Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 458: Chasing


“General Sean, the news from Lord Ruhr is that the human army suddenly retreated westward. After defeating an army, it also broke through the Deserted Stone City and is now escaping towards the dense forest.”

At this time, Sean was chasing Richard with the reinforcements of two legions and more than a hundred white dragons. At this time, they had just arrived at Xiaohe City, which was captured by Richard a few days ago.

“This Xiaohe City has only been destroyed for a few days, and then the Barren Stone City was lost. What on earth is Ruer doing!”

Sean grabbed a handful of soil from the ruins. The soil in his hand was all red, and every time he pinched it, there was a pile of fine red sand. The blood was completely soaked into the soil.

“General Sean, this human army has already fled further west. We have only arrived at Xiaohe City now, so I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch up.”

“Order Ruhr to recapture the Wasteland City now and re-defense near the Wasteland City. I’ll go talk to Mr. Yamos.”

In fact, from the beginning, Sean was unwilling to pursue this human army. In his opinion, defeating the human army on the front line of Watch City and breaking through Dragon’s Breath Pass were better than anything else. With these two legions in his hands With the elites and a hundred white dragons joining the battle in Watch City on the center line, it is only a matter of time before they defeat the main human force. There is nothing better than chasing this human army.

As long as they can’t break the royal capital, it doesn’t matter if the surrounding cities are allowed to be destroyed by them. As long as they break the Dragon’s Breath Pass, this loss can be easily recovered.

Unfortunately, the decision-making power of this team is not completely controlled by Sean, and the white dragon uncles in the sky may not necessarily buy his account.

“What, go to the center battlefield? No, the order I got is to destroy this human army in the north. This is what Mr. Adelillo meant. I took something from Mr. Adriro, and I can’t disobey him. Your Majesty’s will.”

Sean found Yamos and proposed to go to Watch City to fight on the front line, but Yamos flatly refused. Although the White Dragon clan has a bad temper and often seems a little brainless, it does not mean that it is true. He is not afraid of anything. At least Yamos has a certain fear of the Lord of the Rising Sun behind Adelillo. What’s more, in order for the White Dragon Clan to serve well, Adelillo not only paid a dragon crystal, but also promised to destroy this clan. There will be certain benefits after the human army. Now that Sean wants to change his goals, Yamos will certainly not agree.

Adillo’s instructions to it were to pursue a human army, kill their leader and bring back the body, instead of following Sean’s orders. It had great autonomy.

“Your Excellency Yamos, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. The human army has left Barren Stone City and headed west for more than a day. We are still in Xiaohe City. The army closest to them has not yet arrived at Barren Stone City. Now If they want to escape, we can’t catch up, so we might as well take advantage of this time to turn to the middle and defeat the main human army in one fell swoop.”

“That’s your business, not mine.”

Yamos’ attitude towards this war is similar to that of an outsider. He actually doesn’t care at all who wins or loses between the orcs and humans, so when Sean told him about strategic goals, he didn’t listen at all. When he went in, he just wanted to complete the deal with Adriello. It was absolutely impossible for Sean to ask him to change his target.

“You lead the people to catch up, and I will lead my people to entangle those humans first.”

“Damn it, Lord Yamos, what are you going to do!”


As Yamos talked, Sean felt something was wrong. This guy seemed to want to act alone. Sure enough, Yamos’s next actions were also what Sean expected.

I saw Yamos roaring to the sky, and more than a hundred white dragons broke away from the orcs’ team and flew quickly towards the west.

In Yamos’ view, the orcs’ ground march may not be able to catch up with the human army that wants to “escape”, but he can catch up with his tribesmen. He brought nearly a hundred tribesmen with him this time. , coupled with his own holy rank, even without the help of these orcs, he could keep the human group.

More than a hundred white dragons suddenly broke away from the team at the call of Yamos, leaving behind a field of stunned orcs. This friendly army left as soon as it was said to leave.

“Sir Sean, what should we do?”

“What to do! Order the entire army to speed up towards Wild Stone City! In addition, send the Bat Knight to convey an emergency order and let Ruhr lead the army to chase the humans retreating westward as quickly as possible!”

“Damn, damn! These arrogant guys!”

After giving the order, Sean kept cursing. The orcs around him did not dare to touch his brow anymore. They just lowered their heads silently and acted according to Sean’s instructions.

Only the lieutenant general who was close to him spoke to comfort him.

“General Sean, don’t be too anxious. Mr. Yamos is a saint-level existence after all, and he brings so many white dragons with him. Maybe it will have wiped out mankind before we arrive.”


Sean suppressed his anger a little and began to direct the army’s actions.

It stands to reason that if more than a hundred white dragons and a holy-level white dragon leader were to deal with a small human army, even a small army with dozens of giant dragons would have a good chance of winning, but Something is obviously wrong with this human army, and it should be treated with caution, but Yamos went his own way, completely ignoring Sean and acting alone, casting a haze over the entire battle.

As Bailong left, the atmosphere of the entire team became a little depressed…

The day passed quickly. Richard led the army and slowly marched towards the northern dense forest at a “normal” marching speed. Even at a normal speed, it was much faster than the average army marching. Some, just not so fast, are not afraid of being caught up by the orc troops that may be chasing behind them.

But Richard looked like he was waiting for something. What he was waiting for were the white dragons prompted by the system.

After accepting the mission, Richard has been thinking that his side is just a partial force. The purpose from the beginning is to involve the orcs’ forces as much as possible, and do his best to cause destruction on the orcs’ territory and make the orcs uncomfortable. .

The real main battle is still the battle between the million-level army guarding the front line of Wangcheng. The orcs have the help of the white dragon. Why do they have to do something wrong and they have to fight themselves?

