Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 440: The battle situation on the southern front


South line of Longxiguan, Nanwang City.

This corresponds to the Iron Spear City in the south of the Orc King’s Capital. After leaving Longxing Pass, it is also a flat terrain. Although it is still some distance from the Orc King’s Capital Monaya, it is convenient to send troops from here. , when humans still had the power to take the initiative to attack, Nanwang City had always been one of the starting points for the human army. From here, the army went straight to the Iron Spear City of the orcs, and then went north to threaten Watch City in the middle line, and then threatened the orc capital Mona Ya, so the orcs in this area have built a large number of castles with Iron Spear City as the center, and have been defended by large armies for a long time. From the perspective of the war situation, the Iron Spear City on the southern line and the Watch City on the middle line are horns of each other, and their positions are equivalent. important.

The Black Mountain Castle of the Orcs is one of the military castles surrounding Ironspear City. The name of the castle is derived from the surrounding black rocks. It is not known what special ingredients are in the nearby land and stones. The surface is full of Appearing as black as ink, Black Mountain Castle was built on this black land.

Black Mountain Fort corresponds to the southern line of Longxing Pass in the Golden Dragon Kingdom. The terrain is higher than the city wall of Longxing Pass. The troops coming from Longxing Pass will usually be easily discovered far away.

Black Mountain Fort is a protrusion of the orcs on the entire southern front. There is a capital stationed there for a long time. Five hundred orc warriors are stationed there, consisting of a commander at the peak of the warrior level and five orc centurions who have just entered the warrior level. Leader, the main task is to monitor the humans on the southern front. If any movement is found on the humans, they must report to the big city behind in time.

The Black Mountain fortress wall is six meters high. It is small in area but has complete facilities. A large amount of supplies are also prepared in the fort. If it is surrounded and defended for three to five months, it will not be a problem. In addition, the ability of an orc’s individual soldiers is inherently higher than The human soldiers were several times stronger. Such a Black Mountain Fort garrisoned by 500 orcs could withstand an onslaught of humans from a flag regiment.

At this time, the orc warriors on the city tower were looking boredly in the direction of Longxing Pass. This is the most important task of every orc warrior guarding Black Mountain Fort. They are the outpost of the entire Iron Spear City defense line.

It’s just that at this time, the sun is just right, and it’s really good for people to sleep in the sun, and the orc warrior is no exception. Under the soft autumn sunshine, this orc warrior looked at the monotonous scenery outside Black Mountain Castle, his eyes He started to close and open his head, and his head was slightly pressed against the shaft of his axe. He just wanted to squint and take a nap. It can’t be entirely blamed on this orc warrior for being slack. In fact, the humans on the southern front have not launched an active attack for a long time. Well, it was the orcs who had been attacking all the time. In his mind, humans were cowards who only dared to huddle behind the city wall of Longxing Pass. How could they dare to take the initiative to attack them? It wouldn’t hurt to take a break now.

With this thought, the orc soldier gradually stopped raising his eyelids and just closed his eyelids, preparing to take a nice nap…

“Soldier! What are you doing!”

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from his ears, frightening the dozing orc warrior to suddenly stand upright, and all his sleepiness disappeared.

“Du, Du Tong, Lord.”

The person who came to him was the supreme commander of the five hundred orcs in Black Mountain Fort. The orcs in Black Mountain Fort were all conscientious officers. Although there had never been an active human attack on the southern front in decades. During the war, he still patrolled the city wall very responsibly every day. Today, he caught a lax soldier as soon as he came up and had to teach him a lesson.

“You are so brave to sleep on the observation post. If humans attack at this time, our fort does not send a signal in time because you took a nap. Can you bear the responsibility?”

“I’ll go down and receive ten whips later as a punishment.”

The orc soldiers did not speak. They only lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the orc officers who were lecturing. The orc commander of Black Mountain Fort said to himself:

“What, are you not convinced? Do you think that humans have not attacked in decades and do not need to be so focused on vigilance? We could even withdraw from Black Mountain Castle. Humans would not dare to do so anyway. Attack?”

“What is a battlefield? A battlefield is a place where any accident is likely to happen. You think humans will not dare to attack for decades, but maybe humans will appear in the next second, just when you are taking a nap. Time appears…”

“What are you looking at?”

The orc commander was training, but he noticed something was wrong with the other person’s eyes. At first, he was still timid and timid, not daring to look at himself, but now he opened his eyes wide and looked at him with horror on his face.

Are you so scared after being scolded by me for a few words? The orc commander looked at the other party’s exaggerated expression and was a little confused, and even stopped lecturing.

No, he was not looking at me. After careful observation, the orc commander discovered that it was not him who frightened the deserting soldier. He was looking behind him…

After realizing this situation, the orc commander had faintly heard the roaring sounds coming from behind. It was the sound of human war horses running. There should be quite a lot of these sounds.

The orc commander immediately turned his head, and then his expression was not much better than that of the orc warrior just now.

