Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 454: Tread flat



As Taris led the army to advance from left to right in the orc camp, and cooperated perfectly with the dragon in the air, the orcs soon became unable to withstand it, and the order that was forcibly maintained at the beginning gradually collapsed.

The infantry that followed, led by heroes such as Elena and Ron, broke into the orc camp. The originally strong orc warriors felt as if they were being cut down under such a blow. Fallen in pieces.

This legion from the Orc King’s capital is very tenacious in fighting, but it was unable to effectively gather together to organize resistance under the blows of Moriel and Taris, but there were still not many deserters, and they were all scattered. Continue to attack the attacking system army.

It’s just that their random charge could not pose any effective threat to the army. Facing the cavalry led by Taris, they would either be unable to catch up, or they would be directly crushed to pieces if they stood in front of them.

When trying to besiege the infantry, they have to encounter a hail of arrows first. The orc warriors who did not form a formation and raise their shields faced the sharp arrows of the phantom shooter, and it was like encountering hundreds of sniper rifles. The infantrymen were pierced through the heart or throat by the sharp arrows of the phantom archer before they even got close.

Occasionally, if a strong warrior-level player approaches, he will be easily dealt with by the Crusaders. Even an orc warrior-level master who comes up with elites cannot survive a few moves at the hands of the snake demon, and will be cruelly beaten by the snake demon in a few blows. of dismemberment.

Scattered orc soldiers approached like moths to a flame and were easily eliminated. More orc soldiers could not even find their direction and were being dragged around in the camp. Richard ignored them and commanded The army passed through the outer camps of the orcs and marched towards the gate of Muer Town…

“Legion Commander! The outer camp is in complete chaos, what should we do!”

Compared with the disorganized camp outside, the five thousand orc army stationed in the town still maintained basic order because of Honatan, although they were also attacked by the dragon. Attack, but as the Royal Guards Corps, their ability to withstand casualties is still quite high.

Only the orc civilians in the town seemed a little confused at this time. Some were trying to divert water to put out the fire, while others had sensed the crisis and wanted to find opportunities to escape. The streets of the town were full of panicked orcs.

Facing the questions of his men, Honatan had no way to answer, because he had no way to solve this situation. Although the humans were attacking at night this time, in terms of combat power, even if it was a head-on confrontation, he One legion is simply not enough. He just stood on the watchtower of the town and took a cursory look at the battle outside the camp. In addition to the more than twenty raging dragons in the sky, he also discovered at least thirty more experts who were not weak to him, and the intensive fighting spirit With a flash of brilliance, such an army combined with the giant dragon can definitely defeat an army of 200,000 people. It is simply not something that his army can resist, especially when there are insufficient dragon hunting crossbows and no effective means to fight against the giant dragon.

Moreover, the opponent arrived so quickly that they completely exceeded their expectations when they sent out troops. At this time, several armies had not yet moved into place, and the reinforcements from the royal capital had not even been dispatched. The opponent was like a divine soldier descending from the sky. After reaching the town of Muer, the battle was impossible to fight. General Ruhr made a serious mistake in his judgment, and now he was in trouble.

“Order the wolf knights in the team to disperse and escape, find a way to convey what happened here to other legions, and suggest General Ruhr to join forces immediately and not to be dispersed anymore.”

“Yes, my lord! But where are we now?”

After being silent for a long time, Honatan gave an order. He should try his best to remind the other three legions how dangerous the situation was now. As for himself, he had no intention of surviving this battle.

At this time, all the initiative has been lost. There is a giant dragon in the sky and an unreasonably powerful human army on the ground. He cannot be beaten or beaten, nor can he run away. If he dares to order a retreat, he will be chased and killed. It can’t outrun the giant dragon in the sky. If it keeps running, it may be completely defeated. If you stay and continue fighting, you may be able to cause some casualties to humans.

“Order all the ministries in the town to resist street by street, fight for each house, and fight to the death with humans!”

“Yes, sir!”

After that, Honatan picked up a huge battle ax and walked out in person with the bodyguards around him.



