Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 444: Return and center line


It was already late at night when Richard accepted the mission and left the Stone Castle. After returning to the Duke’s Palace, Richard did not disturb anyone. He only paused for a moment outside Messiah’s house and glanced at Messiah under the bright moonlight. After showing his sleeping face, he used teleportation again to join Talis.

He cannot leave the Northern Route Army for too long, especially now that the situation has changed. Originally, Richard was relatively confident in this war, or perhaps relying on the systematic army’s successive victories made him a little arrogant. , this sudden mission woke up Richard. The mission requirement was to eliminate fifty white dragons. According to the nature of the mission system, the actual number must be much more.

Richard estimates that there should be at least a hundred white dragons participating in the battle. Although he has never fought against the white dragon, he only knows that the white dragon was defeated by the Snow Giant, but it was the snow giant that won with its absolute numerical superiority. .

This time he and Bai Long fought differently. Bai Long formed an alliance with the orcs, which was equivalent to having an orc army to supplement the shortcomings of its ground troops. The orc army received Bai Long’s air support. One plus one is greater than two. Effect.

Fortunately, the mission system issued a mission and gave Richard an early warning, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss without being prepared. Now Richard just wants to return to the North Route Army as soon as possible, for fear that he will be there soon. The short time he left, Bailong cooperated with the orc army to steal his camp.

“Lord Richard.”

Although it was late at night, neither Taris nor Richard would feel any discomfort due to this little exertion. Taris was neatly dressed and had been waiting for Richard to give orders.

It’s just that Richard didn’t give any orders first, but handed Talis a rein.

“This is?”

As a system hero, Taris was confused for only a moment. After receiving the reins, the properties of the reins appeared in Taris’s consciousness.

“The Reins of the Flying Dragon King.”

This is a treasure that has been left idle by Richard since the emergence of the Poison Dragon Reins. Richard himself has no use for it. For the few sky-level heroes under his command, this thing is useless. It is good for traveling, but for his subordinates When heroes lead troops, the speed of their march will always be determined by the slowest troop in the team.

“After a while, you take the poisonous dragon and the five-headed golden dragon and fly about two thousand kilometers northeast. My army is parked in a military camp on the northeast edge of the dense forest. I will stay for a day after I return and wait for you. You can Bring a few giant dragons here.”

“Yes, sir!”

More than a month has passed since the new year. Of course, the system army has also refreshed a lot. The golden dragon alone has recruited five. It took too long to bring the ground army there. Richard must give up, but the dragon will not Similarly, although the marching speed of the troops led by Taris is not as good as that of Sir Mrak, he also has advanced logistics skills, and the bonus to the march is not low.

Riding on the Flying Dragon King and only bringing flying units like giant dragons, one day is enough for Talis to fly from the North to Cave Mountain. Now that he is about to face a powerful enemy like the white dragon, Richard still tries his best to fight again. Strengthen your hands.


The roar of the giant dragon sounded again in the sky above Miracle City. Taris was also a person who moved cleanly. After Richard gave her the order, he immediately summoned the Flying Dragon King and took the six giant dragons to fly northeast. .

The roar of the giant dragon is already a common thing in Miracle City. The uncontrollable roar of the poisonous dragon when it took off only woke up some people who were light sleepers. They turned over and covered their ears and went back to sleep.

In the Duke’s Palace, Messiah was also awakened by the roar. She came to the balcony in her pajamas, looked at the dark night sky and whispered again:


At this time, Richard had disappeared into Miracle City and teleported to a place thousands of miles away. Richard finally rushed back to the North Route Army’s camp at dawn.

In the morning light, streams of smoke rose from the camp. The soldiers had already dressed and were waiting to distribute breakfast. Fortunately, Bailong did not move so fast. What Richard saw when he came back was not a burning camp.

“Immediately summon all officers above the flag regiment commander to come to the big tent for a military meeting!”

“Yes, sir!”

As soon as Richard returned to the camp in Yandong Mountain, he immediately summoned the senior generals among the messenger generals. Soon, more than 60 senior officers were sitting in the huge cave, making the originally spacious cave more spacious. The caves seemed a bit crowded.

“I have received reliable information that the orcs have formed an alliance with the white dragon. Soon, the orc army will have a white dragon to assist in the battle. Everyone must be mentally prepared for the next step.”

“What? White Dragon?”

