Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 464: It’s all a mess


Watch City

On the tall city wall, corpses were left strewn across the ground. Among them were orcs and more of them were human. The brutal fighting had made the soldiers on both sides a little numb. It seemed that life was gone on this battlefield. meaning, including their own.

Under the orders of the officers, the human soldiers continued to push various siege equipment closer to the city wall, while the orcs clung to the city wall without taking a step back.

A large pot of hot oil was poured down, a torch was lit, and a human ladder was instantly swallowed up by the fire. The ladder was not fully fire-proofed like a well. It was quickly burned away after being poured with oil. The human soldiers who were climbing on the ladder were naturally not immune. They turned into several human-shaped torches on the ladder, and then rolled off the ladder with a crash and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he fell to the ground and ended the pain. Unfortunately, his life was not terminated immediately after falling to the ground. He was still rolling and struggling on the ground, and the screams were horrifying, but on this battlefield , it was hard for this little scream to attract any attention, and the louder sound of fighting quickly covered up their screams.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

On the human side, the long-range suppression on the wells has never stopped. These tall wells are higher than the walls of Watch City. In addition to hiding soldiers, there is also a On the natural archery tower, more than a dozen archers and two crossbows were attacking the orcs on the wall almost constantly, trying to suppress the orcs above.

Ordinary arrows are okay. As long as they are not particularly unlucky, the heavy armor on the orcs can effectively resist them. However, the giant arrows inspired by the bed crossbow are not something that ordinary heavy armor can resist. This kind of hit on the city wall The weapon is so powerful that it can fly away some stone fragments. When it hits an orc, it will basically leave a **** hole. Even a warrior-level orc cannot resist it head-on. Only a great warrior-level orc can react in time and launch the giant arrow. Split.

However, in the entire scene, the orcs still have the upper hand. Although there are many humans, the orcs are strong individually and have the advantage of defending the city. In addition, Thor has not yet personally gone into battle, so the orcs can defend it quite easily at this time. Even the warrior battalion has not been mobilized yet and has been waiting for Thor.

Below the Watch City, in the human camp

Thor, wearing a simple and heavy armor, was standing in front of a group of knights and looking into the distance, as if waiting for something.

Although Sol looked calm at this time, he was already a little anxious.

Logically speaking, it’s time for the Western Army to arrive. Duke Ross and his elite troops successfully bypassed the rapids and rushed all the way into the center battlefield. Today, they should go around to the rear of Watch City. Thor has been waiting for the Western Army. In Saul’s view, as soon as the Western Army arrives and cooperates with the main force on the front, it is inevitable to capture Watch City. However, for some reason, the elite Western Army failed to meet their deadline.

Thor, who was a little anxious because of the delay in the arrival of the Western Army, couldn’t help it and ordered to the soldiers on the side:

“Let Knight Harvey cross the Watch City to see what is going on over there with the Western Army.”

“Yes, sir!”

The soldiers who received the order quickly ran towards the center of the camp, and the surrounding soldiers tried to make way for them.

These messengers who have been waiting by Saul’s side have quick legs and are dressed in light military uniforms that are different from other soldiers. They are responsible for the task of conveying military orders at close range.

Knight Harvey is not an ordinary knight, but one of the five major dragon knights in the kingdom. He is also one of the strongest dragon knights besides Thor. Not to mention that his mount is a golden dragon, which he also rode some time ago. He has successfully advanced from a peak knight to an earth knight. Cooperating with the golden dragon, he can even fight against high-level strong men in the sky.

The golden dragons except Asuo were unwilling to participate in the siege, so Saul sent them to find out the location of the Western Army, which was a good use of their resources.

Although the combat power of the orc Bat Knight is several notches lower than that of the Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight in Richard’s hands, it actually has some advantages in combat power compared to the human Sword Eagle Knight, and they are also more numerous. Some, in order to convey the news quickly, Thor simply wanted to send dragon knights directly to check.

Before Harvey took off, a wind bird fell into the camp. The soldier took down the letter and handed it over. As soon as Thor opened the letter, his expression changed drastically and he immediately changed his order.

“Let the four dragon knights go to support Duke Ross, and the knight battalion will attack the city with me!”

“Yes, sir!”

