Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 441: Decision


“Your Majesty, humans marched from the southern front and attacked Iron Spear City all the way. Iron Spear City is currently surrounded by more than 500,000 human troops and is requesting support.”

“When did half a million human troops dare to besiege Iron Spear City? Did humans dispatch dragon knights?”

Although what Haldane said is arrogant, it is the consensus of most orcs. Although the number of human troops is ten times that of orc warriors, it is normal for orc warriors to be the best on the battlefield. Moreover, some elite troops It is possible to defeat an ordinary human army with one against ten. In addition, the orc army in Iron Spear City has the advantage of defending the city. Iron Spear City cannot be said to be foolproof, but at least it should not be so eager to ask for help.

“The request for help from Iron Spear City said that the human army is quite well prepared, and they are different from ordinary human armies.”

“What’s the difference?”

“The combat effectiveness is much higher and the proportion of strong men who can use fighting spirit is also very high. The pressure on Iron Spear City is not small.”

The main force responsible for fighting on the southern front is the main force of the Western Border Army, plus some elite Longxingguan troops. If the combat strength of the Western Border Army of 300,000 is not included in the systematic army under Richard, it is indeed the best in the human kingdom, because the Western Border Army It has always been a semi-independent private kingdom, but the popularity rate of breathing techniques and Qi-entraining techniques is higher than that of the kingdom. In addition, the army in the Western Region fights every year, and the soldiers have seen blood. Fighting is indeed different from ordinary people. The military is different.

In fact, there are still many orcs in the Western Army, whose physical fitness is not much worse than that of the orcs. This makes the orcs not have the same advantage in individual soldier quality when facing the Western Army as they are when facing other human armies. Obviously, coupled with the absolute numerical superiority of the human army, they naturally felt a little overwhelmed and began to ask for help from the royal capital.

“How many troops are left on the southern front?”

Haldane put his fingers on his head and leaned on the throne. After thinking about it for a while, he still tended to support Ironspear City. The location of Ironspear City is not important, and behind it there is the really key city of Strom. A large city, but because Iron Spear City was originally an advance base for the orcs to attack the southern route of the human Dragon Breathing Pass, a large amount of pre-prepared materials were piled in it. If Iron Spear City was really captured by humans, the original materials would be scarce. This is also a big loss for the Orc Kingdom.

“In addition to the 50,000 troops stationed in Ironspear City, there are also 200,000 troops near Rapid City.”

“Is it feasible to dispatch a large army from Strom City to relieve the siege of Ironspear City?”

“Strands is a barrier for humans to go north. If we transfer troops from Strom, it will lead to the emptiness of Strom.”

“If you don’t mobilize troops from Rapid City, you can’t mobilize troops from the front line of Watch City. Now the intention of the human army on the front line of Watch City to attack has been very obvious. There are five human dragon knights coming out together, and eight people on the front line of Watch City. An army of 100,000 people can’t spare any extra strength.”

Although the main force led by Thor only had more than three million troops, it was difficult to actively attack against the orcs’ 800,000 troops in terms of numbers. However, the five dragon knights played a role in reversing the balance of power. In addition, the orcs were not fully prepared and were caught off guard. Now they are being suppressed by the human army while guarding the front line. They can only cope with it reluctantly and cannot spare the strength to support the southern front.

“As long as the human army in the south is defeated, it doesn’t matter whether the strength of Strom City is empty. Except for the human army in the south, if humans want to threaten Strom City, they can only break through the front line of Watch City and go south to attack Strom City. But if The front line of Watch City is broken, and Rapid City will definitely not be the target of human attack.”


Haldane nodded on the throne. The analysis of the orc minister just now sounded reasonable to him. Except for the human army on the southern front, humans from other directions must first threaten Rapid City. The front line of Watch City has been breached.

But if all humans break the Watch City, whether they continue to march eastward and penetrate the royal capital, or wreak havoc and then retreat, they are better than heading south to Rapid City.

“Order Strom City to send 150,000 troops to relieve the siege of Ironspear City, and if there is a chance, defeat the human army in the south.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Haldane spoke personally, and matters on the southern front were settled. The main reason is that this arrangement is quite satisfactory. An army of 150,000 plus 50,000 people from Ironspear City means an army of 200,000 orcs against 500,000. Ten thousand humans, and the humans on the southern front are not supported by dragon knights like the central line. This is a force that does not need to be feared no matter what. The 50,000-strong army stationed in Rapid City will not be too empty, at least it cannot be captured by just a sneak attack. Naturally, no one would object to Haldane’s arrangement.

“Let’s talk about the human army in the northern jungle and how to deal with it.”

