Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 460: Escape and gain



The giant flame blade slashed at Yamos again, causing a huge roar. Yamos, who was suffering from burning pain, raised his head and responded with a breath of dragon breath. The prepared Richard escaped dangerously. And narrowly avoided a dragon’s breath.

At this time, Yamos’s condition was even worse than before. There was a deep wound on one of his front paws, and the scales on his body were even more damaged, like a fish whose scales had not been scraped clean.

Yamos opened his eyes angrily, staring closely at the human opposite him who was avoiding the dragon’s breath in embarrassment. The opponent’s combat power was far higher than he expected. Not only was the dragon powerful, but also those who were not spared by it. The little ones in his eyes are equally difficult to deal with.

Especially the human being in front of him, who is obviously the leader of the opponent, actually has the same holy level strength as him.

In this world, why are the Holy Orders suddenly worthless? Yamos, who has lived for nearly a thousand years, has never encountered any Holy Orders in the early years. Now, one with the strength of the Holy Orders pops up all the time.

The most shameful thing is that the opponent is obviously a human being, but he is so powerful that he is overwhelmed by it. In close combat, he can even swing it with a pair of iron fists, which makes him blind.

That is to say, the physique and vitality of a holy-level dragon are strong enough to withstand so many attacks and still be able to fight back. Yamos has begun to regret that he has not brought enough tribesmen and regrets that he has separated from those Orcs, otherwise they wouldn’t be beaten to the point of feeling helpless now.

Originally, it was expecting its clansmen to use its four times greater numerical advantage to eliminate the opponent’s dragon as soon as possible, but now the situation on the scene is that if it does not win, the clansmen who support it will be eliminated. Yamos already had the intention of quitting, but thinking about the scales of the Dragon God, he was a little unwilling to give in. Now that he has lost so many tribesmen, he will give it another try…


Yamos once again took the initiative to attack Richard, covering him with a breath of dragon breath from mid-air and spraying it at Richard who was still standing on the ground. A giant tail swayed, ready to restrict Richard’s actions at any time. From the comprehensive strength Generally speaking, Yamos is still better than Richard. After playing dozens of rounds, he has gained experience and knows how to deal with Richard, who is more flexible in action.

Richard’s situation was not too good at this time. The holy-level dragon was more powerful than he imagined. At first, Richard took some advantage with his strength advantage. When Yamos got used to his fighting rhythm, After that, Richard gradually fell into a disadvantage. He had been relying on the support of Poison Dragon and Natalies to maintain an even match. Now that he saw Yamos fighting for his life, he did not dare to fight him. He immediately retreated and evaded. Dragon The breath also spurted after Richard, forming a whip-shaped trace on the ground.


In the end, when Richard had no choice but to draw the Vulcan Sword horizontally, he mobilized the fierce Yang fighting energy in his body to resist the dragon’s breath.


After sustaining some burns on his body and blocking a bit of the dragon’s breath tail flame, Richard immediately launched a counterattack, slashing several golden and red vindictive energy towards the white dragon Yamos, and at this time, he shot towards the side. Natalies responded with a wink.

Yamos already had a lot of scars on his body, and he did not dare to take a few grudge slashes. He breathed the dragon’s breath again to offset most of the grudge slashes and quickly dodged sideways.

Natalis on the side has seized the opportunity at this time. The originally black and green Lengyue Knife in her hand was entangled with black mist lines and gradually turned into deep black. The fighting spirit and magic power in her body were concentrated on the blade. The power of the rules seemed like a huge shadow waving a sickle behind Natalies back.

“Death Judgment!”

Using this talent skill will cause Natalis to lose most of her combat power. Usually Natalis will not use it. After all, this skill is too shameless. Even with the bonus of Leng Yue, it will directly cause death. The probability is less than half, and Natalis is originally an important combat power, so using Death Judgment against ordinary enemies would be a bit disadvantageous.

