible to draw hundreds of white dragons to join the battle again, and the patriarch Yamos is also a being that Richard cannot deal with at the moment. If it happens again, Richard is not sure that he can take the opponent away from the battlefield. He used teleportation to escape. After all, Yamos was not stupid. This kind of trick could never be repeated.

As soon as Richard finished speaking, the entire tent fell into silence. Apart from the orc army, the white dragon was the variable that Thor was most worried about. Now that Richard said that he could not resist the white dragon, who relied on the Golden Dragon Kingdom? Several dragon knights are even less sure. Now, except for Thor’s partners, the other dragons are in a state of inactivity. It is completely unrealistic to expect them to fight against the white dragon.

“But the withdrawal of the army is not that simple. If you withdraw blindly, being chased by the orcs is likely to cause a huge rout…”

“Order the army to discard all heavy equipment, bring enough rations, discard all non-essential supplies, and immediately begin to withdraw. The Imperial Guards will withdraw to Raging Flame Castle and stand by.”

“Yes, sir!”

The officer who originally had doubts said nothing after Sol gave the order, and immediately took the order and sat back.

“Sir Ross, you will lead the Western Army to open the way forward and maintain order at Longxi Pass after retreating. Before I come back, all the troops at Longxi Pass will be under your command.”

Rose looked at Thor, hesitated and said.

“I will stay with the Western Border Army. The Western Border Army is all cavalry…”

However, Thor shook his head and said something very straightforward.

“The Western Army cannot hold it down, so I must lead the Imperial Guard to stay, and we must hold the Raging Flame Castle for at least half a month.”

“Okay, just listen to my orders. I still have the dragon. It’s easier to leave than it is for you.”

Seeing that Duke Ross wanted to say something else, Thor simply waved his hand to stop him and turned his attention to Richard.

“Richard, your injury…”

“I can recover tomorrow. I have the strength to fight, but I am not the opponent of the white dragon. The dragons under my command suffered heavy losses, and basically all of them were injured. If the white dragon comes again, not many of them can participate in the battle. .”

“If the war doesn’t go well, I will retreat first.”

Richard spoke very frankly at this time. Anyway, the battle has reached this point, and he has a clear conscience. He knows what Sol means. In order to retreat the army, the coach is going to personally lead an elite team to break the rear. With such a disparity in strength, there is almost no possibility of escape.

As for the idea of ​​evacuating by dragon in the end, if you think about it carefully, you will realize that it is unreliable. It would have been possible in the past. Now that the orcs have the help of the white dragon, how can they let go of a dragon who has left behind a broken queen? As for the knights, Thor had obviously prepared for the worst in order to evacuate the army.

Although Richard admires him in his heart, he is not willing to stay and live and die with Thor. At most, he can help defend the city, retain his magic power, and rely on teleportation to lead his men when nothing can be done. Evacuate.

“Well, I have sent Fengniao to deliver a message to the royal capital. Based on your merits, I suggest that your majesty grant you the title of king.”

Saul was not annoyed by Richard’s attitude. He knew that Richard had done his best to do this. Instead, he told Richard about his kingship.

“Thank you, Lord Thor!”

No matter what Sol’s purpose was at this time, Richard still had to accept this sentiment and bowed slightly to Sol to thank him.

“I just reported your credit to Your Majesty truthfully. It depends on Your Majesty’s decision. You don’t need to thank me yet.”

Of course, this is just what Thor said politely. Regarding the current dilemma faced by the Golden Dragon Kingdom, with Thor’s status and importance plus Richard’s strength, as long as Richard doesn’t want Ren to step down and take over himself. The king and Ren En will all agree. It’s just a title. An old fox like Ren, Ren, knows very clearly what is more important. This prince is already in his pocket. All he has to do is wait for Ren to issue the order. .

This false title, which is equivalent to the king’s status, seems to be of little use to others, but it will probably play a big role in Richard’s case. The king’s title, which is equivalent to the king’s status, can always satisfy Yunzhong City. The conditions for opening it. After the war with the orcs began, Richard’s need for high-end combat power became more and more urgent.

After Sol and Richard talked, the big tent fell into silence for a while. Everyone was not stupid and naturally knew what Sol meant. The atmosphere was obviously a little depressed. In the end, Sol waved his hand.

“What are you still doing here? Hurry up and arrange a retreat!”

“Yes, Lord Thor!”

Richard also withdrew from Saul’s main account along with the Duke of Ross and a group of senior officers…

Watch City.

After a period of fierce human attacks, the city’s defenders were pushed to their limits. At this time, they finally breathed a sigh of relief due to the arrival of a large number of reinforcements.

However, it was not time for them to rest yet. Under the command of the defender, the army in the city had already begun to leave the city to prepare for a counterattack against the retreating human army.

In Watch City, in a spacious hall, several senior generals, including Orc Watch City General Areva, were sitting at the bottom of the table respectfully. An old orc and an old man looked out of place with their surroundings. The elf is sitting above.

“Master Great Shaman, the troops have begun to mobilize according to your instructions. If the army of Watch City and the defenders of the surrounding fortresses are all mobilized, we can have more than 500,000 troops in pursuit.”

“It’s just that this way the Watch City will be completely undefended.”

“Follow my order. All the reinforcements from the Northern Grassland Corps will arrive at Watch City tomorrow. Don’t worry about humans still daring to attack. We will launch an attack as soon as dawn tomorrow and leave the opponent behind as quickly as possible. ”

“Yes, Your Excellency the Great Shaman!”

“Does Mr. Adelillo have anything else to say?”

“The White Dragon will cooperate in fighting tomorrow. If that human saint takes action again, I hope you and Yamos will cooperate to defeat the opponent.”

“No problem.”

The great shaman readily agreed to Adriello’s request, and it was originally something he wanted to do to deal with the powerful human beings.

As the war progresses, the great shaman who was originally in the royal capital has secretly arrived at the front line of the war. Along with him is the elf **** Adelillo. They have also learned the lesson from the last time. This time The second-largest shaman is responsible for commanding the orc army, and Adelillo can suppress the white dragon to cooperate with the orcs, and he must win this battle.

Human Camp

Under Richard’s reminder, the retreat was much faster than before. Of course, the whole process was also a lot more chaotic. A large amount of supplies were discarded and the soldiers were in a hurry. However, it was still maintained under the officer’s dispatch. maintain basic order.

Part of the cavalry in the Western Territory has dispersed to guard the two wings. Only the Imperial Guards brought by Thor and a few elites of the Longxinguan Legion, a total of 400,000 people, have remained in place for the time being.

The remaining soldiers looked somewhat unnatural on their faces when they saw the other troops retreating. Fortunately, Thor would ride a golden dragon in a circle from time to time, which stabilized the morale of the soldiers.

Moriel and Natalie were in a separate camp, watching the entire army move with cold eyes. To them, the success or failure of this army was not important. They were more worried about Richard getting hot-headed and having a fight with him. The army will live and die together.

At this tense moment, Richard disappeared. In order to improve his strength as much as possible, Richard rested in the camp and restored his magic power, and then activated teleportation, preparing to take advantage of this free time to return to In the Stone Fortress, receive the reward for killing the white dragon.

In the dark

The Stonehenge Castle is eerily quiet. As a controlled system castle, the Stonehenge Castle is not as lively as the City of Miracles outside, but it is the core existence of the entire territory.

Richard appeared directly in the Rock Castle and walked into the Congress Hall without alerting anyone…


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