Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 445: Breaking the city and news


“Dragon-hunting crossbow!”

“Get ready!”

At the moment when the golden dragon soared into the sky, the orcs quickly became nervous. More than a dozen dragon-hunting crossbows emerged from the hiding place of the city wall. The orc warriors next to them nervously pulled the noose and began to adjust the angle of the dragon-hunting crossbows. Come.

Although the orcs’ dragon-hunting crossbows can damage giant dragons, they are too bulky and inconvenient to carry and transfer. They are usually placed in important cities, and their use is greatly restricted when they are semi-fixed on the city. .

For example, most of the dragon-hunting crossbows brought to the North by the Orc Expeditionary Force were dismantled into parts and carried. Some parts were made of special materials regardless of cost, and the army had to bring craftsmen with them to assemble them on site, which was quite troublesome.

But it is much more convenient to use in the city. Dragon knights usually dare not approach an orc fortress with multiple dragon-hunting crossbows like this. Although the accuracy of the dragon-hunting crossbow is impressive, it does cause damage to the giant dragon. With the possibility of huge damage, the Golden Dragon Kingdom would not dare to gamble on the dragon like Richard. This time Thor brought the golden dragon close to the orc city wall, which was considered a quite risky act.

“Al, increase the angle to the maximum and fly upward.”

Just when he was about to reach the attack range of the dragon-hunting crossbow in the Raging Flame Fortress, Thor suddenly made the golden dragon rapidly increase its flight height. The golden dragon almost flew into the sky at a vertical angle of 90 degrees. The dragon-hunting crossbow that had been aimed at it lost its target.


“Keep aiming!”

The golden dragon suddenly rose in height. The orc soldiers had no choice but to continue to pull the noose of the dragon-hunting crossbow and adjust the shooting angle with the golden dragon. However, no matter how sophisticated the design of the dragon-hunting crossbow was, it was not as flexible as the giant dragon flying in the air. The dragon crossbow lost its target and had to temporarily stop adjusting, waiting for the golden dragon to approach again.

And Thor also took advantage of this feint to confirm the locations of most of the dragon-hunting crossbows on the city wall.

“The orcs have placed three dragon-hunting crossbows in the northwest corner of the city wall, one in the northeast corner, and three dragon-hunting crossbows in the southwest and southeast corners. It is not yet confirmed whether there are dragon-hunting crossbows in the main city. We will wait for more information. Try to avoid these dragon-hunting crossbows when you are there, can you do it, Al!”

“No problem!”

“Okay, let’s go!”


Thor and the golden dragon swooped down towards the Raging Flame Fortress again. The dragon-hunting crossbow on the city wall began to adjust its angle quickly, but it could not keep up with the speed of Al’s vertical fall. Before the dragon-hunting crossbow could be launched, the dragon exploded. He stepped on the city wall with a loud sound.


Al, who landed on the ground, was not polite at all. He sprayed out dragon breath at the dragon-hunting crossbow that had not yet adjusted its position. A group of orc warriors who were operating the dragon-hunting crossbow were instantly swallowed by the dragon’s breath. Their faces were still wet before they died. Maintaining a ferocious and frightened expression.

“Let it go!”


In the few seconds when the golden dragon landed, the dragon-hunting crossbows in other directions finally completed the adjustment. The orc officers in charge of the three commanding offices gave the order to shoot without any hesitation. The dragon-hunting crossbows made a low sound when launched There was a shaking sound, and several giant arrows flew towards the golden dragon’s huge body.

But at this time, the golden dragon Al had already taken a step ahead to hide against the city wall. Al did not have the bad habits of other giant dragons, and he did not reject the unsightly posture of leaning against the ground to avoid arrows, and because he understood it in advance In the direction from which the arrow flew, Golden Dragon Al successfully dodged the attack of this dragon-hunting crossbow.


When the huge arrows flew over Al, Al raised his dragon head again and became a proud dragon. Taking advantage of the dragon hunting crossbow being reloaded, he spat at a section of the city wall where orcs were densely packed. After taking a breath of dragon’s breath, dozens of orc warriors were swallowed by the hot dragon’s breath and turned into a scorched black place.


“Hold it! After the city is broken, we will all die!”



At this time, because of the dragon’s participation in the battle, the human army with high morale had launched a counterattack against the orcs on the city wall. Especially the human soldiers near the golden dragon were swarming in large numbers through the white space cleared by the dragon’s breath. Climb the city wall and attack the orcs defending around it.

