Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 438: Epilogue



“Hold on! Hold on!”

The fall of the two giant dragons on the top of the mountain did not have much impact on the situation. The morale of the orcs, which was slightly boosted, soon fell again as the dragon-hunting crossbows were burned.

When the dragon-hunting crossbow is in use, there will usually be elite protection beside it to avoid being directly taken away by the dragon knight. Under normal circumstances, the more than one hundred crossbows are used to cover the dragon-hunting crossbow, at least There is a samurai-level orc guarding it with several great warriors and hundreds of elite soldiers. It is difficult for one or two dragon knights to break through such a defense.

But in the face of more than forty giant dragons and two ancient dragons in the sky, no matter what arrangements Adlu made, it was impossible to save the exposed dragon hunting crossbow, and it could only be consumed as a one-time use. Even if the dragon-hunting crossbow is precious, if you exchange it with the dragon, you will definitely make a profit. But without these two dragon-hunting crossbows, the orcs completely lost the power to restrain the dragon.

The stockade above Yandong Mountain has basically been burned to the ground by Dragon Breath. The orc warriors were still resisting at first, holding long spears and powerful crossbows to fight back against the flying dragon, but even the bed crossbows were unable to do so. The scales that were shot through were beyond the reach of these ordinary orc warriors.

On the entire cave mountain, except for the dragon hunting crossbow, there is no other means that can pose a threat to the dragon. Even the warrior-level legion commander Adlu is not qualified to challenge the dragon. A master of this level, at least You have to gather four or five to be qualified to jump in front of the golden dragon. Adlu was still hiding in the cave at this time. He knew that he was only going out to deliver food to the dragon. He was waiting for the human ground army to come up…

In addition to the orcs on the top of the mountain who were defeated by the giant dragon, the orcs stationed on the mountainside were also feeling uncomfortable at this time. Although the dragon’s attention was attracted by the dragon hunting crossbow and bed crossbow above, it did not directly attack the mountainside camp. More than two thousand orc warriors.

But without the support from the top of the mountain, how could the orcs on the mountainside withstand the attack of the Northern Route Army? At this time, the system army in Elena’s hands no longer stayed behind.

Three outstanding swordsmen plus Elena, a total of four sky-level masters gathered their fighting spirit, jumped up directly, flew nearly a hundred meters from a low altitude and fell into the orc formation. The fanatics who had been at the rear of the army and the Crusaders also launched a charge at the same time.



After Elena and the other four fell into the orc army, they faced the siege of the orcs. After all, there were more than 2,000 orc warriors in the camp on the mountainside, including dozens of warrior-level orcs. There is also a great warrior-level orc commander.

Although the morale of the orcs was low at this time, their bravery was real. Or maybe they showed a bit of the momentum of a mourning soldier when they knew they were bound to lose. They knew that the four people who came up were masters and dared to continue. Keep rushing up.

After the four people entered the orc formation, they leaned against each other with their backs and pointed their weapons at the outside. They first formed a battle circle. The orcs that rushed up were basically chopped away by the outstanding swordsman as soon as they approached. This is absolute power. Suppressed, within ten seconds, there was a circle of corpses in front of the four people. However, in such a fierce battle, the consumption of fighting energy was also very alarming.


The outstanding swordsman unleashed his fighting spirit and directly killed more than a dozen orcs. However, at this time, the orcs, whether they were ordinary soldiers or commanders, no longer took their lives seriously. The orcs who had just fallen The gap formed was quickly filled by the orcs rushing up from the rear. According to the orc commander’s intention, this did not give the four people any time to breathe.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for the four Skys to kill all the more than two thousand orc warriors who are not afraid of death, especially when they are surrounded. If they do not evacuate before their fighting spirit is exhausted, there will be The risk of being surrounded by an army.

It’s just that at this time, the front line of the North Route Army was only tens of meters away from the camp on the mountainside. This kind of siege could not last for even a minute. The intrusion of the four men only served as an opening. Now the orcs We are already facing a situation of being attacked from both sides.

“Kill the orcs!”

“Kill the orcs!”

The soldiers of the Northern Route Army shouted loudly and followed the gap opened by the four people to attack the camp on the mountainside of the Orcs. The soldiers of the Northern Route Army who had an absolute numerical advantage continued to pour in, quickly relieving the pressure on the four people.

