Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 439: Aftercare and arrangements


“Drag it down and bury it.”

“Yes, sir.”

Dragging people to bury this kind of thing did not require two outstanding swordsmen to do it themselves. Several soldiers from the Northern Route Army walked up quickly, dragged the orc’s two-meter-long corpse away.

The body was extremely heavy to begin with, and the orcs were naturally burly and the armor had not been removed. It was a little difficult for the four soldiers to lift it, and in the end they simply dragged it on the ground.

Looking at the human side, the commander of the orc army, Adlu, is still a strong man on the earth level. After his death, Richard did not think about giving the other party any dignity or anything, and was just dragged along by a few ordinary soldiers. They were dragged away like pigs and dogs and thrown into a mass burial pit together with ordinary soldiers.

Richard had no intention of killing Adlu so quickly, and of course he had no intention of letting him go. The other party acted very bravely, so of course he should be killed. It’s just that before killing him, he should have been interrogated again to see if he could get any information. After all, he was a senior general at the level of a legion commander, so he might know some useful information.

I didn’t expect that the other party was so “surprised” by seeing the two golden dragons that he couldn’t catch his breath. He closed his eyes and died like this. The only reason to blame is that the previous outstanding swordsmen were too cruel. The other party suffered too serious internal injuries. Anyway, it had nothing to do with Richard deliberately irritating him. How could a majestic earth-level master be so fragile and be angered to death.

Looking at Arcee and others who were also shocked, wouldn’t they be able to live well even if they opened their mouths in shock?

“Sir Richard, Jin Long was seriously injured just now, right?”

After Adlu’s body was dragged down, the officers asked. Rather than coming back from the dead, they would rather believe that the golden dragon was not dead just now, but was seriously injured and was saved by means.

“No, the golden dragon was indeed killed just now, it was just resurrected.”


Richard did not hide anything and told the truth directly. However, except for the system heroes, the other officers of the Northern Route Army looked dubious.

Richard did not explain much and looked mysterious, but the soldiers of the North Route Army were more in awe of Richard.

“Clean up the mountain, drag all the corpses down the mountain and bury them, and rebuild the destroyed stockade. It will be stronger than the orcs built it before!”

“Yes, Lord Richard!”

Li Cha did not explain, but directly gave the order. The soldiers of the North Route Army also started to clean up the battlefield of Yandong Mountain with their own doubts and awe. They first gathered their own corpses for identification. If they found that they were still alive, They tried their best to treat them, marked their identities and put them in body bags, and found a time to send them back. The orc corpses were dug into a big pit and buried.

In the entire attack on the mountain, due to the participation of giant dragons and soldiers from other systems, the military casualties on the North Road were not high. There were no more than a thousand casualties in total. The casualty ratio was close to one to five, which made every North Road military casualty. The road army officers all had smiles on their faces.


“Lord Qilwei, our flag has fallen.”

After the Northern Route Army captured Yandong Mountain, they immediately cut down the original scarlet flag of the orcs, and at the same time raised the kingdom’s golden dragon flag and the Hunter family’s three-arrow flag.

The flag on the top of the mountain was very conspicuous. The moment the flag was changed, it was seen by the orcs who were still fighting in the dense forest.

Qilwei looked at the raised human flag and understood in his heart that the commander of the Adlu Army had died in the battle, and there was no point in continuing to fight with the human army here. The wandering army he led was The army suffered a lot of losses and was not able to contain the human race at all. In just one day, the number of more than 7,000 people he led was now less than 5,000. It was time to retreat. Thinking of this, Qilwei unexpectedly I felt slightly relieved.

“Order the Ninth and Tenth Capitals to cover, and other troops gradually break away from the human army. We retreat deep into the forest!”

“General, Cave Mountain…”

“Yandong Mountain is gone, there is no need for us to continue spending time here.”

“Yes, General!”

If the flag of Cave Mountain had not fallen, Qi Erwei would not have given an order to retreat, nor would he dare to give such an order. His orcs would not have followed him, but Cave Mountain had obviously been lost. After retreating, the resistance from his men was much less. Soon after the order was given, they dispersed into the woods and withdrew.

Gru commanded the men to chase for a while, and then stopped the pursuit after letting the orcs leave hundreds of corpses behind. Although they had the advantage in combat power, the orcs were more familiar with the terrain after all, and it was easy to encounter an ambush when chasing deep in the woods. Chir Wei did prepare a backup plan, thinking that if the humans pursued him, he would take advantage of him, but in the end he didn’t take advantage of Gru at all, so he could only escape into the northern dense forest with more than 3,000 remaining troops.

Night falls

After several hours of cleaning up, the orc camp in Cave Mountain has been basically cleaned up. Of course, only the corpses were removed and some burnt wooden walls were torn off. The smell of blood in the entire camp will disappear for a while. The child cannot be separated.

However, amidst this strong smell of blood, the soldiers of the Northern Route Army celebrated around the bonfire. Yandong Mountain was the last battle in the northern dense forest. It can be said that after this battle, the minimum strategy of the Northern Route Army The goal has actually been achieved, and it is indeed worth celebrating.

