Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 462: Harvest and situation


Barren Rock City

Someone finally rescued this big city. After Richard led his army to leave, the fire that burned half of the city was finally stopped. Although some cracks could be seen on the charred stone exterior wall, it was still pretty good. It was complete, and Richard didn’t have the time to tear down the four walls of a city.

After experiencing a catastrophe, the eyes of the orcs in Huangshi City were a little numb. At least half of the people in the city died in the battle and fire.

But at this time, in addition to the terrified civilians, there were also a large number of orc troops stationed in this deserted stone city.

“General Sean!”

When Richard left, he burned the inner fort cleanly. After Sean entered the city, he could only choose a relatively intact building to serve as a temporary command post. The original garrison commander of Barren Stone City was half-kneeling. Sean looked a little unnatural in front of him.

“A four-way attack was your idea?”



Sean punched Ruel in the face who was replying. Ruel, whose strength was comparable to that of the Earth Knight, was knocked to the ground by the punch and spit out a mouthful of blood.

All the orc officers in the room lowered their heads and did not dare to plead for mercy. As a protector of the orcs, Sean had a respected position and considerable majesty.

“General, it was my mistake.”

After being knocked to the ground by a punch, Ruel did not dare to just lie on the ground and quickly got up again.

Although judging from the situation at the time, Ruhr’s decision was not wrong, war has always been about results. If you lose the battle and lose your troops, no matter how many reasons you have to say, it will be a bit powerless. Ruel didn’t dare to explain. Facing the angry Sean, he could only lie on the ground, as if he was resigned to the punishment.

Fortunately, Sean vented his anger after punching Ruel and did not continue to punish him. He also knew that the human army could not be inferred based on common sense.

“Sir, what should we do next? Humans are still on the plateau. Do we want to continue the pursuit?”

“How to chase? Can we catch up? The white dragon has already been defeated. There is no point in us chasing after him now.”

Sean had a deep understanding of the marching speed of Richard’s army. Even if Richard led his army to stay where he was, Sean was too lazy to pursue him. When he arrived at Huangshi City, he knew that Bailong was defeated. According to the news, there is still some chance for Bai Long to act together with him. Now that Bai Long has been beaten and fled, what is the point of pursuing him? He can only temporarily stay in Huangshi City.


“Deploy the frontline defenses of Barren Stone City first. With me here, at least this group of humans cannot break through Barren Stone City.”

“Yes, Lord Sean!”

After Yamos escaped directly with the white dragon, Sean, who took over the Wild Stone City, actually faced the same problem as other orc commanders before. It was difficult for the scouts to obtain the accurate location of Richard’s army. When Richard didn’t want to When the position was exposed, the flying units in his hands were thrown away, and the Wolf Cavalry and the Bat Rider basically became food deliverers. Apart from knowing that the White Dragon was defeated, Sean was unable to obtain any more information, so he could only continue to spend time on the enemy. This barren stone city.

On the other side, after two days of rest, Richard, whose whole body injuries were repaired by sacred blood bottles, looked at the cramped white dragon corpse lying on the ground and felt a little better. At least he no longer felt sorry for the loss of the five giant dragons.

“Sir Richard, this time we have obtained a total of more than 2,000 pieces of dragon scales suitable for making hard armor. It can make about 500 pieces of white dragon armor. The dragon skin can also make the same amount of soft armor. The obtained dragon skin can also make the same amount of soft armor. The tendons can make hundreds of mighty crossbows, and the dragon teeth can also be polished into many sharp swords. If we take them back and let the craftsmen handle them, we can get a batch of incredible equipment.”

Although the white dragon is quite slim among giant dragons, the dragon scales on its body are also difficult to damage with swords. Generally, even a knight would find it difficult to attack with a weapon imbued with fighting spirit. At least it requires a fighting spirit of the level of a great knight to be able to face it head-on. Destroy dragon scales.

Making five hundred sets of dragon scale armor and rationing them to the knight officers under their command can greatly improve their battlefield survival rate, and those dozens of dragon tendons used on the Shenwei crossbow may also be able to make hundreds of comparable ones. The orc hunting dragon crossbow is a war weapon.

“There are also keel bones. Ordinary keel bones are of no use and can only be used to make wine. However, the hardest part of the white dragon’s skull can also be used to make a large keel bone shield. The defense strength is as strong as that of the dragon bone. The tower shields used by warriors in the army are not much different, but the weight is nearly half.”

“Well, try to take away the valuable ones. Since the orcs are no longer chasing us, let’s retreat to Cave Mountain first.”

After this battle, although Richard gained a lot, the army continued to fight and it was basically time to rest. Although the system soldiers have top-notch physical fitness and fighting will, they are not robots that can move on solar energy. They are all creatures of flesh and blood, and there are always limits.

This time, Richard’s giant dragons fought against the white dragons. They suffered some losses in terms of continuous combat stamina and dragon breath breathing, otherwise they might have left a lot of white dragons behind.


