Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 437: Attack the Mountain 3


“Quickly retreat, the unicorn is coming!”



“Catch them, trap them, don’t let the orcs run away!”

While the attack on Cave Mountain was in full swing, the surrounding woods were actually not peaceful. A group of orc soldiers started a fierce battle with the task force in the jungle near Cave Mountain. Because they were more familiar with the terrain, Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is higher. Under the leadership of warrior-level commanders, these orc warriors can already compete with the human team led by the phantom shooter. This is basically all due to Qilwei.

But the unicorn holy beast that roams in the forest for support at any time is a completely invincible existence for the orcs. After the unicorn appears, the orcs have no better way except to scatter and escape.

This team had been fighting with the task force just now, and the corpses of several orc warriors and more than a dozen human and half-elf soldiers could still be clearly seen on the ground.

The orcs were approaching the most threatening phantom shooter, but just when the goal was about to be achieved, several unicorn holy beasts rushed into the battle group and killed several orcs. The orc commander immediately gave the order without any delay. Retreat, this is the best plan that Qilwei has concluded.

The phantom archer took this opportunity to shoot two more arrows, causing the orcs to drop two corpses. The unicorn holy beast still chased for a while and then left. This contact battle was another heavy defeat for the orcs.

“Lord Qilwei, the Seventh City encountered the Unicorn Horse and suffered heavy losses.”

“Let them come back and rest for a while, let the fourth one take over, and continue to think of a solution.”

“Yes, sir!”

“This is not how battles are fought…”

Waiting for the messenger to leave, Qi Erwei looked at the overlapping forests and sighed heavily. The thousands of orcs he led have been looking for opportunities around Cave Mountain, hoping to contain the human army. effect.

But the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. There is a task force led by Gru. He and his men were suppressed as soon as he showed up. Not to mention supporting the army in Cave Mountain, the task force was entangled. After that, if they hadn’t been familiar with the terrain, made a lot of arrangements in advance, and could always escape at critical moments, Yandong Mountain might not have been breached now, and they themselves would have been defeated by the task force.

Privately, Qi Erwei’s idea is to retreat and not fight head-on with humans. Even if he uses the secret vault he prepared in advance in the forest to slowly deal with it, it is better than fighting head-on like this.

But he cannot retreat with his people. General Adru is still guarding Cave Mountain. No matter what his mentality is, he must constantly try to contain the power of the human army. If he dares to order a retreat, the middle-level people under him will The officers may not listen to him unless Yandong Mountain has completely fallen…


A frightening roar came from the forest. There were more than twenty giant dragons. The roar shook the leaves of the forest. This creature from the top overlord creature made Qilwei They all had a little instinctive fear, and they shrank their necks slightly and stayed in place for a few seconds.

Then he looked up and saw an even more terrifying scene. More than twenty giant dragons suddenly doubled in the air and became more than forty. Suddenly there were twice as many. This scene gave him A thick shadow has been cast on his heart. With the giant dragon using such incomprehensible methods, can this battle really be fought?

“That must be a deception created by humans, right?”

Qi Erwei didn’t know how to understand this outrageous scene, so he could only forcefully explain it himself.


After the giant dragon turned into a mirror image in the sky, under the leadership of Moriel, it rushed towards Cave Mountain. Richard now used his skills without concealment. He didn’t need to explain anything to anyone now. Not afraid of the covetousness of any force, he just put his strength on the table, which actually acted as a deterrent.

“The dragon! The dragon is coming!”


“Come on!”

The appearance of the giant dragon caused another cheer from the soldiers of the Northern Route Army, especially the attacking troops. Suddenly they became as energetic as if they had been given blood, and even the charging speed accelerated.

On the side of the orcs, there was some panic. More than forty giant dragons spread their wings, which could completely block out the sky and the sun in the sky. When all these giant dragons flew towards them, even if the orcs had Even though they were prepared, they couldn’t help but feel a jump in their hearts. Most of them had seen the dragon knights from Longxing Pass and were not unfamiliar with giant dragons. However, one or two dragon knights from Longxing Pass often acted together. How can you see such a scene?

