Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 455: Holy Orders and Objectives


The Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique, a skill that can trigger rules and lead directly to the holy level or even higher levels, finally became ready for upgrade when Richard reached level 25.

Without hesitation, Richard, who was already stuck at the peak of the sky level, quickly made a decision. With Richard’s talent, it is not impossible to practice slowly, but it requires enough time to accumulate. Richard Although I am young now, what I lack most is actually time.

“Improvement, Lieyang Qi Entrainment Technique (Intermediate Level)”

The second word after the Lieyang Qi Drawing Technique jumped from the intermediate level to the advanced level, and Richard also felt a hot energy swimming violently in his body.

From the limbs to the internal organs, the muscles, bones, and skin all feel burning. This reaction is much stronger than when it was upgraded to the intermediate level. It is like the whole body is burning in a fire. The burning pain is absolutely It was one of the most painful feelings in the world, so much so that Richard, who was still strong-willed, couldn’t help but growl and couldn’t stand upright.

“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

On the side, Rhodes and Sir Mrak noticed something strange about Richard and hurriedly wanted to come up to help him, but Richard just silently waved his hands to them, indicating that he was fine.

Then he took out the Vulcan Sword from his waist and used all his strength to vent the fierce Yang fighting energy that was about to overflow from his body.


The flames on the Vulcan Sword rushed out to a height of more than ten meters, more than three times as high as before. Although the pain on his body did not ease, Richard finally recovered after finding an outlet. He was in pain just now. I almost fainted.

Although he didn’t know whether fainting during the system’s forced advancement process would cause the advancement to fail, Richard was still unwilling to make such an attempt and forced himself to endure it.

Gradually, the pain gradually became lighter, and the world finally became clear in Richard’s eyes. No, the world became clearer. He seemed to be able to see the breeze blowing, feel the soil around his feet, and hear to the crawling sound of ants dozens of meters away.

The world became extremely clear to Richard’s perception. Sure enough, the Holy Order was not only an increase in absolute power, but also a higher level of realm.

Then, Richard smelled a feces-like stench. Richard frowned when he smelled the smell, thinking that the corpses around him had not been cleaned up. He was about to say something, but after taking a closer look, he realized that this The stench actually came from his own body.

Sure enough, going from the peak of the sky level to the holy level is a complete jump in life level. The last such jump should be the stage from the quasi-knight to the knight. The knight is not a long-lived profession. At most, he can only live a lifetime. You have to be over a hundred years old and not have suffered any serious injuries.

Compared to ordinary people in this era, it is indeed a long life, but for extraordinary people, this lifespan is indeed a bit long. This is due to the knight profession itself and the limitations of the race itself. In comparison, the lifespan of orc warriors of the same system will be shorter. Orc warriors over fifty years old are already considered super old. In contrast, long-lived races such as elves and dragons, even if they are not in the realm of , and being able to live casually for hundreds of years is really enviable.

But once you enter the holy level, you can get rid of the restrictions of the original race, and your life span will increase exponentially. It is not a problem for normal holy level humans to live for four to five hundred years. At least Richard can clearly feel that his The physical condition can no longer be described as good. Except for the appearance, all the inner things have transcended the category of human beings.

“Go and boil some water for me, I want to take a bath.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although Richard’s body exuded a stench, the heroes and soldiers around him looked normal. They had never seen any scene before, and said that there was a bit of stench. When he fought with the cemetery, those who had rotten flesh on their bodies I’ve killed zombies before, but it’s much more disgusting than this.

Although Muer Town was almost destroyed, there were still a few surviving houses. The soldiers quickly heated hot water and found a bathtub for Richard. Although taking a bath on the battlefield was luxurious, it was only It is easy to provide for Richard alone, but there are fewer maids to serve him than in the North.

Li Cha himself lay comfortably in the tub. The layer of visible discharge was gradually washed away, and he felt much refreshed. At this time, Richard turned around and observed his current state. Come.

