Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 45: Promotions and rewards


“A brilliant victory!”

Earn 6000 experience points.

With his free time, Richard received the experience reward from this battle. The experience reward provided by hundreds of ogres was quite rich.

At this time, Richard’s experience has accumulated to 6560 points, and he is not far away from the 8000 experience mark for another upgrade.

Based on the rewards from the last mission, you should be able to successfully reach level five after handing in this mission.

Richard and his party marched very fast, and the speed of a small group of elite troops was naturally not comparable to that of a large army.

Richard, Ron and others soon caught up with the Flying Bear Army soldiers who were ahead, but Richard did not stop too much,

After giving a few instructions to Quill and others, he led the people and ran towards the Stone Castle. The upgrade was approaching, and Richard couldn’t wait.

The soldiers produced by the simple system were both strong and energetic, and Richard led them on a forced march through the night without any signs of falling behind.

Richard, who hurried slowly, finally arrived at the Stone Castle early the next morning.

The Rock Castle looks almost unchanged from the outside, but many new buildings have appeared inside.

The castle had already been cleared by Richard, and the ten miles outside the castle had also been designated as a restricted area by Richard to ensure that no one would discover the secrets of the castle.

Richard walked into the council hall alone. There were no changes in the hall. Because of the financial support of the Hunter leader, Richard did not upgrade the council hall to the interior hall for the time being.

A few hundred gold nuggets is the most, but Richard is not a miser. Money must be spent wisely. The money thrown in the warehouse when you are rich actually has no value.

“Destroy the ogre 278/50. The task has been completed. Do you want to receive the reward?”


Richard submitted the task without hesitation.

“Congratulations on getting 3000 experience rewards.”

“Congratulations on winning the 5th place in the Crusaders.”

“Congratulations on getting the treasure-Magic Boots (Movement Speed ​​+2)”

“Congratulations on your upgrade.”

New tasks:

Destroy the ogre (500)

Destroy the Ogre Warriors (10)

The difficulty of the new tasks has increased by more than one level. According to the nature of the tasks released by the system, the number of tasks is five hundred. In fact, I am afraid that you will face more than a thousand, plus there must be more than ten food. The human-demon warrior felt a headache with the power in Richard’s hands now.

What worries Richard the most is that the system’s task release actually serves as an early warning. I’m afraid there will really be a large number of ogres coming next.

However, if soldiers come to block it, water will come to cover it. Although the ogres are strong, Richard and the Hunter family are not soft persimmons now. When the ogres invade, it is still unclear who will win.

The most important thing right now is to continue to strengthen your own strength. Get the mission rewards first before getting down to business.

The rewards for this mission were so generous that Richard was dazzled for a moment.

A pair of exquisite animal skin boots suddenly appeared in front of Richard. Richard touched them and could feel the softness and toughness of these boots. He did not know that they were made of various materials.

Richard tried to put on this pair of Shenxing boots. The boots were very soft and just fit Richard’s size. They were very comfortable. After taking a few steps, he could clearly feel that his body seemed much lighter.

Richard walked around twice by himself, and then called Ron over.

“Ron, do you feel anything different?”

“The armor on my body is a little lighter.”

A knight-level master like Ron is very sensitive to changes in his own details. From the moment Richard put on the walking boots, he felt obvious changes.

This is a strategic level bonus, Richard thought in his mind after confirming that all system soldiers can enjoy the bonus of the magic boots.

After all, soldiers are expensive and fast, and the marching ability of system soldiers is stronger than that of ordinary armies. If combined with the effect of walking boots, thousands of miles of running attacks can produce miraculous effects on the battlefield.

After understanding the effects of the walking boots, Richard turned his attention back to his own character attributes.

Name: Richard

Level: 5 (1560/8000)

Strength: 13.1

Physique: 12.0

Agility: 12.5

Spirit: 4.3

Skills: Beast Breathing Technique (Grandmaster), Blue Qi Entrainment Technique (Beginner Level), and Offensive Technique (Intermediate Level).

