Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 443: The violent lady and the new mission


It was still this cramped and simple little bar, with a few customers who came from nowhere sitting here and there in the lobby, a boss who didn’t look like he was doing business at all, and beer that tasted very ordinary.

Li Cha still leaned on the familiar bar, taking a few symbolic sips from his wine glass while looking at the guests in the tavern. Now Richard has a lot of talents under his command, including high-end local talents and middle-level talents. Low-level administrative officers have basically been trained. Among the system heroes, there are master-level tasks such as Catherine, Gru, Moriel and Elena. Lower-level ones like Rhodes are placed elsewhere. He is also a top figure in his own right, but he is inconspicuous under Richard, but who would think that he has too many talents? So every time a new month comes, Richard is still looking forward to the new heroes in the tavern.

“A little lemure from hell, although weak, will still release his evil and cruelty once he has the opportunity, but it seems to be different from other lemures. It has some ideas of its own and is no longer subject to Controlled by superior demons, they came here to look for opportunities.”

The first thing that Richard observed was a little lemure with red skin and a cunning look on his face. The reason why Richard looked at it first was very simple. The red skin of the little lemure was similar to that of less than one The height of five meters was very conspicuous in the bar, making it impossible for Richard to ignore his presence. Richard also wanted to see if the other party had any value that could be exploited.

But after reading the introduction, Richard couldn’t arouse any interest. Maybe there was something special about this little lemure that had escaped the control of a superior demon, but it was just a little lemure, cruel. The evil attributes are also inconsistent with Richard’s power attributes, so they can be ignored.

Then Richard looked at a guest at another table who looked equally abnormal.

“The wandering lizard shooter, a lizard shooter from the swamp, has participated in many wars. Just because of the weakness of the swamp, it always loses more and wins less in the battles it participates in. However, it can rely on its own unique skills every time. He had a sense of battlefield and survived the defeat. In the last battle, he lost his lord and started wandering on the continent. ”

This washerman was carrying a somewhat worn longbow on his back. There were some mud patches on the blue lumpy skin, and his arms had bulging muscles. He looked like an elite unit.

The second-level lizard shooter is definitely not as good as the human marksman, and it is of little significance in itself. However, the swamp originally belongs to the neutral camp, and the lizard people cannot be said to be evil. It is not impossible to recruit them as the subordinates of strange creatures. In the spirit of mosquitoes No matter how small it is, it is still meat. Richard silently paid attention and glanced at another target.

The last one looks like a normal human being, dressed in a knight’s attire, with a knight’s sword on his waist, a half-face armor covering his face above the nose, and his wavy blond hair is not completely covered by the helmet. Hold on, it looks like the body shape is definitely that of a woman, so she must have the fighting power of a champion knight.

After Richard’s eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, a large piece of information was presented in front of Richard:

“Name: Talis

Race: Human

Level: 17

Strength: 29

Agility: 28

Physique: 25

Spirit: 17

Feature 1: Champion Knight

The champion knight commanded by Taris will increase its attack power by six points and its defense power by six points.

Feature 2: Cavalry Combat

Taris is an excellent horseman and is very good at commanding cavalry in combat. She can exert greater combat power when commanding cavalry in combat.

Skills: Offensive Technique (Advanced), Defensive Technique (Advanced), Logistics Technique (Advanced), Breathing Technique (Master Level), Qi-Entraining Technique (Intermediate Level).

Treasure: Magic Armor

Effect: Increase the four-dimensional attributes of the hero you carry by one point, and increase the attack and defense of the soldiers you lead by one point.

Introduction: Taris once cleared out a bandit nest and found this strange armor among the trophies. This was also one of the six components of the Artifact Angel Alliance.

Hero Profile: Taris is a natural cavalry general with outstanding riding skills and skills. After joining the cavalry team of Erathia, he was quickly appreciated and became a senior officer. Her moral character is also fully consistent with The virtues of Erathia’s knights are kind-hearted and jealous of evil. She is Erathia’s sharp sword against the evil alliance. She will never work for any evil force.

Good guys, the Tower of Violence is here. Taris’s bonus to the champion knights is not small. Now Richard has close to forty champion knights. With the addition of Taris, the strength of these champion knights can be increased. There was a considerable improvement. Richard estimated that including Talis’s bonus, the champion knight’s strength should be able to reach the threshold of the earth’s mid-level to the earth’s high-level.

Furthermore, Taris also brought with him an artifact armor, which was also one of the components of the Angel Alliance. Counting the three pieces he obtained before, the two more pieces completed the entire Angel Alliance. It can be said that It takes no effort at all. As for Talis who hasn’t been recruited yet?

