Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 449: Pain points


Several heroes quickly began to act according to Richard’s instructions. Although this unknown orc city is small, it is still a city. In addition to the five hundred defenders, there are thousands of orc civilians in the city. In life, this was actually the first time that Richard encountered orc civilians.

In fact, without Richard’s order, most of the civilians in the city hid in their houses and did not dare to come out before Mrak led his army into the city. The main road of the small town was deserted except for some scattered corpses.

Orcs are inherently braver than humans. Even though most of the orcs in this city have made a living by farming, their ferocity has not diminished much.

Even if these civilians are old and weak, they still have some fighting ability. If the thousands of civilians in this city are mobilized, the defenders can actually have more combat capabilities to help, and at least two thousand civilians can be mobilized to help defend the city. , but Richard led the army suddenly and there was no time for the orc officers to mobilize the civilians.

Richard led people along the main street of the city towards the core area of ​​the city. He could feel the hateful eyes cast from the cracks in the doors on both sides. Although the defenders had been basically wiped out at this time, there was no organized army. Yes, but with the hatred between humans and orcs, the orc civilians in the entire city are like a powder keg, and the slightest move by anyone can trigger a riot.

In other words, the first person was already there, and there was noisy noise from the end of the street, but it soon subsided with a few screams.

If the less than 2,000 men led by Richard were just ordinary troops, they would naturally not be able to suppress the city full of orcs. However, the suppressive ability of the system army completely exceeded the orcs’ ability to cause chaos. Under the leadership of Gru Many phantom shooters climbed directly to the eaves and courtyard walls. These commanding heights were completely controlled by the phantom shooters. The war dancers and halberdiers below were ready to support them. The orcs who wanted to cause trouble were suppressed as soon as they appeared. Gru and these system soldiers could not They will not care whether these orcs are soldiers or civilians, and will only strictly implement Richard’s orders. No orcs are allowed to appear on the streets. As long as they appear, whether they are children, women or the elderly, they will be within their attack, and they will usually kill them with one arrow. , not even a chance to get together as a group.

These hatred-filled orcs basically couldn’t get out of the house. At least on the way Richard entered the city, no orc could get out of the room. They could only hide in the room and try to kill Richard with their eyes.

Richard completely ignored these hateful looks. He could have some sympathy for the orc civilians, but he would never be the Holy Mother. If these people entered human territory, they would be more cruel than him. This kind of war would have been It’s not something that can be clearly stated as right or wrong. Everyone has their own position.

We quickly arrived at a place similar to the city lord’s palace in the center of the small city. Similar to the structure of human cities, the city lord’s palace in the orc city basically has three main functions: administrative warehouse and military. The building is taller and taller than ordinary courtyard walls. It is two meters high, and there are arrow towers and other arrangements at the four corners. The wall is also about one meter thick. From a military perspective, although it is not as good as the city’s outer wall, it still has some defensive capabilities. In addition, the small area requires The defensive area is also much smaller, which is very suitable for huddled defense with a small number of troops.

When Richard just entered the city, there were still a small number of orcs left behind who closed the door of the city lord’s mansion and stood on the wall trying to resist. However, they were quickly taken one step ahead. Ron Huangru and others took them down. There wasn’t a single wave of water rising.

Behind the city lord’s palace is the orc warehouse. There are several orc soldiers lying at the door, and some torches are scattered. Obviously these orc soldiers are trying to burn the supplies after finding that they can’t resist it, but this does not mean that the fire can be burned. It was burning. Without preparation in advance, it was still a bit difficult to start a fire. Ron arrived and quickly killed these orc soldiers, led his people to extinguish the little sparks that had just ignited, and grabbed a fire for Richard. A well-maintained warehouse.

There are a lot of supplies stored in the warehouse. Apart from some unusable weapons and armor, the most important thing is food. It is the autumn harvest these days, and there is also some newly collected food piled in the warehouse. Once the warehouse is opened, it will You can see the full ears of rice.

“Sir, the courtyard has been cleaned up, and there is roughly estimated to be more than 100,000 kilograms of grain in the warehouse.”

“Well, order the soldiers to eat the food here immediately, move all the meat out of the warehouse, and eat it openly. After eating, replenish the food on the body, and it will be enough for seven days.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Come here, move the food out of the warehouse quickly!”

