Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 465: Collision


“Your Majesty, Duke, when the charge starts later, you will lead the first and second legions to make a detour to the flanks. After I lead the troops and fight the orcs, you will withdraw!”

Adil drew his sword and followed Ross. After the initial shock, he gradually came back to his senses. He did not have much fear of death. He fought in the western desert, and his hands were covered with the blood of the lizard people. At that time, he had already been mentally prepared for his own death on the battlefield.

However, in Adil’s mind, he can die, but Duke Ross cannot. He hopes to stay behind, hold off the orcs, and let Duke Ross leave.

Ross just shook his head and did not respond to Adil’s words.

“Your Majesty the Duke! You are the heaven of the Western Territory. Any of us can die here. You must return to the Western Territory alive!”

Seeing Ross shaking his head in refusal, Adil was a little anxious. Now the orcs have put into full attack posture, and the white dragon on the horizon is getting closer and closer. Adil, who originally had great confidence in the combat power of the Western Army, is experiencing After several battles with the orcs, he lost his previous arrogance, and with dozens of white dragons flying from the horizon, he had already prepared for the worst.

“We can’t walk, we can’t outrun those white dragons.”

Duke Ross replied to Adil calmly. At Duke Ross’s age and position, it is difficult to make passionate decisions. If there is a chance to escape, he must find a way to retain as much strength as possible, but now In this situation, with a frontal charge, the Western Border Army could still inflict a certain amount of damage on the orcs with one breath. If they turned around and retreated, they would be caught up by the white dragon and entangled, and then caught up by the large group of orcs and become a complete mess. A group of fierce soldiers Become a bunch of pigs and dogs waiting to be slaughtered.

“Charge! At least fight to the death of the enemy!”

“It’s the Duke!”

“Charge! The entire army attacks the orcs!”

“Tap, step, step…”

The 300,000 cavalrymen of the Western Border Army began to move. The army did not charge in a swarm, but moved one after another according to certain formations and queues under the leadership of their respective army commanders.

When some of the cavalry began to charge, the sound of horse hooves quickly turned into the sound of rumbling thunder, and they rushed directly towards the orc army.

At this time, most of the Western Army soldiers also discovered the White Dragon who was approaching the battlefield. The smarter ones also knew that the situation was not good, but among the veterans of the Western Army, among humans, apart from Richard, they should be cheating. He is the most brave and capable being outside the Dragon Army. Even though they knew the danger, they had no intention of backing down. On the contrary, many soldiers of the Western Border Army showed enthusiastic smiles on their faces, which made the orc soldiers opposite them feel slightly chilly.

At the forefront was the fifth legion of the Western Army, an army of executioners who had wiped out countless lizard tribes in the western desert.

Ju Chi, the commander of the fifth legion, personally raised his saber and rushed to the front of the team. The eyes of this legion commander at the peak of the knight were blood-red, and he looked bloodthirsty, which made the opponent launch an attack. The orcs looked a little scared.

Jochi is indeed a psychotic being. Jochi, who is addicted to killing, rarely returns to human settlements in the Western Territory. He has been wandering in the desert with the Fifth Legion for a long time because he is afraid that he will return to the human settlements in the Western Territory. The uncontrollable desire to kill in the city leads to indiscriminate killing.

But there is no indiscriminate killing of lizard people. Whenever you are jealous and want to see blood, you will go to the lizard people tribe to have fun. In modern society, such people are definitely anti-social personalities. , but he is a rare talent in the Western Army. Although Ross has some headaches about him, he can still tolerate him.

With a legion commander like Jochi, it goes without saying what the style of the Fifth Legion is like. During the charge, many soldiers had red eyes like Jochi and licked their lips as if they wanted to taste something. What.

“Stand up!”


Facing the charging human cavalry, there were also many attacking orcs. They maintained a basic formation and stopped when they were about to make contact. The orc soldiers in the front row raised their shields and raised their guns, waiting for the human soldiers to hit them.



The Western Army in the front row finally came into contact with the orcs. Generally speaking, even elite cavalry should not directly attack the infantry square formation with a relatively complete formation like this. They should go around in circles to find opportunities and slowly harass the cavalry. It should be done, but obviously the Western Army did not have this time, so they could only adopt this most extreme style of play. The leader was also the craziest Fifth Army.