Richard is very majestic in the North Route Army. When he is sitting on the main seat, the people below are usually very quiet and will not be too noisy. However, the information he just released is really shocking. The following is The officers couldn’t help but start talking.

Most of these officers actually don’t know much about white dragons, but just hearing the word dragon is enough. It doesn’t matter whether it is a golden dragon, a black dragon, or a white dragon. As long as the word dragon is mentioned, it is synonymous with power.

The one who reacted the most was Kuz, who has been responsible for contacting the Northern Route Army and Sol. He also has the deepest understanding of the entire Eastern Expedition among the people present except Richard. He understands the significance of this battle to mankind. He also understands that if a large number of white dragons participate in the battle to offset the advantages of human dragon knights, it will have a negative impact on the entire battle. What impact did the battle have?

“Where did Mr. Richard get the information? Are you sure it is credible?”

Richard glanced at Kuz who was asking the question and said nothing. Kuz quickly realized that he had made a mistake and he was not qualified to question Richard.

“I’m sorry, sir, I’ve lost my temper.”

Kuz stood up to plead guilty. Richard waved his hand and had no intention of pursuing the case, but continued:

“The intelligence is absolutely accurate. As for the source, I cannot elaborate on it. The number of white dragons is only a lot more than our giant dragons, but their combat power is slightly lower. Everyone should pay attention to some things when preparing for war. Prepare, try to repair some of the orcs’ bed crossbows, and build a batch of giant crossbows.”

The orcs’ dragon-hunting crossbows were completely destroyed by the giant dragon, but some ordinary bed crossbows are still there, and most of them can be used after repairing them. It is better to use them to deal with white dragons than ordinary crossbows.

“Sir, how strong is the white dragon? Is it comparable to the golden dragon?”

“Not to mention the golden dragon, the white dragon is slightly weaker than the green dragon.”

This is finally good news, but the officers below are still feeling heavy. Fortunately, the information about Bailong’s participation in the war was directly informed by Richard. If someone else told them, it would be the same thing whether they would believe it. , now that the orcs have the help of the white dragon, it is a big crisis not only for the Northern Route Army, but also for the entire human race.

“Kuz, you immediately send a message to Lord Thor, asking the middle army to act cautiously and be careful of the white dragon.”

Richard continued to arrange the tasks regardless of the thoughts of the generals below.

“Yes, sir!”

After receiving Richard’s order, Kurtz immediately left the cave as quickly as possible to convey the urgent military information to Thor, fearing that he would be delayed for another minute.

“What should I do next? Continue to strengthen the defense of Cave Mountain, send troops to cooperate with Gruqing to capture the remaining orcs around. Tomorrow I will march eastward to the plateau as planned.”

“Sir, the orcs have a white dragon to help them fight, do they still want to continue attacking?”

“Of course, the orcs have white dragons, and I also have giant dragons. If we stay here and don’t go to the plateau, what’s the point of fighting this way?”

“Go down and get ready!”

“Yes, sir!”

According to Richard’s estimate of the white dragon’s combat power, it is slightly inferior to the level of the green dragon. An ordinary golden dragon can barely defeat one against two. With the double bonus of Richard’s Dragon King’s divine power and Moriel’s specialties, the golden dragon can One against three is not a problem, not to mention that there are more powerful dragons such as the ancient golden dragon and poisonous dragon in Richard’s army. By the time Taris arrives with the remaining dragons, Richard will have almost thirty dragons in his hands. Well, coupled with the combat power of Archangel Night Angel, he is also capable of fighting hundreds of white dragons.

So Richard is just more vigilant now. He is not afraid of fighting. On the contrary, he has to enter the plateau with a more determined attitude. What he is really worried about is Sol’s main force in the middle. If he retreats, All of Bailong’s pressure was concentrated in the middle, and the entire battle collapsed.


Middle, Raging Flame Fortress

Wrathful Flame Fortress is said to be a fortress, but in fact it is the size of a medium-sized city. It is a fortress at the front of the orc defense line in Watch City. Because it is opposite the main dragon’s breath pass of humans, it is always facing the human army. As the main force, more than 70,000 to 80,000 troops have been stationed for a long time.

Not only is the fortress built solidly, equipped with many giant bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows, it is also the horns of the two surrounding small fortresses, which can cooperate with each other. Even a million-strong army may not be able to take them on weekdays. Get off this Raging Flame Fortress.

