Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 447: March


“Boom, boom, boom!”

“Boom, boom, boom!”

As the war drums of the human army resounded through the night sky, the orcs in Iron Spear City also responded. A large number of orc warriors with torches rushed up to the city wall to be on guard. This movement made the orc generals of Iron Spear City panic. He dared not continue to rest, but put on his armor and grabbed his weapons and walked up the city wall.

“What do humans want to do? Attack the city day and night?”

“That shouldn’t be the case. Although not all the reinforcements from Rapid City have entered the city, they have stopped and camped not far away. How dare they attack the city!”

“Even the well traps and trebuchets have been rolled out, and the humans seem to be really preparing to attack the city.”

Although the night was dark, under the light of the fire, the orcs could faintly see the outlines of large human siege equipment from the city wall. Those wells that were higher than the city wall really left a deep impression on them. impression.

Not only can these wells quickly send troops to the city wall after they get close to the city wall, but they also have crazily mounted crossbows on them. Every time they approach the city wall, they attack the defending orc warriors from a high position, causing trouble to the orcs defending the city. It was a huge trouble. The orcs were not good at defense. With these wells, the humans almost took Ironspear City before the reinforcements arrived.

Now that the orcs see these well rails approaching, their first reaction is that humans are about to attack the city again. Otherwise, why are they pushing such heavy well rails? It is pushed by both horses and people. Isn’t it strenuous?

“General, why don’t we simply send people out of the city at night to destroy the human wells in advance. I think when the fight starts, the reinforcements from Rapid City will try their best to support us.”

The officer next to the orc general suggested that it was not unreasonable. Night fighting has always been the strength of the orcs. Instead of letting humans get close and get into a tug-of-war on the city wall, it is better to directly launch a counterattack. Now that reinforcements are on the side, they can be bolder.

It was just that the orc leader hesitated as he looked at the deep darkness and the human camp’s fire that seemed to be more numerous than the stars in the sky.

“Humanity’s actions are a bit abnormal. We should not act rashly. Who knows what arrangements humans will make at night. We will hold on to Ironspear City steadily and not fall into human’s tricks.”

“The general is still thoughtful.”

The orc officer on the side flattered him, but he didn’t know that if he took the initiative to attack according to his idea at this time, it would be possible to expose Duke Ross’s plan, at least the remaining more than 200,000 infantry troops It is impossible for him and thousands of orcs to withstand the attack of hundreds of thousands of orcs, but he has scruples at night, which gives Duke Ross room to take risks.

On the other side, in the camp of the orc reinforcements.

The officer responsible for leading the reinforcements was even more confused than the orc general on the city wall. Because the size of Ironspear City could not accommodate all the reinforcements he led, he simply camped nearby and formed a support force with Ironspear City to deal with the human race. , because he was concerned about the large number of cavalry in this human army, and a large number of horse traps and horse traps were arranged near the camp. He was quite looking forward to the night attack by the human army.

But what he didn’t expect was that he didn’t wait for the human night attack. These humans actually launched an attack directly on Iron Spear City under his nose in the middle of the night.

“Ask the wolf cavalry to be on alert. If any traces of human cavalry are found nearby, report them immediately. Remember not to engage in direct combat with humans.”

“General, aren’t we going to support Ironspear City?”

“They have been holding down for so long, so there is no need for one night. If we leave the camp and are attacked by human cavalry, the consequences will be even more serious.”

“Yes, General!”

The orc reinforcements also stayed put. The commander was worried about the cavalry of the Western Army. He was also afraid of being attacked by the human cavalry after being mobilized. Although normal commanders should not do such a thing, now the humans are even taking advantage of it. Having done such crazy things as attacking the city at night, who knows how crazy the other party can get.

Just when the orc army was attracted by the noisy human infantry, the cavalry of the Western Region, led by Ross, had already bypassed the Iron Spear City in the dark with a trace of moonlight, and headed towards the rapids through the gap. Go north of the city…

It was not until dawn that the attack finally ended with heavy thunder and small raindrops all night long. The human infantry and the orc flag regiments retreated back to the camp one after another.