The system army has strong endurance and can accept some supernatural bonuses, but it is still a living creature in essence. If it does not eat or drink, it will not lose morale but it will lose strength. After a long time, it will also lose the physical strength and cannot move. At this time Naturally, this small town where some food was stored should be opened up for the team to have a meal and replenish the supplies carried with the army.

“Sir Richard, the dragon needs fresh meat, and there are not enough livestock in this house.”

In addition to ordinary soldiers, the ones that are more difficult to serve are the giant dragons flying in the sky. They are carnivores. Generally, they do not eat food and can only accept a portion of pancakes made of flour and eggs to eat with meat. , the main thing is to eat meat. Now there is no time to prepare egg cakes for them, so they can only eat pure meat.

“Isn’t there enough livestock?”

The so-called not enough only belongs to the city lord’s mansion. In this small city of thousands of people, there is no way that there is no meat to feed the giant dragon.

“Moriel, take your people and collect enough livestock immediately. Any rebels will be killed.”

“Yes, sir!”

Morill, who was wearing a black armor, quickly accepted the order, took a few people with him and left. This kind of thing is recruiting at best, and robbing at worst, robbing civilians’ property, but in Moriel’s case With her temperament, she has no pressure to rob human civilians, let alone orcs.

“Sir, let me go too!”


The person who spoke was Elena. Ever since he entered the city, Richard had not left the matter of suppressing civilians to him. After all, he knew Elena’s character. Killing civilians was somewhat stressful. Richard There is no shortage of people who can do this kind of work, but there is no need to ask Elena to do these things.

It was just that Elena offered to do the collection mission with Moriel, which surprised Richard a little.

Elena raised her head to meet Richard’s gaze, her eyes firm and not evasive at all.

“Being kind to your enemies is cruelty to yourself. I think I should understand this.”

Since Elena took the initiative, Richard had no reason to refuse. After thinking about it for a while, he ordered:

“Take the zealots and Moriel together to execute it. Remember not to be soft-hearted and fast. We can’t stay here for too long!”

“Yes, sir!”

After receiving Richard’s permission, Elena also brought dozens of enthusiasts wearing red jackets with her to follow Moriel’s footsteps. Moriel looked at Elena with a serious face and smiled playfully. , showing a slightly interested look, but in the end, perhaps because he was in front of Richard, he didn’t say much and just assigned the task in a light tone.

“After leaving the gate, you take the people to the east, and I will take the people to the west to quickly complete Lord Richard’s mission.”


The sun gradually sets in the west. Under the **** sunset, the orc corpses left uncollected in the city look even more desolate.

Elena and Moriel have brought back enough cattle and sheep at about the same time, just sheep. Those cattle are used for plowing at first glance, and they are considered the lifeblood of an ordinary farmer. , how can it be handed over easily? Looking at the dark red traces on Elena’s silver armor, you can tell what happened.

By the time the sun was about to completely set, the soldiers had basically completed their rest. The food bags on their bodies had become bulging, and the bellies of the more than 20 giant dragons standing around seemed to be rounder.

This area of ​​the City Lord’s Mansion certainly cannot accommodate so many people. The soldiers did not go to collect houses from the surrounding area, nor did they set up camp to build a stronghold. Instead, they held torches one by one, and were fully equipped with armor, as if they were about to go out.

“Ron, are everything set up?”

“Well, the grain that was not brought in the warehouse has been drizzled with oil, and it can be set on fire after we leave.”

“Okay, order the troops and let’s go.”

“Yes, sir!”

Richard had no intention of staying overnight in this city. First, he was prepared to guard against the possibility of being surrounded by an army of orcs. Secondly, it is difficult to sleep well at night in this city full of orcs. With the cover of night, the orcs who have not had the courage to initiate riots during the day will not be able to do so at night. Richard can even feel the darkness of the night. There was faint movement. After all, they were a strong warrior race that could fight with a stick. The bloodthirsty wildness of these orc civilians seemed to be stirred up at night.

Although the army in Richard’s hands is not afraid of another suppression in the city, it is really not necessary.

“Tap, step, step…”

At night, the sound of neat marching footsteps sounded, and the orcs who had just started to have some thoughts did not dare to act rashly. Everyone knew that facing these brightly armored human soldiers, they would basically die if they took the lead.

At this time, in a dark alley, a group of orcs were gathering together, each holding a tomahawk, iron rod, broadsword and other weapons in their hands, because orcs have always been rich in martial arts, and their armor is expensive, and civilians cannot afford it. , but everyone has weapons.