Army: Centaur Leader (20), Lancer (90), Archer (50), Royal Griffin (29), Crusader (19).

Skill Points: 1

Acquire a new specialty: Heart of Dominance (your own skills can be superimposed with the special effects of your heroes).

Richard has not thought about how to use a skill point. It should take more than two skill points to upgrade the intermediate offensive technique to the advanced one.

The Qing Qi Entrainment Technique can be practiced slowly by oneself. Richard doesn’t want to spend skill points directly on it, so he simply saves these skill points.

It was the newly emerged specialty of the Heart of Control that surprised Richard.

Ron now leading the Crusaders alone can only enjoy the 30% bonus of Ron’s Crusaders’ specialties. The 20% bonus of Richard’s intermediate offensive skills is wasted.

Now with the addition of this specialty, Richard’s intermediate offensive skills and Ron’s Crusader specialty can superimpose each other’s effects. The ace power Crusaders in Richard’s hands will be greatly improved again.

The addition of the 20% and 30% bonuses is not a simple addition problem. The actual effect is that Richard’s Crusaders have increased their combat power by nearly 60%.

“You, come and attack me.”

Richard walked to the school field and selected a crusader to fight against him.



The crusader who was singled out was not polite at all. The long sword in his hand was danced out of the shadow, and he launched a violent attack on Richard. Richard held the sword and tried his best to resist. For a while, he could only parry and could not fight back. Power.

The Crusaders’ swordsmanship is very fierce. Strictly speaking, Richard’s swordsmanship is not as good as theirs.

This group of Crusaders who have been trained on the battlefield each have rich combat experience. Previously, they were limited by their own attributes and only had the strength to enter the knight level. They were no match for Richard. Now with the double bonus Next, his attributes were no longer at a disadvantage, and he immediately suppressed Richard until he was unable to fight back.

“Stop! Stop!”

As Richard shouted to stop, the Crusaders on the opposite side abruptly stopped their offensive, and then put their swords back on their waists.


Richard let out a long breath. These tin cans probably had granite in their minds. If they didn’t shout stop, Richard really doubted that the crusaders could hack him to death.

However, Richard is quite satisfied with the current combat power of the Crusaders. If the previous Crusaders were just promoted to knights and were the weakest level in the knight class, then the current Crusaders probably have The level of the knight is in the middle and upper reaches, which is better than Richard himself.

This improvement gave Richard a little more confidence for the upcoming battle.

“Let’s go back to Ironwood City.”

Leaving a small number of spearmen to guard the Stone Castle, Richard quickly rushed to Ironwood City with the rest of the soldiers.

Spring plowing and sowing have ended, and the farmers have fallen into a state of idleness. Now you can see that farmers in various villages have begun training under the organization of the sheriff. Even the villages previously ruled by the Will family are now also in accordance with the rules. Managed by the rules set by Richard.

No trace of the previous battle between the Hunter family and the Will family can be seen along the way. The existence of the Will family seems to have been completely wiped out on this land.

The citizens have also begun to accept the rule of the Hunter family, and life must go on, not to mention that life is not bad under the rule of the Hunter family.

After a brief observation, Richard did not stop and rushed towards Ironwood City. With the help of the magic boots, Richard and others had already rushed back to Ironwood City before sunset. The flying bear in front of them Most of the army had just arrived.

When Richard returned to Ironwood City, he rushed back to Ironwood Castle. First, he went to his mother to report that she was safe, so that she would not worry about her all the time. After receiving some nagging, Richard went to see Viscount Sauter again. ,

Viscount Sauter’s focus was finally on the war. He explained the battle to Richard in detail. It didn’t sound too thrilling. Richard didn’t have the spirit of taking the lead. This had nothing to do with him. Nothing like it.


After returning to the castle to make his appearance and briefly explaining to his parents, Richard rushed back to the military camp.

After a war, rewards must be given based on merit. This is the long-term guarantee of an army’s combat effectiveness. As for this matter of winning people’s hearts, Richard must do it himself and will never do it for others.


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