“Name: Richard Hunter

Race: Human

Strength: 50.3

Agility: 50.6

Physique: 51.8

Spirit: 33.5

Specialty: Control

Skills: Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defensive Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Elementary), Magic Power (Elementary), Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster Level), Lie Yang Qi Jue (Advanced), Leadership Technique (Elementary) ).

Available skill points: 0. ”

My personal naked attribute panel has exceeded 50 points except for spirituality, and has entered another level. I can crush most of the creatures on the continent with physical strength. After bringing treasures, I can easily Killing the ancient dragon is absolutely a piece of cake.

But facing the giant dragon of the holy level is definitely not easy, and I don’t know how strong Aragorn was back then. Anyway, Aragorn’s practice of the Fierce Sun Qi Entrainment Technique is definitely more than advanced. After all, it can defeat the holy level of the golden dragon clan. The clan leader beat him out of his psychological shadow and could agree to such things as sending clansmen to serve as mounts.

Now the Lieyang Qi-Inducing Technique is only at the advanced level and has reached this level. There will be a master level later. As long as the skill points are enough, Richard can even use the skill points to cheat and improve the Lieyang-Inducing Qi Jue to Grandmaster level, the road ahead is still very broad, but it’s just this level.

Looking at the huge amount of experience required for upgrading, Richard rubbed his nose. There is still a long way to go. He can only continue to harm the orcs. Now only in this kind of battlefield can he accumulate experience faster. Now, small fights no longer have much significance for Richard’s promotion.

After looking at his attributes, Richard finally turned his attention to the skill of leadership.

To be honest, when he understood this skill, Richard actually felt that it was a bit useless, because the effect of this skill in the game is to improve the morale of his soldiers, but in fact, with the blessing of the Dragon of Light and the Mother Goddess, The morale of the soldiers under these systems is always high. They can fight to the death and execute orders immediately no matter how dangerous they are.

But reality is not a turn-based game. If the morale is high enough, the soldiers can move for one more round.

However, when Richard saw the specific effect of the leadership skill, he realized that this skill is not that simple, and there are even some bugs. No wonder this skill has not appeared until now. Many people should have their own leadership skill. None of the heroes have this skill.

“Leadership (Elementary): It can slightly increase the prestige of the force, making you more respected by everyone. The morale of all soldiers you belong to will be improved to a certain extent in battles where you appear.

PS: Exclusive for force leaders, it will not take effect after losing the leader status. ”

The description of the skill is relatively vague, and there is no strict data. After all, things like prestige and morale are difficult to quantify in reality, but Richard quickly grasped the key to this skill.

The skill does not specify system soldiers. This is a skill that can have an effect on both local people and local soldiers. In other words, the army of more than 500,000 people in the North and the nearly 100,000 people in the North Road of Cave Mountain The morale of the army will be improved as long as it is led by Richard.

Although the morale of the Northland Army is high enough, and it is definitely one of the armies with the strongest morale and fighting will in this era, there is still a big gap compared to the system soldiers who can fight to the death. There is room for improvement. With the bonus of leadership skills, the resilience of ordinary armies will be improved to a certain extent.

Although the system army is powerful, the number is still too small after all. Even though Richard is fighting well here now, it is because the front line of Watch City and the southern line are dragging a large number of the main army of the orcs. In addition, The hundreds of thousands of Northern Front troops who had not yet returned from the north did not join the battle.

Otherwise an army of millions of orcs would surround him, and Richard would have to escape in a matter of minutes. If this skill can have an effect on ordinary soldiers, it is already a magical skill.

Furthermore, leadership skills are not only effective on soldiers. According to the description, it is obvious that the skills can also be effective on ordinary people, improving Richard’s prestige among the people. I just don’t know that this force refers to the Northland Canada ruled by Richard. The territory of the river valley still refers to the entire human race. If it were the entire human race, wouldn’t it be… It seems to be a little closer to that chair…



“Another thief is stealing my authority!”

“Kill him! Kill him!”

There was a furious roar in the void, and the Lord of the Rising Sun, who had awakened, fell into rage again.

After the roar stopped, a red figure peered down from the void. He stretched out his hand, and then retracted it. After calming down, the Lord of the Rising Sun called directly through the link of consciousness. He killed his own divine envoy.

