Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 442: New January



A large firelight lit up outside Iron Spear City. These flames surrounded Iron Spear City and surrounded it impenetrably.

In the city, the orcs were taking turns to rest after a day of fighting. Today, the human attack was quite fierce. Although the humans were also short in stature, their ferocity far exceeded the orcs’ imagination.

The environment in the Western Territory is not good. There are no big cities. Lizardmen and bandits run rampant in the desert. If you are not ruthless, you will die. For those warriors who grew up in the desert of the Western Territory, it is normal for them to lick blood from their swords in their teens. Such people The formed Western Border Army naturally gave the enemy even more headaches.

“General Sergio, the human attack today was too dangerous. Humans almost took over the city wall. Fortunately, the general took action and drove the humans away.”

On the wall of Ironspear City, the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke has not dissipated. It is quite unpleasant when mixed with the smell of gunpowder and rushes into the nose. However, the surrounding orcs are not strange at all and are obviously used to this smell. Several orc officers are Standing by the wall, looking at the endless human camp outside, his face was full of solemnity.

“How much we lost today.”

“The inventory of arrows is still sufficient, but the casualties are a bit larger. There are more than 600 corpses carried down alone, and many are seriously injured and cannot continue to fight. Humans can actually load bed crossbows into wells. Lan, this is a great threat to our defense.”

“The fight has been like this in just a few days. We are all careless. If I hadn’t driven off the great human knight today and waited for more humans to come up from behind, maybe humans would have launched a general attack. These humans wouldn’t Same.”

“Yes, in the past, the great human knights would not take action easily. I didn’t expect that today there would be a great human knight leading the knights among the soldiers in the well and rushing up to open the way.”

“Those soldiers are also different. Although they look thin, their eyes look a little hairy when they fight, and they don’t care about their own lives at all.”

“When will reinforcements from Rapids arrive?”

The frightened orc general asked the deputy general about reinforcements. After these few days of fighting, he was a little unsure about defending the city.

“Reinforcements from Grand Rapids will arrive in five days at most.”

“Send someone to urge them again, and also remind the reinforcements in Rapid City that there are many human cavalry, and they are not afraid of wolf knights. Let them march more carefully.”

“Yes, sir.”

There is also a small group of wolf cavalry in Iron Spear City, but the number is certainly not comparable to the 300,000 Western Territory Iron Cavalry outside. At first, I wanted to take advantage of the horses’ fear of the giant wolf, but the effect was But it was not obvious. The horses of the Western Army were specially trained. Their legs were weak when encountering a giant wolf. In the end, the wolf knight was bullied by the Western Cavalry with ten times the numerical advantage, leaving behind hundreds of soldiers. The corpse retreated dejectedly.

“Starting tomorrow, you and I will patrol the city together. When you encounter a concentrated breakthrough by human knights, you must press it as soon as possible to prevent a situation like today from happening again.”

“Yes, sir.”

In Iron Spear City, there are two earth-level orcs. Although they are around the level of the middle-level earth level, they are not as good as Duke Ross, but it is no problem to bully the great knight. As the main general of the southern front, Duke Ross cannot. It is easy to risk Shiya’s participation in such high-risk things as siege.

“Your Majesty, the losses in today’s siege were too heavy. Thirteen knights alone were lost, and the first legion responsible for the main attack has been crippled.”

“Where’s Adil?”

“Adil personally led his troops to the city wall again, and was seriously injured after encountering the orcs. If his guards had not fought to save him in the end, I am afraid Adil would have been killed in Iron Spear City.”

The faces of the adjutants next to Ross were full of fear and distress. What was scary was that a few days after the siege, they almost lost a legion commander and went in. What was sad was that the First Legion was one of the strongest spears of the Western Army. , this siege resulted in more than one-fifth of the damage in one day, and an entire flag regiment was wiped out. How long had it been since the Western Border Army had suffered such a heavy loss? How could he not feel distressed?

“This boy is still a little impulsive when fighting. His impulsiveness was fine when he was the commander of the flag regiment, but when he became the commander of the regiment, he can’t be so reckless.”

Although Duke Ross’s tone was reproachful, anyone could hear the emphasis in it.

The adjutant on the side almost couldn’t help but roll his eyes. You said that Adil was reckless. You are the one who ordered the attack. You just let the cavalry of the Western Region abandon their best skills and use them as infantry. It really doesn’t hurt.

“Is Adil seriously injured?”

“Adil has lost a lot of blood and has a few big wounds on his body, but they are not serious, but I am afraid he will not be able to fight again for a while.”

“Then let him take good care of himself for a while.”

“Yes, Your Majesty the Duke.”


“In the battles in recent days, our losses have been too great, and the orc reinforcements are already on the way. It is very dangerous for us to continue fighting like this.”

In the end, Ross’s adjutant couldn’t help but remind him that Ross was in the Western Army, and the adjutant didn’t question his intentions. He really regarded himself as a member of the Western Army and was worried about Ross. .

“Well, I understand, let the White Wolf Samurai come tomorrow.”