However, the orcs’ will to resist is also very resolute. Even if they are burned to death by the golden dragon’s breath, they have no intention of retreating. The battle between humans and orcs is very cruel, and the battles between both sides are basically useless. Those who keep prisoners don’t even bother to say anything about persuading them to surrender. It’s a fight to the death. After a military fortress like Raging Flame Fortress is breached, what follows must be a massacre without leaving a trace. This kind of thing is something you ask for. It seems to me that everything is just ordinary, so the orcs can’t help but resist resolutely.

“Why hasn’t the dragon been eliminated yet? What are the officers operating the dragon-hunting crossbows doing! If we don’t kill the dragon, the city wall will be lost!”

“General! The human golden dragon has been moving close to the city wall since it fell. The dragon hunting crossbow placed on the city has no way to aim at it!”

“Then send people to attack it and force it up from the ground!”

“Forget it, the Guards follow me!”

“Target, dragon!”


The balance on the battlefield is a very delicate thing. Sometimes the death of a few soldiers may be the last straw that tilts the balance of war, let alone a golden dragon who fights insignificantly and can easily kill dozens of soldiers. Now the city wall where Al is standing is basically cleared of orc warriors. In just a few minutes, the city wall is covered with densely packed human soldiers. At a glance, there are at least a thousand people. This number is still there. Continuing to expand, the situation is close to getting out of control for the orcs.

The orc leader Thun was not in a hurry and no longer issued any orders. He personally led more than a thousand of his most elite soldiers to attack the section of the city wall that was close to being lost.



The orc general at the pinnacle of the earth personally led the team. Thousands of orc soldiers attacked like crazy demons and soon suppressed the human soldiers on the city wall. Even Al’s breathing of dragon breath could not stop them. The key was Gao Gao. Al, who was fighting hard, could no longer breathe out two breaths of dragon breath, and because he was afraid of flying the dragon-hunting crossbow into the air, its deterrent effect on the orcs was greatly reduced…



Just when Thun thought there was no more enemy for mankind in front of him, a heavy sword firmly caught the giant ax he was chopping, and slowly lifted his giant ax to the side. The opponent’s power is still greater than his.

“Dragon Knight, Thor!”

Thun recognized the strong human holding the giant sword in front of him at a glance. He might not know other humans, but he should be able to guess an iconic figure like Thor.


Thun knew that Thor’s strength was equivalent to that of a warrior in the country, and he could not allow him to spare any effort. He immediately used his fighting spirit to block Thor’s heavy sword. The orc warriors rushed up unceremoniously, with no intention of letting the two of them fight in a duel.



It’s just that the gap between the sky level and the earth level can’t be made up by a loud roar and the physical fitness of the orcs. After reaching the great knight, the physical fitness gap between orcs and humans becomes smaller and smaller, reaching the level of the sky level. By that time, the gap in basic physical fitness between humans and orcs had completely disappeared.

Thor also burst out with fighting spirit, and after a few weapons exchanges, he completely suppressed the opponent. Whether it was fighting spirit, strength, or even combat experience and skills, Thor overwhelmed the opponent. After blocking the opponent’s giant axe, Thor , the orc general Thun was obviously too weak to react. Thor seized the opportunity and kicked the opponent in the stomach. With the strength of the sky level, the power of this kick was probably no less than ten thousand kilograms. It was separated by a layer of heavy armor. Kicked Thun several meters away, the powerful orc general’s internal organs surged due to the kick, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


“Protect the general!”

Tun was seriously injured by this kick. He fell to the ground and couldn’t get up for a long time.

The surrounding orc warriors were shocked when they saw this, and then they did not hesitate to protect Thun who fell to the ground in the middle, trying to stop Thor.

These orc warriors are all the elite personal guards around Thun, and there are many warrior-level orcs and even great warrior-level orcs among them. If Thor is alone, it is actually quite difficult to face these hundreds of orc elites. At least it consumes The fighting spirit can drain him, but there is also an army behind Thor.

The human warriors who had just been suppressed by Thun’s team launched a counterattack under the leadership of the officers without Thor’s command. Thor only acted as an arrow and killed several people with a giant sword during the attack. An orc warrior who tried to lead a team to stop them opened a gap for the human soldiers behind him.

“Protect the general and go first!”

Seeing that there was no way to stop him, Thun’s guard captain made a prompt decision and commanded several orc soldiers to protect Thun and leave. The city wall was lost, and he could still take Thun with him to defend the city’s inner castle and resist. If Thun died here, it would be all over.