With their superb riding skills, some of the cavalry in the front row made their horses leap as hard as they could when the horses were about to approach the opponent, crossing the orcs’ front row. However, most of them still couldn’t do it, and were stabbed in the abdomen by the orcs’ spears. .

However, the strong inertia brought by the charge of the war horses caused these war horses to crash into the orcs’ queue without losing strength even after being pierced by spears, causing chaos.

The cavalry on the horse simply followed the momentum of the war horse, jumped off the horse, walked into the orc formation, tried their best to kill and create chaos, and used their own lives to open a gap for the following troops.

For a time, the front line of the orc army was rushed out by these crazy cavalry, creating a large gap.

If the subsequent cavalry follows up, I can’t say that I can defeat this army of more than 200,000 orcs, but there is a good chance of breaking through the siege and heading south.

Unfortunately, this time the Western Army faced enemies other than the orc army, as well as dozens of white dragons in the sky.


The white dragon’s breath fell unceremoniously on the cavalry group, and dozens of dragon breaths blocked the path of the Western Cavalry’s charge. What’s even worse is that when Bai Long unleashed his coercion unscrupulously, the well-trained war horses of the Western Army could not help but tremble when they sat down. Some of them even began to disobey and knelt on the ground. The battle situation suddenly changed. Turn sharply.



A streak of fighting spirit struck a low-flying white dragon. The fighting spirit struck the soft part of the white dragon’s lower abdomen, causing a terrifying **** gash. A large amount of blood gushes out. The white dragon that was hit fell to the ground wailing. , the internal organs were scattered everywhere on the battlefield, and in the end it was obvious that he would not survive.


The death of a white dragon will naturally not affect the entire battle situation, but it will still have a significant boost to the morale of the Western Border Army. At least they still have the means to deal with the white dragon.

But this blow also exposed the existence of Duke Ross and attracted the attention of White Dragon Clan Leader Yamos.

“Protect the Duke!”

Yamos broke away from the team directly and attacked Rose who issued this fighting spirit attack. The huge dragon body caused a strong sense of oppression, but the loyal soldiers around him did not flinch at all and desperately wanted to protect him. Ross.


Another two vindictive slashes were struck. Yamos dodged one of the blows and then took another one. The dragon scales at the hit area did not completely block the slash. The vindictive slash hit Yamos. There was at least one foot-deep wound on his body.

“Magic device?”

The power of this slash was obviously astonishing. Although it did not cause fatal danger to the holy-level Yamos, it actually caused some damage. Yamos could feel that the human who launched the attack was just a It is impossible for a guy who is not even at the sky level to cause this level of damage to him. The only problem can only be the sword in the opponent’s hand.

The mages in the Elf Empire era have developed a lot of black technologies, and this magic weapon is one of them. Although its power and effect are not as good as the artifacts, if it is placed in the hands of a strong saint, it can also greatly improve the opponent’s combat effectiveness. .

Unfortunately, Duke Ross’s strength is still too weak. This sword cannot function perfectly in his hands. It is okay to kill an ordinary white dragon, but it is a little weak against Yamos.

Yamos, who took the blow, did not hesitate anymore and sprayed a dragon’s breath towards the place where Duke Ross was standing.

Faced with the terrifying dragon’s breath, a group of soldiers standing in front of Duke Ross finally showed a hint of fear on their faces, but were then swallowed up by white flames.

Duke Ross, on the other hand, had an indifferent look on his face. He just raised his sword, activated all the fighting spirit in his body, and sat down to make the final resistance.

“Your Majesty the Duke!”

A few seconds later, the dragon’s breath disappeared, and the dozens of human soldiers in front of Yamos just turned into charcoal, turning into black ash on the ground.


With just one glance, Yamos discovered the problem. He remembered the location of Duke Ross very clearly, and there should be a corpse there.


A golden-red fighting spirit struck in mid-air, and Yamos, who was alert, narrowly avoided the blow.

This familiar fierce sun fighting spirit is that human again.

“I came just in time…”

(I’m going to return the Nike I just received tomorrow. I have to do something within my power.)


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