The morning light revealed, and the entire land was gradually revealed. The orcs finally discovered that half of the human army was missing, and the other half was also huddled in the camp, pretending to defend. Where were the human cavalry? This time the orc commander was most puzzled.

Central Route Army

The Raging Flame Fortress has been completely cleaned up, and several small fortresses around it have also been taken down. After the Raging Flame Fortress was lost, the orc reinforcements that had been suppressed by the dragon knights in the wild simply disappeared after losing their aid target. After retreating and achieving this staged victory, the overall morale of the human army was quite high.

It’s just that the senior officers all have gloomy faces now, obviously lacking confidence in the upcoming battle.

“Lord Thor, if the orcs really have dragons to help them, wouldn’t it be very dangerous for us to stay in Raging Flame Fortress? Why not withdraw to Dragon’s Breath Pass first?”

“We have withdrawn. What should we do with the Northern Route Army and the Southern Route Army? Counting the time, the Northern Route Army has already reached the eastern plateau, and the Southern Route Army has already…”

After a full ideological struggle, Thor decided to wait and see in the Raging Flame Fortress first. He couldn’t sell the other two armies at once.

Of course, the so-called sale or not is just the result of weighing the pros and cons. Bailong has not been seen yet, and there is no news from the southern front. The key is whether the northern route army poses a sufficient threat to the orcs. Of course, to be more detailed, Thor is more concerned about the dragons under Richard, and they have now become the key to this battle.

The Northern Route Army is the closest army to the Orc King’s capital, and it brings so many giant dragons with it. Even if the Orc white dragons are to be dispatched, they should most likely focus on the nearest threat first. If the Orc army and the Bailong went to the North Road, but he turned around and ran away with the people. Wouldn’t it be that all the preparations were in vain.

“Fly more Wind Birds and try to maintain contact with the Northern Route Army and Duke Ross. When you receive the Wind Birds’ message, send it to me as soon as possible.”

“Order the army to prepare to continue the attack, leave two five legions to guard the front line of Raging Flame Fortress, and continue to attack Watch City the day after tomorrow!”

“Yes, Lord Thor!”

Barren Rock City

Twenty-seven giant dragons circled around the city and then left. The orc warrior operating the dragon-hunting crossbow was so tired that he was sweating. After seeing the giant dragon leave, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the ground to rest. , and Orc coach Ruel looked at the dragon that had just gone away in the sky with a gloomy face.

He led an army of 100,000 to support the orc army in the northern dense forest. He originally planned to block the humans in Cave Mountain, but before he arrived, when he arrived near Barren Stone City, he had already learned that Cave Mountain had fallen. After hearing the news, they could only temporarily stationed in Huangshi City to set up a defense line, preparing to resist this menacing army.

The human army indeed gave him a disastrous attack as soon as they came up. Before he saw the army, more than 20 giant dragons had already passed over his head, causing a lot of oppression to the entire city. , but the other party walked around in a circle and left again. I don’t know what he was planning, but it was definitely not a good thing.

“Send two more teams of wolf cavalry to search the surroundings. If they find human ground troops, they will come back and report.”

“But, Lord Ruhr, we have sent out five teams of wolf riders, and none of them have returned yet.”

It is difficult to train orc wolf riders, and the number is limited. Generally, losing one will feel a little painful. Now, dozens of wolf riders may have been lost. The orc officers next to them are heartbroken, and even faced Ruel’s order. A little hesitant.

“To execute the order, you must find out where the human army is!”

“It’s the general!”


“Run, captain!”

On the plains, several wolf riders were running very fast. The explosive power of these giant plateau wolves running at full speed was just as strong as horses. Even if they were carrying an orc on their backs, they were so fast that there seemed to be an afterimage.

It’s just that they are not chasing any prey when they are running at full speed. It can be seen from the panic faces of the knights on the back of the giant wolf that they seem to be the prey. On the orc plateau, the wolf cavalry, who have always been so arrogant, are like this. Suddenly he became the prey being chased. It was like seeing a ghost.