How could Thor let go of this hard-won opportunity to let this big fish run away? In order to save his fighting spirit at the beginning, Thor did not use his flying ability. Seeing that the opponent was about to run away, he immediately used his fighting spirit and leaped ten meters away. A few meters away, he stopped the other party.


The few personal guards protecting Thun were also brave. When they saw that their retreat was blocked by Thor, they looked at each other and rushed forward with their battle axes in their hands. Then, as expected, they were struck by Thor’s giant sword. Cut down and fell to the ground. At this time, Thor exploded with all his strength regardless of the consumption of fighting spirit. The surrounding orcs could not block the sharp fighting spirit of the sky level at all.



Thun used his strength to block Thor’s sword, but at the cost of losing all strength in his hands, the battle ax in his hand was directly knocked out by the heavy sword, and the next second he was split in half by the giant sword that came at him. A **** mist sprayed out on the city wall.




“The city is broken! The city is broken!”

The desperate shouts of the orc warriors and the excited cheers of the human soldiers sounded all around…

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”


“Chase! Catch that orc cub!”

In the alley, several human soldiers were chasing an escaping orc. The man had no iron armor on his body, and his figure was thinner than that of a normal orc warrior. Among orcs, he could only be considered a minor.

He sneak-attacked the patrolling human soldiers with a short bow and was immediately chased.

The fortress was breached in the morning attack. The human dragon knight killed the fortress general Thun on the spot. Hundreds of thousands of human soldiers poured into the fortress. The defeated orcs hid in the streets of the fortress. , the human soldiers were cleaning up the streets and alleys of the fortress.

The Raging Flame Fortress is a complete military city with very few civilians. In addition to the orc warriors, the orcs in the fortress are craftsmen or logistics personnel serving the army, and at most there are a small number of family members. After the city was destroyed, almost all the orcs They all took up arms and made the final resistance.

It caused a lot of trouble to the human soldiers who entered the city. Of course, it was just trouble. More than 100,000 troops entered the city one after another. With the broken soldiers and some civilians scattered in the city, it was tantamount to resist. A fantasy.

The officers of the human army organized the cleanup of the fortress respectively, while Thor stayed in the open space of the fortress with his partner Al.

“Al, are you seriously injured?”

At this time, Golden Dragon Al looked a little sluggish, and there was a big **** hole on his flesh wing that was still bleeding. The medical officer accompanying the army had already treated the wound for Golden Dragon, but obviously this kind of penetrating damage would not be dealt with for a while without special means. It’ll be fine soon.

“It’s not a big problem, but flying will definitely be affected. The next battle…”

“The rest of the battle is up to me, you can recover first.”

Originally, after the human army broke through the city wall, they gave priority to controlling the remaining dragon-hunting crossbows on the fortress, thus eliminating the threat to Al. Unexpectedly, when attacking the last inner fort of the orcs, the orcs actually hid a hunting crossbow. The dragon crossbow, the unprepared Al was hit by an arrow unexpectedly. Fortunately, Al reacted in time and avoided the vital point. There was no danger to his life. However, the arrow still penetrated the flesh wing. It would take at least a month or two to recover.

It will be difficult for Al to participate in the next battle. Al is originally the strongest of the five dragons and the most cooperative dragon. This is definitely a huge loss to the human army. Fortunately, it has already We captured the Raging Flame Fortress and completed the first step of this combat objective.

“Lord Thor, the news from General Kimir is that the orcs came from Watch City and retreated leaving more than 10,000 corpses.”

While Thor was thinking about the next battle, a soldier walked in and reported to him the situation on the other side.

In addition to the main army attacking the Raging Flame Fortress, there is also a partial division and four other dragon knights to block the reinforcements from Watch City. Now that the Raging Flame Fortress has been breached, the reinforcements are naturally meaningless and they will no longer continue to follow. The human army was exhausted and chose to retreat.

The orc army that came to the rescue was a little impatient when they launched the attack because they were eager to support them, and they did not have a good way to deal with the dragon knights. They suffered a lot of losses and left more than 10,000 orcs behind, which was considered a good news.

“Order General Kimiel to withdraw as well. After taking down the orc fortresses on both wings, rest in the Raging Flame Fortress and wait for the fighter plane.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir, the wind bird is reporting urgently!”

As soon as the messenger left, a messenger ran over holding a cylinder that had just been removed from the wind bird’s feet. The wax-sealed cylinder was painted red, which was obviously an urgent message.

Saul did not dare to delay and immediately took out the letter from the cylinder. As soon as the letter was spread out, Saul immediately changed color…


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