The gate of Muer Town is made of iron bars and wooden bars, and its strength is naturally inferior to that of those big cities. After the gate burned in the dragon’s breath for a while, a huge poisonous dragon actually directly relied on its powerful Defense, slammed into the town’s gate. The five-meter-wide and four-meter-high gate in Mu’er Town was originally burned by the dragon’s breath, leaving only an iron frame. Under the impact of the poisonous dragon’s huge power, it instantly emitted There was a sharp crunching sound, and then it completely deformed and fell to the ground.

Without any siege tools, the gate of this kind of town was easily broken open, and the poisonous dragon that broke open the gate simply rushed directly into the city, spitting out a breath of dragon breath towards the place where the orcs gathered on the street. The orc, whose name was neither a soldier nor a civilian, instantly vaporized, and this poisonous dragon was different from other giant dragons in that there was a human sitting on its back.

Only Richard can use the giant dragon directly as a siege tool. It is no wonder that after breaking open the town gate, the poisonous dragon came in and vented the tyranny in his heart with a breath of dragon breath.

“Da, da, da…”

Shortly after the town gate fell, the sound of intensive horse hooves sounded, and Talis led the cavalry through the gap opened by the poisonous dragon and quickly rushed into the town.


The dragon-hunting crossbows in Honatan’s army have long been cleaned up, and now they are no longer a threat to the dragon in the sky. The battle in the town has completely become a replica of the battle outside the camp, with the dragon in the sky and the ground army With their cooperation, the orcs were unable to resist, and they were only slaughtered when they were scattered. When they gathered together, they were attacked intensively by the dragons. It felt a bit like the American attack on Iraq on Earth.

On the contrary, the large number of orc warriors had no ability to resist in front of the small number of system soldiers. At most, they could only hide in the ruins and carry out weak resistance.

The only ones that resisted more fiercely were the rooms where Honatan was. There were many orc masters including Legion Commander Honatan, as well as dozens of elite guards, and these rooms looked like It was unremarkable and did not attract Moriel’s attention at first, but it caused a small loss for the crusaders who were cleaning the house.



Honatan’s giant ax struck at the Crusaders who broke through the door. The leading Crusaders were also experienced in combat. The three of them held up their shields and wanted to fight together.

However, Honatan is also an orc at the level of a legionnaire. The huge force of the tomahawk’s chop directly knocked a crusader away and knocked him out of the house. The other orcs in the house seemed to have received the signal and called out. He rushed out.



After smashing another Crusader away, the last Crusader successfully exited the house full of orcs together with several Halberdiers. Several groups of people around him also came to support. The Halberdiers and Crusaders quickly Pressing forward in formation, Honatan didn’t have long to maintain his prestige, and didn’t even wait for Moriel to command the dragon to come down and intervene.

Natalis, whose hands had been itching, flew over as soon as she heard the movement here, and the Cold Moon Scimitar in her hand easily caught Honatan’s giant axe.

“Human or Winged Man?”

After being held up by Natalie, Honatan accidentally looked at each other. The chill of death on his delicate facial features made Honatan instantly feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar. Such a strong man would have been unknown before.

Natalis had no intention of talking to her. An earth-level orc could only take two or three attacks from her. Leng Yue raised her scimitar and easily swung away Honatan’s battle ax. In one second, the machete easily cut through Honatan’s throat from an incredible angle.

The sharp Cold Moon Scimitar made Honatan feel as if something had scratched his throat. At first, there was no pain at all. Honatan even raised his battle ax, preparing to strike with a backhand, while Nata However, Liz waved her dark wings and quickly retreated, allowing Honatan to miss another swing of her axe.

The next second after Natalie hit the ground, a large amount of blood suddenly spurted out from Honatan’s throat. Only then did Honatan realize that it was not that the opponent missed, but that the opponent’s knife was too fast. , as thin as paper, so that the body did not react at first.

When Natalie retreated, blood spurted out from her throat. Honatan was speechless at this time. His throat was completely cut off. This kind of injury is an injury to an earth-level powerhouse. His physical fitness was also weak. From this kind of injury, only the archangels under Richard could save him before the power of magic was mastered again.

However, the vitality of the Earth Stage is indeed stronger. Honatan, whose throat was cut off, did not fall immediately. He even raised his battle ax and rushed towards the system army gathered outside the house.