With White Dragon joining the battle on the front lines of Watch City, Thor’s army will not be able to win in any case. It will be a problem to escape unscathed. As long as the main force of millions of humans is retained, and with the help of White Dragon Isn’t it more powerful than anything else to break the Dragon’s Breath Pass?

But the system just announced the mission of the White Dragon’s attack. He was hundreds of miles away from Watch City, which was mainly attacked by the central army, and they were not on the same battlefield at all. So the White Dragon could only be Coming for him.

Although I couldn’t figure out why the orc had to abandon the main battlefield on the front line of Watch City to target him, it gave Richard an idea.

Since the orc army wants to encircle me, I will act as if I want to run away. I happen to be running faster than your army on the ground to see if your white dragon will catch up.

After catching up, Richard, who has nearly thirty giant dragons and many masters of the same level, and has entered the holy level, can use these white dragons to complete the task.

If he didn’t pursue him, then Richard would have evacuated safely. If he was bitten by Bailong and an army of hundreds of thousands of orcs at the same time, no matter how elite this system’s army was, it might be difficult to escape intact.

Anyway, Richard thought he was worthy of the kingdom in this battle. He couldn’t put himself in danger for the kingdom. Richard was a young boy with little loyalty to the kingdom.

After this battle, Richard gained a lot. Not only did his level rise to the twenty-fifth level, his knight cultivation level entered the holy level. Except for the Lord Qing in the palace, who still couldn’t figure out the reality, he has now become a knight. He is truly the strongest man in the kingdom, and even the Dragon Knight can’t do anything in front of him.

The heroes under his command also received some benefits. Although the heroes did not have as much experience in sharing profits as Richard, the number of orcs killed this time was enough. In addition to Moriel and Natalis, there were also people like Gru. Except for the top heroes who still have some experience upgrades, other heroes have basically improved in level. Taris has been promoted two levels in a row because he participated in more battles, and his strength has increased to the sky level.

If we can continue to wreak havoc on the orc territory for a while, we might be able to increase the strength of Moriel and Natalis. By then, the Hunter family will only have three holy levels, which will be comparable to Aragorn. The team that overthrew the Orc Kingdom in its heyday.

Unfortunately, the orc is not a wild monster in the game that allows him to slowly gain experience. Now he has begun to try to encircle him. Now it depends on whether he can lure the white dragon out to complete a mission. This trip can be considered a success. .

Although there is no longer the scorching sun in autumn, the continuous drizzle is still a bit annoying. Unknowingly, the sky has turned gloomy and light rain has begun to fall from the sky.

If you look closely, you will find that these raindrops seem to have difficulty falling on Richard, and they disappear without a trace half a foot in front of him. Saint-level experts can make it difficult for a piece of snow to fall, and not even a drop of rain to fall. Got it.

It’s just that although the rain didn’t fall on Richard’s head, it did pour down on the army behind him. With rain gear on, it would be fine for a while, but if it rained like before, Marching day and night in the rain could not guarantee that the system soldiers who were not strong enough to reach the knight level would be exposed to any diseases.

“Order the army to camp on the spot and rest for a while.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

“Sir Richard, there is something unusual in the distance!”

At this moment, Moriel, who was patrolling the sky with her dragon, suddenly landed in front of Richard and pointed at the sky in the northeast to report to Richard.

Richard looked in the direction of Moriel’s finger. Although the rainy weather greatly affected his vision, after entering the holy steps and going through a lot of muscle-cutting and marrow-washing, Richard’s eyesight was incomparable. The scout with the best eyesight among the half-elves is still a few grades behind Richard.

Behind the rain curtain, he saw hundreds of black spots gradually getting larger in the northeastern sky. Although they were still at least ten kilometers away, Richard could clearly see the outline of the other party. There are more than a hundred ferocious white dragons. At the flying speed of the white dragons, it will take at most a few minutes for them to catch up.

“General Moriel, lead the dragon and prepare to fight with me.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Natalis, Elena, and General Gru, prepare to fight together.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Somra, I will take down the power of the Dragon King before the war starts. You will have three seconds to cast spells. Lead the magic mage and try to release all the magic!”

“Understood, my lord.”

“The Archangel and the Excellent Swordsman will join me in action in a moment. The Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight should not enter the battlefield too early and wait for orders around them.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir Mrak, when the battle comes next, lead the troops on the ground who cannot participate in the battle as far away as possible.”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Richard basically arranged all the units that can fly into the battle, but units like griffins and silver pegasus knights are only regarded as reserves. Although these two units can pose a certain threat to the white dragon, they It is also easy to be killed instantly by the White Dragon. Once involved in the battle, there will definitely be a large number of casualties. Unless it is a last resort, Richard still hopes to control the casualties to a small extent.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the white dragon getting closer and closer in the distance through the rain curtain.

“I finally waited, and the system tasks are indeed quite reliable…”

In the distance, the white dragon also discovered the dragon army led by Moriel. More than twenty giant dragons were flying towards them. As for the Archangel Natalis and others on the side, they had not yet paid attention to them. Attracting attention, their attention was mainly focused on the enemy dragon.

Looking at the more than 20 flying dragons, Yamos had similar thoughts to Richard.

“Finally caught up…”

“Kill them, and the Dragon God’s scales will be mine…”

There is naturally a reason why Yamos can do so much. In addition to the dragon crystal, Adelillo also promised a scale left by the dragon **** in the age of gods, which will be of great help to him, otherwise How could it bring its clansmen into a fight with the more than twenty giant dragons on the opposite side?

For this scale to fight a giant dragon on the human side, it is acceptable to have some casualties among the clan members…


The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the dragons on both sides roar like demonstrations, trying to intimidate the other side. However, one side is stronger and the other side is more numerous. The momentum is evenly matched, and it still depends on the most primitive thing next. Collision determines the outcome…


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