Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 463: Divide the troops


“Sir Richard, we are already reaching the dense forest.”

“Well, order the army to cook and eat on the spot, speed up after resting, and rush back to Cave Mountain tonight.”

“Yes, sir!”

Li Cha led more than 2,000 of his men to march for a day and a half. Because they no longer had to think about combat issues, and they also brought a pile of materials stripped from Bailong’s body, the army did not move very fast and left. It took a day and a half to reach the edge of the jungle.

Richard’s mission in this battle has been successfully completed. Richard has no unrealistic idea of ​​attacking the Orc King’s Capital. He led his people to decisively return to Cave Mountain to rest. As for whether to return to Dragon Rest Pass or directly Returning to the Northland depends on the situation.

But at this moment, a wind bird quickly fell into Kurtz’s hands. Kurtz, who had always acted as a liaison officer, opened the letter brought by the wind bird and hurried to Richard.

“Lord Richard!”

“What’s wrong with General Kurtz?”

“Lord Thor expressed his praise for your achievements in the letter and will ask for credit after the battle. Now Lord Thor hopes that you can lead the dragon to Watch City to help in the battle.”

The distance between the North Road and Watch City is no less than a few hundred miles, which is still a straight-line distance from the air. If you want to go to Watch City, you have to cross Monaya, the capital of the Orcs, so the ground troops must go there together. It was impossible, and Thor did not ask Richard to go, so in the letter he only asked for Richard to lead the dragon.

Richard took the letter handed over by Kurtz and saw that the handwriting was strong and strong. It was actually written by Saul himself. The wording also seemed very respectful. It was not a command tone from a superior to a subordinate, but with some discussion and request. Meaning inside.

In less than a year, Richard’s status has risen sharply to the point where he is on par with Thor, the Kingdom’s Prime Minister. Even after the results of Richard’s battle are reported back, Li Cha’s status has risen sharply. The status of the police can be further improved.

To sum up, Saul is somewhat kind to Richard. When he was in the Northland and the River Valley, Saul treated Richard well, and he got a lot of benefits from him. Now his old boss uses this tone Asking for help should be considered both emotionally and rationally.

Just as the leader of a semi-independent force, some things are not just about kindness. Originally, Richard led the dragon and a large number of system troops to lead the North Route Army with the intention of making a deal, for the river valley. Richard paid the price of five giant dragons for his fat meat.

Now in Saul’s letter, the words are nice, but the actual benefits are not much. Now that Richard’s territory is adjacent to the core territory of the kingdom, the Central Plains, he cannot give Li Cha a piece of the Central Plains. Let’s see, the title has reached the level of Duke, and there is no title for it, and Thor can’t make the decision.

What’s more important is that the dragons under his command have been fighting continuously, which not only severely exhausted their physical strength, but also caused many injuries after fighting the white dragon. Richard’s injuries can be helped by going to the front line of Watch City now, which is really powerful. Not caught.

After struggling a little in his heart, Richard said to Kurtz:

“General Kurtz, look at these dragons, we are all injured, can we still continue to fight?”

“This…is Lord Saul’s side.”

“The war on Lord Saul’s side is tense. If the army in the middle is defeated, it will be difficult to hold Longxing Pass.”

“Lord Richard, the dragon needs to rest. The soldiers’ physical strength has reached its limit during this period.”

At this time, Moriel, who was riding a red flame horse, came over and reminded Richard that of course Moriel did not support Richard’s going to Longxiguan to help in the battle. Even in Moriel’s opinion, between the Golden Dragon Kingdom and In the war between the orcs, Richard’s best choice is to sit back and watch the success or failure, and the best choice is to come out to clean up the mess in the end.


Kuz looked back at Moriel. He knew how terrifying this woman was, and he didn’t dare to say anything like that. After all, he, the liaison officer, can only be an outsider here with Richard, and he can only show it through his expression. A little dissatisfied, Moriel stared back indifferently.

Li Cha closed his eyes, but a round of battle between heaven and man began in his heart.

Strictly speaking, according to Moriel’s idea, the best solution is to go back to the North and sit back and watch the success or failure. With the current strength of the orcs and the strength of Bailong’s support for the orcs, Richard can use all the strength of his subordinates. The outcome of this battle is only 50 to 50. Unless the golden dragon can also show its support for humans in the past, and a holy golden dragon comes with dozens or hundreds of giant dragons to help, the human army can make a comeback. Opportunity.

If Richard doesn’t care about anything at the moment and takes people back to the North, Thor’s final defeat is almost inevitable, and the breaking of Dragon’s Breath Pass is also a high probability event.