Directly above them, there were more than a dozen huge royal griffins flying, with a petite knight sitting on each of them. They were looking at the running wolf knights below with joking eyes. They were ordered to come out to search for the human army. They were spotted by these strange birds before they even saw where the opponent was. They had already lost nearly half of their manpower, and they still hadn’t gotten rid of the opponent yet.



There were several more cries that made these wolf cavalry horrifying. Three royal griffins descended vertically. They wanted to deal with the same target together.

“Save me!”

The orc wolf rider who was targeted called desperately to his companions, but no one paid him any attention. Three white figures had already approached.



The orc warrior on the wolf’s back raised his sword to resist, but the two knights on the griffon held up their weapons. However, the orcs were more powerful, and they blocked the two lances at the same time with a single effort.

But the next second he had no chance to show his strength. Two royal griffons pulled the orc warrior up. The giant wolf below wanted to protect the master, but was caught and blinded by another royal griffon. He rolled his eyes to the ground and howled miserably.

The two griffons worked together to lift each other to an altitude of more than ten meters. Then with a “bang!”, the wolf cavalry fell to the ground without moving.

“Okay, stop playing around, deal with these wolf cavalry as soon as possible and go back to life!”

“Yes, Captain!”

The griffin knights’ combat power was far superior to these wolf knights, and they still had a numerical advantage. When the griffin knights dived against the group of wolf knights on the ground, the battle ended quickly.

“Sir, all the orcs and wolf cavalry nearby have been eliminated.”

“Sir, the Silver Pegasus Knights have already eliminated the approaching Orc Bat Knights, not a single one has been missed.”


At this time, Richard had led the system army into the eastern plateau and was close to the core territory of the orcs. With Sir M’rak’s speed bonus, the army he led took two days to complete a normal march of at least a week. Time came to the vicinity of Huangshi City.

Because Richard ordered the gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights to hunt the orcs as reconnaissance troops, Ruler of Wild Stone City has not yet confirmed the location of Richard’s army.

“Lord Richard!”

Morrill, who soon took the dragon for a tour of Wild Stone City, also returned to the army and directly transformed into a human form and walked to Richard’s side.

“How is it, how is the situation in Huangshi City.”

“There are about 100,000 troops stationed around, and the defense is very tight. The guard is passable, but the aura of the white dragon is not detected.”

The reason for sending Moriel to investigate is simple. In addition to understanding the strength of the orcs, Moriel can also sense the presence of other dragons. Richard needs to know whether the white dragon has arrived on the battlefield.

“It doesn’t matter if you keep him close, we won’t play with him anymore.”

“General Mrak!”

“My lord!”

“Organize the army to set off immediately. We will bypass Huangshi City and go north!”

“Yes, sir!”

After listening to Richard’s order, Sir M’Lak showed an excited expression. Running long distances was his specialty. The feeling of jumping left and right among the enemies was really nostalgic.

Soon, a strange team started moving at an extremely fast speed. In addition to humans and elves, there were also non-human soldiers such as snake girls and gods and monsters in the team. It looked a bit uneven, but they Their actions were very unified and fast. With Richard’s order, the entire team took action.

Richard’s idea is very simple. The systematic army he has in hand can definitely defeat the deserted stone city by hard attack, but it is not necessary. After all, there are 100,000 troops guarding a large city, and they will have to endure it if they defeat it. Not to mention the losses, it doesn’t have much significance yet. What he wants is strategic significance.

What does that mean? It is to cause panic to the orcs and contain more orc troops. Spending all the time fighting an offensive and defensive battle in Wild Rock City will not cause panic to the orcs. He wants to rely on the unparalleled combat power of the army and increase the marching speed of the army with Sir Mrak like a monster. , directly passed through the heavily-armed Deserted Stone City, directly entered the orc hinterland to burn, kill and loot, and went all the way to the orc king’s capital for a while before it was over…


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