The human army appeared at the far end of the horizon. From the perspective of Black Mountain Fort, the long black line seemed to have no border. Densely packed human soldiers were pouring towards Black Mountain Fort. There were 100,000 , or two hundred thousand, or five hundred thousand…

The orc commander could not tell the number of human troops at this time, but he still made the most correct response with his greatest strength!

“Send the signal!”

“Humanity attacks!”

“Get ready to fight!!”




The human soldiers coming from the end of the horizon soon surrounded the entire Black Mountain Fort. A large number of human soldiers carried ladders and various siege equipment and began to attack.

Because Black Mountain Fort is not far from Nanwang City, and the terrain in the middle is relatively flat. The army that left the customs even brought siege equipment built in Nanwang City. As soon as it came up, the orcs of Black Mountain Fort were stunned. Jinglan Equipped with ladders and shield vehicles, they were besieged from all sides with absolute superiority, and the second wave of charging troops gained a firm foothold on Black Mountain Fort.

At this time, the brilliance of fighting spirit continued to appear on the city wall, and at least a dozen knight-level humans rushed to Black Mountain Castle.

Now on the city wall, an orc warrior has to face the siege of at least four or five human soldiers. In this battle, the human army directly mixed the knights into the first batch of troops to climb the city, opening multiple gaps on the wall. Before the orcs could react, a large number of human soldiers had already poured into Black Mountain Castle, completely suppressing the orcs’ power.



The orc commander at the peak of the warrior rank was still resisting, and with his bodyguards around him, he wanted to drive away the incoming human soldiers. He just knocked down a human soldier with one blow of his axe, and married his wife. Wei and Wei quickly cleared a section of the city wall, and it seemed to have some effect.

But soon, someone stopped him.


The orc commander’s ax was firmly caught by a long knife. This kind of long knife is a very unfamiliar weapon in the eyes of the orc commander. The human soldiers in Longxing Pass are more accustomed to using heavy swords or As for weapons such as spears and spears, only the army in the Western Region likes to use long knives of this style.


The back of the long knife is wide, but it is not considered a heavy weapon. It should not be able to suppress the battle ax in the hand of the orc commander, but this long knife cut down firmly on the orc commander’s axe. , the orc commander yelled and tried to raise the weapon, but the long knife pressing the battle ax did not move at all. The next second, the orc commander felt a pain in his chest, and the whole person flew out, and the human opposite him After suppressing his battle ax, he kicked him out hard.

“Protect Mr. Capital!”

The surrounding soldiers watched the orc commander fly backwards, and they all rushed to rescue them, but more human soldiers rushed up to stop them, and the human masters on the opposite side strode up. Before they could all Tong stood up and struck with a knife. The tip of the knife with fighting spirit broke through the orc Tutong’s breastplate without any suspense. Then the whole long knife was stabbed to the bottom and then stirred horizontally. The orc commander’s eyes widened. Seeing the human master who killed him, he struggled to raise his hand to grab something, but in the end he dropped it without any strength.

“Kill all these orcs!”

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander!”

The human master on the city wall is a legion commander of the Western Army. He is a master at the peak of the Great Knight. He is a whole level better than the orc commander of Black Mountain Castle. This gap is not something that the orcs can make up for with their physical advantages. When he came back, he killed the other party in just a few strokes.

Once the orc commander of Black Mountain Castle died, there was no longer any decent resistance in the entire castle. The battle was basically over before it got dark in the afternoon.

Although the orc army in the entire castle struggled to resist, the attacking force was a total of 500,000 people from the southern army, of which 300,000 were elite troops from the west. There was even a legion commander at the peak of the Great Knight who personally participated in the attack. Montenegro The fort fell so quickly and was also being cleaned up.

Under the setting sun, the soldiers of the Southern Route Army began to clean up the Black Mountain Fort, obviously preparing to garrison here. Of course, a castle like Black Mountain Fort could be stationed with a thousand people even to the death, and the army outside was still moving towards it. Heading north, the orc military forts on this line may suffer.

“Your Majesty Duke, before we attacked the castle, black smoke rose from the castle. I’m afraid the orcs behind are already somewhat prepared.”

“Nothing, they won’t be able to prepare anything in a few days. So many of us have left Nanwang City. As long as the orcs are not fools, they will find out sooner or later. We can march as planned.”

“How are you, Adil? How do you feel after fighting this battle?”

“Orcs are harder to kill than the group of lizardmen in our western desert.”

“Hahahaha, if the orcs were like those lizard men in the desert, there would be no need for us to come here.”

“How are you, are you scared?”

“No, Lord Duke, I think it’s much more interesting than fighting the lizardmen.”

Adil is the legion commander who just led the army to Black Mountain Castle. Originally, there was no need for the legion commander to participate in this battle, but he was born in the Western Region and had no record of fighting against orcs, so he took the initiative to lead the army to attack Black Mountain Castle. , to verify the strength of the orcs. Judging from his serious and excited expression at this time, it was obvious that the orcs’ combat power gave him a big surprise.

“Okay, since Adil is interested, then you will be the vanguard. No orc military forts will be left on the road, and I will arrive at the orcs’ Iron Spear City within five days!”

“Yes, Your Majesty the Duke!”


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