Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 446: News on the Southern Line


The intelligence that Saul got was naturally sent from the Northern Route Army. The information revealed in the intelligence was so bad that even people like Saul who were indifferent to emotions and anger couldn’t help but change. His expression changed.

As a result, Saul is now in a very embarrassing state. He will not doubt the authenticity of the intelligence. This letter clearly states that the intelligence was confirmed by Richard. Although Richard is ambitious, He has no loyalty to the royal family, but he has no problem with foreign races. Moreover, this battle is a race battle between humans and orcs. There is no way that Richard would trick himself on this matter.

The alliance between the orcs and the white dragon is almost inseparable, but we don’t know when and when the white dragon will arrive on the battlefield.

“Al, how much do you know about White Dragon?”

The White Dragon originally lived in the far north, competing for living space with the Snow Giants, and had little contact with humans. Even the well-informed Thor only heard of its name and had never seen it. A living white dragon, but Al, as a golden dragon, had some contact with white dragons in his long life.

Although Al was a little injured and mentally depressed at this time, a very human and mocking expression appeared on the dragon’s face after hearing Thor mention the word white dragon.

“White Dragon, those guys should have been eliminated from the ranks of giant dragons long ago. They are not even comparable to the Green Dragon. I can fight at least three when I am not injured.”

Although Al is a bit out of place among the golden dragons, he is indeed a solid golden dragon in his prime, and he is already close to an ancient dragon. There is really no pressure to defeat three white dragons easily.

But although Al said this easily, Thor’s expression became more serious. Before Al was injured, he could only deal with three white dragons. Counting him as a sky-level knight, the two of them together could at most defeat him. There are five or six white dragons. The intelligence shows that at least fifty white dragons have joined the orc army. Even the other four dragon knights cannot withstand it.

“Are there many white dragons?”

“There should be more white dragons than our golden dragons, but those white dragons have short lifespans. They don’t even have a sanctuary in their clan, and they never dare to act wild in front of our golden dragons.”

When Al talked about the white dragon, his tone was always full of superiority, but Thor became more and more frightened as he listened. The white dragon may not be worth mentioning to the golden dragon clan, but the white dragon’s help to the orcs is obvious. It is also incomparable to the current Golden Dragon clan, and this time it is in trouble.

“Let me count how many of the orcs’ dragon-hunting crossbows are still usable, and immediately organize soldiers to start practicing how to operate the dragon-hunting crossbows left by the orcs.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although one of the orcs’ dragon-hunting crossbows was directly burned by Al at the beginning, none of the other dragon-hunting crossbows were directly attacked by Al. There should be many that can be used. Now it is replaced by humans and they need one party to deal with the giant. If you have a dragon, you must use the orc’s dragon-hunting crossbow immediately.

“Call all the corps generals to the inner fort for discussion.”

“Yes, sir!”

The messengers who had been waiting around Saul immediately took action and began to run around to convey Saul’s orders. Saul, after asking Al to recover from his injuries, returned to the inner fort and waited for other senior generals to arrive to discuss the matter.

Southern Line

Iron Spear City

The siege has lasted for several days. The ace White Wolf Warriors of the Western Territory Army have participated in the siege several times. This Orc Flag Regiment, built with a lot of money, is almost the only thing that makes children cry at night in the Western Territory. Usually one flag The group can chase tens of thousands of lizardmen in the desert.

Although lizardmen are not a strong fighting race, they are not good-for-nothings like kobolds. In fact, their combat power is barely equal to that of humans, and a little stronger than elves. In addition, they have strong fertility and stronger bodies. He is adapted to the desert environment of the Western Desert, so even if he is constantly being pressed to the ground and rubbed by the Duke of the Western Territory, he still survives as tenaciously as Xiaoqiang.

Some of the warriors from the large lizard tribe have good fighting abilities. The Western Army, especially the White Wolf Warriors, can always press the lizards to the ground and rub them. Obviously, this is not a result of fighting against the stinky chess basket, but Really powerful.

With the addition of the White Wolf Warriors, the pressure on the orcs in Ironspear City has increased greatly. The Western Army has been able to attack the city wall several times. However, the human army on the southern front still lacks the dragon knight who can make the final decision. With their fighting strength, the orc leader and his reserve team were driven off the city wall several times.