The crusaders and fanatics mixed in among them directly evened the combat power gap between the orcs and human warriors. The orc soldiers on the mountainside were like ants on the river beach and were overwhelmed by the human soldiers who poured into the camp.



The orc commander’s battle ax barely withstood the blow of the superb swordsman. As a great warrior, he was already the strongest orc in the camp on the mountainside. Just to block this blow, he paid a small price. Small, the weapon was released immediately, and the wrist was bent at a weird angle. It was obvious that it had been broken under the great strength of the outstanding swordsman.

The orc commander couldn’t help but scream in agony due to the huge pain. However, although the process was embarrassing, he was the first orc to block the blow of the outstanding swordsman at the beginning of the battle. The other orcs were killed by the outstanding swordsman. The giant sword basically flew out as soon as it touched it.

Just resisting this attack was already his limit. The gap between the great warrior and the sky-level warrior was still too big. The orc commander who lost his weapon and broke his wrist also completely lost his ability to resist.

The outstanding swordsman swung his giant sword for the second time. The orc commander subconsciously closed his hands to protect his head and retreated, but the result was a “chi”, and his hands and head were chopped away by the outstanding swordsman’s giant sword. The smoothness of this movement is easier than chopping a rib in the market.



“Win! Win!…”

With the death of the orc commander, the weak resistance on the mountainside completely subsided. The more than two thousand orc warriors who were in desperate positions were worthy of the orc kingdom. With no way out, they basically fought to the last soldier, except for some who fell. Except for the soldiers on the cliff, the bodies of all the orc soldiers were left in the camp on the mountainside…

However, Elena did not have the sentiment to express her gratitude to the heroes of the orc warriors. After leaving a few soldiers to clean up the battlefield on the mountainside, she led the people and continued to the top of the cave mountain.

“Come with me! Lord Richard has an order to occupy Yandong Mountain before dark!”


As Elena continued to march to the top of the mountain, the soldiers of the Northern Route Army were no longer very energetic. The orcs in the mountainside village were still able to put up some organized resistance, but the Northern Route Army still suffered some casualties. Yes, anyone with eyes can see the situation on the top of the mountain. Basically, there are no large-scale formations of orcs. They are all chased by the dragon. They either hide in caves or follow the headless ones. Running around the top of the mountain like flies.

These are all mobile military exploits. Cutting off their heads is easier than dealing with the orcs on the mountainside. Moreover, the defense of the orcs on the top of the mountain has actually collapsed. There is no obstacle at all on their way to the top of the mountain. They only need to After moving a few places to block the horse, you can go up and reap the military glory.

There has never been a military merit that is easier to earn than this in the world, and now everyone is rushing up with them.

“Lord Richard, we got it.”

Just as the North Route Army was overwhelmingly attacking Yandong Mountain, Richard and a group of senior officers were watching the battle from a place with a good view below.

Logically speaking, it should be a matter of celebration that the army has reached the top of the cave, and the situation has been determined. However, the generals of the North Route Army were silent, and no one had a smile on their face. This victory seemed a bit embarrassing, Richard There was no expression on his face, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

It took a long time for someone to remind me that the reason why the atmosphere was so dull was because the death of the two giant dragons cast a shadow over the victory. Just as Adlu thought, Hunter In his opinion, the two giant dragons shot by the dragon crossbow were worth it. The generals of the Northern Route Army also felt that the loss of two giant dragons in order to capture Yandong Mountain was a big loss.

In this situation, I would rather risk the lives of the soldiers slowly and fight them up the mountain bit by bit than risk the dragon. Especially General Arsi, who looked very sad and sad, Richard The Lord had asked him about the dragon-hunting crossbow before. He had clearly reminded Lord Richard. Why did he still lose two giant dragons so carelessly? This made these veteran generals who regard giant dragons as weapons of the military and the country feel distressed and breathless. When he was angry, he didn’t know how Master Richard could remain calm like this.

Richard was also aware of the complicated moods of the Northern Route Army generals around him. His calmness was not fake. What gave him the confidence to be calm were the four-winged archangels and several archangels around him. It was just that he was not Shi didn’t bother to explain. It would be better for them to witness this kind of thing with their own eyes than to waste a lot of words.

After seeing that the time was right, Richard took out the Poison Dragon Reins from his waist. With a thought, a huge dragon roar came from the distant sky.


