Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 466: A hard fight


“Your Majesty the Duke!”

“Your Majesty the Duke!”

When Ross appeared again, he was already in a safe place. Adil and the surrounding soldiers immediately surrounded him and protected Duke Ross in the middle.

“Your Majesty, are you not injured?”

“It’s okay.”

Ross calmly shook his head to indicate that there was nothing wrong with him. He was not as calm as a person who had just experienced the horror of life and death. Instead, he looked at the figure opposite Bai Long in the sky.

The strength of the opponent is probably beyond his knowledge. Ross, who is holding the red shadow sword handed down from his family, is very aware of its power. It can be said that with this red shadow sword, he can completely with the peak strength of the earth. By leapfrogging and killing some weak players in the sky level, even if they encounter the strong ones at the top of the sky level, they will not be unable to fight back.

This is the heritage of the Rose Dukes of the West, and the reason why the Duke of Rose dared to lead his army to attack thousands of miles. A sword given by the founding monarch Aragorn was a treasure passed down from the first Duke of the West. The first Duke of the West even With the strength of the peak of the sky level, he can fight against the holy level with a red shadow sword.

It’s just that such a powerful divine sword can directly kill the attack of an ordinary white dragon, but it can’t cause much damage to the huge white dragon. It’s obvious that the strength of the white dragon is more than just the sky. level.

And the strength of a human being who can save him from Bai Long and confront him is self-evident.

“Your Majesty, Duke, who is that?”

Adil on the side also noticed Richard in the sky. The people in the Western Army did not know Richard. Adil asked Ross with some confusion.

“It should be the Duke of Northland. I’m afraid he is the only one in the entire human race who has such strength!”

“Is it really that strong?”

“The warrior who protects the country who killed the orcs seems to have no water at all. The strongest human race can be regarded as worthy of his name.”

Adil also nodded subconsciously. Originally, the Western Army was not interested in Richard, who was on an equal footing with his own Duke and was also known as the strongest man in mankind. He always felt that the so-called strong men in other places were just bragging. Those who come out, with their own Western Army, are real men and true heroes.

Seeing Richard standing directly in the air and confronting Bai Long without relying on any external objects now seems to be believing.

“Thank you, Mr. Richard, for saving your life.”

The Duke of Ross bowed to Richard in the sky, and Adil and others around him also bowed to Richard in the sky.

In addition to Richard, follow-up support quickly arrived. The nine-headed dragon led by Moriel and several archangels led by Natalie quickly joined the battlefield, and dozens of them were wreaking havoc. The white dragons fought together, and the pressure on the Western Border Army was greatly relieved.

“Gather the army, organize an attack again, and rescue the Fifth Army! Then break out to the south!”

“Yes, sir!”

At this time, due to the cutoff of backup, the fanatical Fifth Legion has fallen into a bitter battle. After all, the orcs are not the lizardmen they bullied before and can be easily defeated.

Although the Fifth Army was desperate enough to fight, the orcs were not stupid. After reacting, they quickly launched an encirclement and suppression of the Fifth Army that broke into the formation. The commander of the Fifth Army, Jochi, was also killed. An orc army commander was injured after a few moves.

Fortunately, the Duke of Ross and the subsequent Western Army rejoined the battle and rescued the Fifth Legion from the crisis. Although the Duke of Ross, holding the Red Shadow Sword, was no match for Yamos, the ordinary orc army was There is no one that can compete with them alone. For the Western Army, there is finally some hope in the war situation.

At this time, the battle in the sky was tacitly divided into two parts. The ordinary white dragon and the nine-headed dragon archangel led by Moriel fought together. Although the difference in numbers between the two sides was large, it was almost one to five. Quantity ratio, but because of the existence of super units such as the Ancient Golden Dragon, Poison Dragon and Archangel, the scene can still be maintained.

On the other side is the battlefield of two holy warriors, Richard and Yamos. Basically no one dares to get close to the battle between the two. The only one who can play a role is Natalis. After summoning two night angels to deal with ordinary white dragons, they hovered around the battlefields of Richard and Yamos looking for opportunities to take action.

At this time, Richard in the sky had no intention to pay attention to anything else. At this time, his only opponent was Yamos.

After several rounds of tentative fights, Richard felt a lot of pressure. Not only did the opponent recover from all his injuries, but his strength actually increased slightly. It was just that he had been distracted by Natalies beside him when he made his move. Let Richard be evenly matched with him.



After avoiding Yamos’ dragon breath, Richard finally hit Yamos with a fighting spirit slash, but this blow obviously did not cause any substantial damage to Yamos, and Yamos did not hesitate at all. He turned around and pounced, slamming Richard to the ground with a flick of his tail.