It was said to be a celebration. The soldiers only had some more cured meat and dry food in the pot. However, the soldiers gathered around the big pot and ate with relish. It seemed that the cured meat and dry food tonight were more delicious than usual. Some of them, the soldiers ate particularly deliciously.

“Captain, how much money can we exchange for the three achievements of our team this time?”

“Little shoemaker, can you be a little ambitious? You can exchange this kind of merit for the orc’s head for money? That’s enough to change the breathing method of several people.”

“If we have to completely change the breathing method, isn’t it enough for our team? If it’s the same as Ninth Dudu, where one person and one head can do the work, then I don’t want to change the money.”

“Why are you anxious? We haven’t finished this battle yet. We have just captured Yandong Mountain. There are still battles to fight next. Then our team may be able to do the same as Ninth City, one person per person. With the merit of the leader, you, the little shoemaker, can become a knight, and the captain can become a knight and a nobleman!”

“Huh? We have conquered Yandong Mountain and we still need to continue to conquer it?”

“Why do you think we conquered Cave Mountain? Then we have to conquer the plateau and break into the orcs’ lair. Have you seen the map?”


“I have seen that this cave mountain is next to the eastern plateau. Once you reach the plateau and then go north, you will reach the orc king’s capital.”

“Attacking the Orc King’s Capital?”

“That’s not sure. Maybe we will follow Lord Richard and conquer the Orc King’s Capital. If we conquer the Orc King’s Capital, each of us can become a knight. Our captain can not only become a knight, but also a noble!” ”

This soldier of the Northern Route Army seems to have some knowledge and knowledge of the area north of the dense forest. He knows that apart from the dense forest, if you go north, you will not be far from the orc capital. The great victory during this period has also made the Northern Route The soldiers of the army are much more motivated. In the past, they could not even attack the plateau, but now they dare to attack the Orc King’s capital before leaving the dense forest.

“Hahaha, follow Lord Richard to the plateau and capture the orc capital!”


As soon as he boasted about this, the atmosphere in the circle became heated. Only the captain’s face was calmer. It was not that he was deliberately being arrogant as a captain, but that he was more knowledgeable than ordinary soldiers at this level. He I know that the next battle on the plateau will not be so easy again.

The orcs in the dense forest were poorly prepared and support had not yet arrived. Together with Lord Richard’s dragon, they quickly won the victory. But now the orcs must have obtained the information. The eastern plateau is the hinterland of the orcs. They are ten Once the 10,000-strong Northern Route Army reaches the plateau, it is equivalent to slipping into the cracks of the millions of orcs. If it marches towards the orc capital, it will be like poking a hornet’s nest. The degree of danger is self-evident.

However, the victory was being celebrated at this time, and the captain did not want to spoil the atmosphere at this moment. He just raised his head and glanced at the young faces around him. This time, their team was lucky and there were no casualties. When they finally reached the plateau, Fighting, I don’t know how many people will come back alive…

At the same time, in a spacious cave at the top of Cave Mountain, several torches illuminated the cave. A circle of human officers sat around the cave, and Richard sat on the main seat of animal bones. Chuyan Cave was originally the core of the orcs. The place where Richard sat was where Adlu originally sat. There were barbecues and fruits on the table, but the soldiers outside were celebrating, and the officers in this circle began to discuss what was going to happen next. battle plan.

“What, all the Northern Route Army stayed in the northern dense forest?”

“Well, you will repair the stronghold left by the orcs, familiarize yourself with the environment of the dense forest, and control the entire northern dense forest.”

“But, Lord Richard, the mission of the Northern Route Army is to attack the plateau and attract more orc troops…”

“Attract more orc troops and then be surrounded to death on the plateau?”

Richard interrupted Kuz with one sentence. Kuz couldn’t answer Richard’s question for a long time. After all, he couldn’t say in front of so many officers of the Northern Route Army that the Northern Route Army was abandoned. The chess pieces are out.

“Sir Richard, you only brought a few thousand people to the eastern plateau, and your force is still too weak.”

“Among the thousands of people, the weakest ones are all quasi-knights, and there are more than twenty giant dragons. The troops are not weak at all. The North Route Army following me will be a drag.”

“The current task of the North Route Army is to manage Yandong Mountain well and set up a fortification along this line. It will be stronger than the previous orc camp. Just guard my retreat. I don’t want to find myself behind when I retreat. The road is blocked.”

“This is still…”

“I am ordering you now, not discussing with you.”

“Yes! Lord Richard!”

After Richard said this, he originally wanted to suggest that some of his troops should be divided to follow Richard northward. Kuz and Alsi stopped talking and could only immediately comply with the order.

Richard naturally has his own reasons for this arrangement. Marching in the dense forest is not obvious. When he reaches the eastern plateau, it is a flat terrain. Sir Mulak leads the troops, and the infantry under his command The marching speed is faster than the cavalry. One hundred thousand soldiers of the Northern Route Army entered the plateau and could not even climb a wave in the face of a million orcs. Instead, they would become a burden to him. It was better to stay in the dense forest to help him manage his retreat.

He led the system soldiers to the plateau to teach the orcs a lesson on what mobile warfare is…


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