Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 448: Small town


The so-called long-distance attack, feeding on the enemy, directly inserting into the enemy’s heart sounds very exciting, but from ancient times to the present, there are only a few people who can really achieve it, otherwise Huo Qiaoqi would not be able to do it. Will always stand on the altar.

There are many practical problems that need to be solved in actual practice of this kind of operation of rushing thousands of miles, especially on the enemy’s territory.

The first thing is not to get lost. When operating in enemy territory and unfamiliar with the place, finding the marching direction first and not getting lost is the top priority. There has never been a shortage of examples in history of getting lost in battles, missing fighter planes or even losing troops and generals.

Similarly, logistics is also a big problem. In order to ensure the speed of the attack, carrying seven days of rations with the army is already the limit. In this process, we must find a way to supplement supplies. Logistics transportation of food is definitely not expected. You can fight with war, and grab special loot behind the enemy’s rear. But this kind of thing is easy to say. The enemy is not a fool, nor is he just standing there for you to grab. You must first fight to get it. If the enemy continues It will be even more uncomfortable to build a strong wall and clear the field in advance. There are many other problems that need to be paid attention to. The generals who can perfectly solve these problems throughout the ages are all famous generals. After all, this is not something that normal people can do.

But for Richard, these are not big problems. Others may rely on their innate accurate sense of direction and keen sense of battlefield, plus a little luck to complete the feat of running thousands of miles, but Richard most likely It depends on the advantages of the system.

Except for the giant dragon, the aerial power of the orcs is the same as that of humans without dragon knights. Some bat knights are slow to fly and have poor physical strength. They are used for aerial reconnaissance and have basically no combat capabilities. Li Cha can see this. Air units that are too lazy to take a look are also treasured by the orcs. An orc army of more than 20,000 people usually only has a few dozen for reconnaissance and message delivery.

Not to mention fighting giant dragons, these bat knights were immediately killed when they encountered Richard’s gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights. A royal gryphon could easily tear apart a giant-mouthed bat in the sky. .

Hundreds of gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights spread out, and a hundred miles radius became a forbidden area for the bat knights. Even the wolf cavalry on the ground were not spared, and they completely blinded the orc army in the deserted stone city. Now They were completely unaware that the human army had bypassed Wild Stone City and headed towards the core of the orcs.

With Sir Mrak’s Scud expertise, within two days, this system’s army had penetrated three to four hundred kilometers north of Barren Rock City and entered the so-called food-producing area of ​​the orcs.

The wind on the Eastern Plateau is heavier than the wind in the North. This heavyness means literally. Compared with the cold wind in the North, which is as cold as a knife, the wind on the Eastern Plateau is full of sand on your face. His face was a little sore from the beating, and it was obvious that the surrounding land had become desertified. In Richard’s eyes, this was serious over-development, and something would happen sooner or later.

But the orcs can’t control so much. The land they occupy seems to be quite large, but there is not much land that can be cultivated. The plain around the royal capital is already a rare fertile land in the orc kingdom. In order to feed more people, we have to develop it vigorously.

Now the large green rice is swaying left and right in the breeze, forming blue waves. It is a little different from the earth. The green color of these rice is already a sign of maturity. Now this large green rice wave is surging, which is obviously already mature. It’s harvest season.

It’s just that there are no orcs harvesting crops in the rice fields. Looking far away, you can see a group of orcs running away in panic, and a small city with a closed gate next to it.

A few orcs dressed as officers stood on the top of the city, looking at the human army and the giant dragon hovering in the sky with shocked expressions. The human army actually appeared here, only a few meters away from the royal capital of Monaya. A few hundred kilometers away, this has not happened for a long time. Not to mention that they have never seen it before, even the previous generation of orcs have never seen a human army in the hinterland of the kingdom.

“Sir, what should we do? We don’t have a dragon-hunting crossbow, and we can’t afford to pay more for the dragon in the sky.”

This small city located on the plain of the Orc King’s capital is not a strategic location and is usually not attacked. Normally, the garrison does not exceed 500, and there is no possibility of dragon hunting crossbows. Now I see the sky The giant dragon felt a little bit blind. As for the human army on the ground, they have not yet attracted their attention. After all, the number of systems led by Richard is not large, with the total number not exceeding two thousand. In the eyes of the orc officers, the threat is far less than those giant dragons in the sky.

“Send people to deliver messages, run around, and spread the news about the arrival of humans and dragons!”

“Pull out the bed crossbows, and everyone put on their spears. If the dragon attacks, we will fight them!”

“Yes, sir!”

The orcs guarding the city are somewhat bloody. Although they know they are no match for the giant dragons in the sky, they still decide to hold on without hesitation. In this kind of race war, anyone can be a hero.

Soon, some hanging baskets were lowered above the small town, and a dozen orcs fled in different directions. There was not even a wolf knight in this small town.

Of course all this cannot escape the eyes of humans who have been observing.

“Sir, do you want to send someone to stop them?”

“No, let them go. We have already crossed the Orc Desert City. We are afraid that the Orcs don’t know we are coming.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Okay, let’s prepare to attack the city. Take this small city and replenish supplies!”


“Fire the arrow!”

