Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 450: Stir up the storm


In the main hall of the inner fort in Barren Stone City, several senior orc officers were sitting on chairs and round tables, looking either surprised or serious. They had been informed of the information about Xiaohe City, and they still hadn’t digested it, but No matter how incredible they think it is, it just happened.

A Bat Rider stood next to him and was answering.

“Lord Ruhr, I saw with my own eyes that the human army invaded Xiaohe City. They left at night and completely burned the city when they left, not even sparing the surrounding green rice fields.”

“Why did you come so late to report?”

At this time, a day had passed since Richard captured Xiaohe City. With the speed of Bat Knight, he should have gone to Barren Rock City to report the news, but he only arrived now. This made Ruhr feel that the other party was suspected of delaying the military plane.

It’s just that Bat Knight was a little unjust. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to send the message earlier.

“Sir, the human air cavalry is too strong. In addition to giant dragons, humans also have Pegasus and another strange bird. They fly very fast. If we are discovered, none of us can escape. I can only Can wait until they leave before taking off.”

When Bat Knight said this, Ruel also reacted. This is how his army of 100,000 men became deaf and blind, so much so that even humans ran to Little River City, while he was still stationed in this barren stone city and was indifferent.

If the Bat Knights around Xiaohe City dare to take off in front of the opposite Sky Riders, they may not be able to escape their misfortune. They can only wait until Richard leads his army to leave at night and those terrifying Sky Riders leave before the Bat Knights dare to take off. There was naturally a delay in reporting the news to the nearest big city, Huangshi City.

Ruhr no longer pursued the issue, but looked down at the legion commanders below and asked:

“Everyone, tell me what you think.”

“Lord Ruhr, even if the opponent is all cavalry, it is impossible to reach Xiaohe City so quickly. Then what is the point of us guarding Barren Stone City?”

“Sir, this is what I have seen with my own eyes. Xiaohe City should be burned into ruins now. It cannot be faked.”


Ruhr waved his hand, asked the two to stop, and said:

“Regardless of the weirdness of the situation, humans have now captured Xiaohe City and burned large areas of green rice around it. This will be confirmed in two days. It is impossible for Bat Knight to lie to us. We should next Discuss how to respond.”

“Lord Ruhr, if we follow the marching speed of humans, it will not take more than three days to get from Xiaohe City to the Royal Capital. Over there at the Royal Capital…”

“We don’t need to worry about the safety of the Royal Capital. I really wish those humans would touch the Royal Capital. What I’m worried about is that they will wander around the plains like they attacked Xiaohe City.”

There are two to three hundred thousand troops around the Orc King’s capital, which is also the place with the highest concentration of dragon hunting crossbows. There is a master of the national protection level in the king’s capital, and there are even more orc masters of the imperial samurai level. Young Master, if Richard really dared to take his system army to touch the Orc King’s capital, he would probably get a lot of blood, at least not with more than two thousand people like him.

But what Ruel is worried about is that Richard will bypass the orcs’ strong defense areas just like they bypassed their barren stone city, and specifically create trouble in the weak areas of the royal capital plain, destroying autumn harvest production and destroying villages and cities. This is the most important thing. Deadly.

“Sir, we can defend Huangshi City and wait for orders from the royal capital, and act in coordination with the royal capital’s army.”

“No, sir, we should abandon Barren Stone City immediately. The army will advance in the direction of Xiaohe City to block this human army, or at least entangle them. The royal capital will definitely send out troops immediately after receiving the news. Assistance.”

“Whether or not the Desert City is now on guard is of little significance. It is enough to leave a small number of troops to garrison. We must stop this human army before they cause more damage.”


After a little analysis, several legion commanders came up with a plan that was similar to what Ruhr had in mind. They were originally stationed in this deserted stone city to reach the human army coming from the dense forest, but now everyone has crossed the desert. Stone City is hundreds of miles away, and there is really no point in guarding the deserted Stone City anymore.

“However, the human army is marching at a strange speed, and we are afraid that we may not be able to catch up.”

“Only by dividing the troops.”

When Ruhr proposed a division of troops, the following army commanders remained silent. Although division of troops can better intercept the human army, division of troops will lead to the dispersion of forces, which is very likely to be defeated by the human army one by one.