I even saw that the giant dragon suddenly transformed twice the number of orcs in the sky just now. At this time, they rubbed their eyes desperately. They would rather believe that there was something wrong with their eyes than dare to I believe in the scene where the dragon appeared out of thin air just now.

“Lord Adlu, the giant human dragon, why did you suddenly change so many things…Have you seen it…”

The officer standing next to Adlu spoke with a slight tremor, and the sudden increase in dragons had challenged his cognition.

“I saw it. Why, if there are too many, why don’t we fight? Quickly order the bed crossbow and dragon hunting crossbow to be ready!”

“Yes, sir!”

Adlu is still calm at this time. In fact, there is not much difference between twenty giant dragons and forty giant dragons to the defending orcs. With the two dragon hunting crossbows and one hundred beds in Cave Mountain, Crossbow, trying to defeat more than 20 giant dragons is basically a fantasy. Adlu’s goal is to kill one or two giant dragons. For him, this battle will be considered a success and he will become more than 40 giant dragons. In fact, It’s just that their deaths were more tragic. From the beginning, Adlu never thought that he could still leave Cave Mountain alive under the attack of humans.

When he is no longer afraid of death, he will no longer panic when faced with the most outrageous things.

After Adlu reminded him, the orc officers below also began to order the bed crossbows that had been arranged on the mountain to prepare for firing according to the initial arrangement.

“Quick! Quick! Quick!”

“Push the crossbow out!”

“Win the string!”

“Move faster!”

The orc warriors who stayed behind were quite brave. They withstood the pressure of more than forty giant dragons. Under the orders of the officers, they started to act according to the previously rehearsed process. They skillfully eliminated some The camouflaged branches covering the bed crossbow also pushed out the bed crossbow hidden behind the rocks and in the cave.

Just like Adlu said, if there are extra dragons, they have to fight them. There is no essential difference between twenty and forty dragons for them. These bed crossbows are their only means of dealing with the dragons.

“Get ready!”


“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

More than a hundred bed crossbows fired giant arrows at the giant dragon that had already rushed in front of them. The structure of these giant crossbows, which required an average of eight orc warriors to operate, was not much different from human bed crossbows. They were bulky and difficult to move. , which is much inferior to the Hunter family’s Bear Hunting Crossbow and Divine Power Crossbow.

But these giant crossbows can be considered heavy-duty long-range weapons, and they are still a bit of a threat to the giant dragon at such a distance of a hundred meters.

When the giant arrows were fired, the unique low sound of the bed crossbow was heard from Cave Mountain, and more than a hundred giant arrows were shot at more than forty giant dragons.

Because the bed crossbow is bulky, it is actually more difficult to aim. In fact, less than half of the seemingly powerful volley of arrows poses a threat to the dragon.



The giant arrow shot at the giant dragon, and after colliding with the hard scales, it made a sound similar to the collision of metals. Although these ordinary bed crossbows were in large numbers, the damage they caused to the giant dragon was indeed extremely limited. Most of the shots The giant arrows that hit the giant dragon did not cause any damage to the giant dragon. At most, they broke a few scales on the giant dragon’s body, causing the giant dragon to suffer pain and seep out a few drops of blood.

The arrow that caused the most damage was the one that hit the thinnest part of the dragon’s fleshy wings. It happened to get stuck on the dragon’s wings, causing the dragon’s flight to be a little unstable. But with so many arrows flying, only The two giant dragons suffered this “serious” injury.

If these bed crossbows can fire another round, they may be extremely lucky and be able to follow the wounds of the scales broken by the previous crossbow arrows and directly hurt the dragon, but it is obvious that these heavy bed crossbows are After being exposed, there is no chance to reload.

However, some giant arrows have achieved “huge” results. At least four giant dragons disappeared directly after being touched by the giant arrows. Although these mirror images have all the damage of the main body, the biggest problem is that they cannot be damaged. Any attack, let alone being shot by a bed crossbow, these mirror images will be destroyed by a minion knocking them with a shield.