But everyone knows that at this pace, it will only be a matter of time before Iron Spear City is captured. Under this pressure, the defenders of Iron Spear City continued to urge the reinforcements from Rapid City, and finally appeared in Iron Spear City today. Near the city, and after discovering hundreds of thousands of orc reinforcements, the human army did not continue to attack, but retreated like a tide, leaving a mess behind.

“Damn it!”

“Your Majesty Duke, we are close today. The orc army commander is entangled with us. If we retreat later, we will take Iron Spear City!”

The speaker was a burly orc general with facial features similar to humans, but with slightly green skin. At this time, his face was full of annoyance. The White Wolf Warriors had suffered heavy losses in the past two days. Small, but as a general, what he felt sad about was not the loss, but the failure to achieve the goal after paying the loss.

The surrounding human generals were also full of regrets. Today’s attack on the city, the orcs have almost run out of gas and energy, and the only thing left is the last trembling thing. They forced themselves back, and now Everyone was holding their breath.

“Us, calm down, don’t be so impatient.”

“I’m sorry, sir, I lost my temper.”

Although Us is a half-orc, he actually has no favorable impressions of orcs at all. There is no difference between fighting orcs and lizardmen for Us. He is not even opposed to fighting humans. These are considered by the mainstream world The only homeland for the repelled orcs is the Western Territory, where they have dignity, status and honor. At least on the surface, no one dares to provoke or discriminate against these orcs, and they only offer their loyalty to the Ross family who rule the Western Territory.

So with Rose’s words, the Orc general who was still grumbling just now immediately became depressed, apologized and then became quiet.

“The orc reinforcements will come as soon as they arrive. It is a good thing that Iron Spear City was captured. If it is not captured, it will not affect the next plan.”

“Order the infantry to withdraw to the camp and strengthen defenses. All cavalry are prepared with ten days of rations, feed the horses, and prepare to go out in the evening!”

“This? Are we going to attack at night?”

“Your Excellency, the orcs have just arrived. I am afraid they will be very prepared tonight, and our army does not have the upper hand in the night battle.”

The Duke of Ross’s order puzzled a circle of generals in the tent. Going out at night seemed to be a night attack, but what does it mean to prepare ten days of rations? Bringing so many things will have no effect on a night attack. .

Firstly, it is impossible for orcs to fight at night without being careful. Secondly, because orcs are still in a semi-nomadic state, and like fishy smells, they often eat some biological offal. The human army is an army that has been thoroughly cultivated and civilized, and has night blindness. Much more serious than the orcs. Although these generals did not understand the reason, they still knew that the night blindness rate of orcs was lower, and they tried to avoid night battles with orcs.

“No need to ask any more questions, just do as I say and I will give you the answer tonight.”

“Yes, sir!”

Duke Ross is still a one-stopping presence in the Western Army. Once an order is given, no matter whether it can be thought through or not, there is no problem with its execution. As for the infantry sent by Longxingguan to assist in the battle, there is no doubt about Ross’s orders. Qualified.

Soon, the generals of the big tent took orders and dispersed, and the human army began to slowly retreat.

During the siege of Iron Spear City during this period, the South Army did not do anything. At least the camp was very strong and organized. With a little processing, it can be regarded as a strong fortress. Seeing the human army retreating, they rushed over The orc reinforcements did not chase, but approached Iron Spear City from the other side. However, the army did not rush into the city, but began to camp close to the city. It seemed that they had some plans.

In Iron Spear City, the orcs cheered because of the arrival of reinforcements, while Duke Ross stood in the camp and looked at it from a distance, not knowing what he was thinking.


Night falls

Because of Ross’s order, more than 200,000 Western Cavalry took some rest during the day. At this time, they were all in their armor, each holding two horses and waiting for the order.

“Your Majesty, the troops are ready.”


The elite of the Western Border Army is not only reflected in its bravery and fearlessness in combat, but also in all aspects. At least this dispatching ability and execution ability are not what ordinary armies can achieve. More than 200,000 cavalry can move at night. It can be done very neatly, without any sense of delay. If a night attack is launched directly, it seems that there is no possibility of success?

Adil, who reported to Ross, shook his head and threw away this idea. Although not all the orc army entered the city, they were stationed not far from the city. They could completely echo each other with Iron Spear City. The night attack was real. It’s too risky.

“Sir, are we really going to attack the orcs at night?”

“Who said we were going to attack the orcs at night?”

“Order the infantry to light torches, make some noise, and prepare to continue attacking the city. Wus, you take the White Wolf Warriors together to act, act more realistically, and put some pressure on the other side.”