Several of the orcs were still wearing standard heavy armor. They should be the remnants of the orcs who escaped from the battle, and got mixed up with the orc civilians in the city who wanted to resist.

“Captain! The human army is out, do we want to go?”

“What are you going to do? You are looking for death!”

The captain of the ten-man team is already the largest surviving official among the surviving orcs. Naturally, he was promoted to the commander by the orcs who still wanted to resist in the city. During the day, they were a little bit They didn’t dare to move, and only at night could they move based on their familiarity with the terrain.

The original plan was to create some noise in the city with another team, cause chaos, and risk the lives of half the city to tear off the human army that entered the city. Unexpectedly, the human army They actually gathered together at night to prepare to leave. How dare he take these 100 people to attack the large army? He could only continue to wait and see the situation.

“Captain, look over there, it’s burning!”

Suddenly, the warehouse behind the city lord’s palace burst into flames. Because the oil had been poured in advance, the fire spread instantly, and soon the whole city could see the raging fire in the center.

“Damn it, that’s a warehouse, and there’s still food collected in the past two days!”

The captain quickly realized what was happening. It seemed that these humans were leaving. Before leaving, they burned all the food that could not be taken away.

It’s just that although he was angry in his heart, in reality he could only be incompetent and furious. He could only hope that after the humans left, he could organize people to rescue some food and come back.

Fortunately, there is still a large amount of food that has not been harvested outside the city, and the losses are not particularly heavy after all. After the humans leave, as the largest official in the city, I should reorganize the order, and maybe I can still get some credit…


Before the orc captain could continue to think, dragon roars came from the sky, interrupting his thoughts about the future.

Then pillars of flames lit up in the night sky, and the dragon began to spit out dragon breath indiscriminately in the city. The temperature of the dragon’s breath was extremely high, and the flames were so fierce that they were no more powerful than modern flamethrowers. Weak. Soon, except for the warehouse, half of the city was on fire. There were screams everywhere, and some panicked figures were fetching water and trying to extinguish the flames.


“Hide in the basement, hide in the well!”


A breath of dragon breath came straight towards the dark alley, lighting up the entire alley. A group of orc warriors holding weapons and wanting to fight the human army were instantly turned into charcoal.

All preparations were in vain when Richard violently burned the city. The entire city would soon be wiped out.

At the city gate, Richard glanced back at the city that was half ablaze. Through the flames, he could see figures moving back and forth, and screams seemed to reach Richard’s ears through the screen.

But Richard didn’t have much trouble in his heart. He just raised his whip again to urge the troops to take action. The giant dragons in the sky did not return directly to the team after setting half the city on fire. Instead, they flew under the leadership of Moriel. Going to the surrounding large green rice fields, these unharvested crops were also within their scope of destruction.

In order to speed up the destruction efficiency, hundreds of gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights even followed the dragon and dropped prepared oil cans on top of the large green rice to support combustion, making the flames more intense. , after tonight, all that is left for the orcs is an empty city and a piece of white land.

Barren Rock City

Inner Castle

Compared to the small city that Richard captured, Huangshi City can be considered a big city. It not only has dragon-hunting crossbows for defense, but also an inner fortress. Its defense is several levels stronger than the city lord’s palace in the small city. But this The city’s defense did not play any role, and even after waiting for a long time, Richard’s army did not arrive.

Orc Commander Ruel is constantly checking the map in the main hall of the inner castle, trying to find Richard’s location.

“Lord Ruhr, there is urgent news!”

At this time, a messenger hurriedly entered the hall.


Ruel walked a few steps outside, took the letter from the soldier, glanced at it, and had an incredulous expression on his face.

“Little River City? How is that possible!”

It’s not that Ruhr has no imagination, but that Mrak, who is equipped with speed equipment, led the army and ran too fast. No matter Ruhr tried his best, he still thought that Richard could not run so far, and he was still searching nearby. their traces.

“Where did this information come from?”

“It was sent by the Bat Rider near Xiaohe City. He said that he saw the entire Xiaohe City burned with his own eyes, and the surrounding green rice was not spared.”

After hearing this, Orc General Ruel clenched his fists and remained silent for a long time, seeming to be digesting this information.

“Go and call some of the legion commanders to come to the main hall to discuss matters, and also ask the Bat Knight who delivered the letter to come over.”

“Yes, sir!”


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