The huge body of the poisonous dragon slowly landed in front of Richard, and the strong wind brought by the flapping of its wings shook everyone around him slightly.

Richard did not wait for the poisonous dragon to land. He jumped on the spot and landed on the back of the poisonous dragon more than ten meters high. With a wave of his hand, the archangel and several archangels quickly followed and flew into the air to protect Richard. middle.

Afterwards, Richard said a few words to the generals and heroes below, then rode the poisonous dragon and the angels and flew towards the cave mountain orcs’ stronghold.

“Kill me!”

“Kill me!”

“Orc warriors must not be insulted!”

“Be honest! Kneel down!”


“Lord Richard!”

“Lord Richard!”

After Richard arrived at the top of the mountain, he heard a loud noise. After he got off the poisonous dragon, several people around Elena took the initiative to greet him. Two outstanding swordsmen controlled a high-ranking officer. The orc came to Richard.

The orc officer’s helmet had already flown to an unknown place, his hair was scattered on his forehead, and blood was covering most of his face. He had obviously received a heavy beating, half of his leg bones were broken, and he was unable to stand. He couldn’t stand firmly. After being escorted in front of Richard, he just tried to struggle to stand up when the outstanding swordsman gave him a hard blow and forced him to his knees.

“This is?”

“This is the commander of the orcs in Cave Mountain, and the commander of the orcs’ entire northern jungle army.”

Elina moved very quickly. Before Richard arrived, she led her people to completely occupy the main stronghold on the top of Yandong Mountain. It was indeed not difficult to capture the main stronghold that was riddled with holes and had been destroyed by the dragon. The main thing that is wasted is the time spent on the road.

There were some orc soldiers hidden in many caves on the top of the mountain, but they were cleared out by the Zealots and Crusaders with some Northern Route Army soldiers. Only when they attacked the cave where Adlu was, they encountered some decent ones. There was not only Adlu, the legion commander, but also several warrior-level officers and dozens of brave soldiers in the cave who maintained a certain degree of organization.

But when Elena arrived with three outstanding swordsmen, their resistance collapsed. The performance of several great warrior-level orc officers under the swords of the outstanding swordsmen was no better than that of the orcs on the mountainside. The officer was much better, but he was killed in a few moves, and the remaining soldiers were beaten to death one by one by the fanatics who followed, leaving only this officer, who was protected by the orc soldiers, and the other was Big Fish.

Although Adlu resisted desperately and did not want to be a prisoner, when faced with an outstanding swordsman, his resistance was obviously in vain. He had no resistance at all and had no effect except suffering more. When Richard As soon as he arrived, he was escorted by the outstanding swordsman.

While Richard was observing the orc general, Adreu, who was kneeling on the ground, also looked up at Richard. When his eyes met with Richard’s, Adreu, who was originally looking downcast, showed a trace of He smiled and said the word he said before again

“It’s worth it…”


Adlu resisted fiercely before. Although the outstanding swordsman wanted to save his life, he was seriously injured. He spoke a little weakly and suddenly said a mindless word, which made Richard stunned for a moment. react to.

“Haha, it’s worth it.”

It wasn’t until Adlu said it for the second time that Richard followed the other person’s eyes and saw the corpses of the two golden dragons, and then understood what the other person meant.

“Oh, you mean this?”

“Then you have to see clearly.”

Richard has never indulged his enemy. Even if the opponent was already dying, Richard had to let the opponent leave with regrets. He immediately gave an order to the archangels behind him to resurrect the golden dragon. And he also stepped aside in a very humane manner, giving way to his sight so that Adlu could see the scene better.

As the archangel raised the lightsaber in his hand and recited the incantation silently, golden light beams covered the bodies of the two golden dragons. The wounds originally opened by the dragon-hunting crossbow began to slowly heal from the inside out, and finally they were even on the body. The scales were brand new, with no traces of injury at all.

Seeing this scene, the orc army commander Adlu already had some bad suspicions in his mind, but he was still lucky. They were already dead. How could they survive even if the wounds healed.

But his luck was soon broken. The golden dragon opened its eyes after a few seconds. First it moved its claws, and then its entire body stood upright.


The resurrected golden dragon raised its head and let out a long roar, seeming to be celebrating its resurrection…

“No! This is impossible!”

(Clear love

Only for China

My heart cannot be calm for a long time)


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