Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 461: Wars and reinforcements



The human army once again used wells and other war equipment to attack the walls of Watch City. Thor took the lead and jumped directly to the top of the city. He waved a giant sword and instantly killed several orc warriors in the surrounding area. .

With Thor’s momentum to ascend first, the human soldiers behind him also fought bravely and quickly occupied a section of the city wall.

In a war in a world with extraordinary power, although a large number of soldiers are still the basis of the war, the war model is still slightly different. At least a few decent strong men can quickly open the gap for some soldiers. Attack channel. Otherwise, if you want to attack a fortified city with a wall more than ten meters high, you don’t know how many lives of soldiers will be consumed just by rushing up to the city wall.

“Block him! The warrior camp presses forward!”


Thor knew that he would use himself as an arrow to rush up and open a gap. Of course, the orcs also had ways to deal with it. Although there were no orc protecting warriors in the Watch City at this time, there were more than ten warriors equivalent to the earth level. The warriors There were more warriors and great warriors, and some of them were concentrated into formations, forming an elite force of several hundred people led by the royal warriors. As soon as they saw Thor rushing up with his men, they immediately rushed up.



Thor’s great sword clashed with the orc warrior’s great axe.

Thor’s giant sword dance was very powerful, but it was difficult for several powerful orcs to fight. In the area where they fought, some ordinary soldiers were inexplicably affected and fell.

In terms of force, Thor naturally outnumbered these orc warriors, but the number of orcs was too large. Five orc warriors who were equivalent to the middle and high-level earth-level warriors cooperated to fight with Thor without asking for help. Merit, as long as you can entangle Thor and prevent him from killing people on the city wall, you will have accomplished your goal.

These mighty-looking orcs play very conservatively, usually approaching Thor in pairs to attack, making it difficult for Thor to pursue and cause fatal damage even if he gains the upper hand with one move.

On the scene, Thor and the strong orcs were inseparable, but this was actually quite unfavorable to the human side, because in terms of the backbone force from knight to great knight, the advantage of orcs over humans was the crushing level. Of the elite army that climbed the city wall with Thor, there were only dozens of knights and a few high knights. The rest were just some quasi-knights or even ordinary elite soldiers. Facing the warriors composed of all warrior-level orcs, The elite battalion, the human soldiers without Thor’s help soon showed their defeat, and were forced back into the corner step by step. They could only rely on the cover of the crossbows on the well railing to temporarily resist, but this confrontation obviously continued. Not too long.

As most of the army was forced back, Thor did not dare to be surrounded by the enemy group. He could only retreat with the army. The narrow corner of the city wall gradually lost the space for humans to stand. Human beings were unable to take advantage of their numerical superiority and could not do anything. After a hard fight, Thor still gave the order to retreat before his fighting spirit was exhausted.

The human army surged up like a tide and then receded like a tide, leaving behind a pile of corpses and a few destroyed wells, but still no breakthrough progress was made.

“Lord Thor, you can no longer continue to lead the attack, it is too dangerous.”

In the big tent, Thor took off his heavy armor. In today’s battle, he suffered some minor injuries. The orc’s battle ax rubbed his back. Although he was protected by the treasure armor, he still used skills to remove it. He lost some strength, but still inevitably got a two-finger-long hole, which looked very scary.

“This little injury doesn’t matter. I’ll have someone give me some medicine and bandage. I’ll be fully recovered in two days.”

“Sir, as the commander-in-chief of an army, it is too dangerous for you to risk your own life and charge every time.”

“It’s okay. No one among the orcs is my opponent. They can always escape unscathed. If I didn’t go up, the soldiers would have suffered more serious casualties.”

“Well, if the dragon is willing to fight, this Watch City won’t be so difficult to fight.”

As soon as he said this, the big tent fell into silence.

Because Richard has been dragging many orc troops with him on the northern front, even Sean, the orc national protector-level general, did not come to Watch City for assistance but went to the northern front, which relieved a lot of pressure on the middle line. Around Watch City Many military fortresses were easily pulled out by the army, but Watch City, the main city of the orcs in the middle line, was a bit frustrated.

There are more than 300,000 troops garrisoned in the city, and they can still draw enough strong men to fight against Thor, making it difficult for Thor to easily open the gap with the advantage of force as before.