And the Raging Flame Fortress is the front gate of Watch City, a giant orc city. If the Raging Flame Fortress is not broken, the Watch City will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Only today, this impregnable fortress looks a bit crumbling. There are sounds of killing all around. More than thirty well ladders have surrounded the fortress from all sides, and there are a large number of soldiers pushing ladders or directly carrying them. The straight ladder rushed towards the fortress, and some fast-moving wells had already smashed the suspension bridge on the well onto the outer wall of the fortress. A large number of human soldiers, led by knight-level officers, rushed towards the fortress wall.



A human officer in front of him knocked down an orc soldier with one sword. The orc soldier who was a head taller than the other man and his heavy armor were chopped off half of his body by the human officer’s knight sword.

Looking at the power of this fighting spirit, this officer is not only a knight-level officer, but also a knight-level officer personally led the team to attack the city.


After killing several more orc soldiers one after another, dozens of human soldiers rushed down from the well, formed a formation on the city wall, and tried to hold a section of the wall to cover more comrades rushing up.

“Fire oil!”



Not all soldiers are so lucky. Although all wells are treated with fire protection and are separated by a layer of sand, their main structure is still made of wood. One well is already covered with flaming weapons. When the arrow approached the fortress wall, it was splashed with fire oil at close range and immediately exploded. Among the people hidden in the belly, except for the strong knight-level men who forcibly jumped out of the opening from behind to survive, a large number of soldiers were killed. Burned to death in the well.

But a tragic scene could not stop the approach of human soldiers at all. Under the leadership of Thor, the main army of Longxingguan had been besieging the Raging Flame Fortress for five days with superior force. A well-prepared human army was built in advance There were a large number of siege equipment. As soon as various large siege equipment came up, they greeted the orcs in the Raging Flame Fortress. The orcs couldn’t stand the direct attack. At this time, the two small fortresses that were horns with the Raging Flame Fortress also Being surrounded by a large legion, they were too busy to take care of themselves and gave the Raging Flame Fortress no chance to rescue the siege. The Raging Flame Fortress could only look forward to reinforcements from Watch City at this time.

“Where are the reinforcements from Watch City now? It’s been five days! I should be able to see my shadow even while climbing!”

“General Thun! The reinforcements in Watch City have been blocked by humans. We need to hold on for a while longer!”

“When will humans stop our army in the field!”

“The 200,000 reinforcements in Watch City encountered human dragon knights. They did not carry dragon-hunting crossbows when they sent out reinforcements. Now they encounter four human dragon knights leading an army to intercept them, and they are unable to break through for a while!”

“Keep going, the human army is attacking so fiercely today, if they don’t come back, the Raging Flame Fortress will be lost!”

“Bring the reserve team and follow me! Humanity must be driven down!”

“Yes, General!”

As one of the important fortresses on the front line of Watch City, the Raging Flame Fortress must be equipped with many dragon-hunting crossbows. Thor did not let the dragon knights attack the fortress directly from the beginning, but directly besieged it with a well-prepared army. , and then let other dragon knights accompany the army to intercept the reinforcements.

The orc reinforcements made another big mistake when they were dispatched. In order to support them as quickly as possible, they did not carry a dragon-hunting crossbow with them. The four dragon knights were not restricted at all, and they blocked the orc reinforcements dozens of miles away. This allowed Thor to command the army to attack the city more calmly.

Today, even more elite troops came out. Even officers at the level of the captain of the flag regiment personally led the team to rush up to the city wall, forcing the defender to use the reserve team he had prepared.


On the city wall, as the orc commander personally led the reserve team to rush up, the already declining orc army showed signs of driving back the human army. The orc commander at the peak of the earth level and a large number of new troops joined in, allowing the newly established orc army to stand firm. The human army in the heel began to retreat continuously.

Having already suffered so many losses, how could the human side, which had brought the war to this point, be willing to fail again?

In the distance, a man and a dragon stood in front of the army. Thor touched the scales on his companion’s head and said:

“Al, it’s time for us to get going, avoid the orcs’ crossbows when we get close!”

“I’ll try my best.”

“Thank you for your hard work, let’s go!”


The golden dragon soared into the sky from the camp and flew towards the Raging Flame Fortress.

“Kill! Hold still! The dragon knight is coming!”

The morale of the human soldiers on the city wall, who had been retreating steadily just now, was boosted by the dragon’s roar.

The Dragon Knight is dispatched…


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