Some strong orcs and soldiers behind him also rushed out, but Honatan became obviously powerless after taking a few steps. When he came to Natalis again, Natalis drew her sword. The battle ax in his hand was easily knocked away, and the next knife was stabbed into Honatan’s heart. The heavy armor of the senior orc general was no more powerful than a piece of paper in front of the artifact-level Leng Yue.

Honatan finally slowly knelt down on the ground, with a look of reluctance on his face.

“Legion Commander!”

“Kill! Kill her!”

The surrounding orcs screamed in surprise when they saw Hornatan fall, and subconsciously rushed towards Natalie, trying to **** Hornatan back.


They were just a group of orcs with the highest level of warriors. There was no resistance in front of Natalis. Leng Yue’s scimitar danced, and the surrounding orcs seemed to have bumped into Natalis’s sword. They walked gracefully. After half a circle, dozens of corpses were left around, leaving the approaching Crusaders and Halberdiers stunned.

“What are you still doing? Keep searching. Sir Richard’s order is to leave no one behind!”

“Yes, sir!”

The orc army commander Honatan and the last elite of his men hardly caused any disturbance, and were suppressed by Natalis at the moment they first emerged.

It’s not that the orcs are not strong enough, but that without realizing it, Richard has gathered a monster-like force under his men. Top experts can appear in the team together, and saints like Natalis can The almost invincible combat power below, used on dozens of orcs, was like crushing an ant to death with a bull’s knife.

The sun slowly rose from the east, and the light gradually dispersed the night. However, the town no longer had the crowing of **** and barking of dogs that should have occurred when the morning light was revealed. Instead, there were sounds of fighting and screams from time to time. It will just calm down again soon.

That was the people under Richard’s command doing the final cleaning of the battlefield. One of the giant dragons injured by the dragon-hunting crossbow last night was dead and the other was injured. The golden dragon that was first shot to the ground by the dragon-hunting crossbow was still in the large group. He died in battle under the siege of the orcs, but fully recovered under the archangel’s resurrection spell.

Nearly all the corpses on the battlefield are orcs, and it is rare to see the corpses of one or two halberdiers.

After a night of killing, there are still orcs alive around. After all, even 30,000 pigs cannot be killed in one night, let alone 30,000 orcs, of which more than 20,000 are armed. Teeth soldier.

However, there is no significant resistance. The orcs still alive at this time are either survivors hiding in the ruins, or simply broken soldiers who ran away from the battlefield. The surviving orcs in the town will be even less likely to survive after dawn. Hiding everywhere, it would be a matter of time before they were dealt with, but the orcs who ran away from the battlefield were not so easy to deal with.

The dragon took a short rest in the town. The griffin knight and the silver pegasus knight had been following Richard’s orders to pursue and kill the fleeing orcs. However, because there were too many orcs running around, these aerial cavalry species also Just do your best.

A rough estimate shows that the number of orcs who escaped should be around ten thousand. The gryphon knights and silver pegasus cavalry should have left behind thousands of orc warriors in their pursuit.

“Lord Richard, the surrounding orcs have basically been cleared. In the battle last night, we defeated a total of more than 20,000 orcs. After a night of pursuit, we killed most of them. We lost four Crusaders. , fifteen halberdiers.”


Li Cha nodded with satisfaction. Compared with the gains, this loss was almost insignificant. Only when the high-end combat power was completely crushed last night could such a battle loss be achieved.

“Okay, gather the troops, there is no need to chase the Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight.”

“Yes, sir!”

Elina, who had just come over to report, immediately began to summon the troops in the town, while Richard focused all his attention on his panel, because just now, the long-lost notification sounded again.

“A brilliant victory!”

“Congratulations on gaining experience…”

“Congratulations on your upgrade!”

Finally, upgraded.

“Congratulations on understanding leadership skills (beginner level).”

Finally upgraded, and because he was promoted to level 25, Richard also learned a new skill. However, at this time, Richard had no time to care about the new leadership skills, but turned his attention to it with expectation. I have mastered the skill of Lie Yang Qi Jue…


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