And the giant dragons that humans regarded as their trump card lost their control at the critical moment. Except for the golden dragon Al, the other giant dragons were not willing to risk their lives to attack with the dragon-hunting crossbows in the Watch City. It was fine in the wild. , the dragon-hunting crossbows of the orcs are cumbersome and difficult to use, and they do not pose a great threat to the dragon. However, the number of dragon-hunting crossbows deployed in important military cities such as Watch City greatly increases the threat to the dragon.

The giant dragon is also intelligent, so naturally he is not willing to risk his life. After all, not everyone can use the dragon as a hunting dog like Richard. The several giant dragons in the kingdom are all equal to the kingdom, and even The dragons of this generation are more like a group of uncles, who can’t fight for their lives easily.

A few hundred years ago, when Aragorn still had power, it would have been possible to use the dragon to fight. Now only the golden dragon Asuo can risk his life because of his friendship with Thor, but before, Asuo was attacking a group of people. When he was in the orc fortress, one of his wings was hit by a dragon-hunting crossbow. Although it was no big deal, it slightly affected his flying flexibility. His flexibility in avoiding the dragon-hunting crossbow was definitely not as good as before. Thor would not be able to break through the Watch City again. He didn’t dare to let Golden Dragon Asuo take risks alone.


“There is no need to mention the matter of the dragon. Although we did not break the city, the orcs are not feeling well. We have the advantage of strength. I will continue to lead the attack tomorrow. There is always a chance to break through the Watch City.”

Thor’s approach has been a bit radical. The original plan was to quickly capture Watch City, destroy the early layout of the orcs, and then retreat after doing all the damage. However, he did not expect that Watch City would be so difficult to capture, even if he preemptively attacked the orcs. Thor, who was caught off guard and had a superior force, still couldn’t take the Watch City. Now the battle situation was neither good nor bad, which made Thor extremely uncomfortable.

“But Lord Thor, if we can’t take Watch City anymore, if we wait for the orc reinforcements to arrive, we will be in danger, as well as those white dragons who have not shown up in the intelligence…”

“We still have time. I just received news from the Northern Route Army. The elite army led by the Duke of Northland wreaked havoc around the orc capital of Monaya. The orcs mobilized a large army to encircle and suppress them. After the Duke of Northland jumped out of the encirclement, Encountered the White Dragon again. Now the White Dragon on the orc side has suffered heavy casualties. There should be no reinforcements from the orcs in Watch City for the time being.”

Because Sol has always had a liaison officer using the Wind Bird to deliver messages, he is quite familiar with the situation on Richard’s side. Naturally, he knows that Richard has overfulfilled his task, which bought him a lot of time.

The senior officer on the side listened to Sol’s words. Although he was still a little worried, he finally lost the anxiety he had before.

“Next, order the Guards to take a good rest and prepare for battle. In addition, we will recruit knight-level masters and above from the entire army to form a knight brigade of 200 people. Join me in the siege tomorrow!”

“Yes, sir!”

The human knights are not as relaxed as the orc warriors. They basically serve as grassroots officers. With such a centralized recruitment of knights, Thor seems to be desperate.

It’s impossible to say that I wasn’t a little nervous, but Sol always maintained a confident and steady look on his face. Just when Sol was about to let everyone go down to prepare, a messenger rushed in.

“Lord Thor! The military situation of the Western Army!”

Saul took the cylinder from the panting messenger, took out the note inside, and after scanning it, a smile suddenly appeared on his tense face.

The officers below were a little confused about the smile on Saul’s face, and someone simply asked directly:

“Lord Thor, did the Western Army achieve a great victory on the southern front?”

Saul smiled and shook his head, not hiding it.

“The Western Army has done something more important than achieving a great victory. They will arrive at the battlefield of Watch City within two days.”

“The Western Army is really coming!”

“Three hundred thousand troops from the Western Region have joined the battle, and we are more certain to win Watch City.”

“They have reached the back of Watch City. Now the orcs will feel uncomfortable.”

When the generals below heard the news, they all had smiles on their faces. The Western Army arrived in time. It’s no wonder that the serious Thor couldn’t help but smile. He had long-awaited reinforcements. , the elite of the Western Border Army directly bypassed Rapid City and rushed to the battlefield in the middle line in advance.

“Lord Sol, will the attack continue tomorrow?”

“The attack will continue tomorrow. The selected knight group can run in for two days and wait for orders.”

“Let’s go down and rest and prepare.”

“Yes, Lord Thor!”




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