“Lord Ruhr, although the human army is not large in number, it should be extremely elite. What’s more important is that humans are supported by dragons. If the troops are divided

If so, we may be defeated individually. ”

The orc army commander below actually said it very implicitly. Facing such a number of dragons, no matter how powerful other human troops are, their army of 100,000 is already too difficult to hold together. Before, they could only rely on The deserted stone city is defended. If we leave the deserted stone city to pursue and divide our troops now, we will probably be easily defeated at any time.

“If you pursue them all the way, you will only be led away by the human army. Their speed is too fast. The five legions are divided into four groups and dispatched. They carry the dragon-hunting crossbows and advance steadily. After the encounter, they do not seek victory, but just hold the humans back. That’s it.”

“Even with the dragon-hunting crossbows, those giant human dragons…”

“Don’t worry, those giant human dragons will soon lose their arrogance. We also have giant dragons…”

“We also have a dragon?”

“Of course, White Dragon should have arrived outside the royal capital by now. I think by the time we catch up with those humans, White Dragon should also join the battlefield.”

Rule quickly gave everyone reassurance. As the leading general of the orcs, he was qualified to know the news of Bailong’s joining. There was nothing to keep secret now, so it was better to speak out to calm the morale of the army.

Sure enough, when Ruhr told the news, the expressions of the generals below became slightly better. The uneasiness caused by Ruhr’s statement about the division of troops calmed down a little.

“According to Bat Knight, except for the giant dragon, the human strength does not exceed 2,000. Our troops are divided into four groups to overcome the tribulation, and we do the same to each other. There are five flag regiments and 25,000 troops on each side. No matter what, Can entangle the other party.”

“As long as we also have the support of giant dragons, this battle can be fought. Even if the opponent’s two thousand men are all knights, they will not be able to quickly defeat our legion.”

“Well, as long as we entangle the opponent, there will be support from the direction of the royal capital. This human elite must be annihilated on the great plains.”

“Go down and prepare. The four legions will set off immediately.”

“Yes, General!”

The orc capital, Monaya

In the past two days, a strange scene has appeared in Monaya. A group of huge figures appear in the airspace of the royal capital from time to time. These huge figures are somewhat similar to the old enemy human dragon knights. At first, they attracted people in the city. The orcs were nervous, but when King Haldane announced that these white dragons were allies, this nervousness turned into great excitement.

That is a giant dragon. The shadow of the golden dragon has been weighing on the orc kingdom for hundreds of years. Even though the orc army is far stronger than humans, they still dare not launch a full-scale attack out of fear of the golden dragon clan. After being fully interfered by the Golden Dragon clan, they recently dared to launch a war for national destiny. One reason is that the orc population has almost exploded the Eastern Plateau. The environment of the Eastern Plateau has been exploited and become more and more bad, and it can no longer support such a large population. If you wait any longer, you will die slowly. Second, after receiving accurate information, there seems to be a problem with the relationship between humans and the golden dragon. The golden dragon will not help humans in the war, which makes the orcs dare to fight decisively.

However, the recent appearance of so many golden dragons in Richard’s hands has caused some doubts among the orcs’ senior management, and they have concerns about the previous decisive battle plan. Now that he is sure that he has the help of the white dragon, he is confident again. There are twists and turns in this process, and the mood is changing. The ups and downs are truly wonderful.

In any case, with the full help of the white dragon, the biggest shortcomings of the orcs have been made up. The dragon roars that often come from the vicinity of Monaya in the past two days are so sweet. The orcs in Monaya have never stopped. Everyone from high-level officials to civilians slept peacefully amidst the roar of the dragon.

At this moment, in the palace, Haldane, the Great Shaman, and the Lord of the Rising Sun’s envoy Adriello, plus a few orcs, were sitting together to discuss the next whereabouts of the white dragon.

“Your Majesty, there are hundreds of white dragon reinforcements at this time. I suggest that they be mainly sent to the front line of Watch City. The five human dragon knights are absolutely unable to resist. Once the main human force is defeated in one fell swoop, the human dragon’s breath barrier will be opened wide and the dragon’s breath can be broken through. After the pass, humans will never be able to stop us on the central plains, and we orcs will be able to get back most of the land we lost.”

When the orc minister made the suggestion, his tone could not help but be a little excited. After hundreds of years, the opportunity to restore the orc kingdom’s former glory seemed to be in sight.

“I have just received information here that the human Northern Route Army has crossed the Wasteland City, has conquered several cities on the Royal Capital Plain, destroyed countless mature green rice, and is now approaching Monaya. ”

At this time, another orc general mentioned the problem of the human army on the North Road. Recently, Richard had defeated the orcs at a rate of one city in a day, which had hurt the orcs, especially when he destroyed the orcs’ crops along the route that were about to be harvested. The top brass of the orcs were also very distressed.

