Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 456: Breaking the city


Ignoring the town that had not been completely burned, amidst the black smoke, the system army led by Sir Mrak rushed towards the Deserted Stone City at a speed faster than the light cavalry.

“Lord Richard, if we continue to fight, the dragon’s combat effectiveness will be affected!”

During the normal march, Moriel did not turn into the form of an ancient black dragon and lead the dragon in the air. Instead, she followed Richard in human form, riding a red flame horse and reminded him with some worry:

“The dragon has been fighting with high intensity. Although its physical strength can still persist, if it does not recover for a period of time, it will be difficult to use the dragon’s breath. If it continues to fight, it will only be able to fight in close combat, and its combat effectiveness will probably be greatly reduced.”

In the battle against the orcs, half of the dragon’s combat power lies in the dragon’s breath. With the dragon’s breath, as long as a small amount of dragon hunting crossbows are cleared, the dragon can easily harvest the orcs without landing. There is nothing you can do against the giant dragon that is breathing in mid-air, but if the dragon’s breath ability cannot be restored, not only will its lethality to the orcs be greatly reduced, but it will also give the orcs more opportunities to engage in close combat on the ground.

Fortunately, all of this has been within Richard’s expectation. At least in the battle in Wasteland City, even if the dragon was unable to exert its full combat power, Richard had other ways to break through the outer wall of Wasteland City.

“Nothing, the two thousand kilograms of gunpowder I have been carrying will come in handy in the next battle.”

“Is Lord Richard so confident in those gunpowders? Keeping those things with you will slow down our march a lot.”

The system army has been trying to reduce its burden during the march. It did not carry much, but it always carried more than 2,000 kilograms of gunpowder as backup. Now when the dragon uses Dragon Breath intensively and needs to rest and recover, it is time for gunpowder to fill this gap. It’s a blank period.

“I don’t have much confidence, but it always works wonders the first time I use it.”

Richard’s words are not modest. He really doesn’t think much of the power of black powder. Although it has been improved through many experiments by Northland researchers, there is still no fundamental breakthrough. This thing It is always not powerful enough, and its stability is not high. If you don’t find a suitable method of use, it will become useless.

Compared to the era when black powder just appeared on the earth, Richard also has a huge advantage. His men have the ability to accurately throw black powder weapons at high altitudes, without having to do some crappy basic gunpowder weapons, and enter in one step The “bomber” era.

“Speed ​​up the speed and take down Huangshi City first.”

“Yes, sir!”

Barren Rock City

This is the only large city adjacent to the dense forest. There are about 100,000 permanent civilians, and there are several small cities surrounding it. In the early years, when humans were still on the offensive, Wild Stone City was where the human elite entered the core of the orcs. A door must open for the Zone.

Because of its important location, Huangshi City was built with more military purposes in mind. The city wall is more than ten meters high and more than four meters wide at its widest point. There are turrets on all sides, making the city extremely strong.

The daily garrison has never been lax. Not counting the 100,000 reinforcements brought by Ruhr, a legion of orcs has been stationed on the front line of Barren Stone City for a long time. Ten thousand of them are stationed in the main city of Barren Stone City, and the other half are scattered in In the surrounding small cities and forts, there are also several dragon hunting crossbows deployed in the city to target human dragon knights.

It stands to reason that the front-line defense of Huangshi City may not be easily broken even by a hundred thousand troops and two or three dragon knights. If you include the hundred thousand people brought by Ruer, even if there is a A million-strong army can defend it for a while even if it attacks by force.

However, he encountered an alien like Richard. Regardless of any escape route, he led his army directly through the defense line of Huangshi City at an extremely fast speed. The defenders on this line of defense had not yet reacted. , Richard ran to the most elite territory of the orcs and created a circle, which caused Ruer, who had led his troops to come for reinforcements, to return to chase. There were only more than 10,000 garrison troops left in the entire deserted stone city.

At this time, on the city wall of Desolate Stone City, several orc officers were patrolling the city wall. Judging from their attire, they should be senior generals in the city.