“Adrillo, what’s going on? Why haven’t things been settled yet and more blasphemers have appeared?”

“Great Lord of the Rising Sun, please give me some more time. Believe me, soon the blasphemers will be eliminated, and your divine grace will be delivered to every corner of the world.”

Adrilo, who was originally aloof in the Orc Kingdom, fell to the ground when facing the Lord of the Rising Sun. His respectful attitude was in stark contrast to the Orcs or everyone else.

“How long do you want?”

“Soon, I have found out the location of the two blasphemers. Once the orcs and white dragons are used to destroy the human kingdom, the two blasphemers will have nowhere to escape.”


The Lord of the Rising Sun still approves of Adriello’s actions. Adriello is different from Rand. Rand was once one of the three knights under Aragorn. He betrayed Aragorn and came to the Lord of the Rising Sun. He also has no status. He was sent to test Aragorn shortly after he was born. The ring that successfully tested out the mad emperor is still in Aragorn’s hand.

Now Adriello no longer dares to take action directly like Rand, but is preparing to take advantage of the situation and use an upright approach to eliminate Aragorn and Richard. Although it is a little troublesome, the method still obtains the Lord of the Rising Sun. recognition.

After calming down, the Lord of the Rising Sun thought for a moment, stretched out his hand, grabbed a short dark blue spear from the void, and threw it in front of Adrilo.

“This was the original weapon of the Orc God. Although the Orc God is only a weak divine being, this short spear can still be regarded as a divine weapon. You can use it.”

“Thank you, the great Lord of the Rising Sun, for your gift.”

After saying that, Adriello fell on the ground and bowed to the Lord of the Rising Sun.

“Go, destroy the blasphemers, and spread my greatness to all living creatures!”


The figure whose face could not be seen slowly disappeared again…

Northland, Miracle City

Aragorn, who had been living in the city and enjoying life, opened his slightly squinted eyes as if he had sensed when Richard broke through the holy level, and stared at the sky.

It took a long time before I closed my eyes again.

“This kid Richard is indeed a monster.”

“That stingy guy actually endured it again.”

Aragorn’s tone still contained a sense of pity, and then he stood up and picked up the teacup on the table.

“The tea has turned cold…”

Mure Town

By the time Richard had finished taking a hot bath and put on his armor, the army had already assembled and was waiting for Richard’s orders. Although they had traveled half the night and fought at high intensity for several hours, the soldiers’ spirits were still there. Yes, at least there is no sign of fatigue between his brows. He only recovered to this level after taking a short rest. The physical strength of the system army is indeed at a bug level.

“Sir, you?”

After Richard walked out, others didn’t feel much, but powerful people like Natalie and Moriel had already felt the difference. When Richard looked over, he felt a substantial feeling. , completely different from before.

They probably had a guess in their minds, but they were just not sure yet. Until Richard nodded…

“Well, once the level is reached, the holy level will come naturally…”

“Congratulations, Mr. Richard!”

“It’s okay. If we fight a few more battles, you’ll be close.”

Richard’s words are not a comfort. After these few battles, in addition to Richard gaining a lot of experience and leveling up several levels, other heroes have also benefited from the massive experience, such as those with lower levels such as Ai. Lina and Sir M’rak have both been upgraded, and Moriel, Natalis, and Gru, the three major card-level heroes, are not far away from being upgraded.

The three of them are already at the top of the sky level, and their strength is only limited by level and there is no bottleneck. Once they reach one or two levels, it should be a matter of course for them to enter the holy level.

Fortunately, Moriel, the city is deeper, so she didn’t show anything. Natalis became visibly excited when she heard this. She has no desire for power, but she has been pursuing stronger power. At least she must first Restore her original strength.

“Okay, General Mrak, lead the army and get ready to go.”

“Sir, where should we go next?”

Richard glanced south.

“Go to Huangshi City. There shouldn’t be many troops stationed there. Today we will continue our efforts to capture Huangshi City and go there to rest for a day.”

“Yes, sir!”


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