The meaning of this orc general’s point is also very obvious. This human army with dozens of giant dragons also needs to be taken care of. Otherwise, when they get close to Monaea, the surrounding grain fields will also be destroyed. If it is destroyed like this, most of the orcs will probably go hungry in the next six months.

“Your Majesty, I think we can ignore the army on the North Road of Humanity. Their numbers are too small. No matter how much damage they do, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through the royal capital. As long as we concentrate our efforts and break the Dragon Breathing Pass, even if they are So what if all the supplies around Monaya were destroyed. We can get them back in the Central Plains. The food in the Central Plains is now ripe. The food there is at least ten times the food they destroyed now. Times.”

“I am willing to personally lead an army and rush to the battlefield of Watch City with White Dragon.”


The one who made the suggestion at this time was the orc general Sean. He was also one of the orc warriors who protected the country. On the side of humans, he was the real power of the sky. He had a very important voice in the orc kingdom.

Haldane nodded after hearing Sean’s suggestion, and was obviously moved. Sean’s suggestion was a bit like changing the family, and it was very radical, but it must be said that it is very feasible and may work. Take it all.

Although the human elites are having fun on the plains around the royal capital of Monaea now, they are mostly relying on the dragon. Without the help of the dragon, it is impossible to deal with the ground army with just that small amount of troops. Monaya, the royal capital, poses no threat. As long as the king is not lost, even if the human army turns over all the land near Monaya, the orc army will be able to wipe out all the losses on the central plain after entering Dragon Breath Pass. get back.

“What does the Great Shaman think of General Sean’s proposal?”

“It works.”

Haldane had actually made up his mind, but in order to show his respect for the great shaman, he still asked a symbolic question. After the great shaman agreed, the plan was basically passed.

“White Dragon should be sent to intercept the human army near the royal capital, send people to encircle them, and annihilate them.”

At this time, Adelillo, who had remained silent, suddenly interrupted Haldane, who was about to give an order.

The surrounding orcs all turned their heads and stared at each other at the same time, with the word “unpleasant” clearly written in their eyes.

It stands to reason that Adriello should not participate in the military discussion of the orcs. He is just an outsider, and an outsider who is not very trusted. However, the alliance between Bailong and the orcs is his, and the alliance between Bailong and Bailong is He had to rely on him for coordination, so he participated in this meeting as a matter of course.

Originally, it would have been fine for him not to speak, and the orc generals would make arrangements for the war. Unexpectedly, not only did he speak, but he also put forward opinions that were contrary to the resolution reached by the orc high-level officials.

“I don’t know, what is the reason for Mr. Adelillo to do this?”

“There is no reason why White Dragon must be sent to deal with the army of humans in the north, but I can go to Watch City and meet that person’s descendants.”


Adillo’s arrogance made the atmosphere in the entire hall tense. Although the orcs were annoyed by his attitude, they had no way to deal with him. This white dragon was brought here by someone who said he was in alliance with the orcs. In fact, Adelillo’s influence on White Dragon is definitely much greater than that of the orcs. The orcs must reach an agreement with Adelillo if they want to get help from White Dragon.

“Sir Adriello, I think we can directly defeat the human army in the middle…”

“Needless to say, Bailong must first go to intercept the human Northern Route Army. After defeating the human Northern Route, he can also go to Watch City.”


The grumpy Sean wanted to say something else, but? Stopped by the great shaman.

“Okay, then let’s reconsider how to defeat this human army near the royal capital. As for the front line of Watch City, I hope Sir Adriello can take action personally.”

“I’m just going to take a look. Whether to take action depends on the situation.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s discuss and resolve the matter of the Northern Route Army first.”


Finally, under the adjustment of the great shaman, the orcs lowered their heads, and the two sides did not break out at once, barely maintaining the relationship of superficial allies.

“General Sean led your own First Guards Corps and White Dragon to intercept the human elite. Except for your own army, all surrounding garrison troops were uniformly deployed by the general.”

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

Although Sean was still angry, he still understood the general idea. After Haldane issued the order, he immediately stepped forward and took it respectfully.

“In addition, order General Ruhr of Barren Stone City to return to the army immediately, be sure to surround this human army, and strive to eliminate them in the shortest possible time.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


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