Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 457: Trends



Li Cha used his full strength to cast the Vulcan Sword, and a ten-meter tongue of fire immediately appeared on it, and more than a dozen orc warriors fell down with one swing.

With the addition of Richard, a holy warrior, the orc army in the inner fort, which had been crushed by the system warriors, was completely defeated before they could resist for long. The orc army leader Zafaru led his bodyguard to attack Richard He launched a suicidal attack, but he didn’t even have a chance to strike in front of Richard. A powerful man as strong as the Earth Knight was killed by the Vulcan Sword to the ground.

With the death of Zafaru, the organized resistance of the orc warriors in the inner fort has basically come to an end. Richard put away the Vulcan Sword and stopped taking action. The purpose of testing the power of the holy level has been achieved. Okay, just leave the rest to your subordinates.


“Lord Richard!”

“Lead people to clean up the inner city and then organize the army to eat and rest on the spot! Leave Barren Stone City within two hours after dark.”

“Yes, sir!”

“General Gru!”

“Lord Richard!”

“You bring the phantom shooters and war dancers to control the streets. I don’t want to see any orcs standing on the streets within 500 meters of the inner castle wall!”

“Yes, sir!”

Although the Deserted Stone City was captured, the real trouble for Richard and his troops was not to defeat the orc regular army, but how to stay in the Deserted Stone City for a period of time safely. After all, it was different from the people of the same race. In the battle, after breaking through the orc city, Richard was too lazy to even do the most basic maintenance of order, and would only consider the safety of his army during this period.

Huangshi City is no smaller than the Xiaohe City we captured before. Huangshi City can barely be regarded as a big city. There are more than 50,000 orc civilians in the city. The conflict between the two sides is almost irreconcilable. This is equivalent to approximately five Thousands of pairs of hateful eyes have been staring at the human army in the inner castle.

If he gets involved with the escaped soldiers again, let alone stabilizing the order of the city, it will be a question of whether he can leave safely. According to Richard’s idea, let Gru lead the people to suppress the situation in the city first. If you stand out, you can at least ensure that the orcs in the city can’t cause trouble before the sun goes down.

Wait for a few hours of rest, then pour the oil on the fire in the middle of the night, and then sneak away with the army.

Soon, several heroes went down to complete their tasks, and Richard also took advantage of this little time gap to enter the room in the inner castle to rest for a while.

Night falls

Some screams can still be heard from time to time in the deserted stone city. This is not because Richard set up his troops to commit murder. Although Richard had evil intentions after entering the orc territory to fight and massacred the city, the system under his command The army can send and receive freely, and it will not be like some armies that cannot stop once they open an opening to massacre the city. They must loot for several days to maintain order.

Huangshi City is a big city. Not only is it large, but it also has a large population. Although the team under Richard’s command is powerful, it is too small in number. It is impossible to control the situation as easily as in a small town like Mu’er Town. Therefore, Richard did not send his men out to clean up the entire city. Now that he was leaving, except for some of the main streets and city gates where officers were posted, the troops were all concentrated in the inner fort with torches.

The screams coming from the city at this time should be some ruffians among the orcs taking advantage of the chaos to rob. This kind of thing can happen anywhere. As long as order does not exist, there will always be people using their brains. From this aspect See, orcs and humans aren’t actually that different.

Richard was too lazy to care so much. The troops had rested and it was time to leave.

“Elena, after gathering all the troops, leave from the south gate immediately.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Talis, lead the cavalry to suppress the formation and evacuate after Elena leads the infantry.”

“Yes, sir!”

“General Gru, you are lucky. After they evacuate, lead your team and cooperate with General Moriel to ignite the hay arranged in advance, expand the fire as much as possible and leave!”


“Let’s go!”

Soon, the entire system army quickly took action according to Richard’s arrangements. The army under Richard’s command seemed a bit strange in every aspect in this era.

Not to mention that marching at night is commonplace, and we can still maintain a marching speed that is not much different from that during the day. Although it is still early in the night, it should be a time when we are sleeping soundly, but the faces of these system soldiers basically cannot be seen. By the time they were a little tired, a few hours of rest in the afternoon had been enough for them to regain their mobility for the day.

The army marched late at night, which naturally alarmed the orcs in the city. It can be said that although Richard captured the deserted stone city, he could not even stabilize the basic order, let alone rule. The phantom shooter under Gru Where they can’t see, the undercurrent of Wasteland City has never stopped surging.

“Master Banner Leader! Those humans seem to be leaving!”

In the dark night, in a remote house, several orcs were secretly planning something.

In the daytime battle, the orcs actually had an officer at the level of a banner commander who survived. The banner commander, who had the strength of a great warrior, naturally became the leader of the defeated troops in the city.

“Are they actually going out of town at night?”

“Sir, shall we stop them?”

This group of orcs secretly gathered two to three hundred people at night, and mobilized some young civilians in the city. It would not be a problem to gather a thousand people, and it was possible to make some noise, but The Orc Flag Captain flatly rejected the proposal.