Why did the orc reinforcements appear so quickly, and they actually collided with the Western Army that was preparing to attack Watch City? Thor had done some work when he sent out troops. He had no idea about the strength that the orcs could use in a short time on the front line of Watch City. I still know something about it. Previously, the Northern Route Army threatened the Orc King’s capital, holding back at least three to four hundred thousand orcs. The orcs on the southern side of Rapid City were tricked by Duke Ross and could not be driven away for the time being. The orcs wanted to Mobilizing more troops would not come out so quickly. Thor launched the attack before the orcs mobilized to eliminate the defenders of the orc cities. The orc reinforcements should not have come so quickly.

Unless the orcs fight against humans regardless of threats from other directions…

Due to lagging behind in intelligence, Thor didn’t even know that the grassland centaur clan bordering the orcs had reached peace with the orcs under the operation of Adelillo. More than half a million orcs came to support them, and they also They happened to collide with Ross’s Western Army.

Although he didn’t know the specific situation, Thor could still tell the word “critical” in his heart. The Western Army was in big trouble. Without any hesitation, Thor sent out four men who had been unwilling to participate in the siege. The dragon and the knights went to support the Western Army.

In addition to being surprised by the appearance of this orc army, Thor also felt a little bit scared. Fortunately, the Western Army arrived in time and blocked the orc army. Otherwise, if they suddenly joined the battlefield, the consequences would be disastrous.

But now, the situation has returned to the previous deadlock. Thor led the selected knight battalion and elite soldiers to once again rush to the front line to launch a fierce attack on Watch City…



Fifty miles northeast of Watch City, before the galloping Western Army could join Thor’s main army, they collided with the incoming orc army.

At this time, only the vanguard of the orc army was fighting against the Western Border Army. There were ten legions of more than 200,000 troops, which was slightly smaller than the Western Border Army.

But the combat power of the orcs is much higher than that of humans. Even the Western Army, which is known for its elite, has a very difficult time facing an orc army with a similar number.

Fortunately, the Western Army that arrived were all cavalry with one man and two horses. Compared with the orc army, they were more flexible and able to deal with each other. However, even the Duke of Ross, who was used to seeing life and death, frowned a little because of the heavy casualties.

“Order Adil to retreat. This orc army is also elite and cannot break through so easily.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon a golden sound sounded from the human side, and the soldiers fighting on both sides gradually broke away from contact.

“Your Majesty the Duke! I have found the weak point of the orcs, and I am almost able to break through. Why should I retreat!”

“The weak point? The orcs have such a strong force, why would they leave a weak point for you to break through? It’s a trap!”

“As soon as you rush in, the orcs with seemingly scattered wings will definitely surround you, making it impossible for you to escape even with your wings.”


“Then, Lord Duke, how are we going to break through the orcs’ obstruction?”

“Break through the blockage? We can only wait for Lord Thor to find a way. This orc army blocked the main road one step ahead of us. With us, it may be difficult to break through the opponent’s blockage.”

“Where is Lord Thor?”

“Lord Thor, there are a few dragon knights coming to support, we can try to launch a full-scale attack.”

“What about us now?”

“Send two legions to continue to roam the two wings looking for opportunities. Don’t take the initiative to attack for the time being. Wait for our dragon…”


Before Rose could finish his words, a huge dragon roar interrupted his words. Listening to this familiar roar, a hint of surprise appeared on Adil’s face. When the dragon appeared, it was undoubtedly one of his own.

But Ross quickly discovered something was wrong. The kingdom’s dragon knights were still south of Watch City. Even if they were to come for support, they should come from the south. This voice clearly came from the north.


Intensified dragon roars sounded.

Adil also noticed something was wrong at this time. The two of them looked up to the north at the same time. There was some kind of support there. It was obviously a ferocious white dragon. The white dragon that Thor mentioned in the intelligence report might appear. He actually found the Western Border Army first…

With the appearance of the white dragon, the orc army that was still on the defensive quickly began to change its formation, and seemed to be preparing to launch an attack…

“Get ready to fight!”

A look of shock and despair appeared on Adil’s face, but he quickly understood and raised the sword in his hand…

Duke Ross, who had not drawn his sword all the way, also drew his sword from his waist and looked at the dozens of white dragons approaching on the horizon. The situation suddenly entered the most dangerous situation…


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