The White Wolf Warriors are the elite of the Western Army. Because of the kingdom’s discrimination against orcs, most of the orcs are making a living in the Western Territory. Although some of them have been taken to the North by Richard, their numbers are still the same. The orcs in the West can’t compare.

There are many orcs serving in the Western Army. The White Wolf Warriors, the entire flag regiment is composed entirely of orcs. They select the strongest elite among the orcs and usually enjoy the best treatment. Equipped with the most sophisticated armors and weapons, and with an astonishingly high proportion of knights, it is an army that is fully capable of fighting the orc elites one to one, and can even be particularly victorious.

Now that the Duke of Ross will not use the Western Iron Army to attack the city, he will use the more valuable White Wolf Warriors to attack the city?

“Your Majesty, Duke, it would be a waste to use the elite of our Western Army to attack the city. It is better to let the infantry of Longxing Pass take the main attack tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow, the infantry of Dragon Breathing Pass will also come, and the White Wolf Warriors will also come. We must put enough pressure on them and try to capture Iron Spear City before the orc reinforcements arrive.”

“What if I can’t take it?”

“If you can’t win, there are ways to win if you can’t win.”

Ross obviously had a plan in mind, but for this plan, the losses suffered by the Western Army in the past few days were too great.

Seeing that Ross had made up his mind, the adjutant said no more. He just sighed and went down quietly to prepare.

Ross was left looking at the similarly brightly lit Iron Spear City, pressing the hilt of his sword and wondering what else he was planning.

Miracle City, Rock Castle

On the same night, Richard did not stay in the northern dense forest to mobilize and command the army. Instead, he handed over the army to Elena and Moriel and then used teleportation alone to return to Miracle City.

When Richard acted alone, the effectiveness of teleportation could be maximized. In addition, Richard’s level had improved a bit, and he only paused once to recover his magic power. It took him less than two hours to get through. The journey was completed more than a month ago.

However, after Richard returned to Miracle City, he did not return to the Duke’s Mansion to alarm anyone. Instead, he came directly to the Stone Castle. The market had been refreshed a few days ago. He waited until the battle at Cave Mountain was over before Richard rushed Check back.

“Dear Ambassador of God, Grandet has been waiting for you for many days…”

Although Richard came back in the middle of the night, Grandet’s voice came to him as soon as Richard approached the market. Richard still had nothing to say and walked into the brightly lit market to check. Check out this month’s new items.

“Treasure type: Lion King’s Shield

Effect: Strength +4, Agility +4, Spirit +4, Constitution +4. When leading an army, the attack and defense of the troops under his command will increase by 4 points each.

Introduction: A powerful shield that can bring you the power of the Lion King is one of the six components of the Artifact Angel Alliance.

Price: 18,000 gold.

Poison: Knight’s Blessing Potion X20

Effect: Greatly improves the chance of a would-be knight to break through to the knight level. The probability depends on the user’s talent.

Introduction: A good-quality alchemical potion, the leisure work of the potion master.

Price: 800

Soldier type: Poison Dragon X1

Introduction: A powerful field unit in the world of Invincible Heroes. They are special existences among dragons. They are contaminated with poison and are far more powerful than ordinary dragons. They have violent personalities and tend to be evil, making it difficult for them to be accepted by major forces. , but under God’s guidance, they must work for you.

Price: 20,000 gold.

Resource type: super resource package

Price: 5000

“Not bad…”

The products in the market this time are quite in line with Richard’s wishes. The Lion King Shield is even a small top-notch treasure in the game. The attributes it adds are worthy of its name, and it is also an important artifact of the Angel Alliance. Including the Lion Shield as one of the components, Richard has also obtained half of the Angel Alliance’s combined treasure. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the Angel Alliance can be assembled.

The potion category is also a large-scale and practical knight potion. This kind of potion can be sold for thousands or even tens of thousands of gold in the capital. Richard is almost planning to do it. A bottle of 800 gold The conscientious price is absolutely unique. If the Hunter family itself was not in urgent need of knight potion, Richard would have wanted to sell some to recycle some gold.

What appears in the army is an unexpected existence, a poisonous dragon. The strength of the poisonous dragon is actually equivalent to that of the ancient golden dragon and the archangel. They are both at the level of eighth-level soldiers. They are at the top of the sky level and on the same level as the holy level. separated.

According to the strength of the military units, it is related to Richard’s level and strength. In this battle in the northern dense forest, although Richard was promoted by one level, his level and strength were not greatly improved. There must be no big improvement in the military units that appear on the market. It is difficult to see any qualitative change.

After continuing to ignore the resource pack, Richard bought all the other products. After the gold was leaked out, a small golden shield appeared on the market counter.

This small shield was only slightly larger than the shield in the hands of the Crusaders. It was red in color with a golden lion painted in the middle. It looked like it was something ordinary. Richard picked up the shield and held it in his left hand, waving it around casually. After a few strokes, it feels quite comfortable.

Then Richard hung the Lion King’s Shield on his back, took a dozen knight potions on the table, and walked out of the market amid Grandet’s greeting.

As soon as I walked out, I smelled a strong fishy smell. Poison Dragon was already waiting outside the market…


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