When it comes to the Northern Front, the atmosphere in the entire hall becomes a little heavier. The humans on the Southern Front seem to be making a lot of noise now. In fact, the orcs in the hall, including Haldane, don’t take them too seriously. Son, now it’s just that the main force of the orcs is entangled in the front line of Watch City and there is a lack of troops. Waiting for the hundreds of thousands of people from the Alpine Corps to come back, they can easily crush them.

But the northern front is different. Although there are not many human soldiers and horses on the northern front, there are a lot of dragons and they are closer to the royal capital. The orcs in the royal capital feel like they are being thrust into the waist by a sharp knife. a feeling of.

“Your Majesty, there is news from the north that Yandong Mountain has been lost, and humans will enter the kingdom through the northern dense forest in three days at most.”

“So fast! Who is the guard of Cave Mountain?”

The orc army in the northern dense forest has been missing for so long that Haldane did not even realize who the commander of the defenders was.

“According to the report of the Bat Knight who escaped early, the last person stationed in Cave Mountain was Adlu, the commander of the Northern Jungle Legion. The human army, with the help of thirty giant dragons, besieged Cave Mountain. Adru was the guard. He should have died in the battle.”

“Your Majesty, there are only two dragon-hunting crossbows in Yandong Mountain. Human beings used the superior force to attack Yandong Mountain with the help of giant dragons. General Adru and the soldiers in the northern dense forest have also tried their best.”

“Where are the reinforcements led by General Ruhr now?”

“Lord Ruhr’s reinforcements have just entered Barren Stone City. Because they received news of the fall of Yandong Mountain, Lord Ruhr stopped their march this morning and began to deploy defenses along the line of Barren Stone City.”

“Your Majesty, General Ruhr’s 100,000-strong army only carries ten dragon-hunting crossbows. Counting the one in Huangshi City, there are only eleven dragon-hunting crossbows. Intelligence shows that the human army on the northern front is at least There are more than thirty dragons…”

Although the words of the orc minister were not finished, the meaning was clear. They had misjudged the strength of the human army on the northern front. Before the 100,000 people led by Ruel could support them, Cave Mountain was defeated by humans. Now he is stationed in the deserted stone city for defense without any embarrassment. There are not enough dragon hunting crossbows, so guarding is a bit difficult.

“Either let Sir Ruhr return to defend the royal capital for the time being, wait for the reinforcements from the Alpine Corps to return, and then send troops to annihilate this human army.”

At this time, there are not many garrison troops in the Orc King’s capital. Counting the soldiers and horses that have gathered recently, there are only more than 200,000 defenders. Although this number sounds like a lot, Monaya is a distant place. If the royal capital, Watch City or Barren Stone City, not far from the front line, is lost, Monaya will have to face the frontline of human soldiers. The setting of this royal capital has a bit of an emperor guarding the country.

Originally, for hundreds of years, the orcs were the ones who took the initiative to attack, and it seemed that there was no problem with the royal capital being so far forward. But now that humans are attacking, the royal capital has become a constraint.

If it were not for the special attributes of Monaya, the royal capital, the most correct way to arrange the more than 200,000 people in the royal capital would be to immediately support the Deserted Stone City, but now it seems that the only choice is to give up the troops on the front line of the Deserted Stone City. Pull back. Otherwise, these 100,000 people left in Wasteland City would give humans every opportunity to defeat them.

“No, Your Majesty. The autumn harvest has just arrived. If we abandon the deserted stone city and the human army invades and wreaks havoc, the country will immediately face a food shortage.”

The orcs are in a semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural stage, and even most of their rations come from farming. It is impossible to feed such a large population through nomadism alone, and the most fertile land in the orc kingdom is around the royal capital of Monaea. Yes, abandoning the Wasteland City is equivalent to opening the door for the human army on the northern front to enter the Royal Capital Plain, allowing Richard to lead his troops to wander around these nearly mature fields, and not even a grain of food will be left to the orcs. . And as long as the food on the plains of the royal capital cannot be collected, many people will starve to death that year based on the orcs’ material supply level.

“Facing thirty giant dragons, General Ruhr’s troops are not enough. The reinforcements from the Alpine Corps are still on the way. We must first ensure that the king is not lost.”

No one dares to suggest that reinforcements from the royal capital be sent out at this time, so the lack of troops on the Ruhr front line in Barren Stone City has become a Achilles heel. It seems that the orcs have only one option left to withdraw from Barren Stone City.