Around the Orc King’s Capital.

On the hill that is now named White Dragon Hill, a group of injured white dragons are licking their wounds. Yamos was frightened by Natalis’s death trial and did not stop at all. The remaining tribesmen ran back to the vicinity of Monaya before they dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

Because it was too embarrassing to escape, Yamos hid in the White Dragon Hill without even informing the orcs. He also expelled all the orcs who tried to enter the White Dragon Hill to learn about the situation, until the Orc King took over. It was only when news came from Sean that Bailong’s defeat was confirmed.

“Chief Yamos, someone outside is trying to break into the hills.”

“Don’t let those orcs in, get them out.”

“Lord Yamos, Mr. Adelillo is here.”


Hearing this name, Yamos felt a sudden shock in his heart. Before he could react, he heard a sentence that made him lose his temper.

“Yamos, you waste!”

Adrillo came very quickly, and followed the white dragon who came to report the news to Yamos. Knowing that the other party did not get back the God-killing Ring.

Although I have rested in White Dragon Hill for two days and recovered a little, the injuries sustained in this battle with Richard were not light. The torn off dragon scales and the large and small wounds on his body were all bleeding. He was alive, but it would take several months to fully recover. In Adelillo’s eyes, Yamos’s image at this time was the same as that of a homeless wild dog.


“What did you say!”

Although Adelillo was arrogant before, he had never directly humiliated Yamos. In Yamos’s eyes, the two parties still had a cooperative relationship. At most, the other party was stronger. However, Adelillo’s words of trash completely broke the relationship. Having reached Yamos’s bottom line, Yamos roared dangerously like an enraged lion.

“I said, you trash!”

Adillo did not give Yamos any face, so he repeated it again.


Yamos no longer considered the consequences at this moment, and spit out a breath of dragon breath towards Adelillo in front of him.

Facing this breath of dragon, Adelillo held a simple-looking spear and blocked it completely with one finger.

“How is that possible!”

Yamos was completely stunned by the scene in front of him. You must know that even if it is a mouthful of dragon breath from an ordinary dragon, a saint-level powerhouse generally does not dare to take it forcefully. As a holy-level dragon, it has a breath of dragon’s breath. The power was at least increased several times, but it was easily blocked by the opponent with a weird spear.


Without giving Yamos a chance to continue attacking, Adelillo directly penetrated the dragon’s breath and stabbed Yamos with the spear in his hand.

The spear easily broke through the scales on Yamos’ body and penetrated Yamos’ body like cutting tofu.

Yamos still wanted to struggle, but Adriello stopped it with just one word.

“If you continue to struggle, it will pierce your heart.”

The strong desire to survive still defeated the so-called dragon’s dignity. Yamos thought that after becoming a saint, he would be able to resist in front of Adelillo, but he did not expect that he would still be crushed. The white dragons around him Everyone gathered around him when they saw this, but they didn’t dare to make any move when they saw the spear that was about to pierce Yamos’s heart.

Seeing Yamos stop his movements, and after feeling somewhat resigned, Adelillo pulled out the spear, and blood flowed out from the wound caused by the spear. Fortunately, it did not pierce the heart, and with a huge The dragon’s physique is not life-threatening.

“A holy white dragon is no match for a human who has just entered the holy level. With more than a hundred tribesmen, he is no match for less than 30 giant dragons. Do you still say that you are not a waste? ?”

Although Yamos was not angry, he did not dare to stab him again after experiencing the thrill of life and death, so he had to try his best to explain to Adelillo.

“You didn’t tell me that in addition to a holy human being, the other party also has a holy strongman who controls the rules of death. That is at least a holy strongman in the realm of jealousy!”

“If you are a Saint in the Realm of Jealousy, do you still have a chance to come back?”

Adrilo looked at Yamos with an expression that looked like he was mentally retarded, and Yamos couldn’t answer. It was obviously frightened by the death trial at that time, and it had also reacted in the past two days since it came back. If the opponent was It was so strong, there was no chance it could escape.

“But the feeling is unmistakable, it is the feeling that I will die immediately.”

“There is also that human. In addition to the giant dragon, he also has some equally powerful humans…”

Because of the failure, Yamos slightly exaggerated when describing the battle situation to Adelillo, but he basically followed the facts, which made Adelillo frown.

“Forget it, they should have fled far away now. You can lead your tribe to Watch City to help the orcs fight.”

“But, on me…”

Yamosi’s injuries were serious, so naturally he couldn’t play.

But when Adelillo threw a piece of shiny object over, Yamos stopped talking.

“The reward will be paid to you first. After you recover from your injuries, you will take your tribe to Watch City to join the battle. Cooperate well with the orcs and break the human dragon’s breath barrier.”

“Thank you, Mr. Adriello, for your generosity. I will leave as soon as possible.”

Yamos used his claws to hold the scales thrown by Adelillo, with surprise in his eyes. The initial unhappiness had long been forgotten…


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