“Fire the arrow!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

On the top of the city, more than a dozen crossbows pushed the giant dragon rushing from the sky and fired giant arrows. There were also hundreds of orcs holding powerful crossbows standing on the wall and shooting arrows at the dragon. These The arrows flew towards the giant dragon like locusts but had no effect at all. Most of them deviated from the direction and did not touch any giant dragon. A small number of them also shot at the leading poisonous dragon and ancient golden dragon. They shot them at will. The arrows were knocked out when the wings were lifted, even the giant arrows shot by the bed crossbow were no exception. On the orc side, except for the warriors and dragon hunting crossbows, other combat methods did not pose much threat to the giant dragon.


“Get ready to meet the enemy!”


After the arrows were ineffective, some orcs on the city raised their spears seven to eight meters high and pointed them at the sky, seemingly trying to fight for their lives against the charging dragon.

Although this act is bloody, it has no merit. It has no other effect except to die with more dignity. The commander is just a **** brainless person. In this battle, he will still be a mouse in the woods. Qilwei came to take command. He would definitely not fight like this. He must have ordered the troops to abandon the city wall and hide in the streets of the small town to slowly deal with the human army.

After seeing the way the orcs responded, Richard knew that there was nothing to wait and see, and immediately led his troops to approach the city wall.



The result of the orcs holding up their spears to fight against the giant dragons at the top of the city was obvious. They held up their seven- to eight-meter long spears and tried to fight the giant dragons, but the giant dragons gave them a mouthful of dragons even dozens of meters away. Breathing, more than twenty dragon breaths came down, almost burning a city wall to black. The hundreds of orcs who were holding up their spears and howling just now were all stuck together on the city wall. It looked like some black charcoal. You can also clearly see the shape of the person.

Only some orc warriors who had seen the opportunity jumped off the city wall to escape. In just one moment, half of the orcs guarding the city were lost. Those who survived had panic expressions on their faces, as if they had lost their souls. Even the **** commander just now showed an expression of fear.

However, the dragon that frightened them did not go deep into the city to fight. After clearing the city wall, it returned to the sky and began to hover.

This is Richard’s order. He is afraid that these dozens of giant dragons will kill each other in this small town and burn it down. He also hopes to rest in this small town for a while to replenish supplies. He can’t Let your soldiers go to the green rice field outside with their sickles to harvest.

Before the orcs could recover, the human ground troops approached the city wall at an incredible speed. They did not even carry any siege tools, not even an ordinary long ladder.

The orc commander did not understand the other party’s intentions for a while, but this did not prevent him from subconsciously giving orders to prepare for war.

“Humans are coming up, ready to fight!”

Seeing the giant dragon leave, the remaining orc warriors came to their senses after being yelled by the commander. If they couldn’t beat the giant dragon, they could always fight with humans. At least fighting humans shouldn’t be so hopeless.

As soon as they picked up their weapons, several figures flew up from the human formation to challenge their cognition. Richard personally took Elena, Natalis, Archangel, and three outstanding swordsmen with him. The warrior and the three archangels crossed the city wall and landed directly next to the city gate.

Are these all strong men of the Protectorate Warrior level? The ten flying figures made most of the orcs a little confused.

“Kill! Don’t let them open the city wall!”

The orc commander was also shocked by the scene before him, and then decisively gave the order to attack in a trembling voice. He was afraid that if there was any further delay, he would lose the courage to even order the attack…


Including all the equipment, Richard, who has reached the peak of his strength, activated the Vulcan Sword. Several meters of flames emerged from the Vulcan Sword. Richard waved the Vulcan Sword and rushed forward. Seven or eight orc warriors fell to the ground under the impact of the tongue of fire.

There was no room for the orcs’ numerical advantage to be used. The Vulcan Sword in his hand was completely used by Richard as an AOE output, and the orcs’ charge was stopped in a few strokes.

The outstanding swordsman even waved his giant sword and rushed into the crowd of orcs, setting off a fishy wind. The orcs they killed died much more tragically than those killed by Richard. There was a burst of fighting. Finally, another pile of corpses appeared on the ground.

Under this one-sided massacre, the remaining orc warriors completely collapsed. More than a hundred orc warriors turned around and ran away, trying to escape back to the city to survive temporarily. No one cared about deserters anymore. Now, they are the last defenders in the city. The commander who can control them has just been split in half by a human wearing a red cloak, and he cannot die anymore.

After killing the last defensive force of the orcs, Richard did not order to continue the chase, but stood still and waited.

With a “squeaking” noise, the iron gate of the small town was opened wide, and Sir Mrak led the remaining troops one after another into the undefended orc town.

“Ron, lead the Crusaders to immediately blockade the warehouses in the city and kill them if they encounter any resistance.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although this city is small, it is well-equipped. The orcs are a civilized and civilized race. Apart from the different styles of city construction, the rest of the functions are similar to human cities.

With the investigation of the Sky Griffin Knight, the locations of key facilities in the city were very easy to confirm. Soon Ron and the Crusaders rushed towards the warehouse.

“Gru, Mrak, you will bring the halberdiers, war dancers and phantom shooters to maintain order in the city. Now the whole city is banned. No pedestrian is allowed on the street except us. Any orcs are not allowed to appear on the street. Appear on the streets and be executed immediately!”

“Yes, sir!”


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