“General Zafaru, are we patrolling three times a day too frequently? Humans have already passed Xiaohe City, and now Lord Ruhr has led his troops to pursue them. We in Barren Stone City may not even have a chance now. Let’s fight against that group of humans.”

Zafaru, the leading orc officer, served as the regiment commander of the Deserted Stone City garrison before Ruel came to help. He had been the highest commander of the defense line. His strength barely exceeded that of the great warriors and reached the level of the imperial warriors. If he did not follow Li Looking at the comparison of the monsters under his command, they can be regarded as strong wherever they are placed.

At this time, Zafaru, who was leading the city patrol, was stopping in front of a crossbow, reaching out to check the quality of the noose. He ignored the suggestions of his subordinates. Zafaru was just like an ordinary crossbowman. In the same way, he inspected the parts of this bed crossbow bit by bit, and finally said to the sergeant next to him:

“Apply some oil, some places are rough.”

“Yes, sir!”

The soldiers on the side were a little nervous. As soon as Zafaru gave the order, he immediately acted according to the order.

“If I could, I would sleep on this city wall every day. This human army is so weird. They suddenly bypassed us and captured Xiaohe City. It does not mean that we are safe, but it has proved to us With their marching ability and a team with this kind of marching speed, you will never predict where they will appear, so make more preparations.”

“Yes, General!”

Although Ruhr has left with his army, Zafaru who stayed behind is still working hard without any slack. It has to be said that most of the orc generals are good generals, and it is not unreasonable for their military strength to exceed that of humans. If Unless Richard relied on his high-end strength to crush them and commanded them seriously, he might not be a match for these orc generals.

It was Zafaru’s caution and conscientiousness that made the orcs stationed in Wild Stone City a little more understanding.

It was just past noon, and the orc soldiers on the city wall were taking turns eating in twos and threes. Zafaru sat down and made a bowl of the same rations as the soldiers and started eating. The orcs at this time were not counted. There is a shortage of food, but the supply is quite sufficient. Although the food in the bowl tastes average, the portion is not small, and it can make up for the orcs’ daily consumption.

Before Zafaru had even had a few bites of food, an urgent golden sound came from the watchtower at the highest point of the city.




The sound was rapid and sharp, which was a signal that a threatening enemy was attacking. As soon as Zafaru heard the sound, he no longer cared about the few mouthfuls of rice left in the bowl, stood up and rushed towards the city.

Twenty-seven giant dragons approached rapidly from a distance at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing larger and larger from a small point. A seemingly small army on the ground actually approached at a speed comparable to that of the giant dragon. Wasteland City.

This is the human army that Lord Ruhr wants to chase, and they are really coming again! Are the troops led by General Naluer?

“Get ready to fight!”

“Command the Bear Hunting Crossbow to prepare for firing and wait for my command to release the arrow!”

“Order the reserve team to prepare!”

He did not dare to think too much about what happened to the friendly forces. Facing this strange human army, Zafaru immediately paid full attention, holding his battle ax and staring closely at the slowly approaching giant dragon and humans. army.

On the other side, Richard was leading his army as he approached the wall of Huangshi City without concealment. The cover-up in broad daylight was of no use. Anyone who moved on this large flat area would be clearly seen by others.

“Sir Richard, there shouldn’t be many orcs in this deserted stone city, but the city wall is now closed and we don’t have any siege equipment. Do we want to stop and build a ladder first?”

Although the system army is powerful, except for a small number of top-level units, even high-level units such as champion knights cannot fly over a city wall more than ten meters high and attack the city.

The walls and gates of this barren stone city are not easily broken open like those in Muer Town. It is normal for Mulak on the side to ask Richard if he wants to stop and build siege equipment.

There is no need to build complex high-end siege equipment like Jinglan, but only need to build some long ladders. These systematic troops under Richard can easily climb to the top of Huangshi City.

However, Richard had no plans to build siege equipment at this time. Instead, he stopped at the foot of the deserted stone city and had someone carry a large bag of black powder prepared in advance.