After the Dragon’s Breath Pass is defeated and the invading orcs destroy all order in the kingdom, it is the best solution for Richard, who is still in the North, to lead the Northland army and return the systematic army to clean up the mess. There is almost no reputation or morality. The pressure on you will lead to success.

And with the system in hand, Richard doesn’t have to worry about the orcs becoming too big to control the situation. No matter how bad the Golden Dragon Kingdom is, there are still so many people. There are still a large number of knight castles dotted on the central plains, and on the Jinlong River The fleet’s preparations in the south are no joke.

Although the kingdom is not as full of martial virtue as in the Aragorn era, under the policy of heavy knights, it still maintains the bottom line of the combat effectiveness of the entire aristocratic class. It is not a ruling class that can be broken at a glance like a post-apocalyptic dynasty. Orcs are the ones who enter. It will take at least a few more years to calm down the situation after passing Longxing Pass. In a few years, the dragons under Richard’s command will be able to form a clan of their own.

Just letting the beasts break through and slaughter all the humans, Richard still felt a little guilty in his conscience.

“Sir Richard, it may not be that easy for the orcs to control a holy dragon. It would be too risky to go to the front line of Watch City!”

Seeing Richard lost in thought, Moriel was a little anxious, fearing that Richard would fight for the kingdom again.

“General Kurtz, do you think His Majesty Ren is willing to make me king?”

Richard opened his eyes, and his first sentence did not respond whether he wanted to support Thor, but asked something that made Kurtz almost fall off his horse.

“Become a king?”

This is to be on an equal footing with the king. The royal family of Charlemagne has been powerful in the kingdom for hundreds of years. The nobles only dare to make some small moves. No rebellious ministers and traitors dare to make such unreasonable demands. The key is this Kurtz has no control over the problem at all.

However, Kurtz can be considered a clear-thinking person. Although he was shocked by Richard’s question at first, he quickly came to his senses. Now it is not a matter of considering whether Richard is a treacherous minister or a traitor. If so, If we can’t win this battle, it will be a question whether the kingdom can survive when the orcs break Dragon’s Breath Pass.

“I think, based on Sir Richard’s merits, His Majesty Ren will definitely be willing to make him king.”

“Does it matter what you say? When did General Kurtz have such power?”

Morill on the side poked Kurtz unceremoniously, but at this time Kurtz also took the risk and said immediately:

“Lord Richard led the Northern Route Army to victory, annihilated tens of thousands of orcs, and defeated the invading white dragon. I believe that Lord Saul will definitely take credit for Sir Richard because of his justice. It is not impossible for Lord Richard to be crowned king.”

“Okay, Sir Mrak will continue to lead his army back to Cave Mountain to rest. General Moriel, please take the dragon that is in better condition and go with me.”


“Nothing to worry about, it’s worth the walk for the Archangel.”

“Yes, sir!”

Richard finally came up with a reason that allowed him to take a trip into this muddy water. Yunzhong City, the seventh-level military camp in the main city of humanity (castle), has not yet been located. According to the construction requirements, building Yunzhong City requires His goal is to become a representative figure of the human race, but when Richard was made a duke, he still did not get the recognition of the system. The title of a king, theoretically speaking, should be recognized as being on an equal footing with the king.

Seeing that Richard had made up his mind, Moriel stopped trying to dissuade him. She jumped into the air and turned into an ancient black dragon and flew into the air. The huge dragon wings flapped in the strong wind, which made Kurtz unable to open his eyes.

“The kingdom is lucky to have a loyal minister like Lord Richard.”

Although Kurtz didn’t understand Richard’s last words about castles and angels, he still understood that Richard had decided to go to support Thor. No matter what, he had to flatter him first.

After hearing this, Richard smiled casually. At this point, no one would believe him even if he said he was a loyal minister. If the orcs, a powerful enemy, did not exist, and the higher-ups in the kingdom were still clear-headed, based on what he had done in the North, What he did has long been punished by the entire kingdom’s ruling class.

Kuz himself made a fuss and said no more and remained silent.

After a while, Moriel separated from the team with the nine-headed dragon.

A poisonous dragon, an ancient golden dragon, and seven golden dragons. These dragons have basically no injuries on their bodies and maintain good combat power. In addition, Richard also brought Natalis, Elena, and Archangel. The chief and the three archangels speak volumes about their sincerity.

Richard knew that this line of work was quite dangerous. This battle had become extremely abnormal since Bailong entered the war. Not only had he been out of Saul’s control long ago, but even Richard had sensed the danger inside, but With the double protection of teleportation and archangel, Richard still had the courage to go to the middle line to play again, which was worthy of his status as a human being.


As the reins in Richard’s hand lifted, another poisonous dragon flew from the sky. Richard jumped on the poisonous dragon and led his men to the Watch City…




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