“I can’t defeat so many people during the day! Are these people going to die now?”

“Humans have put a lot of dry firewood in the city. They are afraid that they will set fire to the city after they leave. After these humans leave, we will try our best to put out the fire and save the city!”

“Here, can we put out the fire?”

When I heard the flag leader say that humans were going to set fire, a squad leader next to him had a look of obvious fear. Technology in modern society has become so advanced that once a fire breaks out, it is extremely difficult to control the fire. In this era, we are already facing There is also no good way to deal with the fire. Once a fire breaks out in the city, you will be devoured by the fire if you are not careful.

“We must extinguish the fire even if it cannot be extinguished. As soon as humans withdraw, we will quickly organize people to put out the fire.”

“Yes, sir!”

“There’s a fire, put out the fire quickly!”

“Quickly put out the fire!”

The efficiency of the system army was very fast. When the cavalry led by Taris had just passed the city gate, everything in the wasteland city began to burn. Because it was caused by man-made arson, the fire started very quickly, and it suddenly became a climate. .

The orc civilians did not care about the danger outside and rushed out to put out the fire. After the fire started, the orc flag leader also joined the fire-fighting team with his gathered troops and tried to control the fire.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”


“Humans, humans haven’t left yet!”

In the dark night, some orcs who were trying to put out the fire were suddenly knocked down by sharp arrows. They couldn’t even see where the arrows came from. Just because of the arrows’ obstruction, putting out the fire became a luxury. I could only watch the fire getting bigger and bigger.

“Lord Gru, the fire is too big, we should withdraw.”

Gru, who was standing on the roof looking at the many fires in the city, nodded, waved his hand, and the soldier responsible for setting the fire disappeared into the night with him and ran towards the city gate, while the giant dragon in the sky He also left under the leadership of Moriel.

The fire in Huangshi City is getting bigger and bigger, completely lighting up the entire night sky. This fire can no longer be extinguished by the power of the orcs. If you want the fire to be extinguished, you can only wait for it to burn. When there is nothing left to burn, the fire will stop, but by then there will be nothing left in the desolate stone city.

Early morning

Richard has led the system army away, but the fire in Huangshi City has not been extinguished. It is obvious that the fire was not controlled at night. Some orcs were directly burned to death in the city, and the remaining orcs were only Being able to open the Wasteland City out of desperation, it is only a matter of time before the Wasteland City is burned to the ground.

“Lord Ruhr, the news from Bat Knight is that the Deserted Stone City has also been broken by humans, and now humans are marching to the west.”

Over the course of the morning, Ruhr heard two pieces of bad news in succession. First came the news of the disastrous defeat of the legion in Muer Town. Now the news is outrageous. The humans who were still fighting in Muer Town the night before The army actually turned around and broke through Huangshi City again. The marching speed was as fast as flying.

“Order the flanking armies to stop marching and move closer to us.”

Ruhr pinched his eyebrows and couldn’t figure out why the army’s marching speed and combat effectiveness were so outrageous. However, no matter how unbelievable it was, what happened happened. After careful consideration based on the facts, , Ruhr still made the most conservative decision to regroup the troops that were scattered at the beginning to avoid being defeated individually.

“In addition, send Bat Knight to report the movements of humans and tell Lord Sean that the human army is heading west and seems to want to retreat.”

“Yes, sir!”

Ruhr was actually unsure of Richard’s intentions. The system army led by Richard could not judge based on common sense. He just reported the situation truthfully to Sean, who was leading the army to help. Originally, their battle plan was Sean Blocking Richard’s path, Ruhr’s four legions surrounded him and completely surrounded and wiped out the opponent.

Now the opponent not only destroyed one of his legions, but also led his army to break through the Wasteland City and jumped behind him. He also set off all the way to the west. He took advantage of it and prepared to withdraw to the dense forest to rest, but Ruhr did not want to do anything at this time. If he dared to lead his army to pursue easily, the other party could destroy the legion in Muer Town. His legion went up to deliver food, and Ruhr could only wait for the remaining three legions to join together before he dared to pursue it.

Rul even felt in his heart that if the other party ran all the way west, he would just let these scourges leave. He would rather go to the Dragon Breath Pass and fight the human dragon knights for 300 rounds than really want to fight with such a group of people again. Strange armies clashed.

“Sir Richard, are we going back to Yandong Mountain?”

“Whether we go back or not, there are signs that the orc army is about to encircle us again. These orcs are not weak in combat power. If they really complete the encirclement, it will still be troublesome. It is better to jump out in advance.”

“Sir Richard, why don’t you let me lead the army? We can rush back to Yandong Mountain in two days at most.”

Because after leaving Huangshi City, Richard led the army all the way west, as if he was going to get back into the dense forest. Several heroes around him thought that Richard wanted to withdraw.

“That won’t work. General M’rak will lead the team. I’m afraid the orcs will retreat before they can react.”

“Well, Sir Richard, did you do this on purpose?”

“Of course, there will be a fierce battle soon. If I am not wrong…”


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