Looking at the other party’s profile, Richard hates evil and is a knight of justice. He has the dual identity of the Dragon of Light and the Mother Goddess Asha, and he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat Talis.

Li Cha held the wine in his hand and walked straight to Talis to sit down. Talis actually noticed Richard when he observed her.

“Your Majesty, may I have a drink with you?”

It has to be said that Richard’s handsome appearance and the bonuses of the Dragon of Light and Asha are still very lethal to the heroines of the good and lawful camp. At least Taris is in front of Richard when he comes. A certain good feeling arose in an instant. This good feeling has nothing to do with men or women. It is just the first subjective feeling of strangers when they first meet.

Without refusal, Taris stared at Richard and raised the cup to signal, then brought the cup to his mouth. However, when he was about to drink, Taris seemed to think of something, stopped again, and took out another empty cup. With his hands, he took off the visor that covered the upper half of his face.

“Sorry, I’m used to wearing this mask.

However, I think it’s a bit disrespectful to drink with you while wearing a visor. ”

Talis took off her mask and completely stunned Richard. In the game, Talis has the nickname of Tower of Violence, which comes from her powerful bonus to knights, but no matter how she chooses the nickname, in the eyes of most players In the movie, Taris is definitely one of the heroines with the best image, but in reality, Taris’s appearance is obviously better, which makes Richard, a Duke who is used to seeing beauties, pause for a moment.

The sapphire blue eyes look like stars. The upright bridge of the nose sets the main tone of the entire face. With the perfect oval face and fair skin, there is really no flaw.

“Why do you need to cover such a beautiful face with a mask?”

After all, Richard is a qualified superior who is very good at cultivating qi. After a moment of confusion, he came back to his senses and blew a rainbow fart. No woman would not like to hear others praise her beauty. Even if it doesn’t show on the face, there will be some joy in the heart.

“Do you think beauty is a meaningful thing for a knight like me?”

Of course, just like you, if you wander around the capital, you can get a group of licking dogs to act as flower protectors around you. As long as you use more sophisticated methods, you can complete the primitive accumulation faster than others. How many.

However, Richard’s emotional intelligence was not so low that he would say such things that questioned other people’s abilities. Instead, he nodded obediently, as if he recognized what the other person said.

“On the battlefield, my appearance is really hard to scare the enemy, so why not wear this mask to fight? Over time, I got used to it.”

It’s a bit like King Lanling. Good-looking people like us do have this problem.

Richard looked deeply convinced again, and Talis then took the initiative to raise his glass to Richard.

After three rounds of drinking, Li Cha saw that the time was right and said directly:

“I wonder if Ms. Tallis has any plans to serve the lord?”

“Are you a lord?”

“I am the Duke of the North of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the guardian of the two realms, and the patron of His Excellency Elrath, the Dragon of Light, and the Mother Goddess Asha. I command thousands of people, fight for the human race, and Evil is the enemy…I hope I can get help from Ms. Tallis.”

Richard said a series of words to introduce his identity and express his solicitation intentions.

“Is this the purpose of talking to me?”

“Compared to your beauty, Ms. Talis’ ability is what I value most.”

Talis usually doesn’t like others to focus on her beauty and ignore her own abilities, but when Richard said this, she actually felt a little disappointed.

However, Talisbon came here prepared to accept the lord’s recruitment. Now that Elrath and Asha’s favored people were face to face, he responded quickly. He stood up very solemnly and handed over the accessories, half-kneeling on the ground:

“Knight Taris, offer your loyalty to Lord Richard…”

Richard successfully obtained the service of a new hero.

Taris’s own strength is at the pinnacle of the earth, and it cannot be said to be outstanding under Richard’s command, but its bonus to the champion knight is a powerful bonus, and the second cavalry specialty can also be used as a future cavalry commander, and The original cavalry general Adelaide can serve as Talis’ deputy. With the two of them working together, Richard’s cavalry will not have to worry about not having qualified generals.

Richard, who was in a good mood, did not forget to take the blue-skinned lizard shooter with him when he went out. The three of them returned to the Stone Castle together. The moment the three of them left the tavern, the tavern returned to silence as usual…

After casually sending the lizard shooter to the garrison of the Rock Castle system, Richard and the great beauty Talis walked into the most magnificent building of the Rock Castle, the brightly lit but empty Congress Hall, to confirm whether there were any new task appears.

“Mission: White Dragon Raid.

Danger, the white dragon clan and the orcs seem to have reached some kind of agreement. They are likely to attack your army together with the orcs. Fight back these white dragons and let them know that even the giant dragon cannot challenge your majesty. .

Task requirements:

1. Win the battle with White Dragon.

2. Kill fifty white dragons.

Task reward: unknown”


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