Afterwards, Yamos directly filled the big hole made by Richard with a breath of dragon’s breath. The cold white dragon’s breath completely covered the entire area, and the surrounding ground was on fire. Smoke, based on the power of this dragon’s breath, there may be no life within ten meters below the soil.

However, Yamos had no intention of stopping breathing. The opponent was also a holy powerhouse. In order to show respect for a holy powerhouse, of course he had to maximize his output.

It wasn’t until he felt a chill on his back and a sharp sword pierced the dragon scales on its back that Yamos realized that the opponent was not in the dragon’s breath at all.


Amos’s hair stood up when he noticed Richard attacking from behind. He didn’t see when Richard got behind him at all.


Subsequently, a hot breath burst out directly from the wound on Yamos’s back. In order to complete this sneak attack, Richard deliberately restrained the breath of the Vulcan Sword.

By teleporting behind Yamos, he opened the Giant’s Ring. With the huge power and the sharpness of the Vulcan Sword, he directly broke the scales on Yamos’ back, and successfully penetrated the Vulcan Sword. Then the grudge broke out, and it felt like a hot iron was pierced directly into Yamos’s back.


The tremendous pain made Yamos unable to help but let out a miserable howl. Even a holy dragon can’t stand the feeling of grilling meat on an iron plate.

Unfortunately, Yamos was too big, and his physique and defense were much stronger than before. Richard’s sword did not penetrate Yamos’s vitals, and Yamos didn’t care about anything after screaming. The image of the giant dragon immediately rolled on the spot. Richard had no choice but to pull out the Vulcan Sword and slipped to the side. When the Vulcan Sword was pulled out, it even had some cooked meat on it.


After another attack, Richard broke through and struck Yamos on the head with his sword, leaving a sword mark on his skull, but it could not break through the hard skull, and instead was stained with some dragon breath. Yu Yan looked a lot more embarrassed.

After several fights, Richard began to cry secretly in his heart. After not seeing him for just a few days, this holy white dragon not only fully recovered from his injuries, but also became even more powerful, even more outrageous than his cheating self. .

Just now, Richard tried to use teleportation to attack the enemy unprepared, but it did not have the effect of a fatal blow. This skill consumed too much, and Richard did not dare to use up his magic power to fight Yamos. After that, the rhythm Instead, it was gradually controlled by Yamos. If the other party hadn’t been concerned about Natalies in the distance, Richard would have considered using teleportation to escape at this time.

On the other side, Natalie was not unaware of Richard’s embarrassment, but the situation at this time was different from the previous few days. Natalie found that she was unable to activate the death judgment skill on the opponent. Within a few days, he had acquired some kind of rule power and was completely immune to the instant death effect of the Death Trial.


After another head-on confrontation with Yamos, Richard also noticed the problem with Natalis. Natalis had several opportunities to launch a death trial, but she still took no action. Apparently, Something happened. It seems impossible to rely on Natalie’s death trial to directly make meritorious deeds or scare the opponent away.


After thinking about this, Richard did not hesitate, flew directly into the air and retreated, pretending to be defeated and running away. Yamos, who had always regarded killing Richard as his first goal, did not hesitate to pursue him. Richard went up, fighting and retreating with the opponent, and gradually left the battlefield. Natalis followed Richard and chased him. Although the death trial could not be released, Natalis was still barely qualified to join this battle. For fighting, the Lengyue Sword in his hand still has the effect of breaking Yamos’ defense. At critical moments, it can also harass Yamos and cooperate with Richard in the battle.

As Richard and Yamos left, the battle on the ground became more fierce. The Orc Legion desperately tried to stop the charging Western Army, but the elite Western Army burst out with stronger fighting will in the predicament. The cavalry collided with the orcs’ battle formation, forcibly breaking a **** path.

Duke Ross took the lead, holding the Red Shadow Sword to open the way. He could fight and defeat any strong orcs of the same level. A few hours later, the Western Army, which had suffered huge casualties, was really close to breaking through the orc army. blocked.

“Your Majesty Duke, do we need to wait for Sir Richard?”

Ross looked up at the sky. Richard had long since led Yamos to disappear. In the sky, there were mainly golden dragons and white dragons fighting together, with flesh and blood flying everywhere. There was no clear winner for the time being.

“It will be the greatest help to Sir Richard if we break through the obstacles as soon as possible!”

“Order the troops to break through the gap as much as possible and head south to join the main force at Longxiguan!”

“It’s the Duke!”




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