But faced with the disappearance of the four giant dragons, the orcs were a little confused and didn’t look happy at all. The disappearance of the mirror image was too weird, just as confusing as when it appeared, without flesh and blood. Flying, the reality of the giant thing falling to the ground is indeed difficult for the orcs to believe that they destroyed the giant dragon. Even Adlu, who was still observing outside the cave, only looked serious when he saw this scene, without any joy.




Although this round of giant arrows did not cause any serious damage to the giant dragon, it successfully angered the giant dragon.

The dragon’s IQ is very high. The intelligence of an adult dragon is no different from that of an adult human. Naturally, they knew what had just attacked them. Without Moriel’s command, they each attacked the bed crossbows arranged on the cave mountain.

The large mouthful of dragon’s breath can burn out a large crossbow in an instant, and even the slower orc crossbowman is involved in the dragon’s breath, turning into a black shadow on the ground.

With the addition of such a giant dragon, the orcs on the cave mountain immediately became a mess. Most of them were chased by the dragon and pressed to death with their claws, or turned into black ashes under the dragon’s breath.

There are still some people who are in a hurry and seek medical treatment. They raise their crossbows and shoot at the giant dragon. If they are lucky enough to hit the mirror image, they can still escape with their lives. But against the real dragon, they can only attract The opponent’s attention was taken care of by the next breath of dragon.


The roar of the giant dragon, accompanied by the chaotic running of the orcs, made the cave mountain look unstoppable for several hours, but Adlu, who had been hiding in Shandong, still looked calm.

“Is the Dragon Hunting Crossbow ready?”

“Sir, we have locked the target, which is the two giant dragons parked next to the rock wall.”

The two giant dragons were the dragons whose flesh wings were injured by the bed crossbow. At this time, they did not fly in mid-air to chase the orcs, but walked on the ground to destroy them. Compared with other dragons that were relatively flexible in flight, They naturally became the first target of the dragon-hunting crossbow.

“Buzz, buzz!”

Two louder sounds than before came from two caves. These two caves are the best shooting positions. Two dragon-hunting crossbows had been hidden before. When the dragon attacked, they immediately , the dragon-hunting crossbow did not launch at the same time, but kept waiting for the opportunity.

Now that they had found the opportunity, the crossbowmen took action decisively. Two more exaggerated giant arrows flew towards them, hitting the two golden dragons almost simultaneously, one after the other.


As a weapon specially used by the orcs to restrain the giant dragon, the dragon-hunting crossbow broke through the scales on the giant dragon’s body with almost no hindrance, and the nearly five-meter-long giant arrow pierced the dragon’s body at once.

Moreover, the two crossbowmen responsible for aiming were also veterans, and perhaps had some luck. Both arrows hit the vital point of a giant dragon – the heart.

This is a fatal injury to any kind of creature. The two golden dragons struggled for a few times in pain, and blood continued to flow out along the arrow shafts. The strength of the two golden dragons’ struggle became weaker and weaker. After soaking in the hot dragon’s blood, they lay weakly on the ground, with their lantern-like dragon eyes wide open. They did not die immediately due to their strong vitality, but it was obvious that their lives were passing quickly.



After the giant dragon couldn’t hold up its body and collapsed, the crossbowmen of the two dragon-hunting crossbows cheered at the same time. The orc warriors who were beaten by the giant dragon and were running around also cheered up a little. Some.

The fall of these two giant dragons was much more real than the dragons that just disappeared. They killed two giant dragons of flesh and blood.

“Retreat, retreat quickly!”



It’s just that the crossbowmen of these dragon-hunting crossbows were not happy for long. After the dragon-hunting crossbow was launched, their positions were also exposed.

Two giant dragons immediately came up and blocked them in the cave. With a breath of dragon breath, two dragon-hunting crossbows and dozens of orc warriors also completed their entire journey.

The orcs once again lost their weapons to fight against the dragon, and their morale was once again depressed…

“It’s worth it…”

However, at this moment, Adlu, who had always had a serious face, finally showed a relaxed smile…

Although the defeat of this battle has been decided, the strength gap between the two sides is too large, and the opponent has no flaws at all, so there is no chance of winning. However, if two giant dragons are defeated in one battle, the whole army will follow. The ending of annihilation is not a loss.


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