Now that Richard has entered the holy level, he has replaced Natalis as the number one person in charge of force. Facing the white dragon of the holy level, it is not a disadvantage to use this skill. Although Yamos is a holy level, he does not He did not understand the rules and had no divinity, so he was not within the scope of immunity. This guy was so difficult to deal with, so Richard decided to let Natalie take a chance.

At this time, Yamos, who had just dodged a few Dou Qi slashes, wanted to fight back, but suddenly a huge sense of crisis hit his heart.

I will die, I will die soon, there is no escape…

The strong sense of crisis almost made Yamos’s heart stop beating. In its long life, even when it faced some more powerful high-level dragons, it never experienced such huge terror.

In the face of death, the so-called dignity of the dragon is nothing, not to mention that Yamos, who has just been promoted to the holy level, does not look like death at all. After being locked by the death trial, Yamos’s body began to tremble uncontrollably. , there was even a pool of urine on the ground…

It raised its head with difficulty and looked at Natalie, who was holding the Lengyue Knife high. The strange human with wings was very strong, but it could not be considered too much of a threat to it that was already at the Saint level. It didn’t expect that the human had mastered such a terrifying combat skill. It could feel that when the scimitar full of death breath in the opponent’s hand was swung down, its life would end.

Yamos desperately wanted to step forward to stop it, but was firmly locked in place by a force of energy, unable to move. In Yamos’ perception, this time was very long, and seemed to be longer than its thousand-year lifespan, but In fact, it was very short. In less than half a second, the sword in Natalie’s hand was swung down.

In an instant, the great terror of death dissipated from Yamos.


Li Cha on the side was naturally not idle either. Taking advantage of Yamos’s brief pause, he inspired his fighting spirit and slashed at Yamos, again aggravating Yamos’ body.

What a pity.

This death judgment from Natalies did not trigger the instant death effect. Although Yamos took a few blows from Richard, he quickly recovered from the trembling state.

At this moment, Yamos didn’t even dare to fight back. When it saw the “human” in the sky raising the scimitar with black mist in its hand again, it was so frightened that it turned around and flew away, roaring and going to It led the tribe to evacuate. If it had a choice, it would rather fight the human from the sanctuary for dozens more rounds than face that scimitar.


As Yamos fled, the remaining white dragons could not hold on any longer and gave up the fight and flew away.

Li Cha held the Vulcan Sword in his hand and hesitated for a moment. The flame on the sword’s edge ignited and then went out. Finally, he chose to give up the pursuit. Richard originally believed in the teacher’s strategy of chasing the enemy bravely. But at this time, he was a little too exhausted. The strength of the Saint-level giant dragon was far beyond his expectation. He tried desperately to catch up, but he was actually not sure, so he simply did not stop it.

On the other hand, Moriel took the giant dragon and left a few more white dragons behind. Yamos was so frightened that he wanted to escape without thinking about it. He did not dare to turn around and delay, even though Moriel chased and killed them for a while. Don’t block.

It wasn’t until Richard was afraid that Moriel chased the holy white dragon across from him that there would be backlash, so he ordered Moriel to turn back with the dragon.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on gaining experience…”

After the remnants of the White Dragon army completely left the battlefield, the system prompts also came. Of course, the most important thing is that this time nearly half of the White Dragon army was left behind. There were at least 60 White Dragon corpses on the ground. According to the The mission requirements, defeating the incoming white dragon and destroying fifty white dragons, have been completed.

The experience provided by White Dragon in this battle is not small. Moriel and Natalies, who participated in the whole battle, have each been promoted to one level. Even the experience bar of Richard, who has just been upgraded, has increased by more than half. This battle Basically, he accomplished his set goal, escaping the encirclement and entanglement of the orcs, and also completed the system’s tasks. The only flaw was that he didn’t get full power and let go of the holy white dragon.

“Sir Richard, are you okay?”

Moriel, Natalie, and some of the high-level troops participating in the battle in the sky fell back to Richard. Although they beat the white dragon away, Richard looked equally embarrassed at this time, half-length Xue Shui didn’t know whether it belonged to Bai Long or his own, but it was okay because he was wearing the Dragon King’s divine power. This artifact performed very well in the collision between Richard and Yamos, and there was no trace of the battle left at all. It was just stained with blood, but the exposed skin of both arms was basically destroyed and showed horrific burn marks. One arm was severely deformed, and it looked like the bones were dislocated. The hair was also burnt black and there were blood marks on the forehead.