With a loud noise at the gate of Barren Stone City, the thick iron gate collapsed into several pieces, flying out and killing several orc warriors behind. Zafaru, who was standing on the city wall fighting desperately, felt that the whole The city seemed to be shaking, and the entire city wall seemed to be collapsing, but fortunately, the city wall returned to normal after shaking for a few seconds.

After just a puff of black smoke, a gap of five or six meters wide appeared at the city gate. At this time, Talis, who was already prepared, led the cavalry team headed by the champion knight and rushed into the city gate as quickly as possible.

“Sir, this gunpowder is quite powerful.”

“Well, it’s a little worse than expected.”

When he first started to attack the city, Richard ordered two outstanding swordsmen to bury the prepared large bags of black gunpowder directly under the gate of Huangshi City. Originally, to complete this process, he had to slowly dig tunnels to get closer. Only the city wall has the opportunity to bury gunpowder.

But Richard could rely on the strength of his men to be unreasonable. The angels and dragons immediately beat the orcs after they landed on the city wall. He could only rely on numbers and the will to fight without fear of death to resist. , there is no time to pay attention to the two outstanding swordsmen who entered the city gate with strange things.

The two outstanding swordsmen buried and ignited the gunpowder according to Richard’s instructions, and the scene just happened. Thousands of kilograms of black gunpowder did not cause any damage to the city wall, but only tore open the iron gate of Huangshi City. In the eyes of Sir Mrak, who was used to seeing magic, this power could only be described as “okay”. Even Richard was not satisfied with the power. He did not feel like the earth was shattering when it exploded.

In fact, it is normal. If the power of black powder can satisfy Richard, then the gunpowder weapons that have been active on the battlefield since the Song and Yuan Dynasties will not be reduced to a supplementary component of the war, but will play the leading role. The power Enough black powder and well-made gunpowder weapons, the improvement process took hundreds of years. And

The improvement of black gunpowder still has a long way to go. Richard’s limited knowledge level will not be of much help to the subsequent improvement of gunpowder. He can only give some suggestions on usage, and be more confident. direction, and then desperately spend money on research to promote this progress. In the short term, gunpowder can still only serve as the icing on the cake.

But more than a thousand kilograms of black gunpowder was considered a success. At least it broke the orcs’ city gate. Taris and Elena took this opportunity to lead people directly into the deserted stone city. The orcs who were caught off guard had no chance at all. The ability blocked the cavalry led by Taris at the city gate, and the battle turned directly from siege warfare to urban street fighting…



When the city gate opened wide and Taris led the cavalry into the city, the battle was already over. Elena, Ron and others quickly followed up with the follow-up infantry to expand the victory. The more than a thousand reserves prepared by Faro were destroyed before they could be put into battle.

At this time, Zafaru was taking a group of troops that he had finally gathered together and huddled in the inner fort of Barren Stone City, trying to resist.

Although the inner city is small, as the inner fortress of a large military city like Huangshi City, it is actually built more solidly. After the area is smaller, the walls are higher than the outer city, which looks bad. Chewy bones.

Before Zafaru, who had just retreated to the inner fort, had time to breathe a sigh of relief, a fiery giant sword condensed in mid-air. Then he saw the giant sword waved, and a ball of golden-red fighting spirit came out of the sword.

It was like someone swiping a pen in the air, drawing a meteor heading straight for the city gate of the inner castle. A huge roar erupted from the city gate, and the heavy iron gate collapsed directly, and ten people blocked behind the gate Several orc warriors were killed and injured.

The terrifying power caused several terrifying cracks to appear on the wall around the iron gate. If it were hit a few more times, not only the city gate would be shattered, but also a section of the wall would collapse.

“This power is much stronger than the explosion of a thousand kilograms of gunpowder.”

In mid-air, Richard extinguished the flames on the Vulcan Sword and did not continue to consume his fighting energy. As long as the door was opened, the next thing would be left to Elena, Taris and others, so as not to let him With a lot of effort, the entire wall was blown open.

This is the first time that Richard has used all his strength after entering the holy level. It is indeed a different level of power.


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