“Yes, sir!”

Due to their size, Orcs are not suitable for cavalry combat. Although the horses of the Western Region can carry Orcs, it still requires more effort. Their physical strength will be consumed faster, and they will be more likely to suffer from fatigue over time. Therefore, the half-orc warriors of the White Wolf Knights are all heavy infantry and are not in the cavalry sequence.

“Adil, after the infantry comes out of the camp and makes some noise, we will lead the cavalry and leave behind the camp. We will order the army to control the horses and make as little noise as possible.”

“Sir, what do we want?”

“Straight through Rapids.”

“Isn’t this too risky?”

At this time, Adil finally understood Ross’s intention. He had guessed it when Ross ordered the preparation of dry food at the beginning, but now it was completely confirmed.

This is completely a method of leaving no escape route. One person and two horses will pass through Rapid City from here and directly cut into the battlefield in the middle line. If there is a slight accident, the entire army will be in crisis of food shortage. It is completely dancing on a tightrope. Only the Duke of Ross himself dared to issue such an order.

“There is no war without risks. If there is no retreat, we will not retreat and fight our way out.”

“Why, Adil, who has always been desperate, is sometimes afraid?”

“No, Your Majesty the Duke, I am not afraid of death, but if all the hundreds of thousands of people in my Western Territory are lost on the Eastern Plateau, then the Western Territory…”

“If we lose this battle, the kingdom may collapse. Without the kingdom, can we in the West still be able to stand up to the orcs?”

“The battle on Lord Thor’s side has begun. We must rush over as quickly as possible. If we continue to waste time under Iron Spear City, it will be a shame for our Western Army!”

Adil is not unreasonable. After fighting the orcs in the Western Region, he also understood how powerful the orcs are. The combat effectiveness of the orc warriors is almost equal to that of the monsters of the White Wolf Warriors, and they are no less ferocious in battle. Western Army.

There are millions of such orc armies. If the kingdom is gone, with the small population and army in the Western Region, there is no way it can be an opponent of the orcs.

“I understand, Your Majesty the Duke.”

After saying that, Adil quickly left and began to organize the cavalry preparations.

“General Juan.”

“Your Majesty the Duke!”

“Tonight, you will lead the army to interfere with the orcs. Be sure to make the noise louder and light more torches to give the orcs the illusion that our army is attacking the city at night. Repeat this several times and wait for the cavalry to leave in the middle of the night. Then return to the camp and hold on. I will leave the White Wolf Warriors to assist you. If there is a chance, you can lead the infantry back to Longxi Pass. There is no need to stay here anymore.”

Huan is a senior officer on the front line of Longxiguan Nanwang City. This time, he led the infantry of Longxiguan to assist the Western Border Army in the battle.

“Yes, sir!”

Now he fully understands Ross’s plan. The attack on Ironspear City is actually a cover, and the purpose is to mobilize the orc army from Rapids City.

The orc army sent to the rescue must have brought out most of the wolf cavalry in Rapid City. The defenders in Rapid City now only have the strength to hold on, and there is absolutely no spare power to tangle with the Western Cavalry. As long as the Western Cavalry throws away the iron spears now The orc army outside the city can quickly pass through Rapid City and go around to the rear of the orc watch city.

Although this plan is risky, with the quality of the Western Cavalry and the configuration of one man and two horses, it is not difficult to implement. As long as tonight is passed, the orcs’ wolf cavalry will not be able to catch up with the Western Cavalry heading north. .


“Your Majesty Duke, we orcs march fast and we must not fall behind. Please let me follow you.”

Before Ross could speak, Us on the side asked.

“Talk nonsense again, no matter how fast you run, can you still run faster than a two-horse cavalry?”

“Cooperate with General Huan’s actions honestly. If you return to Longxing Pass, you will win. If you encounter an orc attack, you must cooperate with the army to defend the line.”

“This is an order!”

“Yes, sir!”

Seeing what Wus wanted to say, Duke Ross did not give him a chance to speak, and his tone suddenly became stern.

Although Us was still a little dissatisfied, facing Rose’s stern tone, he knew that Duke Rose’s determination was made and he would not allow him to bargain any more, so he could only agree.

“Let’s go!”

The cavalry in the Western Region began to move quietly. At the same time, the drums of the front camp were clanging, and a torch illuminated the infantry in the front camp…


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