Anyway, in the battle with Yamos, although the opponent was seriously injured, Richard paid the price, otherwise he would not give up the pursuit.

If an ordinary person was injured like this, it would be nice to be able to lie down and maintain consciousness, let alone continue to fight. However, Richard still stood there and waved his hand, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him, and put the Vulcan Sword away. After returning to his waist, he used one hand that could still be used normally to reattach the other hand with two clicks, returning to his normal posture.

For a holy knight, these injuries that are enough to kill ordinary people are not serious injuries. At most, the body is in some pain and it is enough to recuperate for a while. Even Richard does not need to recuperate for a while. Once the cooldown time of the sacred blood bottle is restored, you will be in full condition immediately.

After reconnecting his arm, Richard immediately ordered the archangel and several archangels to resurrect the dead dragon. Compared with the pain on his body, the death of the dragon made him feel more distressed.

The outstanding swordsman and the archangel had small targets and suffered no casualties, but the dragon suffered so many casualties for the first time. After killing more than 60 white dragons, more than six of the dragons under Richard’s command were seriously injured. , nine heads were killed directly.

Elena came up and wanted to use light magic to treat Richard’s injuries, but Richard refused and asked her to go up and rescue the seriously injured dragon first. The archangels, including the archangel, resurrected the four dragons again. Richard lost five dragons in this battle, and his heart was bleeding, and he had to find a way to make up for it.

“General Mrak!”

“Lord Richard!”

“Is there a way to bring these white dragon corpses back?”


Sir M’Lak glanced at the white dragon corpses on the ground and thought for a moment. These white dragon corpses were roughly more than ten meters long and heavy. It was not easy to get rid of the corpses here. , but these soldiers under Richard’s command are not ordinary soldiers. They are at best knight-level masters. Knight-level soldiers can also join the transportation ranks. There is no shortage of labor, but there is no need to take them all away.

Sir M’Lak glanced at Moriel and weighed the issue before replying:

“The valuable parts of the dragon are its scales, teeth and dragon tendons. The scales can be made into armor, the teeth can be used to make weapons, and the dragon tendons can be used as the best bowstring material. It is difficult to take away these corpses. But if you deal with it, it is not difficult to take away these most valuable parts, as long as you have enough time to deal with it. ”

“How long will it take?”

“It will take at least two days to process more than sixty white dragons.”

“Then rest where you are and leave after processing all the materials.”

“Yes, sir!”

Sir Mrak obviously has experience in handling giant dragon corpses. On the battlefield of Erathia continent, giant dragons are not uncommon. At the same time, the corpses of dragons killed in battle also have a complete set of utilization procedures, and they fall into human hands. It’s okay inside, but it’s just a scrape of skin and made into a weapon. At most, some nobles will use the dragon head as a decoration and soak the dragon bones in wine.

If it fell into the hands of the cemetery forces, it would be the most efficient use and not a waste at all.

Richard is no longer worried about the chasing troops at this time. Now he is still more than a day away from Huangshi City. The orc army cannot catch up even if it marches day and night. Bailong was also defeated in this battle. I’m scared, and I’m afraid I won’t dare to come again in a short time.

On this tense battlefield, Richard and his army actually had a brief opportunity to fish for a few days…

On the other side, on the battlefield of Watch City, the sound of killing was loud.

Thor has been commanding the army’s oppressive attack, and he even risked his own life to participate in the siege. The orcs were stunned and could not lift their heads. Unfortunately, the orcs’ fighting toughness was also expected to be strong, and they always remained firm. Hold on to Watch City without losing it.

Saul stood on the watchtower and observed today’s attack with a frown, and then couldn’t help but fall to the ground.

“Wear armor for me, the Guards are ready to attack with me!”

“Yes, sir!”



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