“The dragon…”

Haldane knocked on the chair, then squeezed the handle and said:

“We also have…”


Haldane’s words made the orcs in the hall a little confused. The matter of the white dragon is also top secret in the orc kingdom. Only King Haldane and the great shaman in the entire kingdom know about it. The others are just preparing with their heads down. Supplies, so when Haldane said there was a dragon, the orcs in the hall didn’t even react.

“Let Ruhr hold the front line of Barren Rock City for the time being. Support will be available soon…”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After Haldane’s order was issued, the orcs in the hall no longer argued, but were a little curious about the dragon and reinforcements Haldane said…

“Sir Adriello, when will the White Dragon be dispatched?”

In the palace, after all the orcs left, Haldane and the great shaman once again found the divine envoy Adelillo.

“Your Majesty, the White Dragon clan can go to war at any time, but do you still need to agree to some conditions?”

“What other conditions are there?”

Adillo’s way of raising prices made Haldane feel a little unhappy. But now that he needed to rely on the power of the white dragon, he could only suppress the fire in his heart.

“I need you to build a temple to the Lord of the Rising Sun in Monaea, allow my Lord’s faith to spread, and for you to be my Lord’s first believer.”


Haldane was a little hesitant. In fact, he didn’t care if he was asked to be a believer in the Lord of the Rising Sun. As long as it was beneficial, it didn’t matter if he believed in it. How could a person of his level be obsessed with it?

But the other party wants to build a temple and spread the faith in the royal capital, which makes him a little worried. The lower-level orcs are obsessed with it, the more they will be coerced by the other party. This kind of thing will not have any impact in the short term. Time In the long run, it may shake the foundation, and orcs usually believe in shamanism, which conflicts with the shaman lineage.

Haldane unconsciously turned his gaze to the great shaman aside. He saw the same serious expression on the old face of the great shaman, and he obviously knew the seriousness of this matter.

“As long as His Majesty agrees, the White Dragon clan can send out a hundred white dragons to help in the battle.”

Haldane, who was trying to think of a way to bargain to reduce the impact of this matter, was instantly interrupted when he heard this. He looked at each other again and made a decision with the great shaman.

“The temple can be built as soon as Bailong arrives in the royal capital. When Bailong joins the war, I will declare my faith in the Lord of the Rising Sun.”

“Okay, Your Majesty, you can make preparations. Bailong will arrive at the royal capital tomorrow at the latest.”

One hundred white dragons came to help, but the sugar coating was really too thick. Haldane knew that it was filled with poison, so he had to eat it. Even privately, Haldane felt that if the so-called Lord of the Rising Sun could help the orcs re-enter the Central Plains, which is the territory currently occupied by humans, it would be to make the Religion of the Rising Sun the state religion and elevate it to the same level as shamanism. The status is not bad either.

“Pass my order to clear an open space outside the royal capital and drive over the previously prepared cattle and tie them up.”

“Also, choose a more prosperous place in the royal capital and prepare to build a temple.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After Adriello left, Haldane immediately called his men to prepare for the arrival of the white dragon.



“Charge forward!”

Southern Line, Ironspear City

The sound of killing was loud.

A well was close to the city wall, and a wooden plank was placed on the wall. In addition to dozens of archers shooting arrows at the orcs on the wall, there were even two beds at the top of the well. The crossbows were fired at the orcs on the wall below, suppressing the orcs around Jinglan for a while.

The soldiers in Jinglan’s belly took this opportunity to rush to the opposite city wall through the road that had just been built with wooden planks. The leader was a knight-level officer of the Western Army, and he chopped down two of them as soon as they came up. The orc warriors occupied a small section of the city wall, and the soldiers behind began to rush to the city wall through the well.



Unfortunately, this section of the city wall was not occupied for long. Seeing the crisis in this section of the city wall, the orcs actually came to support an officer with earthly strength, and chopped down the officer leading the team with an axe.



However, the orc officers also underestimated the bravery of the Western Border Army. Seeing the miserable death of the officer leading the team, the elite Western Border Army behind them in heavy armor continued to rush over from the well without any hesitation. Five or six of them were at once Surrounded, the strong orcs had to release their fighting energy in a short distance, and spent more fighting energy to deal with the rushing Western Army.



The most vicious person was the crossbowman operating the bed crossbow on the well. After discovering the orc strongman, he took aim at him, but the strongman of the earth level was very powerful and his reaction was very fast. He could kill him with just one axe. Fired this arrow.

“Fire bomb!”


Because the strong men with earth rank suppressed the humans rushing from the well, the orcs were able to calmly use kerosene bombs to light the well. The entire well was burned from the waist up. The soldiers from the Western Region again Even the fierce ones couldn’t withstand the fire, so they all fled from the well.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!”

At this moment, the golden sound sounded, and the attacking army retreated like a tide…


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